Casey woke up realising there was no way she could perform the day’s mission without plenty of people seeing her naked. How could she walk the full length of a campus hallway without being seen by dozens, if not maybe hundreds of people? The best she could hope for would be to minimise the damage. That meant planning and timing. Again, by making sure campus security and faculty weren’t in the area, to begin with. Doing it at mid-lunchtime would mean they would more than likely be eating lunch, and most students would likewise be in the cafeteria or outside somewhere. She packed a spare dress in her backpack. A good starting point was her idea about taking two dresses and leaving one at the destination end so she could dress again without having to go all the way back to where she started from naked as well.
One problem could be the psych student if he saw her again, but she figured he wasn’t too difficult to blow off last time. If it came to it, she could just tell him to fuck off and let him think whatever he wanted.
Her period had pretty much finished, so that wouldn’t be a problem. One issue was that she would probably have to walk past her photographer at some point, which would then mean they would be recording her from behind. Her blackmailer would be expecting to see the butt plug, so she would have to wear that.
As if being naked in front of everyone wasn’t humiliating enough…
The only other thing was she needed an excuse for what she was doing. The one she decided on this time was to claim it was a dare. Anything was better than having to say she was an exhibitionist or a slut, at least for as long as possible. So today, she’d basically just tell someone straight out that she was on a dare, and then hand them her phone to film it before they could say no. A boy would be easier to convince than a girl too. The only problem with using the dare excuse was that it was a once-only deal. If she tried using it a second time on a similar mission, she would not be believed and would be forced to admit she was an exhibitionist, even though it would be a lie. She hated anyone seeing her naked.
And that’s exactly how it played out. After dealing with just one upskirt request mid-morning, nothing else eventuated until lunchtime. She scouted around for faculty and checked that the security guard was eating lunch in his office, which he was. Then she put her spare dress behind a trash can at the other end of the hallway and scanned for someone to record her. There were maybe a dozen students and no sign even of the meddling psych student from the day before. She picked her mark – a boy standing alone staring out the windows about halfway down. Then with a deep breath, she approached him.
“Pardon me?” she began. “I’ve been dared to streak down this hallway, and I have to get video evidence. Could you record me?”
“What? Now?” he replied, scarcely believing it was real.
“You betcha!” Casey replied, trying to appear as playfully enthusiastic as possible.
He paused for a few moments while he considered it. Then his face broke into a smile.
“Well okay, but only if I can record it on my phone as well?” he responded.
“Um… err… well, I guess so. Why not?”
And with that Casey quickly went to the starting point and waited for his signal to go. She could hear her heartbeat thumping in her ears. Time seemed to stop, and everything went silent as she anticipated what she was about to do. Was she really about to do this? All she could do was watch the boy holding a phone in each hand and wait for his nod. Finally, he indicated he was ready. She grabbed the hem of her dress and slowly started to lift it up, exposing the curve of her hips and the lower part of her buttocks. She could feel the air on her pussy lips. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t the place to be naked. She wanted to be sick. There was no backing out now though, so without thinking about it further, she quickly pulled the dress up over her head, tossed it against the wall, and started walking.
She noticed the boy’s eyes got big, probably not believing she was actually doing it. It was too late to turn back now. One dress was ten steps behind her and the other lay way down the other end of the passage. She was naked in no man’s land now with nothing to cover herself with. All she could do was keep walking and try to pretend she wasn’t completely mortified as people turned to stare in amazement.
“Oh my God, is she naked?”
“Is that a jewel in her butt? How is she holding that in there?”
“A butt plug. Seriously? Who would wear something like that to class?
“Oh wow, she’s shaved. I much prefer that look.”
“I don’t. I like a bit of hair. Not too much though. A full bush is kind of gross. Just a nice landing strip is nice.”
“Kind of small tits, but for some reason, I wanna put them in my mouth anyway.”
“We haven’t had a streaker this year, and this one’s a girl! About time!”
Casey tried to block it out, keeping her eyes down and focusing on the next step in front of her. In her peripheral vision, she saw her photographer to her right, and she risked a glance up. Two more girls had appeared in the hallway in front of her, but she was past the halfway point now. It was way too late to turn back now.
“She’s completely naked!”
“She’s fully shaved. What a slut.”
Suddenly the full reality of what she was doing came crashing down, and her legs almost buckled.
C’mon Casey. Almost there! Just keep going.
And finally, it was done.
She grabbed her spare dress and quickly put it on, and then turned to discover there were now about fifty students watching her in the hallway. Her face turned bright red as a cheer went up from the crowd. She looked for her photographer and spotted him waving her phone. As she went to fetch it there were dozens of high-fives, mostly from boys. Casey smiled and ran with it, but inwardly she was totally mortified.
“That was fucking awesome!” her photographer commented.
“Oh, please don’t put that online,” Casey asked him. “If my parents saw it, they’d kill me.”
“No worries. It won’t go anywhere,” he assured her.
She sincerely hoped he wasn’t lying about that as she grabbed her other dress and got out of there as quickly as she could. While humiliated beyond belief, now that she had a lot more witnesses than she had hoped for and a boy now had a video of her that she had no control over, she reassured herself that her plan had been successful. The mission was now done and dusted. She hoped it would be the last.
She got another upskirt text request just after lunch but heard nothing else until classes were dismissed and she was almost about to head to Mark’s for her photoshoot.
“Did you complete the mission? Where is the video?”
She hadn’t had time to send it, so she did it right then while she was still connected to the campus Wi-Fi. Then she got on her bike and commenced the short trip to Mark’s. Her phone dinged again while she was cycling but she decided she would check it when she got there.
“Thank you. See you at 8:30”
Mark wasn’t in reception when she arrived, so she just said hello to Gillian who took her out to the dressing room. As usual, Gillian had Casey undress to put on a robe and then asked her to go shave again before doing her hair and makeup. She then had her put on some high heels and led her out to Mark in a hearth-type set complete with a fake fireplace and a shaggy rug.
Mark looked up from his equipment as she approached.
“Oh hi, Casey! You look fantastic as usual. Has Auntie Flo left for the month yet?” he asked.
“Oh err… I guess so. Sure,” she replied, still not really coping with a man asking her something so personal.
“Okay, great. I’ll get you to disrobe and just stand facing the fireplace with your hands on the wall.”
Casey still wasn’t used to taking her clothes off in front of anyone but knew better than to hesitate.
Gotta act like a pro, Casey, like you choose to be here. Don’t let them see how hard this is for you.
“Lovely. Now look over your shoulder at me. Nice.”
“Now a sultry look.”
“Okay, now face me. Lovely.”
“Feet a little further apart. Arch your back a bit. Yep, butt out that’s right. Lovely.”
“Okay, now one hand on your tummy and look down.”
“Now two hands. Yes.”
“Now put your hands on either side of your pussy. Gorgeous.”
“Press a little harder”
“Now can you grab your pussy lips and give them a little pull. Yes, both hands. Lovely, sweetheart.”
“A little harder. Yes! And look up at me and smile.”
“Hold it there and I’ll get some close-ups.”
Click. Click.
“Okay, now turn around and bend over slightly. Yes, same pose darling, just from behind.”
“Oh my, that butt plug totally suits you. Now just pull your pussy apart a little more.”
“And can you put a finger inside? Oh, that’s great.”
Casey could feel that she’d become very wet already and was feeling a little weak-kneed. She cursed herself for reacting like this when she was humiliated. It went totally against everything she was actually feeling.
“Okay, Gillian has something for you. Just hold it so I can get her hand in the shot as well. Yes, right there. Now look pleasantly surprised. Awesome!”
It was a dildo slightly larger than the one she had at home. She swallowed nervously, knowing what Mark was almost certainly going to ask her to do with it.
“Okay, can you lick it and put it in your mouth?”
“Gorgeous. A bit more.”
Click. Click.
“Okay, now put it between your breasts. Show me you’re almost in ecstasy. That’s perfect, darling.”
“Okay, now drag it slowly down your tummy.”
“Now touch it to your pussy lips.”
“Hold it there. I’ll get some close-ups.”
Click. Click.
“Now when you’re ready, darling, can you put it inside you? Amazing, Casey. Amazing!”
Click. Click.
Casey’s knees were beginning to give out.
“I might need to sit down, Mark,” Casey informed him as she tried to get control of her breathing.
“Sure, just sit on the rug right there. You seem to be comfortable with the dildo. You just go right ahead and pretend we’re not here. Legs wide apart, sweetheart. A little wider. Beautiful!”
Casey started to moan uncontrollably as she worked the dildo in and out of her pussy. In the background, she could hear the camera clicking constantly but she was barely aware of it now. Primal Casey had the reins again and the conscious part of her brain had taken a back seat.
“Casey, lean back a little and lift your legs up.”
She followed the direction without complaint, lifting her knees up while continuing to work the dildo in and out of her sex.
“Now, look between your knees into the camera.”
She obliged, opening her knees wide while the heels hung from her sexy feet. She looked straight at Mark’s camera, smiling for a brief moment before her focus shifted back to her task. She was so close to cumming now. She couldn’t stop even if Mark wanted her to.
“Perfect, your legs are incredible. Now, lift your feet straight into the air.”
She straightened her legs out wide and put her heels up into the air as she continued pumping the fake cock into her well-lubricated hole. She could hear a woman making sex sounds from somewhere, and then realised it was her own voice.
Click. Click.
She became more aware of the camera as Mark’s requests continued, but it was too late for that to make a difference.
“Spread your feet as wide as you can now, please, and focus on pleasuring yourself, as if you were on a stage with a huge audience watching you.”
Casey looked up and closed her eyes as both hands took the dildo and began pistoning it into her desperate pussy with her feet stretched upwards to either side. The thought of being on a stage drove her mad with lust in her highly aroused state. She continued getting louder. Sweat began to drip over her glistening body as the orgasm approached. She imagined a crowd looking at her embarrassing labia stretched around the large shaft inside her.
Click. Click. Click.
Finally, she was cumming, experiencing it as if she was a spectator looking on at herself. Everything went black for a while. She could hear her moans and her breathing filling the room.
Once the sexual rush finally subsided, she opened her eyes to see Mark beaming, and even the unshockable Gillian had her eyebrows raised. She suddenly snapped back to reality, unable to believe what she had just done in front of them. She pulled the dildo from her sopping cunt and let it drop to the floor as she hung her head in shame.
“Um… sorry about that,” she meekly murmured while staring at the floor, noticing the dildo rolling back and forth slightly on the rug where she had dropped it. It was still glistening with her juices, causing the studio lights to reflect off its surface.
“Are you kidding?” Mark replied. “That was fucking amazing! With each shoot, you just get better and better, Casey. You have star potential!”
She didn’t like the sound of that. She just hoped these pictures didn’t end up anywhere where someone who knew her might discover them.
“Okay, that’s a wrap, I think. We’re a little early today but I got everything I needed. I guess we’ll see you next Tuesday, Casey!”
“Okay, thanks, Mark. See you then,” she responded, still deeply in shame at what she had just done but trying to pretend otherwise.
“Have a good weekend.”
“You too.”
As she rode her bike home, she was still appalled that she’d voluntarily made herself orgasm for the camera in front of Mark and Gillian. Did she have no self-control at all? Had she talked herself into actually becoming an exhibitionist and slut with all of the lies she’d been telling? What was wrong with her? She hated being naked and hated displaying herself in such vulgar poses, but for some reason, her body betrayed her by becoming extremely aroused in those circumstances. It was a different sort of arousal than she felt with Greg as well. With Greg, the orgasms felt warm and came on like waves of pleasure washing over her body. These orgasms felt like her body wasn’t hers anymore and every cell was exploding into millions of tiny fireworks at once, while she was just an observer looking in from the outside. They were borderline painful too and she often finished with tears in her eyes. She suddenly realised she was even getting wet replaying the experience in her mind, so she decided to focus on her bike and her studies instead.
Her mother was home again, just as she expected. Thankfully there were no more packages for her today to have to explain. Few good things seemed to happen in her life these days, so she tended to appreciate the small blessings that came her way like that. She also appreciated the irony of being overjoyed at not getting presents and smiled to herself for a moment.
After dinner, she retired to her bedroom to study as she normally did.
A text came just after eight p.m.
“Mark says good things about you. keep it up. Tonight, I think you have learned enough to go solo. Surprise me”
With a sigh, Casey switched on the camera before putting on her best smile as she took off her clothes. She started using the dildo in her mouth, and then once it was drenched with her saliva, she pushed it into her pussy. Already steamy anyway, it accepted it with ease. Then she lay back spread out wide and brought the camera in for a close-up. The orgasm came easily, and she grabbed a pillow to muffle her cries yet again. Then the humiliation of having done that led to her doing it a second time. After that, she attempted to exercise a little self-control, so she stopped and tried to force her breathing to slow.
“Thank you. Your mission tomorrow is to perform a strip tease to music in the cafeteria at lunchtime. I want to see you dancing fully naked for at least five mins. Get video”
What the fuck?
“I’ll get caught and arrested”
“There is a faculty meeting at 12pm. You’ll be fine.”
Casey started to cry and tossed her phone onto her pillow in despair. What he was asking her to do was beyond what she thought she could handle. This mission seemed impossible. Maybe it would be better if she got caught and arrested. So, she might end up an Indent. At least she could maybe stay dressed then and not have to do all this degrading stuff, but then on the other hand it was always possible that whoever bought her might use her for prostitution and she would lose her future career, as well as a chance for love. Plus, there was always the possibility he was a cop and had a plan for this, which in that event would change nothing from his perspective but she would lose everything she loved. Jolene seemed to think he was a cop too so that was a strong possibility.
Okay, so she needed to come up with a plan to make sure she wasn’t caught. What this time, though? There would be hundreds of Tech students in the cafeteria. At least the faculty would be occupied in their meeting. There was just the security guard to worry about, and he always had his lunch at twelve p.m.
Unfortunately, that was as far as she got in her plan as the lack of sleep from the previous night took over and she drifted off to sleep in mid-thought.