Seventeen-year-old Kirk Theobald had only left school a few weeks previously, but he had got himself a job, working in an office.
He was quite a shy young man but his parents, particularly his mother Sara, hoped that working and mixing with various people, most of them older or much older than him would bring him out of himself a bit.
The office, as a whole, employed over forty people, but they were split into various sections. The section that Kirk worked in consisted of six people working under the control of a supervisor.
The supervisor of Kirk’s section was a lady of West Indian origin named Gloria Williams. She was a very attractive woman whom Kirk assumed must be aged in her forties, she was actually aged fifty-six.
Kirk did not have much experience with females, partly due to his shyness, and had never had a proper girlfriend, something else that concerned his mother. In fact, Sara Theobald hoped that her son might meet a nice girl at work.
There were a couple of teenage girls in the office, but they were both quite experienced sexually and had no real interest in the slightly younger Kirk.
Gloria Willims, who was divorced, was a very likeable woman and she had a genuine concern for the wellbeing of staff that worked under her supervision, as well as other staff in the office in general.
In fact, her concern for two of the males and one female in the company included having sex with them, on the understanding that it did not infringe on office work and that it was not mentioned to anyone, particularly other staff.
Gloria was quite a promiscuous woman, and any lover be they male or female, was guaranteed a very satisfying time.
The age of her sexual partners was of little interest to Gloria, although she had no intention of breaking up marriages. Within the office, however, everything was strictly business, although in a happy and relaxed atmosphere.
Gloria noticed that Kirk rarely spoke unless spoken to, and he usually stayed in the office during his lunch break. Gloria was getting concerned that the young man was unhappy, or if something, in particular, was bothering him.
She resolved to have a one-to-one chat with him but did not want to embarrass him or frighten him. She was not thinking of him sexually, although he was quite a good-looking youth, she was just concerned about his happiness.
At lunchtime the next day, Kirk remained at his desk when the rest of his section, and most of the rest of the office, went out. Gloria decided to approach him.
“Not going out today, Kirk?” asked the quite tall and very curvy Gloria.
“Um, no, Mrs Williams,” mumbled Kirk.
“Call me Gloria, we are quite relaxed here,” smiled Gloria.
“Sorry,” said Kirk, because he thought he should say something.
“Can we have a little chat, Kirk? Nothing to worry about,” said Gloria.
“Have I done something wrong?” asked a concerned Kirk.
“No, no, we are very pleased with you; I just wondered if we could chat a bit, that is all, but you do not have to,” said Gloria, trying not to upset the young man.
“Chat about what, Mrs Williams?” responded Kirk.
“Gloria! Has your memory gone?” laughed Gloria, and Kirk thought that the woman was so beautiful.
“Chat about what, Gloria?” said Kirk, this, for him, was a long conversation.
“How about we go and sit by the river, get out of the office for a bit?” suggested Gloria, who was wearing a black trouser suit and red blouse. The river, and a park, were close to the office.
“Okay,” said Kirk, still not knowing what the chat was to entail.
They left the office, it was a nice sunny day, and walked the short distance to the river.
The first two seats were occupied but the third one was free.
“Let’s sit here,” said Gloria, putting her big arse down at one end of the seat, giving Kirk plenty of room so that he was not embarrassed by sitting tight up to his supervisor.
“I just wanted to ask you if everything was alright, nothing bothering you,” said Gloria, looking at Kirk who had placed himself at the far end of the seat.
“Yes, everything is fine, have I done something wrong?” Kirk asked again.
“No, I told you that we are pleased with you; I am just concerned that you might not be happy,” said Gloria, looking at Kirk and realising that he had quite sexy eyes.
“I am happy,” replied Kirk.
“Okay, but please understand that if anything is bothering you about work, or anything else, you can talk to me,” said Gloria.
“Thank you,” said Kirk, feeling more relaxed than he usually did when in conversation with someone that he does not know too well.
“Okay, what do you do away from work, what are your interests?” asked Gloria.
“Well, I like football,” answered Kirk.
“So do I, which team do you support?” asked Gloria, pleased that they seemed to have something in common.
“I don’t go to their games, but I like Arsenal,” said Kirk.
“Boo! I am a Tottenham supporter,” laughed Gloria, her face alive with a beautiful smile.
“Oh,” said Kirk, thinking that he had done wrong.
“Don’t worry about it, we will just have to keep football out of our chats,” replied Gloria, still smiling.
“Yes,” said Kirk.
“What about other stuff, do you have a girlfriend?” asked Gloria, just trying to get to know the young man, and hopefully relax him more at work.
“Um, no, not really,” replied Kirk, although he was not sure why he added the not really because no was the correct answer.
Gloria almost asked Kirk if he had a boyfriend, but stopped herself. Not that it would be a problem in the slightest if he did, it was just that her asking him that might spook him.
“Well, a good-looking young man like you should have no trouble finding yourself a lady,” said Gloria.
Kirk blushed but did not respond.
They sat in silence for a little while, watching the ducks on the river. Gloria found herself wondering if Kirk was a virgin, and thinking that he probably was. Kirk was thinking how sexy his supervisor was, and deciding that he would think about her when he next wanked. He had never had a ‘real’ person as a wanking fantasy, maybe he had one now.
They chatted a bit more, and then went their separate ways because Gloria had to go to a couple of shops before she went back to the office. They had both enjoyed their little chat.
Kirk came hard that night, as he jerked his reasonable-sized penis thinking of Gloria Williams. Gloria did not masturbate, but she did wonder what Kirk Theobald would be like in bed, and she also wondered if anyone yet knew.
Over the next few days, Kirk became more relaxed and chatty in the office in general, his mother noticed that he seemed happier at home too, and she wondered if he had got himself a girlfriend.
Kirk wanked at night thinking of Gloria Williams, Gloria had started looking at Kirk in a sexual way, but she thought that if she made a move on him it might have disastrous repercussions for both of them.
Gloria thought that another lunchtime chat could do no harm, so about a week after the first one, with the weather being good, she asked Kirk if he wanted to go and sit by the river, and he happily agreed.
“You seem a lot happier than you were when we came here before,” said Gloria, when they were seated. She noted that although she had sat at one end, Kirk was not right up the far end of the seat as he had been the first time.
“Yes, thank you, I liked talking to you,” said Kirk.
“I liked talking to you too, even if you do like Arsenal,” teased Gloria.
“They are better than Tottenham,” responded Kirk, he felt so relaxed.
“I could go off you, you know,” smiled Gloria, and their eyes met in a way that they had never met before. Kirk was conscious of his penis stiffening in his underwear.
“Ha,” said Kirk, blushing partly in case his supervisor noticed the bulge forming in his trousers.
“It is really relaxing here, isn’t it?” said Gloria changing the subject, she had noticed the movement in Kirk’s trousers and also the dampness in her knickers.
“Yes it is,” said Kirk, looking straight ahead, and willing his penis not to reach full erection which it was now close to.
Gloria was starting to think that their being there was not a good idea, not because she was not enjoying it but because of the effect it was having on both of them.
Gloria had put her right hand on the seat as she looked at the river, she did not know why, but she was then shocked when Kirk put his left hand on it.
“Sorry,” said Kirk, swiftly withdrawing his hand as Gloria turned her head to face him.
“It is okay,” said Gloria, softly, and she put her hand, which she had pulled away in shock, back on the chair almost willing Kirk to touch it again.
Kirk looked at Gloria’s face, trying to read what she wanted. He tentatively put his left hand on her right hand again, and Gloria grasped his hand. They would have kissed, but there were several people about. Gloria let go of Kirk’s hand, not because she wanted to, but because she should.
“I love you, Gloria,” Kirk said.
“Don’t be silly, you don’t love me, maybe you have a sort of crush on teacher thing,” replied Gloria.
“At night, I, um..,” Kirk started to confess but decided that that was going too far, although Gloria was very aware of what he would have said.
“I am flattered,” said Gloria, and she meant it.
Kirk was desperately trying to think of something to say, but most things that came into his head would probably have made the situation more embarrassing.
“We must not mention this when we go back to the office, we do need to talk, but not in the office, okay?” said Gloria.
“Okay,” answered Kirk, pleased that Gloria did not seem to be angry or disgusted.
They did not stay by the river for much longer, Gloria went into a shop, and they returned to the office.
During the afternoon their eyes met a couple of times, and they both smiled.
Gloria was unsure what would happen, but she knew what might, and she was thinking that she should stop it before it starts. Kirk was in a state of semi-arousal throughout the afternoon, his wank this night should be incredible.
Most staff left pretty promptly at the end of the working day, but as staff started to leave, Gloria held up her hand to Kirk suggesting that he wait, and he understood.
After a few minutes, the office had cleared, apart from some management who had offices of their own.
“About earlier, can we forget that it ever happened?” asked Gloria, hopefully, but only because proceeding would be so wrong.
“But I do, I do love you,” said Kirk.
“You are a good-looking youth, you should be after girls your age,” said Gloria.
“But I don’t like them, and they don’t like me; Do you like me, Gloria?” blurted Kirk.
“Yes, I like you, but we can’t,” replied Gloria.
“Why not? I like you, and you like me,” said Kirk, logically.
“I am way too old for you, I must be older than your mother,” said Gloria, who was finding Kirk more and more desirable.
“Maybe, but I still love you,” said Kirk.
“Can I ask you something?” said Gloria.
“Yes, of course,” answered Kirk.
“Are you, um, have you ever had sex with a woman?” asked Gloria.
“No, but I want to have sex with you, I wank thinking of you,” said Kirk.
“Oh Kirk, what are we going to do?” sighed Gloria.
“Do you want to have sex with me?” asked Kirk.
“Your mother would be horrified if she knew that you were having this discussion with your boss, a woman about forty years older than you,” said Gloria.
“You haven’t said if you want to have sex with me,” said Kirk.
“You should not be losing your virginity to me, you should do better,” said Gloria.
“But I want to lose my virginity to you, I love you,” said Kirk.
Just then, one of the managers came out of her office, she glanced at Gloria and Kirk but obviously did not know what they were discussing.
“Well, thanks again Kirk, see you tomorrow,” said Gloria, for the benefit of the manager.
Gloria moved back towards her desk, leaving Kirk with little option other than to leave the office, as the manager was showing no sign of returning to her office.
Kirk left the office but hung around nearby in the hope that Gloria would come out soon, Gloria hoped that he would, and she did.
“Hi, I hoped that you would still be here,” smiled Gloria.
“Did you? So you do want to have sex with me,” said an elated Kirk.
“I think so, but we both know that we shouldn’t,” said Gloria.
“But we will, when?” said Kirk.
“Is it too late to phone your mum and say you will be late home? I suppose she will have your dinner ready,” said Gloria.
“Yeah, she will have, um..,” said Kirk, wanting to go with Gloria now.
“You go home, but tell her you will be late tomorrow, okay?” said Gloria.
“Okay, but I wish that I could go with you now,” said Kirk.
“It will soon be tomorrow, and go easy on the wanking,” laughed Gloria.
They wanted to kiss, but both had the sense not to.
Kirk did not eat much of his dinner, and his mother worried that he was sickening for something.
“I will be late home tomorrow, I will not be home for dinner,” said Kirk, hoping his voice did not sound too excited.
“Oh, what are you doing? Are you seeing someone?” asked Sara, hoping her son had got a girlfriend.
“Um, yes, sort of,” replied Kirk, who wished that he had thought of an explanation for not being home.
“Very mysterious, how late will you be?” smiled Sara.
“Not sure, I will have my key,” said Kirk.
When he went to bed, he wanted to wank but didn’t. He wondered if not wanking would make things go better the next evening. He was very excited and very nervous about what was due to happen.
Kirk did not sleep much, but he was on a high when he got up in the morning. Today was the day that he would lose his virginity, at least that was the plan.
Gloria got up wondering if she had made a horrible mistake in agreeing to what had been agreed, not because she did not want to be fucked by Kirk Theobald, but because of what it meant to him, as in should he be losing his virginity to a boss from work more than three times his age.
“Enjoy whatever it is you are doing after work,” said Sara to her son, wanting to know more but not wanting to pry.
“I will mum, not sure when I will be home,” replied Kirk.
The weather was overcast and rain was forecast, so Kirk wore his anorak over his suit for his walk to work.
Work during the day was difficult for Kirk and Gloria, they had to keep their distance and try to concentrate on work but they both had the forthcoming evening on their minds. Gloria did manage to establish that Kirk had told his mum that he would be late home.
It was raining, so sitting by the river at lunchtime was not an option.
Kirk and Gloria both stayed in the office at lunchtime but so did several other people, so they could have no personal contact.
As the afternoon wore on, Kirk got more and more excited and more and more nervous. He hoped that he did not embarrass himself when he was with Gloria.
Gloria had taken two males’ virginity in the past and knew it was probably best to make him cum before they tried intercourse, because of the risk of premature ejaculation once his penis was inside. She intended to toss Kirk off before they fucked, because she knew that he would be ready to go again soon after she had wanked him.
At work finishing time, Kirk looked to Gloria for instructions, a slight movement of her hand told him to stay at his desk.
It seemed to take longer than the day before for staff to drift away, but eventually, the office was close to empty.
“We had better not leave together, you wait at the far end of Christchurch Road, and I will pick you up,” said Gloria.
“Okay,” said Kirk, his voice croaky. It was really going to happen.
It had stopped raining when Kirk walked to the appointed place and waited. He had been there about five minutes when Gloria pulled up.
“In you get, my young friend,” smiled Gloria, as Kirk got in the passenger seat. Gloria put her left hand on Kirk’s right thigh but then drove off, there was no kissing yet.
“What did you tell your mum that you were doing?” asked Gloria.
“I didn’t really, I just said that I would be late,” replied Kirk.
“So she will be wondering what her son is up to then,” said Gloria, as she drove.
“I suppose,” said Kirk.
“At least you didn’t tell her that your supervisor was going to take your virginity,” laughed Gloria.
“No, I can hardly believe that this is happening,” said Kirk.
“Me neither,” said Gloria.
The drive to Gloria’s house took about ten minutes, she had quite an impressive house, shielded from neighbours’ view by tall hedges.
Once Gloria had pulled up on her driveway, she leaned into Kirk and they had their first kiss, and what a kiss. Kirk had never been kissed like that, he had never had a tongue invade his mouth before, but he responded as best he could. His penis become rock-hard in his underwear, and he hoped that he did not cum.
“Welcome to my home, Kirk Theobald,” said Gloria, once they stopped kissing.
“Thank you,” replied Kirk, although he could hardly speak.
They got out of the car and went into the house, Gloria removed Kirk’s anorak and hung it up.
“Would you like a little drink? I imagine that you are nervous,” smiled Gloria.
“Yes please, and yes I am,” answered Kirk.
Gloria poured two shots of rum, she did not ask Kirk if he liked it.
“I am only having a little because I will drive you home later,” said Gloria, handing Kirk the glass with the bigger measure in. He had not thought about how he might get home.
Kirk knocked his drink back, he had not had rum before, he did not know if he liked it, and he still didn’t.
“Now as this is new to you, I will take charge but I am sure that you will pick it up as we go along,” smiled Gloria.
“Oh, I forgot about, um,…,” said Kirk, searching for the word.
“Condoms? Don’t worry, I want to feel you cum in me,” said Gloria, before she drank her smaller measure of rum.
Kirk was awaiting instructions.
“Let me show you your supervisor’s bedroom,” smiled Gloria, turning and leading the way up the stairs. She was wearing the black trouser suit that she wore when they had their first chat, she had on a green blouse this time.
Kirk followed her, he was shaking a bit with nerves.
“Welcome to my bedroom,” said Gloria, turning and throwing her arms around Kirk as they kissed. There were no surprises for Kirk in the kissing, and he responded.
“Mmmm, you are learning,” smiled Gloria.
“Let’s see what we have in here,” continued Gloria, undoing Kirk’s trousers and pulling them down, his white underpants contained a substantial bulge. Gloria massaged the bulge and then pulled Kirk’s underpants down, his erection was stroked by a female hand for the first time.
“Mmmm, you are a big boy, aren’t you?” said Gloria.
Kirk was unsure if he had supposed to be doing anything but thought that Gloria would tell him if and when he should.
“What I am going to do now is relieve this stiffness, but don’t worry because you will soon be stiff again and then we will fuck, okay?” said Gloria.
“Okay,” squeaked Kirk, the first sound that he had made since they were downstairs.
Gloria had placed some tissues strategically that morning, ready for what was about to happen.
“Hold these, I don’t want your cum on my carpet,” said Gloria, handing Kirk some tissues. She stood to Kirk’s right, her right hand on his erection.
“Here we go, cover the end with the tissues when you start cumming,” said Gloria, starting to wank Kirk rapidly, it did not take long.
“Oh, oh, oh,” exclaimed Kirk, as he started cumming, only just getting the tissues to his cock head in time as he started spurting spunk.
Kirk had trouble catching it all in the tissues, and Gloria giggled as she put her left hand below Kirk’s cock and intercepted a blob of cum that was heading for her carpet. She licked it off the palm of her hand.
Kirk sheepishly handed Gloria the bundle of cum soaked tissues, and she giggled.
Apart from having his suit trousers and underpants lowered, Kirk still had his suit jacket and his shirt and tie, plus shoes and socks. Fortunately, no spunk had got on any of those items.
“That will have released your tension for a while, now you get naked and then you can strip me,” smiled Gloria, having put the sticky tissues down.
Kirk felt very self-conscious as he gradually became nude, his penis was no longer stiff, but he was sure that Gloria knew what she was talking about.
“Okay, now we can play strip the supervisor,” laughed Gloria, thinking that making what they were doing light-hearted rather than sensual at this stage might relax Kirk.
Gloria was very turned on, but she was also in control.
Kirk moved to Gloria, him naked and her fully clothed, Gloria smiled.
After some hesitation, Kirk clumsily removed Gloria’s jacket. She intended to stand still, just assist him if needed.
Kirk was undecided whether to go to Gloria’s trousers or blouse next, he chose the blouse and fumbled with the buttons but eventually had them all undone. Gloria’s large tits in a white bra were prominent. Kirk pulled the blouse out of Gloria’s trousers and took it off, both Kirk and Gloria were breathing heavier.
Kirk moved behind Gloria to unhook her bra, he was not going to attempt it from the front, his hands were shaking as he undid it. Gloria had a tremor of sexual excitement as her tits were freed.
Kirk came back around to Gloria’s front, he saw his first ever pair of real-life breasts, and what a pair.
“Touch them,” Gloria invited softly, and Kirk nervously put one hand on each breast and felt them, his penis was stiffening again.
Kirk was reluctant to leave Gloria’s tits, but there were other delights to discover, he undid her trousers.
Kirk again moved behind Gloria to pull her trousers down, her large and curvy buttocks in white bikini knickers came into view, and Kirk gasped.
Gloria still had her shoes on, but she lifted her feet for Kirk to remove them before she stepped out of her trousers, all she had on now were her knickers.
Still behind her, Kirk pulled Gloria’s knickers down, baring her magnificent arse. Kirk dragged them to her feet, and Gloria stepped out of them. Kirk was on his knees with his supervisor’s big black backside at his face.
“Touch it,” said Gloria and Kirk did, caressing the woman’s arse cheeks in wonderment, his cock was erect again.
Gloria let Kirk play with her arse, she was very wet between her legs.
“Shall I turn around?” asked Gloria, after a while.
“Yes please,” Kirk managed to say.
Gloria turned, and Kirk got his first sighting of a cunt, it was a wet one with some hair.
“Feel how wet you are making me,” said Gloria, and very tentatively, Kirk put two fingers to Gloria’s gash.
Kirk fingered Gloria, although he was not sure what he was doing.
“Shall we get on the bed now?” asked Gloria, the moment was close.
“Yes,” said Kirk, his fingers sticky from Gloria’s cunt.
Gloria got on her back on the bed, holding her arms out in invitation.
“Don’t worry, you will be fine,” said Gloria, reading the self-doubt on Kirk’s face.
Kirk got onto the bed between Gloria’s open legs, Gloria took his erect cock in her left hand and ran it against her cunt lips, thrilling both Kirk and herself.
“This is it, honey,” breathed Gloria, guiding Kirk’s penis into her vagina, he was penetrating a woman for the first time.
“Oh,” said Kirk, feeling something that he had never felt before as his cock went deeper and deeper into Gloria’s warm cunt.
“Move your hips, baby, fuck me,” said Gloria, and Kirk started thrusting. It felt strange and very exhilarating, it was wonderful.
“That’s it sugar, harder, faster,” encouraged Gloria, as she got fucked by a seventeen-year-old.
Kirk was getting into it and losing all inhibitions, as he thrust his hips hard and fast, Gloria had her hands on his buttocks encouraging him.
“Yes, yes, so good, you are going to make me cum,” said Gloria, she was very close. She was surprised and delighted by how quickly Kirk had got the rhythm going.
“Am I doing okay?” panted Kirk, getting breathless as his quite large penis moved in and out of the black woman.
“You are doing great, honey, shit, oh fuck, I am cumming,” responded Gloria, and she was.
For a moment, Kirk wondered if that meant that they had finished, he stopped thrusting.
“Keep fucking me, baby, make me cum again, fuck me until you cum,” said Gloria, in a series of short instructions.
Kirk restarted thrusting, he was now full of confidence.
On and on they went, life was perfect.
“Fucking cumming again, oh shit,” announced Gloria, her second orgasm was more violent than her first.
Kirk then felt a feeling that he had felt before, during wanking, he was about to ejaculate. He did not know if he should warn Gloria, but his spunk started spurting before he could, extending Gloria’s orgasm.
The youth and the mature woman climaxed together, they had fucked.
“You are a virgin no more, how does it feel?” asked Gloria, once they had calmed.
“It feels wonderful, did I do okay?” responded Kirk.
“You did really well, you made me cum so hard, baby, you are great at fucking,” said Gloria, and Kirk felt so proud.
Kirk withdrew and rolled off, they lay next to each other looking at the ceiling.
“Can we do it again?” asked Kirk.
“Today, or in the future?” responded Gloria.
“Either, both,” answered Kirk.
“Um, maybe today, certainly in the future; but it is very important that nobody knows, especially at work and your mum,” said Gloria.
“Yes, it is our secret,” laughed a very happy and proud Kirk Theobald.
Although physically they probably could have had another fuck, they were conscious of the time, so they decided not to.
Kirk had a shower and they got dressed and then Gloria dropped him near his home.
They had a long, loving kiss before Kirk left Gloria’s car, which she was careful to park away from street lights.
Kirk Theobald was no longer a virgin, and he was suddenly a more confident youth.
“Did you have a nice time?” Sara Theobald asked her son when he entered the house.
“Yes thank you, mum,” answered Kirk, thinking that she would not believe how nice. He did realise that his mother would probably be shocked if she knew who he had been having a nice time with.
There would be more sex to come between Gloria Williams and the young man that she supervised at work.