Negotiating The Rent, Double The Income

"Part Three, Mr. Wilson introduces a friend"

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Walking home with the twins, Sophie thought about Brian. She didn’t have romantic feelings for him, she knew that. But she found herself fantasising about him, and looking forward to his visits. She also liked the extra cash he gave her. She used the money for little treats for herself and the twins. Sophie decided to open a savings account, just for herself. It would make sure Mike didn’t find any unexplained cash at home.

Mike was benefiting from Mr. Wilson more than he knew. He had noticed Sophie was very enthusiastic in bed on Wednesday evenings. He asked her what was special about Wednesday. Sophie told him that the one afternoon off was her time to do something she wanted to do, to be herself, and think about him. Sophie knew only two of those things were true. Sophie did not like lying to Mike.

Mike said she ought to think about getting two afternoons off a week.

“Where did the umbrella come from?” Mike asked her as he arrived home from work.

“It’s Mr. Wilson’s. He gave me a lift home. It was really raining when I came out of work and he drove past and saw me.”

“He gave you a lift, or gave you his umbrella?”

“A lift. So I asked him if we wanted to come in for a cup of tea.” Sophie thought tea sounded less cliché, less ‘loaded’ than coffee. “He had been so good over the rent before so I wanted to be nice in return. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Mr. Wilson, I don’t think I’ve seen him for a year. About eighty, in an old-fashioned suit?”

“I don’t think he’s eighty, but that’s him yes.”

“Oh, you be as nice to him as you like, anything that helps us stay afloat these days has my vote.”

Mike went off to change. Sophie wondered what he would say if he knew just how nice she had been.


Sophie called Brian while she walked to work on Thursday morning, to tell him he had forgotten his umbrella. He asked when he could collect it, and Sophie said she did not leave for work until eleven on Friday morning. She also said she would have the twins at home, she drops them at preschool on the way to work. Brian said he would try and be there before ten.

Sophie resigned that there would be no ‘extra fun’ with Brian this morning. The twins were playing in the kitchen, she was dressed for work, and it was already half past ten. Sophie opened the front door when she heard the bell. She was pleased to see Brian and surprised he was standing with another man.

“This is Geoffrey, and this is Sophie, may we come in for a minute?” Brian stepped forward as he asked.

Inside the hallway, the chatter and laughter of the twins set the scene of a happy home. Sophie held the umbrella out to Brian.

“I have a confession to make.” Brian looked nervous. “This is Geoffrey.”

“Hello Geoffrey, yes, you introduced us. How do you do?” Sophie held out her hand.

“I told you, didn’t I tell you, the loveliest person I know.”

Geoffrey nodded, he looked even more uncomfortable than Brian. He also looked to be maybe ten years older than Brian, but very smartly dressed. He stood unusually upright for an older man Sophie thought.

“I did say I thought this might not be a good time, might just be a bit much and unexpected.” Geoffrey’s voice was soft and clear. Sophie thought he sounded like a posh actor.

“Will you just tell me what is the problem, please? I have to go in twenty minutes or so. Have I done something wrong? Am I in trouble?” Sophie looked between the two men.

“Please don’t be upset dear, it’s nothing like that. But I have a confession to make to you, and a humble apology too.”

Sophie’s mind was blank, surely no one could know what they had done over the last few weeks. The only thing she could think of was she was going to have to pay the money back, or that they were about to be given notice to leave the flat. “Just tell me please.”

“I told Geoffrey.” The statement seemed to hang in the air.

“You told him what?”

“I couldn’t help myself, I had to tell someone, it was just so magical. I’m so sorry.”

“What did you tell him?” Sophie had a cold chill as she imagined the worst. Imagined Mike finding out.

“Can we sit down for a moment?” Brian looked suddenly pale.

They sat in the lounge, away from the twins. Sophie decided to stay silent and ride out whatever problem was coming.

“I told Geoffrey about how nice you have been to me. About the thing you do, and how wonderful you are. About how I’d never done anything like this before, how I had only ever been with my wife. You have made me so happy that I just could not keep it to myself.” Brian looked very nervous now.

“How do I know Geoffrey won’t tell other people? How do I know Mike will never find out?”

“I’ve known Brian since we were at school together, I would never tell. If Brian’s wife ever found out it would be the end for him. I’m a widower so I don’t have anyone to tell. Trust me when I say we can take this secret to the grave.”

Sophie felt a wave of relief wash over her. Geoffrey’s voice was somehow comforting in itself.

“I have something I promised I would ask.” Brian looked up at Sophie. “Could I… I mean, would it be poss…”

“What Brian is trying to ask, and it is my fault. Please could I come with him and visit you?” Geffrey smiled as he asked. He was pleading his case. “Please, I won’t tell a soul, and would be as kind to you as Brian, kinder even.”

Sophie listened to his voice as much as his words. She found him soothing and friendly, reassuring even. She found herself imagining his cock, imagining the two of them sitting in her kitchen. “Yes.” She surprised herself with her answer.

“Oh, that is splendid. I am so pleased and I so look forward to meeting you again.” Geoffrey beamed.

“Can we see you next Wednesday? I do hope so.” Brian looked totally different now, happier, the colour coming back to his face.

“Yes, yes, I’ll see you Wednesday, but I really do have to go now. Brian knows I leave work at one, and should be home by half past. I think I am looking forward to getting to know you, Geoffrey.”

They shook hands, Brian took his umbrella, and before they had gone a couple of steps Sophie spoke. “If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? You don’t look the same age at all.”

“Seventy-two and Brian is just a baby at seventy-one.”

“Geoffrey spent years in Greece, his wife was Greek. The sun really does age the skin, eh?”

Sophie watched them walk away and thought about sunscreen. She thought about how this was no longer just about helping out with the rent. She worked out both men were old enough to be her grandfather. She also started to think about hiding condoms from Mike.


Sophie spent the afternoon at work daydreaming about Brian and Geoffrey. She was fantasising about sucking and playing with two old cocks. More than once, she was asked what was wrong. By the time she had got back home with the twins, her knickers were damp and she needed some alone time with Mike. Mike was pleasantly surprised to find Sophie half undressed as he walked in. He was very happy when she pulled down his jeans, sat him on a kitchen chair, and sucked him before even asking how his day was.


It seemed to Sophie that Wednesday took a long time to arrive this week. She had been distracted all morning, alternately excited and worried about the coming afternoon. All the way home she expected to hear a car horn offering her a lift. Arriving home she quickly changed out of her work clothes. A matching set of black satin underwear, under a zip-fronted dark top. A long wrap-around skirt completed the look. In the mirror, Sophie thought the outfit was just the right mix of demure with sexy underwear.

Sitting in the lounge Sophie had one hand through the folds of the skirt, her fingers gently rubbing up and down over the front of her knickers. She could feel them damp already. Two PM came and went, then a quarter past two, Sophie wondered if they had got cold feet.

The quiet knock at the door made her jump, Brian and Geoffrey came in smiling, smelling of expensive aftershave.

“I wanted to bring flowers, but Brian said not to.”

“Probably best not.” Sophie led them through to the kitchen. Looking around she remembers she had forgotten to get out the airer, forgotten to put out the underwear she knows Brian likes to look at. She could go upstairs and bring down the laundry, but that seems too obvious now. “So what have you two got in mind today?” Sophie can see both their trousers appear to be tenting already.

The two men looked at each other, and Brian spoke. “Just like last time, if that is OK, we didn’t know what to offer or say.”

Geoffrey handed over a folded bundle of notes. “We thought this would be all right. Thought this would cover us, but we have to go by four PM. I’ve never done this before so we did not know how it would work with both of us.”

Sophie took the money and said she was sure it would be fine. Geoffrey said she should count it to be sure. Two hundred and fifty, more than she earned in a week at work. Sophie said it was definitely enough and tried not to sound too keen. She had a dreadful urge to say ‘Gentlemen, start your engines,’ but resisted.

Sophie had done a little research and knew women advertised full sex for less than half of that amount. She wondered how long Brian would be happy with just being wanked and sucked. She wondered how long she would resist fucking one of them. She was also aware she had not even undressed further than her bra before.

“Who wants to be first? Or do you want to both be here together?” Neither of the men moved. Sophie pulled the zipper a third of the way down on her top. Both men seemed to lean forward just a little. “Do you need help with your trousers?”

Brian took the hint, dropped his trousers and pants to the floor, and sat on a kitchen chair. Geoffrey followed suit, a little slower, and covered himself with his hands as he sat.

Sophie took a step closer as she pulled the zipper lower, just the bottom few inches keeping her top together. Her small cleavage was now on show, and she knew it. She dropped to her knees right in front of Brian, put out her hand, and took hold of his already hard cock. A few firm strokes revealed his whole foreskin wet and shiny. Leaning forward Sophie took him in her mouth, the taste of precum already strong.

Sophie moved across to kneel in front of Geoffrey. She let go of Brian and slid her hands up Geoffrey’s legs to find his cock. Geoffrey lifted his hands away and Sophie examined another old cock. This one was thinner than Brian’s, thinner than Mike’s too. It seemed to have twice as much foreskin as it needed. ‘Perhaps old cocks shrink and the skin doesn’t’ she thought. Geoffrey’s cock was still quite soft, she gripped it tight and began to wank him.

Sophie could see Brian and Geoffrey watching her intently. Geoffrey’s cock quickly stiffened, but did not thicken much. By the time it was fully hard, it was half as long again as Brian’s and curved gently upwards. There was not so much spare foreskin now. Sophie opened her mouth and pushed it down onto his cock. She wrapped both hands around it while still keeping a few inches in her mouth.

It took a minute or two of enthusiastic attention for the taste of pre cum to become strong. Sophie slowly lifted her mouth away and stared at his truly impressive cock. Easily the longest she had ever seen or handled. If the time ever came, she did not think she could take it all inside her. She turned to the side and set to work again on Brian’s still-hard cock. Just a minute of wanking, sucking, and licking brought him close to coming again. The pre-cum really coated her mouth.

One hand had kept up a steady rhythm on Geoffrey’s cock, keeping it hard, and hopefully closer to the edge. Sophie could feel Geoffrey twitching each time her hand moved toward the tip of his cock. Brian’s cock was as hard as she had known it. Brian had started making the tiny grunts she had already learned meant he was very close. She switched her attention back to Geoffrey, holding the head of his cock in her mouth, licking and teasing as she wanked him.

“Don’t stop, Oh oh yes, don’t stop.” Geoffrey half mumbled as she swirled her tongue around inside his foreskin.

Sophie gave a few firm strokes with her hand and closed her mouth around his cock. The force of the spunk jetting into her mouth surprised her. Geoffrey came in a few long jets, she felt his hands on her head. Sophie held it all in her mouth easily, his cum was thinner and there was less of it compared to Brian. A few more strokes, a suck, and a lick left his cock clean and softening.

Sophie looked up at Geoffrey and Brian and showed her mouth full. She felt Brian’s cock twitch at the sight and decided not to swallow just yet. She carefully pushed his foreskin back and pushed her lips down, swilling cum around his glans. She sucked and licked, drinking down Geoffrey’s cum, as she did so.

“Oh, oh oh… oh.” That was all Brian managed to say as Sophie felt her mouth flooded with his cum. Sophie let it run straight into her throat always keeping he mouth full to show them when he finished. As she felt his cock begin to soften Sophie sat back and smiled up at them both. Inside her mouth, she showed them a sticky mix of their spunk.

Both men thanked her profusely. Sophie swallowed so she could speak, and thanked them in return.

“What can we do for you?” Geoffrey asked.

“Yes, I’m sorry, I never ask. What can we do for you?” Brian echoed his question.

Sophie looked at the clock. Quarter past three.

“We don’t need to leave for a while unless you would like us to go?” Geoffrey seemed to be the more confident of the two, now the ice had been broken.

Sophie could see both men’s cocks now laying gently on their legs, like little sleeping animals. “I’m happy for you to stay a while, and I’m quite happy just doing what we did. I do enjoy it, as long as you do too.” Sophie toyed with the zipper on her top. She had the urge to pull her skirt open and sit her satin-clad bum on their laps. “I feel I never even got to show you anything. I’m sorry”

Geoffrey spoke first. “Brian said you were quite beautiful, and I can see that. Let’s save that for another time perhaps, something else to look forward to.”

Sophie pulled the zipper slowly up and helped both men pull up trousers and pants and fastening belts. She noticed Geoffrey wore modern pants, unlike Brian’s Y fronts.

“What line of work are you in, Geoffrey?”

“The same as Brian, really.”

“Don’t believe him, he does far more than I could even dream of now.” Brian prodded his friend as he spoke. “Tell her, Geoffrey, tell her what you do.”

Geoffrey spent the rest of their time explaining to Sophie all about his business. Sophie made tea and put out biscuits. He told her how his father had invested in property and had given him the money to start. How he had gone traveling, this was in the early seventies, in Greece, and spotted a huge opportunity. How he had used his father’s money to purchase an entire bay a little way from the nearest fishing village and build a hotel. How the hotel grew into three and the bay became a complete resort.

“So all your property is in Greece, is that why your wife was Greek?”

Geoffrey went on to explain he had inherited all his father’s investments, hotels, and houses in the local area. And that he has three sons in Greece who will inherit it all one day. Sophie found she really enjoyed listening to Geoffrey. She thought about him reading her bedtime stories, his voice was almost hypnotic.

“So I shouldn’t ever play Monopoly against either of you?”

They all laughed. It had been a great afternoon. Both men said they really ought to get going and really hoped they could meet up soon. Brian suggested next Wednesday as it was rent day. He joked that it would be terrible if she could not pay. They agreed to meet and both kissed her cheek goodbye. Watching them walk away Sophie thought about how much she enjoyed their company.

Sophie washed and put away the mugs and tidied up before collecting the twins. She made sure to leave no evidence of her afternoon meeting. Mike arrived home to find her in just her satin underwear in the kitchen. Wednesdays were fast becoming his favourite day of the week.

The twins played in the lounge as Mike enjoyed alternately having his cock sucked and then Sophie sliding it under the edge of her knickers into her soaking pussy. When he could hold back no longer, and flooded her pussy with his cum, Sophie just straightened her knickers and carried on preparing dinner. Mike loved Wednesdays.

Published 2 years ago

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