Bobby held the girl’s hips as she gyrated her hip. Her pussy wasn’t that wet and the reason was that she wasn’t quite into it. She typed on her phone and then giggled at something she saw on the screen.
“Could you put that away?” he asked.
Without taking her eyes off her phone she said, “No.”
“Could you at least put some effort into your fucking?”
She looked down at him. “You have your cock in my pussy, what more do you want?”
Bobby sighed and took a better grip and then began thrusting his cock until he came. All through it, the girl didn’t take her eyes off her phone. When he was done, she slid off him and then walked to the bathroom where she presumably washed his cum from her pussy, and then she came out again. She dressed, and without looking at him she said, “Same time on Thursday?”
“No, this is it.”
“Fine, I have other men I can date, which have better cocks, have more money, and are better looking.”
Bobby heard the door slam shut and she was gone. He had met Mindy on an app a few weeks previously and it had begun great. Dinners, movies, and long walks in the park. Their sex had been fantastic but as the days went he noticed she was less interested in him. He knew she was still on the app they had met on and most likely others where she had thousands if not millions of men to choose from. It was the women’s market out there, they had all the power and decided who they wanted to date, get married to, or just fuck. Men like Bobby had no choice, they should just be thankful any of the women looked their way or liked their photo on an app.
He got up, showered, and dressed. It was a sunny day and since he now was a single guy again, he decided to go to the park and have an ice cream while he watched the women jogging by.
The park was quite empty since it was a Tuesday. Bobby worked from home and made very good money so he could take a day off whenever he felt like it. He bought an ice cream and sat down on a bench. Someone had left a paper so he picked it up and read the news. With war, hunger, and famine, the world was going to shit. A full-page ad on one of the last pages piqued his interest.
“Feeling alone, do you have trouble meeting the right woman? If so, call, or write us at Hot Babes, we have what you are looking for.”
There was a picture of a hot woman in her mid-twenties. Bobby picked up his phone and typed in the website. It was easy to navigate and after just a few seconds he realized the company made sex dolls. Not any off-the-rack sex dolls, but high-quality dolls with AI. He scoffed at what he read. No way they could promise all that. It was a machine after all. He noted that the address was in a town not far from him and since he had nothing else to do, he decided to go back and grab his car.
He parked his black Ferrari in an empty slot and then walked over to the entrance. The building was mostly glass and looked very chic. Inside the lobby was a desk and behind it sat a hot-looking woman.
“Hi, I’m interested in a doll.”
She looked up at him and smiled. “Then you have come to the right place, Mr.?”
“Sorry, Bobby Greenland, is my name.”
“Mr. Greenland, I’m Sasha 5.0. Nice to meet you.”
Bobby’s jaw dropped as he stared at the woman sitting behind the desk. Her face was heart-shaped with long eyelashes and a hot cock sucking mouth. Her boobs were large and her nipples pressed against her white blouse.
“Please follow me,” she said and got up.
She was taller than he had expected and her ass looked like a soccer ball, round and firm. He couldn’t believe he was interacting with a doll.
He followed her to a door and then down a long corridor with a door at the end. She opened it and stepped aside. “Have a nice visit.”
He stepped into a large room where several men in white overalls worked at stations. One of them saw him and came forward.
“Thank you, Sasha.”
She left them and the man put out his hand. “I’m Roger, Mr. Greenland.”
Roger smiled. “Everything Sasha hears or sees shows up on the monitor,” he pointed at a screen sitting on the wall. Right now, it was showing the corridor as Sasha walked along it.
“We don’t get many visitors here, most men and women buy our dolls over the internet, they like to keep it private you see.”
“I have no issue with people knowing what I do,” said Bobby, very impressed with what he saw.
“This is the final assembly area, most of the tech is done in another building. Here we just add the final touches to the product and test the doll. Here let me show you.”
Bobby followed him over to a large table and on it lay a doll. She looked to be in her mid-forties, with natural-looking boobs and a patch of black hair on her pussy. Not Bobby’s choice.
Roger put his hand under her neck and her eyes opened. “Hi, what’s your name?”
Bobby was taken aback by how natural her voice sounded. “I’m Bobby.”
“I’m Barbra. Did you have a nice day at work, honey? Would you like a dry martini before dinner, maybe a blow job?”
Bobby laughed. “That’s amazing.”
Roger turned Barbra off. “The man who ordered her wanted and classic woman in his life, someone you might have met in the fifties or sixties. She is pre-programmed, but through her AI she will pick up on all the things he says and do so she will learn what he wants.”
“Holy shit, Roger, this is amazing.”
“Thank you. What are you looking for?”
“Not Barbra, I want someone a bit younger, like the early twenties.”
“Follow me.”
Roger led the way to the back of the room where he opened another door and Bobby followed.
“Here, have your pick, from rows 1 through 4 you have teens up to twenty-five-year-olds.”
Bobby didn’t know what to say. As far as he could see there were rows upon rows of female dolls hanging from the ceiling.
“I’ll be back in a moment,” said Roger and left.
Bobby began to walk along the first row. These looked to be sixteen- or seventeen-year-olds. Black, white, Asian, blonds, brunettes, long hair short hair, big bushed to smooth pussies, there was an endless choice to be had. In the middle of the third row, he found what he was looking for.
According to the tag hanging from her right wrist, her name was Thalia 4.5. She looked to be around twenty with blond hair down to her shoulders. Her face was squarish with full lips and deep green eyes. Her body was athletic but with the right curves and D-size boobs. He touched her skin and it felt so real. It wasn’t cold like he had thought it to be, but warm like his. He squeezed one of her boobs and it felt real, not like a silicone boob. Her nails were polished to a high shine but she didn’t wear any makeup. Even without it, she was a stunning woman, if she had been real.
“Do you like her?” said Roger who had come back.
“She’s perfect.”
“I’m happy you like her. Thalia is molded after the daughter of one of our employees.”
“No, for real. We try to use real people as models for all our dolls if the customer doesn’t have any special wants or needs.”
“So, how does she work?”
“She is the 4.5 model. Sasha who you met is a 5.0. the difference is, Sasha can do things on her own, like shopping, driving, and working. Thalia here has to have company and she doesn’t move as naturally as Sasha.”
“Driving, are you serious?”
Roger smiled. “Sure, Sasha drives me home every day. She lives with me.”
“Of course, she does.”
Roger unhooked Thalia and handed her to Bobby. He was surprised at how heavy she was.
“It’s her dead weight, once we have her up and running, she will feel lighter. Let’s go back to the shop and get her up and running for you.”
Roger helped him lay Thalia down on a table where he then plugged her into a computer that stood at the end of the table. On the screen, Bobby could see numbers and letters crossing it at high speed.
“Thalia has the basic program. She will answer simple questions according to a pre-programmed answer. So, if you ask her how she is, she will say fine all the time.”
That sounded a bit boring to Bobby. “Is there an upgrade?”
“Sure, there is. We can ad several things, like a much bigger vocabulary, an upgraded AI learning system where she will pick up on everything you say around her and adjust her answers to that.”
“Sounds great.”
“We also have an internet connection but we don’t recommend using it with these 4.5 models.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, if the doll connects to the internet and thus the world wide web she will start downloading all the information she can. This will in turn fill her memory and she becomes slow. Like, she won’t respond to your questions or orders, she might walk funny or suddenly fall. On the upside, if you use a website with music, it will look like she is singing the song, it’s great for parties I have heard.”
Bobby thought for a while. “Fuck it, add the internet options.”
“Ok, this will take a while but you can wait in the lobby. Sasha will get you a coffee or water.”
The lobby was empty and Bobby sat down on the same chair as before. Sasha lifted her head, “would you like a drink?”
“Fizzy water, if you have it.”
She got up and went over to a fridge that stood in one corner. She came back with a glass bottle and a glass which she sat down on the table by the chair. She stood up and looked down at Bobby.
“Roger tells me to give you a blow job. Would you like that?”
“What the fuck?”
“Is that a positive answer or negative one?”
“Yeah, sure, go ahead.”
“Thank you.”
She got down on her knees between his legs and with surprising skill had his pants and underwear pulled down and his cock freed in no time.
“You have a beautiful cock.”
She opened her mouth and took it all the way down to the base and then something very strange happened. The inside of her mouth began to spin and move back and forth at the same time. It created such an amazing feeling Bobby just sat with his mouth open, his hands grabbing the armrest hard and then he shot a huge load. It didn’t take more than fifteen seconds from start to finish.
Sasha pulled back, smiled, and walked back to her desk where she sat down. “I enjoyed that, Bobby.”
He didn’t know what to say. It had been such an intense experience and he had never come so fast or hard before in his life. He drank the water directly from the bottle and then pulled up his pants. He sat watching Sasha who was typing on her computer like nothing had happened.
Half an hour later the door opened and Roger holding Thalia’s hand walked towards him. Thalia wore jeans, tennis shoes, and a white T-shirt. She looked like any other girl her age.
“Here she is, all ready for you.”
Bobby took Thalia’s hands in his and she smiled at him. “Hello Bobby, I look forward to being your girlfriend. I love sex, long walks, and romantic evenings.”
Her voice was soft and deeper than he had expected and it was sexy and erotic. “I love her, she is amazing. By the way, what’s up with Sasha’s mouth?”
Roger laughed. “Since the girls don’t eat, we became quite naughty in the R&D department. Her mouth is similar to a fancy masturbator you can buy in a sex shop or online. Several rows of pearls and beads rotate along and around your dick.”
“Shit, it was intense.”
“Well, it was on my setting and I don’t have the luxury of being able to masturbate for long. Don’t worry, tell Thalia faster or slower and she will adjust. Before I forget, buy her clothes, and makeup. She knows how to put it on, and she will pick her clothes.”
Bobby opened the door to the Ferrari and Thalia got in. When he closed the door, she looked up at him, “This is a nice car.”
“Thank you. Let’s go shopping.”
“I love shopping. I want to be pretty for you.”
$25,000 poorer Bobby was still a very happy man as he drove out of the parking lot towards the city. He woke up this morning and had bad sex with Mindy and a few hours later he had his luxury sex doll sitting next to him, life sure was funny.
Thalia had fantastic taste in clothes and underwear. Bobby was pushing a cart with dresses, skirts, blouses, pants, jeans, shoes, and makeup while Thalia walked among the racks picking what she wanted.
“What about this one?” she asked and showed him a black thong with lace.
“Very sexy”
“I think my ass will look hot in it.”
Bobby laughed. “Take it easy with the wording, honey, there are children here. Remember I told you before.”
“Sorry, Bobby.” She kissed him on the cheek. Her lips were soft and warm against his skin.
She didn’t have a filter, she just blurted out whatever came to her mind. In the elevator coming up she had asked how he liked to fuck, and the older couple with them moved away and looked shocked. Bobby had said he would tell her later when they were alone. Maybe with time the AI would pick up on this issue and adjust.
“I think I’m ready, we can go home now,” she said and Bobby and she went over to the cashier where he paid and the lady behind the desk put everything in bags.
Thalia began to walk away and when the cashier lady gave Bobby the receipt she asked “What’s wrong with your girlfriend?”
“What do you mean?”
“Is she on the spectrum?”
Of course, thought Bobby. Thalia’s speech was slightly off due to it hadn’t been adjusted yet. “Yes, something like that, thanks.”
Walking behind her Bobby couldn’t take his eyes off her ass which moved so sexily when she walked. Her gait wasn’t perfect yet, still a bit stilted but that would also get better with time.
When they arrived at his penthouse Thalia began putting away her clothes while Bobby made himself an early dinner. Roger had given him a manual thick as a phone book which he began to look through while his chicken was cooking. It was so much information in the manual Bobby quickly gave up. He poured a glass of wine and was about to take a drink when Thalia walked in.
“Holy shit, you look amazing,” he said.
She wore a white negligee, and nothing else. She did a spin and Bobby sighed. “You are amazing, Thalia.”
“Thank you. Can I have some wine?”
“I thought you didn’t eat or drink?”
“No solids, but I can drink, anything I want.” She winked at him.
“Oh, you naughty girl. Do I have to empty you or something?”
“No, my stomach is like a chemical toilet, it’s self-cleaning.”
He poured her a glass and they drank in silence. She put out her glass for some more, which he poured.
“Do you get drunk?” he asked.
“No, I don’t.”
“Amazing, I should put you in a drinking competition.”
“Yes, you could. We would win.”
He laughed and put his arm around her waist. “I’m kidding, you are all mine.”
She kissed him on the mouth for the first time and it felt so real. Her tongue was moist and her lips so warm and tender against his. His cock became hard when she gently cupped it between his legs.
“Do you want to fuck now, or after you have eaten?” she whispered in his ear.
“After baby.”
“Oh, I want you now.”
“Are you always this horny?”
“No, this is my factory setting. If you want me less or hornier you just tell me and I will adjust.”
“Okay. Thalia, be less horny for now.”
“Ok, I will make a crossword puzzle while you eat.”
With those words, she left him alone in the kitchen and went into the living room where she picked up the previous day’s paper and a pen. A few minutes later Bobby sat down at the dinner table.
“Bobby, I’m done. Is there another crossword puzzle?”
“Holy shit, you finished that in like five minutes. It takes me several hours.”
She used the pen to tap her head. “I’m smarter than you, honey.”
“No shit.”
“Do you want me to sing for you?”
“Sure. Connect to the WIFI.”
It took a few seconds and then she turned towards him while standing up. Her hands were on her hips and with a smile on her face. She slowly opened her mouth and began to sing a song by Rhianna. Bobby just stared at her, it sounded exactly like the artist. Thalia began to dance like in the video to the song and Bobby could just sit there and stare at the show in front of him. This was the best investment he had ever done, he thought.
After doing the dishes he took the wine bottle to the living room and sat down next to Thalia. He whispered in her ear. “I want you horny now, baby.”
“I love to be horny; I love fucking, I love your cock deep in my juicy pussy.” Her hand began to unbutton his pants and they were both naked within a minute. She straddled him and they kissed deeply. Her body felt so real against his and the way she kissed was making him hornier than ever before. She slid her hand between them and grabbed his cock.
“Do you like it slow or fast?”
“Slow at first.”
She stroked him as he had never been stroked before. He realized her fingers had some kind of lubrication on them but he couldn’t figure out at what point she had put it on.
“Where did you get the lube from?”
She kissed him again and her fingers squeezed his shaft gently. “It’s like sweat. I have sensors that feel your heart rate, when you become horny, my skin realizes this lubricant.”
“Wow, that’s amazing.”
“Here, let me slide your cock into my pussy and you will feel something that will drive you nuts.”
Bobby felt her slit and then his head began to slide into what was warm and wet. It felt so real to him that if he didn’t know Thalia was a doll, he would have thought she was a real woman. But that ended as soon as he was in.
“Oh, oh, ok, I get it, holy shit, Thalia, slower, slower, please.”
She giggled. “Did you like that?”
“Holy fuck, it’s the same spinning system Sasha had in her mouth.”
“Don’t mention that stuck-up bitch, just because she is a 5.0 she thinks she is better than us.”
“Oh, Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
While they spoke Thalia’s pussy continued to spin around and up and down his shaft, but much slower than before. He didn’t have to actually fuck her if he didn’t want to, he could just sit there and let her do all the work, but he didn’t want to.
“Come, Thalia, let’s turn you around, so I can fuck you for real.”
She leaned over the armrest and Bobby stood behind her. Her back was smooth and her ass perfectly round, he slid his hand between her legs and gently inserted a finger in her pussy. At first, it felt like any other pussy but about an inch inside he felt the spinning system. He withdrew his finger at the same time that Thalia looked at him over her shoulder. Her green eyes were intense and her mouth partly opened.
“Are you going to fuck me, or play with me like if I was a Barbie?”
“Sorry, honey.”
He grabbed her hips and thrust his cock into her pussy. He then fucked her slowly and then faster and faster.”
“Oh, oh, Bobby, I love it, fuck me like this, harder, harder.”
“God, you are tight, I love you, I love your pussy, Thalia.”
“Yes, yes, here I come!”
And she did like no other woman in his entire life had. Her pussy contracted hard several times, and she arched her back, almost to an impossible angle for a human, her head thrust from side to side. It lasted maybe a couple of minutes and meanwhile the spinning had started up and it felt as if it sucked cum from Bobby’s balls so he had two intense orgasms during this time.
“Oh, god, that was, I don’t even know what that was,” he said when he sat on the sofa and Thalia lay with her head resting in his lap looking up at him with a smile.
“That was your first fuck with Thalia 4.5, and I only used the factory settings.”
“Amazing. How do you turn on and off those spinning things?”
“It’s a sensory system, it feels the blood pressure in your cock, the harder you are the more likely it is that they start spinning since you are close to coming.”
Bobby nodded slowly and reached for his wine. “That’s pretty high-tech.”
“Yes, I am almost perfect.”
“That my dear, you sure are. How do you do since you don’t sleep?”
“If you are sleepy, we can go to the bedroom, you sleep and I will lie next to you and cuddle. My batteries are still at ninety-five percent. You didn’t fuck me very long so I didn’t lose much battery strength.
Bobby laughed. “Good lord, you will kill me.”
“I hope not, I like you, Bobby.”
When he came out from the bathroom Thalia was already in bed. She was naked and lay with her legs slightly apart. He remembered he hadn’t told her not to be horny and she was expecting more sex. “Thalia, no sex for now.”
Her legs moved together, she turned on her side, her ass towards him, and closed her eyes. He got into bed and kissed her on the cheeks. She stirred a little and moved closer to him and he put his arm around her, berrying his face in the nape of her neck. She even smelt good, without a shower.
When Bubby woke up the following morning Thalia wasn’t in the bed so he got up and walked around the apartment looking for her. He found her in the kitchen where she was making breakfast naked.
“Good morning my love,” he said kissing her neck and supping her boobs.
“Hi there.”
His hand slid down her flat stomach and found her clit. He rubbed it with his finger until she was wet and then pushed against her butt with his cock. Her hand came around and stroke him a little before moving back a little and leaning forward so she was almost at a ninety-degree angle. She placed her feet apart, grabbed his cock, and put it against her anus.
“Are you sure?” he whispered.
“According to the internet, anal sex can be very pleasurable if done right.”
“What? How did you learn that?”
“You never turned off my internet connection last night so I have downloaded a lot of information which I’m processing as we speak.”
His cock had inched in about half the length of his cock head and he grabbed her hips and pushed inside her.
“Oh, oh, that is quite pleasurable, but do it slowly, you don’t want to rip my skin.”
She must have had lubrication in her ass as well, thought Bobby as he began to thrust in and out because it was very smooth. His dick loved the tightness and how easy it was. He reached around and played with her pussy and her with his balls.
“Yes, yes, give it to me Bobby, fuck my ass,” she moaned.
He did it faster and harder and finally shot his load. He thought it would drip out but it didn’t. Instead, Thalia turned around and kissed him deeply.
They had breakfast, where she had some coffee and juice while he ate the fruit and bacon she had made.
“I have to go out for a while but will be back in a few hours,” he said when he was done.
“No problem, I’ll clean this place and do a crossword puzzle.”
Three hours later Bobby drove his Ferrari down the street and when he got close to his building, he noticed a bunch of people standing outside. They had signs and were chanting.
“Dolls are women, dolls are women!”
“Respect your doll’s choice!”
“What the fuck?” mumbled Bobby as he drove down to the garage.
When he stepped into his apartment Thalia was standing by the window looking out.
“Honey, what’s going on?” he asked.
She turned around and cocked her hip and placed her hands on her hips. “I finished processing the information I downloaded. I now identify as a cis woman and I have been posting on social media for the past two hours. Those people down there, they are my friends, they accept my choice and they understand my struggle.”
“But, you are a doll?”
“No, I’m not. I’m a woman.”
“Sorry, honey, but are not. You are made of plastic, metal, microchips.”
“How dare you? I’m as much a woman as any one of those out there. I’m leaving you, Bobby. You are not my type, and you don’t respect me for who I am.”
“You can’t, I bought you, you are mine.”
“Fuck you, I have my rights. Move aside and let me out.”
Bobby was so confused. Just hours earlier they had fucked and she was fine, now she was this angry activist. He stepped aside and she walked past him and out the door and out of his life. The apartment was quiet.
Bobby looked up the phone number for Roger and called him.
“This is Roger.”
“Hi, it’s me, Bobby. I bought Thalia from you.”
“Yes, yes, I hope everything is in order.”
“The hell it is!” he explained what had happened and when he was done Roger said.
“Oh dear, but if you would have read the manual you would have seen that in chapter six, paragraph eight section two it states clearly that if the owner leaves the internet connection on and the doll downloads undesirable information, it’s not our responsibility. Thank you and have a nice day.”
Bobby sat down on the sofa and stared at the phone. What was the world coming to? Mindy had dumped him and now a fucking doll had left him because she identified as a human woman. What the fuck?