Mark Returns

"A follow up to Some Fun at a Wedding"

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It had been two years since my wife and I met Mark at a friend’s wedding. That night turned out to be such an adventure that we were thrilled with the text I just received:

“Hey, going to Scotty’s Bar for some drinks tonight. Mark is in town visiting, said I should invite you guys.”

I read the text a few times before it registered who Mark was. I excitedly got up from my couch to find my wife and show it to her.

“No way! Do you wanna go?” she responded to me.

“I’m game if you are, but only one condition,” I said smiling.

“What’s that?” she answered, now smiling back.

“You have to wear some pantyhose. You know it will drive Mark crazy…and me!” I said.

“Well, that’s fine. I should probably give my toes a fresh color too,” she responded, “Pink or white?”

“Hmm, I vote white but only if you wear black hose,” I suggested.

I then checked the time on my phone and told her we had three hours before we were meeting them there. Luckily, the bar was only a five-minute drive from our house. I texted Steve back and told him we would be there.

To no surprise, time seemed to crawl. I slowly got ready in the spare bathroom and bedroom while my wife occupied the master bath and bedroom. I finished first and decided to heat up some leftovers and watch a little football while I waited.

I had a few bites when I noticed a car pull into our driveway. I looked closer and then recognized a familiar face. It was Steve. Then a second male got out from the passenger side. That had to be Mark, I thought. Where was Steve’s wife? I asked myself. I quickly yelled upstairs to my wife that Steve and Mark were here. She seemed shocked but said she wasn’t ready yet.

I greeted them both at the front door, opening it to let them in.

“Hey, sorry. We were early and didn’t want to go to the bar yet so we figured we’d stop by,” Steve said.

“All good, no worries. Just waiting for the wife to finish getting ready,” I replied. “Come on in and have a seat. Anyone want a drink?”

“Sure,” they both replied in unison.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed three beers while they sat on the couch. We cracked them open and toasted to Mark being back in town for the holidays.

“So how long are you in town for?” I asked Mark.

“Two weeks. I don’t go back to my base until January 3rd,” Mark replied.

“That’s great, I’m sure you’re looking forward to some time off.”

“Definitely…and letting loose a bit,” he said with a laugh and a big gulp of his beer.

Just as we were finishing our beers my wife made her appearance. She came downstairs wearing a black top that left her back exposed. It was a little looser-fitting, with 3/4 sleeves. She was also wearing a tan color skirt that went down to about 4″ above her knees. This left her hose-covered legs in great view to go with her black 3″ square-toe heels.

My wife immediately went to Steve and gave him a big hug as he stood up from the couch. She then looked at Mark with a huge smile as she hugged him too, as he was already standing.

Steve, who I’m assuming had no idea that Mark had fucked my wife after his wedding, reintroduced us all again. My wife then suggested we leave, “I don’t know how long I can keep these heels on tonight. We better get going.”

I’m sure those words had an effect on Mark like they did me.

Steve offered that we all drive together since we live so close. My wife and I looked at each other and agreed. Steve got in to drive and Mark hopped in the front. I saw more room on Mark’s side so I got in back behind him with my wife behind Steve.

As Steve began the short drive, Mark wasted no time. He lowered his left arm behind Steve’s seat and gently stroked my wife’s right leg. She looked over at me and gave me a knowing smile of what a fun night we were going to have. She then raised her knee slightly, slipping off her heel. Quietly, she lifted her foot higher and higher until it reached Mark’s wandering hand.

I noticed Mark’s hand took a hold of it tightly just as we pulled into the parking lot. Mark reluctantly let go and my wife slid her heel back on as we all exited the vehicle. We walked in and the place was pretty busy. I should have figured it would be on a Saturday night. Fortunately, Steve found three stools at the bar. I sat on the left, my wife to my right, and Steve to her right. This left Mark standing, for now.

Mark leaned between my wife and Steve and flagged down a bartender. He ordered four shots of tequila and each of us a drink. We all toasted and swallowed the tequila, making all sorts of faces. We made small talk, found out Steve’s wife was homesick. Not even halfway through our drinks and Steve ordered another round of tequila shots. What the hell is wrong with these guys!

Begrudgingly, we choked it down again. I offered Mark my seat, I needed to stand. Steve and I started talking about our fantasy football teams while my wife and Mark talked. After a few minutes, my wife and Mark were headed to the dance floor. Steve and I continued with our conversation while stealing glances at my wife and Mark once again doing their goofy dance moves.

After two songs they rejoined us at the bar. Mark ordered another round of drinks and you guessed it, tequila shots. In the back of my mind, I knew if my wife had more than three of these shots, she would be out of commission for the night. She only weighed 110lbs and stood 5′ tall, plus the fact that she hardly ever drank.

Steve and Mark both took theirs down, I managed to get mine down. Mark tried razzing my wife into taking hers but she politely declined. Being the husband I am, I stepped in and took hers for her. I thought for sure, I’d be the one getting sick tonight, but it was Steve. He left us to head to the bathroom. The three of us talked and reminisced about the last time we saw each other and how much fun it was.

Mark and my wife were doing some decent flirting at this point, almost holding hands they were touching so long. Mark was complimenting her on her pantyhose, unable to keep his hands off them very long. He kept looking over his shoulder to see if Steve was coming back, as he did not want to get caught.

About ten minutes later, Steve returned. He told us he was feeling pretty sick and was going to head home. I asked if he was okay to drive and he insisted he was. I then asked him to take me to my house so I could get my car. He agreed, then looked at Mark to see if he was coming with. I butted in and told Steve I could take Mark home later and that it was no big deal.

I pulled my wife to the side to make sure she was okay with me leaving her alone with Mark while I went to pick up the car. She was glassy-eyed from the tequila shots, but said she would be fine. I figured it would be fifteen minutes at the most. Steve hugged my wife and Mark goodbye and we were out the door. I don’t know if it was just me, but it seemed like Steve was driving extra slow back to my house. He was busy chatting my ear off about some issues he was having with his wife, how they were trying to get pregnant.

I felt horrible. Part of me wanted to chat with Steve, while part of me just wanted to get back to the bar with my wife and keep an eye on Mark. Finally, Steve pulled into my driveway but before I could even say goodbye and open the door, he began to break down. I’d never seen him like this before. He was really broken up about not being able to get his wife pregnant. He told me how long they’ve been trying for. I decided to stay and try to talk him down a bit.

We ended up talking in his car in the driveway for almost thirty minutes. I only know that because I kept one eye on the clock the entire time, wondering how my wife and Mark were getting along. Finally, Steve was feeling better and decided to go home. I quickly ran into the house and grabbed the car keys. I made record time back to the bar and the lot was packed!

Finally, I found a parking spot around back and practically sped-walked to the door. Inside was much busier than when I left, but I was thrilled to see my wife still at the bar where we were sitting earlier. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. She jumped.

“Where’s Mark?” I asked.

My wife turned to me, smiling, “Look down.”

She turned slightly in her chair, revealing to me that she wasn’t wearing her heels. My eyes immediately wandered down, noticing her little hose-covered feet resting on the bar of her stool. The white polish was beaming through them, almost calling my name, in the dimly lit bar.

Finally, I spoke, “Is he in the bathroom with them again?”

“Yea. We just took a break from some more dancing and he said he wanted to try it again.”

I should have figured.

“He asked me to take them off on the dance floor and he was nice enough to hold them while we danced,” she continued.

I ordered another drink for myself.

“How are you feeling?” I asked my wife.

“I feel great, but we should probably take this party home when he gets out of the bathroom,” she teased.

I pounded my rum and coke when I got it.

Soon after, Mark reappeared. He was making his way towards us through the crowd, holding one of my wife’s heels in each hand. He approached my wife on her right side and bent down with her heels.

“There’s an extra surprise for you this time,” he said excitedly.

With that, my wife turned towards him and extended her feet to him. Mark slid her right heel on first. Her mouth opened in awe once her toes were all the way in. Mark then slid her left heel on. Her mouth dropped even more. I could see she was wiggling her toes in her heels. Then she mouthed the word “Wow” to both of us. Mark’s face had the biggest grin. He held out his right hand to my wife, helping her down off her stool.

“Oh my God,” she said, “that’s a lot!”

“Yea, let’s go outside and I’ll tell you more,” Mark suggested.

I threw some cash on the bar to cover my drink and a tip and we made our way to the car. My wife and Mark both hopped in the backseat while I settled in to drive.

“So tell me more,” my wife insisted.

“OK, well, someone kind of walked in on me in the stall with your heels,” Mark started to explain.

“OK, and…”

“Well, the guy saw me jerking off and sniffing your heel and I guess he liked it,” Mark continued, “so he joined me in the stall and asked for one of your shoes.”

“Holy shit, no way,” my wife responded.

Mark went on to say, “Yea, it was crazy and sexy. So we each were smelling your heels while we jerked off. I came first, into your right shoe. Then this guy shot a huge load into your left one.”

I was stunned. I was looking for my wife’s reaction in the rearview mirror. Finally, she broke a smile from her shocked face and told Mark how naughty he was.

“Can I see how they look?” he asked her.

“No, you have to wait until we get back to our house,” she said sternly, “but if you want to taste my pussy you can.”

Still looking in the rearview mirror, I watched Mark’s head disappear. I put the car in reverse and started heading home. My wife let out a few good moans on the short drive but was happy to see us pull into the garage.

“Let’s go finish what you started mister,” she teased Mark.

I hopped out first, then held open the back door for them. I followed them inside. We made our way to our bedroom upstairs which was a little challenge with both of them walking wobbly. My wife sat on the end of our bed, still fully dressed. Mark kneeled on the floor in front of her. I turned on the bathroom light, which gave us enough light in the room. I then went and took a seat to the left of my wife on the bed.

“Take my shoes off last,” my wife said.

Mark raised up, taking the bottom of her shirt in each hand. He lifted up as my wife raised both arms into the air. I turned and kissed my wife. She kissed me back with passion. We continued kissing as Mark removed her bra. He then began to work on sliding her skirt off carefully. My wife broke our kiss to raise up off the bed, allowing him to pull it down.

“I want you to make me cum with your mouth before you get to take my heels off.”

“Yes ma’am,” Mark responded.

Mark then stood up. He put a hand under each of my wife’s hips and moved her up onto the bed, flat on her back. I scooted off to the side a bit, eyeing my wife’s naked body. Admiring that her black pantyhose and tan heels were still intact. I watched as Mark began to undress himself. First his shirt, then his pants. When he pulled down his boxers I looked over at my wife. She was watching him intently, licking her lips.

Mark placed his knees up on the bed, on either side of my wife’s legs. He bent forward, now kissing her on the mouth. She returned his kisses and soon they were making out. This went on for a few seconds but felt longer. Mark moved down, placing small kisses on her neck, then her chest. He gave each breast a turn, licking and sucking her erect nipples.

Moving further, he kissed her stomach, then her thighs. Mark was now kissing her pussy through her pantyhose. I finally noticed my wife was not wearing any underwear underneath them. Mark continued teasing her pussy with wet kisses and licks through the hose. After the tenth lick, I think, Mark used his teeth and bit a small hole in her pantyhose. He dug his finger in the hole and ripped it open.

My wife responded by grabbing Mark’s hair in her hands and guiding his face into her waiting pussy. As Mark was orally pleasuring my wife, I stood up off the bed. I quickly undressed myself and then laid my head near my wife’s. She turned my way and we kissed deeply while Mark was tasting her. She would whimper into my mouth every few seconds. I knew she was getting close.

I began to pinch and rub my wife’s nipples while we continued to kiss. My wife again broke our kiss as she panted. I looked down towards Mark and saw that he now was fingering my wife as he licked her clit. I used my left hand to spread her pussy lips, making it easier for Mark to target it. He picked up the pace with his finger as well as his tongue.

“Oh shit,” my wife let out, “don’t stop…I’m gonna cum!”

Mark increased his fingering even faster, sending my wife over the edge with a bed-shaking orgasm. He slowed his fingering down and was giving her clit slow, long licks as she came back down. Her body would spasm with each lick, feeling very sensitive.

“Mmm that was great,” she said, “are you ready to fuck me now?”

“Of course. I’d love to,” Mark replied.

“Good…I’d like that, but keep my heels on,” she stated.

Mark crawled on top of my wife and gave his cock a few strokes. This was the first time I was actually able to see what he was working with. I was impressed. I would say it was a solid 8 to 8.5″ and pretty thick. Mark used his cock and rubbed it on her sensitive clit a few times before sliding his head slowly inside her.

He was about halfway in when he pulled out. He then repeated the process again. Mark did this four or five times and then buried his big cock all the way into my wife’s pussy. Once he was fully in, he sat still. My wife grunted, trying to adjust to his size. She began wiggling side to side.

“Mm, fuck. I forgot how big you are,” she said.

“Mm, I forgot how tight you are,” Mark quipped back.

“Fuck me. Make me cum again and you can take my shoes off,” she teased.

Mark began thrusting his cock in and out of my wife slowly at first. After a minute he started to pump quicker. My wife raised her legs up higher and higher, allowing more of Mark’s big cock inside her. Her little tan heels looked so sexy flopping in the air. I thought to myself, I’ve never fucked her with heels on before, I’ll have to try that sometime.

“Mm, I can’t wait to take your sexy little heels off and clean those feet,” Mark whispered to my wife while fucking her.

“Oh yes, you’re almost there!” she whispered back, “I’m getting close again.”

Mark started fucking my wife faster and harder. I closed my eyes and listened to the clapping noise coming from their bodies slapping together with each thrust. I was now stroking my hard cock.

“Oh fuck! Fuck me…I’m gonna cum again!” she yelled.

I watched my wife grabbing at the bedsheets while she came all over Mark’s cock.

Mark kept pumping as fast as he could, “Oh shit, I’m gonna cum too!”

Mark pumped a few more times and then buried his cock deep inside my wife.

“Aahh!” he groaned.

“That’s it, fill me up,” my wife said.

Mark erupted inside her pussy. She wiggled her hips side to side again, draining every drop from his oversized balls. Mark pulled his softening cock from her pussy and sat back on his heels. He watched as his cum started oozing out. Using his right hand, he gently toyed her pussy, using his own cum as a lube to rub on her clit. My wife lowered her right hand and dipped her finger into her pussy. She gathered some of his cum and brought it to her mouth for a taste.

This seemed to turn Mark on. He then fed my wife some of his cum off his finger. The second time he brought his finger to her mouth, he immediately kissed her. He did it a third time but licked his finger the same time my wife did before kissing her.

My wife moaned a bit, then reminded Mark, “Save some room for that mess you made in my heels.”

Mark moved so that he had a leg extended on each side of my wife and laid on his back. He took hold of her ankles and brought her legs together over his body. This move was also very intriguing to me. Mark’s cock was now “trapped” between my wife’s thighs, resting against her pussy while her feet were directly in front of his face.

I moved to the end of the bed by Mark’s head, crouching on the floor. I looked on as Mark popped off the heel of my wife’s right shoe. He slid it up her foot slowly, exposing more and more of her hose-covered sole. When he got to her arch, you could clearly see how wet her foot looked from the cum that was inside her heel.

Mark began running his tongue all over her sole and under her toes. He fit all of her toes into his mouth at once and you could hear him slurping. My wife raised her head and watched Mark worship her foot. She used her left hand and started to toy his cockhead.

After feeling good enough about her right foot, Mark started to remove her left heel. Again, popping it off slowly. This shoe was filled with even more cum, which was evident from the coloring of my wife’s pantyhose. He went to work cleaning her left sole and toes. Mark was making louder slurping noises with this foot.

I was so horny from seeing my wife’s sexy soles and watching Mark enjoy them. I looked up at my wife and saw Mark’s cock was hardening again. She was now full-on stroking his cock with both hands as she pushed her pussy down against his shaft. I got up on the bed next to my wife and offered her my hard cock. She turned my way and took me into her warm, wet mouth.

I didn’t last more than thirty seconds and told her I was going to cum. Mark asked that I cum on her feet while he licked them. I shuffled back to the end of the bed and pointed my cock at her feet. Mark held her feet together for me, just above his chest. I gave myself four strokes and I shot my first rope. It flew across hitting both feet. Then another rope, and another.

It felt like the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had. I had cum all over my wife’s toes and soles, even had some on Mark’s chest.

Mark didn’t wait at all and began licking my cum from my wife’s feet. I began to think this guy really loved eating cum. He licked and sucked her toes and soles for a few more minutes while my wife stroked his cock methodically. Then he used his teeth again to bite a small hole in her pantyhose. Freeing her toes first, then her whole foot.

Mark continued his oral love of my wife’s feet. Both of her feet were “bare” as he licked and sucked her toes sloppily. My wife seemed to be enjoying it. She raised her hips slightly and pushed Mark’s cock down, putting his cockhead back inside her pussy. She began to buck her hips little by little, working more and more of his cock in her as he adored her feet.

My wife eventually pulled her feet from his mouth and tucked them on each side of Mark. She raised herself up and began to ride his cock. Mark reached up and grabbed a breast in each hand. Squeezing and pinching her nipples. My wife rotated her up and down movement with a front to back motion, stimulating her pussy and her clit.

“Oh fuck, I love this cock!” she exclaimed. “Make me cum again and I’ll give you that footjob you want.”

“Mm, I love your pussy too!” Mark said. “I want you to cum all over my big cock in front of your husband again.”

My wife picked up her pace. She put her hands on his chest to guide herself as she really worked his cock.

“Oh! Mm…I’m gonna cum again!” she announced.

Her whole body jerked back and forth. She was cumming on Mark’s cock for the second time tonight, her third orgasm total. Mark grabbed her hips and lifted her up off of him. He stood on the side of the bed and pulled her over. He had her get on her hands and knees on the edge. I watched as Mark put a hand on each of my wife’s ass cheeks and slammed his cock inside her from behind.

He was fucking my wife hard and fast as he tore the rest of her pantyhose completely off. She was now totally naked and loving this thorough fucking she was getting. I sat closer to her on the bed and rubbed her clit with my left hand. My wife had her fourth orgasm almost instantly.

Finally, after she settled down Mark zeroed in on her feet again. He took one step back from the bed, and my wife’s ass. He lifted up her ankles and sandwiched his sopping wet, hard cock between my wife’s soles. He started to fuck her little feet like it was her pussy. My wife was forced to lay flat on her stomach from the thrusting. She was face down on her stomach with her knees bent up behind her.

Mark slowed down a bit, I’m assuming to enjoy the feeling some. He took long, slow thrusts between her arches. He even stopped a few times and slapped her soles with his cock as he stroked it. My wife scrunched her toes in response, causing her soles to wrinkle up.

“Fuck my little feet, Mark. I know you’ve been wanting to,” she teased him.

Mark started to thrust faster and faster.

“That’s it. Fuck them. Cum all over them,” she encouraged.

Mark thrusted a handful more times and started to cum again. I was shocked how much cum this guy could produce in such a short time. His cum shot down onto my wife’s ass and legs, then her heels and arches. Mark managed to squeeze out a few last drops onto her toes.

Once he was done my wife turned over. She sat up on the bed and lifted her right foot. She took her big toe into her mouth and sucked Mark’s cum off it. Mark knelt down and cleaned her left foot as she cleaned her right. All the cum was gone in seconds.

I checked my phone and the time showed 2:24 AM. We all got dressed and decided to take Mark home. He was staying with some family, about twenty-five minutes away. I drank some water and made sure I was ok to drive. My wife surprised me by coming with me for the ride. She hopped in back while Mark sat upfront with me.

We were only down the street from our house when I felt something touching the back of my neck. I looked to my right and Mark must have had the same feeling. We both looked to the back and my wife had her legs spread with a foot resting on each of our shoulders.

I shook my head and smiled as she laughed. Mark licked and sucked her toes the whole drive home.

Good thing he’s in town for another week…

Published 3 years ago

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