Vivian woke up as if from a strange dream and realized she was not in her own bed. She rubbed her eyes and recognized that she was in her stepson’s bedroom, and the memory of her seduction of him hit her as she regained full awareness of her surroundings. She looked over her shoulder and saw William’s smooth, naked back. He was snoring softly.
The growing light coming through the east-facing window indicated it was still early, and she propped herself up on one elbow to peek at the radio/alarm on William’s nightstand—it was only 5:30 and daylight was just beginning.
The understanding of what she had done also dawned upon her, and a momentary panic set in when she began to weigh the ramifications of a night of sex with her twenty-year-old stepson. The TV porn, the wine, and months without sex had been enticement enough, but when she discovered that William was still a virgin, a misplaced motherly motivation tipped the scales and she removed that label from his resume. At the time it seemed so sensible. What the hell was she thinking?
She guiltily recalled the encouragement and language she had used with her stepson during sex. What had prompted her to use such explicit terms? She never talked that way with her husband, but with William, it seemed appropriate to talk about his big cock sliding in and out of her cunt, and how she loved the way he fucked her. She had a momentary cringe at the thought of it but then recognized that using those terms was liberating.
She also realized that she was sore from their passionate coupling, and she remembered waking up several times with William’s hard cock inside her. He seemed unable to get enough of her. Even though she thought she had drained him after he came in her the second time, he found enough energy to fuck her at least two more times, if she remembered correctly. What he lacked in experience seemed to be overshadowed by youthful enthusiasm.
But now what? What they had done was taboo, even if not strictly defined that way. Fucking your stepson even though there is no biological connection is far from kosher in American society. And how would this affect their relationship moving forward? These and other unanswered questions made Vivian dizzy with worry.
She quietly slipped out of bed, still totally naked, and tiptoed across the hall to her bedroom, picking up her discarded t-shirt nighty on the way. But once back in her own bed, she couldn’t get back to sleep. Her head was buzzing with conflicting thoughts.
Even as sore as she was, fucking William had been a wonderful diversion, not to mention the first real sex she’d had in nearly a year. Dave’s cancer had made sure of that, and since his death, she had become as celibate as a nun except for a battery-powered sexual aid she guiltily purchased over the internet. It arrived in a discrete plain brown wrapper, but she still worried that the postman must know her secret. Then her thoughts drifted to William’s perpetually hard cock as a replacement and she smiled.
Sex with William had reawakened her libido, but her conscience tempered those feelings. Was this a Pandora’s Box or a dream come true? William was handsome and teachable and certainly proved he could please her, even more so than her husband had been able to do based on last night’s experience. But at some point it would have to end, and what would that look like?
It was clear that William was giddy about having a big-breasted stepmom as a fuck doll instead of jacking off to internet porn. And while their relationship had suffered in the past, he would climb mountains for her now. Vivian still had skills that men would kill for, and that only made her more desirable to her stepson. And she now realized he had secretly fantasized about her for years. He told her as much as they lay naked in each other’s arms uttering unguarded sentiments to each other.
After weighing the pros and cons of all this and getting nowhere, Vivian decided to get up and make coffee around 6:30. She put on a robe and slippers and quietly added the coffee and water to the machine. As she waited for it to finish perking, she decided that she would have to tell William it was all a horrible mistake and she was sorry, but it just wasn’t right for her to have led him on the way she did. She just needed to get it over with.
Around eight, William finally staggered into the kitchen. Vivian was at the sink cleaning up the last of a few dishes and she turned her head to greet him. He was wearing only a pair of loose nylon shorts and she could see the outline of his cock as he entered the kitchen. The sight of it gave her a momentary thrill.
“Hi, Sweetie. Sit down and I’ll pour you some coffee. You look sleepy. You need a caffeine jolt, I bet.”
As she grabbed a cup and filled it, she glanced at him and could see him quickly turn away sheepishly. “Oh, oh,” she thought. “He’s on a guilt trip. Another reason for me to just deal with this.” She bit her lip and mentally prepared her speech.
“William, I need to talk to you about last night, Honey. I’m so sorry and I was completely out of line. I don’t know what got into me, but it was wrong. I feel so ashamed. As much as I loved it at the time, I know we can’t continue like this.” She sat next to him and grabbed his free hand in hers. “Can you ever forgive me?”
William looked at his mother with knitted eyebrows. This was the last thing he wanted to hear.
“Forgive you? For what? Mom…Vivian…you were wonderful. You gave me the greatest gift anyone has ever given me. You gave me yourself. You were the most thoughtful and caring person last night, and I’ll never forget it. But I don’t want this to end. And I don’t think you do either. At least not right now.”
William paused to gather his thoughts.
“Listen, I understand how difficult this is and I’m not stupid. But we are two adults, and I love you—as a stepmom, now, but more than that. I know we can’t do this forever and I know it has to be a secret, but I have no problem with that. You are worried about appearances, but trust me: I will never betray you. At some point we’ll probably have to end this, but what is the rush? I love you and you love me. At least I think you do. I also realize we will never be the same as you and Dad. Still, I can make you happy, at least until you find something or someone better. I’m thrilled you let me into the most intimate part of your life.”
Vivian gushed at her son’s confession of love, and with tears in her eyes, she kissed him. “Oh, Honey, that is so nice to hear. I just feel so torn. I love what happened between us, and you were wonderful, but I’m afraid you’ll just tire of me, or come to hate me. You need to develop relationships with women your age. I only want you to be happy, William. I don’t know what came over me.”
“Vivian, I know I’ll eventually find someone I want to marry and raise a family. And I hope she is just like you. But for now, I want to catch up for all the wasted years I tried to dislike you, and for all the wrong reasons. For years I’ve known you were a wonderful, honest, and open person…everything I admire in a woman, but I couldn’t get over the fact that you were replacing my mother whom I could barely remember as time went on. I resented you for that even though I admired your devotion to Dad and your attempts to be a mother to me while giving me space at the same time. I’m just now realizing what a jerk I was. And I also realize that you are smart, beautiful, and….” William paused, unsure of going too far. “And…sexy. But even better, you are a good person who puts family before anything else.”
“You are a wonderful young man, William. I know we’ve struggled in the past, but I also knew that at the root of your anger, you were sensitive and hurting. I’m so glad we are finally able to talk about this. I promise I’ll respect whatever you choose to do. We’re both still aching from your dad’s death, and I hope all this is not an overreaction to that. I’m flattered that you think of me as more than your stepmom. I don’t get many compliments anymore, and lately, you have made my days happy. Not to mention my nights.”
She winked at him and kissed him on the lips. Without thinking she reached down and squeezed his cock playfully.
“Better drink your coffee, sleepyhead. You look tired. Enough of this serious stuff. Today we get to relax and recuperate from cleaning the pool. And other activities,” she added with a grin. There’s cereal and yogurt with fresh fruit for breakfast. I’m going to take a hot soak and recuperate from last night. I feel like I slept with a tiger. A horny tiger.” She gave William a conspiratorial wink and smiled.
As Vivian rose to leave the kitchen, William stood and wrapped his arms around her. He held her close and felt her large breasts press into his chest.
“I want you to teach me how to make fantastic love. I know I’m just learning, but I’ll do whatever you wish. I will be your faithful student. I promise. Anything you want, I will obey. And if things become strained in any way, just tell me and I will back off. All I can think about is you, your beautiful body, and how wonderful it was to make love to you. You are all I think about lately. Just looking at you makes my cock hard.”
Vivian felt a growing protuberance poking into her stomach. She reached down and stroked his thick shaft, already rigid again. She kissed him: first a peck and then open-mouthed, the taste of coffee still on his tongue. Finally, they separated, and she looked up at him.
“Tell you what, mister. We’ll play it by ear. But for now, you’d better let me get in the tub. This big penis of yours wore me out last night, and it’s been so long since I’ve had sex that I’m a little sore down there. I’m going to have to work on my endurance. Meantime, you need to give this big sausage a rest or I won’t be able to walk.”
Vivian gave William’s cock a final squeeze and headed for a well-deserved hot bath. She had some thinking to do.
Later, Vivian lay soaking in a steaming tub covered in sudsy bubbles. The hot water both sapped and refreshed her as every muscle relaxed and softened. Her pussy had likewise responded to the healing bath, and she reached down and gently massaged her labia. She inserted a finger and slid it in and out, imagining her son fucking her. She winced at the soreness but continued anyway. His cock had felt so wonderful buried in her; squirting his sperm into her.
She would be fine in a day or so, and she would be able to feel him again. Her stepson’s enthusiasm and repeated efforts had taken their toll, but at the same time, she had experienced orgasms—something she had missed for ages. Having a real penis instead of a piece of plastic stuffing her pussy had been exciting, but the fact that it was taboo and attached to her stepson had increased the excitement appreciably. She closed her eyes and moaned softly at the memory of him entering her for the first time. He was so hard.
And his orgasms were almost violent. She would be more careful about hurting herself.
The Rubicon has been crossed. There was no going back. But she would have to set some ground rules. As much as she enjoyed sex, she couldn’t have her horny stepson pawing at her every night like a teenager in heat. She remembered what it was like to be twenty, and men at that age tended to short-circuit their brains if a pussy was involved. William got that way just by looking at her clothed breasts, she could tell.
The day passed uneventfully. William was gone for much of the time and Vivian relaxed by the pool and let the sun work its magic. When he finally returned, he found her on a lounger on the patio soaking up the sun in a different two-piece than the one she wore to clean the pool. This one had substantial straps to hold up her top and the heavy load it was carrying. Still, he stared at her breasts hungrily.
“Hi, Sweetie. Get everything done? Why don’t you join me? It’s nice out here. My shoulders are a little sore from yesterday’s cleaning of the pool but it was worth it. The water feels wonderful and my old-age aches are starting to go away. My shoulders are stiff from all that scrubbing, though.”
“Yeah, I had some errands to run but no big deal. I’ll join you in a minute. Need anything? A beer might be nice, hmmm?”
“That sounds great. Thanks.” Vivian lay back and watched her stepson walk into the house. He seemed to have a new sense of confidence now. “Vivian, you are a lucky woman,” she said to no one. “You’ve got a stud in training who would walk on hot coals for you. But you’d better be careful.”
William returned minutes later dressed in his swim trunks and carrying a small cooler in one hand and a bottle of lotion in the other. He sat next to her and pulled two icy bottles from the cooler and twisted the tops off.
“What’s that?”
“Lotion with aloe for sore shoulders. How about a shoulder massage? I’m told I’m an expert.”
“By whom? The little devil on your shoulder? This isn’t just an opportunity to fondle me, is it?” Vivian assumed a look of mock scolding.
“I resemble that remark. But no, I’m just here to help. First things first, though, let’s have a beer while they are still icy.” William clinked bottles with his mom and took a big swig.
“It’s nice getting closer to you, William. With your dad gone, it’s been lonely. For both of us, I imagine. And I’ve been thinking about this new phase…about a few “ground rules” of sorts.” She paused as if in thought for a few seconds. “As we talked about earlier, if either one of us wants to move on, it’s a done deal. No arguments or pleading. As hard as that may be, we each must honor it.”
“Secondly, I enjoy the intimacy, but I’m not a spring chicken and you are in the prime of your life. For either one of us, no means no.”
“Agreed. I promise. Scouts honor.” William held up three fingers in a mock scout oath.
“That was easy. And having said that, I will tell you that you don’t need to lock yourself in your bedroom unless, of course, that is what you want. If you feel an overwhelming urge and I’m not giving you negative signals, I’ll welcome you to my bed and help you relieve those urges.”
William pictured his stepmother with his cock in her mouth and his sperm dribbling down her fist. He only smiled in response to her suggestion.
“Which reminds me…we are still keeping our separate bedrooms, at least for the time being. This whole setup is a bit weird for me and, at least for the time being, I’d feel better that way. That doesn’t mean we can’t share a bed if the mood strikes. But the rest of the time I want my own room. A woman has to have some privacy, even from her stud stepson.”
William nodded in approval, but his thoughts were of his cock buried in his mother’s pussy.
“Oh, and one final thing. I know we’ve talked about this before, but no one, and I mean no one, can find out about this. This is our secret and stays that way to the grave.
“Again, no worries. I completely agree with everything you’ve said. This all sounds too good to be true. And as I said before, you are in charge and can change the rules at any time. I want you to feel good about this. I respect the fact that you are the adult in charge here, and the last thing I want is to jeopardize that. And speaking of feeling good, how about that massage? Finish your beer and flatten the chaise so you can lie on your stomach, and I will work my magic.”
Vivian took a swallow and did as William asked. She lay face down on the cushions and stretched her arms over her head. William scooted in, and after rubbing some lotion between his palms, began kneading his mother’s neck and shoulders.
“Wow, you’ve got some knots here. This may take a while so just relax. Let me know if I get too forceful.”
“Mmmm, that feels wonderful. Painful, but also wonderful. You do have magic fingers.”
William worked over the problem areas until he felt the tensions begin to disappear. Vivian became a relaxed puddle of tissue in his hands. As he worked lower, he worked around her bikini-top straps until, finally, Vivian reached around and unhooked her back strap. She slid the shoulder straps off until her back was one smooth field of flesh, giving her son unfettered access. Her large breasts bulged out the sides of her rib cage and he gently caressed them from time to time.
Vivian relished the attention her son was giving her, and…