You thought you were being a good manager.
You got up early on a Wednesday morning, a day when all the girls are at college. Natasha has lab work, Muu is practicing for practicals, Yyvnn and Bessa are spending the day in the library, Casey is working under strict supervision, and Callyette is settling in well with her socio-economics course. Knowing how busy they’d be, you took the liberty of making them all packed lunches.
Nothing too fancy. Two sandwiches each, packed with ham, cheese, and lettuce. A pot of fresh fruit yogurt. A carefully packed banana or an apple, depending on their sweet tooth. And to top it off, a pack of gum to wash out any unpleasant aftertastes. You worried for a moment that you were being overbearing, but they seemed thankful for their lunches when you saw them all off this morning.
You thought you were being nice.
How the fuck were you supposed to know that Nymphs can’t digest meat?!
“Sir, she’s going greener than me!” you hear Muu cry frantically through the phone as you rush around the grocery store.
Gritting your teeth, you grab whatever vegan substitutes you can find and fire them into your cart.
“Unhand me, you corrrpulant oaf! I will not stand to be – blech – trrreated in this mannerrr!” Callyette screeches from somewhere in the background, sounding as though her head is being held over a toilet bowl.
You grimace as you are suddenly subjected to the delightful sounds of Callyette getting sick.
“I- I’m sorry sir, I really should have done something. But before I realised she had already eaten the entire sandwich!”
No, no, the fault lies with you. You probably shouldn’t have assumed that all demons had the same dietary requirements.
“Don’t touch me! I do not rrrequirrre any morrre of your – urp – constant jostling!”
“Cally, no! Aim for the bowl!”
“Let go of my hairrr! Do you have any inkling of an idea as to how much it costed to-?!”
Before you’re treated to the delightful ASMR of Callyette puking her guts out, you quickly make your excuses and end the call. Sighing, you wipe your brow and continue grabbing things off the grocery store shelf, checking the contents to ensure that they’re vegan-safe.
You’re not looking forward to having to report this to Lilith.
Arriving at the checkout, you hurriedly scan your items and tap your card, before bundling your bags into your arms and staggering out of the store. The next bus was leaving in a couple of minutes. If you ran, you might be able to reach the station before-
“Oh, young man, hold on for a moment!” you hear from somewhere behind you.
As a horrid sensation of deja vu runs through your body; you slowly turn on your heel to see a familiar figure trot up to you.
A dumpy woman clutching a handful of leaflets approaches you. The very same one that accosted you outside the hardware store back when you first met Casey.
“Fancy meeting you again!” she laughs with a smile that is altogether too wide.
You murmur something resembling a greeting as you peer over her shoulder. A stand had been set up on the pavement, emblazoned with patriotic colours and surrounded by small clusters of middle-aged individuals that were handing out flyers and survey forms.
It seems that Lucian was right; Mothers Against Hellish Invasion have been expanding their operations.
Glancing into your bags, the MAHI representative gives you a smile.
“On a health kick, are we? If only I had your initiative at your age!” she laughs.
The woman holds out her hand, forcing you to shift your shopping around in order to tentatively shake it.
“My name is Gladys. I’m the county representative for MAHI.”
You respond with your own name.
“Here, why don’t you come browse some of our pamphlets? I’m sure they’ll open your eyes to what our government has been doing behind our backs!”
You don’t really have time to-
“Come along, young man!”
Taking your arm, Gladys half-drags you over to the MAHI display stand. They have all manner of infographics and charts pinned up depicting various demonic crime statistics, and as she takes a seat behind the stand, your gaze is drawn to the petition that she had tried to get you to sign a few weeks ago. There’s a lot of signatures.
Noticing your gaze, she gives you a nod.
“Our efforts are bearing fruit! This town is finally starting to open its eyes!” she laughs.
“It’s a good thing, too. I’ve been saying for weeks that we have to put our foot down regarding these demons, but no-one believed me! Not until I told them they had invaded the town itself!”
“Why, just last week we were handing out pamphlets on the university campus, when I managed to snap these!” Gladys says with a flourish, reaching for her phone.
She pulls up her photo gallery and hands it to you. Placing one of your grocery bags down, you disinterestedly look at the picture. However, your eyes quickly widen as your blood runs cold, and it’s not just because she had used her camera in landscape mode.
The picture was of the college campus alright. It was a little blurry, but you can quite clearly see a purple-skinned individual sitting on a bench just a few feet away from where the picture was taken. She appears to be talking to a couple of other students.
Natasha. You’d recognise that silhouette anywhere.
“Keep swiping. I have more.”
She’s not wrong. Gladys had been taking clandestine pictures of all of your lodgers. There was Muu sitting in the canteen with several lunch trays. A photograph of Yyvnn writing an equation on a chalkboard had been taken through a window. Another of Casey doodling in a sketchbook as she sat with friends. There was even a picture of Bessa, looking rather lost as she stood in the centre of an empty lecture hall.
You furrow your brow and glare up at Gladys.
“Campus security wasn’t too happy about my pictures, but I know my rights! I checked it over with my husband; he’s a police officer, you know!” she laughs, holding a hand to her chest.
She taps the petition sheet with an acrylic nail.
“Now, I know we were interrupted last time, so could I trouble you for your signature again? Every little bit counts!”
You swallow hard. As unwilling as you are to cause a fuss, you’re even less willing to betray the people under your care. And also your employers.
With a sigh, you shake your head, much to Gladys’ confusion.
“You’re… not signing?” she asks.
No, you’re not. You just don’t see the point of this.
“But, young man… these demons… they’re a threat to the American way of life!”
How so?
“W- Well, for starters, their very existence is… unnatural!”
But they’re every bit as natural as humans. They just so happen to be from another dimension.
Giving you a heavy sigh, Gladys begins to massage her temples.
“Young man, please don’t tell me you’re giving in to all that leftist propaganda.”
You never mentioned-
“These demons are here to corrupt our morals and turn us away from what matters most; our country and our values! If MAHI doesn’t put their foot down, then there’ll be no-one to stop them from taking us over entirely! The human race as we know it might be completely wiped out! So please…!”
She slides a pen over to you.
“… sign the petition. For the sake of your children. For all our children.”
She’s staring at you with such intensity that you feel yourself begin to sweat. Before you can say anything, your phone begins to vibrate, giving you an out.
You step away and answer the call.
“Good news and bad news kid; what’s it gonna be?” Lilith asks over the phone.
You stare blankly into the middle distance, parsing her sudden question.
“Good news first, then. Your last lodger is here. Once you get her settled, that’ll be your lot.”
You breathe a sigh of relief. You’ve loved meeting your girls, but any more and you’re liable to wear yourself to the bone.
“Bad news is that we’ve already dropped her off, and you weren’t home.”
Your eyes widen.
It’s the middle of the day! There’s nobody at the house!
“We dropped her off in front of your garage. Don’t worry, she’s still tranqed up.”
She tranquilised your latest charge?!
“You’ll thank me later. Hurry back, kid.”
The call ends before you can react.
Damn that Lilith! She’s been giving you less and less warning with her random visits and check-ups lately, and now this just tops it off! Gladys is calling your name, but you ignore her and gather up your shopping, furiously redialling Lilith as you take off down the road.
“Huh? Kid, I’m kinda in the middle of something here!” you hear Lilith yell over the phone.
You can hear the sound of gunfire in the background, much to your initial alarm. But unwilling to get caught off-guard, you shake your head and furrow your brow.
She can’t just drop a new charge off and tell you nothing about them!
“For the love of-! Gale, take the fucking shot!”
Lilith sighs audibly into her phone.
“Chick’s name is Eari. Oni, demon of Wrath. She’s from one of the – Dallas, cover me! – southern tundra tribes, so she might be a little wilder than you’re used to. Just don’t – both of you, left side! – make her mad and you’ll be fine!”
Oni?! Wrath?!
“Is there a fucking echo on the line?! Yes, she’s a- shit, Dallas get down-!”
You hear a sudden explosion and the call goes dead. Standing at the side of the road, you try to call Lilith back, but she doesn’t pick up. Without much to go on and an armful of groceries, you’re forced to head home and face your new, potentially-volatile lodger.
By yourself.
At first glance, you thought that Lilith had delivered a statue to your house. It appears to be a suit of armour crafted from plates of spiked bronze, fringed with coarse bear fur and standing at almost eight feet. Holding your shopping bags close, you slowly circle the armour, staring at it with wide, bewildered eyes.
The craftsmanship is unlike anything you had ever seen, and as you get closer to inspect, you can feel heat radiating off the metal.
What on Earth is this…?
You look around for any sign of your new charge, but you’re alone in your front yard. Growing uneasy, you head inside and unpack the groceries. Once your hands are free, you return to the upright armour and give it an experimental prod.
It’s hot to the touch. Thin trails of steam rise from the helmet’s eye slits. Something small and feathered is jutting from in between two of the chest plates.
A tranquiliser dart. The very same you saw used on Casey when you first met.
You freeze up as a sonorous voice rumble from deep within.
“Diuq… tidicca…?” the voice grumbles sleepily.
As the armour begins to grind and move, you stagger back. You dimly recognise that language; you heard some of the girls speaking it beneath their breath on occasion. Whoever is wearing this armour is definitely a demon.
You take a deep breath.
As you say that name, the helmet jerks to face you.
“Onamuh…?” she says to herself, clenching her gauntlets.
Drawing herself to her full height, the armoured demon pounds her fist against her chest and points at you. You can’t help but feel weak at the knees.
“My name! Eari! Warrior!” she barks, clearly unused to speaking a human language.
You find yourself shaking as you give your name in return. Within her helmet, you hear the demon snort.
“Pah! Human names, so… amrifni. Hmph.”
She pounds her fists together, causing sparks to fly as the spiked metal connects.
“SUMANGUP!” she suddenly roars, her helmet amplifying her voice into a deafening bellow.
Any thought of de-escalation is immediately replaced by survival instinct as Eari winds back her fist. You’re given barely any time to throw yourself out of the way as she lets loose with a devastating haymaker. She crashes through the door like it’s made of paper, completely obliterating it in an instant.
“ANGUP TE ATS! COWARD!” you hear her cry from within over the sound of glass smashing.
With your heart pounding in your chest, you scramble to your feet and rush indoors. The armoured demon is standing in your living room, her foot planted firmly through a glass coffee table.
You begin to panic. Clearly this woman wants to fight you for some reason, but you wouldn’t stand a chance against her. Between her immense size and intimidating armour, she would destroy you in an instant. But as you try to talk her down, the demon smashes her fist against the wall, cracking the plaster.
“Warriors need no words! Fight me! Now!” Eari barks commandingly.
You hold your hands up and take a step back, shaking your head.
“I am Eari! Kin of Direm! Oni show no fear!”
More steam was beginning to rise from the gaps in her armour plating, causing the air around her to distort from the heat. You dimly remember that Lilith said she was an Oni, a demon of Wrath.
You aren’t going to get through to her with words, are you?
Eari swings her fists in an overhead smash, forcing you to topple out of the way as she crashes against the wall.
“COWARD!” she roars, dislodging her armour’s spikes from the plaster.
Spurred on by panic, you quickly blurt something out before the Oni winds up another strike.
Isn’t she technically the cowardly one if she’s in armour and you’re not?!
For a moment, you genuinely think you’ve signed your own death warrant. However, as you wait for Eari to lash out and shatter your skull, you’re surprised to find her just looming over you, frozen mid-swing. The metal of her gauntlet grinds together as she clenches her fist, and from within her helmet, you can hear enraged, bull-like breathing.
“You… call me coward…?”
She suddenly grabs a thick leather strap on the front of her armour and rips it off with an enraged growl, causing one of her pauldrons to clatter to the floor. You watch on in awe as the Oni whips herself up into an infuriated tantrum, tearing pieces of her armour off and throwing them all over the boarding house.
With every plate of bronze and scrap of leather that she removes, more and more Eari’s body is revealed to you. One thickly-muscled arm tears itself free of its bronze prison, revealing the demon’s orange skin. Intricate flames have been either branded or scarred into her flesh. Though you thought you’d be less intimidated with the armour gone, you find yourself feeling more uneasy as you realise that she’s not wearing anything beneath it.
“Fine! We fight bare!”
With an almighty roar, she rips off her helmet, the last of her armour falling to the floor around her.
Eari is nothing short of Amazonian in stature. Legs as thick as tree trunks, abs like a brick wall and arms that could punch clean through concrete, this woman has a physique that would put even the greatest of bodybuilders to shame. As you track your gaze along her rippling biceps and broad shoulders, you find yourself blushing at the sight of Eari’s breasts. They’re larger than you thought they’d be.
“Face me!” she barks, forcing your gaze upwards.
The Oni’s face… you find it hard to describe. Framed by a veritable mane of rust-coloured hair, it’s equal parts terrifying and attractive. Her eyes burn a bright amber, and jutting from her forehead is a single horn of rocky red bone. Towering over you, she cracks her knuckles and bares her jagged teeth.
You swallow hard.
She does realise she’s naked, right?
“Oics! I need nothing to fight! Forged in seicalg and snow! Pride of any warrior!” Eari responds, pounding her fist against her chest again.
This time, her gesture causes her firm bosom to shake. You turn your gaze away.
Even so, isn’t she-?
“Enough talk!”
Grabbing the front of your shirt, the Oni lifts you clean off your feet and pins you against the wall. She’s incredibly hot – in both senses of the word – and before long you find yourself sweating profusely. Her chest is pressed against you, and her gaze seems to bore straight through you. She smells almost cinnamon-y.
Without warning, Eari rips your shirt right off and tosses it over her shoulder. You cry out in alarm as she goes for your trousers, but there’s little you can do to stop her from tearing those off too. Finally, the Oni rips your underwear away and holds it aloft, dropping you to the floor as steam rises from her body.
“Hah! No more excuses!”
As you struggle to cover yourself, she clenches her fist, causing your underwear to burst into flames. The fire alarm begins to blare, but with a swing of her arm, Eari rips it off the ceiling and throws it to your feet.
She’s on you like a storm.
Taking your arm, the titanic demon swings you over your shoulder like a ragdoll, hurling you into the living room. You collide with a couch, knocking it over as you topple to the floor. Reeling from your near-miss with a concussion, you can only limply roll onto your side as Eari approaches, her footsteps shaking the floorboards beneath you.
“Tch… sucitehtap,” the Oni scowls, reaching down to peel you off the floor.
She holds you by the throat and lifts you into the air, fixing to choke you singlehandedly. Her grip is like iron, and her eyes are blazing violently. You croak out a few pathetic cries and kick your legs, but you can’t struggle free. As your vision begins to swim, you flail your arms desperately, hoping to do something – anything – to loosen the demon’s grasp.
Somehow, your fingers manage to graze Eari’s horn. It was the barest of touches, but her reaction is immediate.
“H- Hyah?!”
She stumbles and lets go, her cheeks flushing as she reaches up to protect her horn. Landing on the floor, you quickly scuttle behind the couch and peek out at Eari.
You’re not sure how she did things back in Hell, but you don’t solve problems with violence in this house! Especially not while naked!
“You… you touched my… a- amitni…” the Oni breathes, gasping for breath.
Something is off about her stance. She looks flustered. Is her horn sensitive to touch?
“What did you do, onamuh?!” cries the demon, her fists balled and shaking.
Taking cover behind the couch, you clear your throat and try to initiate dialogue with her. Hopefully, you can calm her down before she breaks more of the boarding house. Or you, for that matter.
She needs to just relax and listen. You understand that she must be disoriented now that she’s on Earth, but you promise that you’re not a threat. If she’d just talk to you, then you can both-
Eari effortlessly rips through the couch and lunges at you, teeth bared like an animal. You just about manage to raise your hands to protect yourself as you both crash to the floor. The entirety of the Oni’s body weight pins you down, her breasts pushed into the palms of your hands. They are firm and supple, and an experimental squeeze elicits a sharp gasp from her.
Alarmingly, you can feel her nipples stiffen.
“You… is this how you fight?! Alodbus… sneaky little… ngh!” she growls, her arms planted on either side of you.
You didn’t mean to! She pounced on you!
“No lies! You mean to-!”
She cuts herself off. Looking up, you can see her eyes go wide with realisation.
“What’s that? There is something against my belly. You have a weapon?!”
Wait no, that’s not a weapon!
But Eari isn’t listening. Heaving herself off you, she plants a foot on your chest, pinning you in pace as she scrutinises your body. You can almost fear her stare burning into you, and coupled with the stress and the panic, you become painfully aware of how hard you are. Your dick stands proudly to attention, and as you try to cover it your captor presses her foot down, dissuading you with a growl.
“Your… that’s…” the demon grunts, furrowing her brow.
You can’t help it! She stripped the pair of you naked, how were you supposed to keep it down in that kind of situation?!
“This… thing… is for making babies, ennon?” Eari asks, reaching down to prod the head of your penis.
You nod ashamedly, hissing through your teeth as her finger makes contact. Her skin is hot to the touch, sending electric prickles through your body. The Oni’s face screws up in confusion.
“Non ogelletni. This is how onamuh fights? By making children?”
Oh God, there’s no good way to answer this. If you say no, then she is definitely going to fight you the ‘traditional’ way, and you’ll wind up with more broken bones than intact ones. But if you say yes, not only will you be lying…
You grit your teeth. If you say yes then you’ll be batting seven for seven. Still… you’d rather live with a little regret than a hundred compound fractures.
You nod your head.
“Hmph! Fight me like onamuh then!” your new lodger grunts, taking a step back.
She lifts her foot, allowing you to catch your breath and unsteadily climb to your feet. The Oni stares at you with burning eyes, her arms crossed before her prominent chest. With her decorative scars and overbearing presence, you can’t shake the feeling that your life is in danger, even with your dick as hard as it is.
You never thought you’d feel a fear-boner quite like this.
“Arap et!” Eari yells, rushing forward with a hand outstretched.
The wind is knocked from your lungs as she wraps her fingers tightly around your cock. Shaken by the sudden attack, she grabs your wrists and jams your hand against her crotch. Through her coarse red pubic hair, you can feel her scorching-hot pussy lips. Your dick feels as though it’s in a furnace, and before long, you’re sweating buckets.
Eari grins devilishly.
“Scared, onamuh…?” she hisses, narrowing her eyes.
Though you most definitely are, the adrenaline coursing through your body compels you to clench your teeth and shake your head.
“Ha! Natisrof mauqila salip sebah!” she cries jubilantly.
With that, the Oni begins to jerk you off with all the ferocity of a wild animal.
There is no tenderness or technique in her touch. Pushing your back against one of the walls she damaged, Eari roughly pumps her fist along your cock. Lubricated by your sweat and pre-ejaculate, your legs go weak as her strong fingers threaten to crush you altogether. The fear, pressure and pleasure combines into a downright indescribable sensation, causing your mind to go blank as Eari pushes her chest up against you.
“Heh… you’re weak, little onamuh!” she taunts, grinning like a wolf.
A spark of defiance alights at her words. Trying your best to resist her relentless handjob, you flex your fingers and gently slip them into the Oni’s pussy. She stumbles a little, but laughs it off as you try to give as good as you’re getting.
“You have small fingers. Delicate,” the Oni comments.
You furrow your brow, too breathless to respond vocally.
Though you’re having trouble concentrating, you do your utmost to focus your attention to your newest lodger’s crotch. Whereas Eari’s hand is strong and rough, you try to keep your own movements slow and gentle. Her insides are hot and tight – almost unbearably so – but you bite your lip and finger the Oni as well as you can.
To your credit, your efforts begin to bear fruit. Eari’s breathing grows heavier as she leans more of her weight against you, her flushed cheeks and sopping pussy betraying the arousal she was trying so hard to mask. As you flick your thumb against her engorged clitoris, she growls in frustration and ups the ante, twisting her hand with every pump of her fist. The breath leaves you as a familiar pressure builds up deep inside. Try as you might to resist it, her rough handwork forces you to give in.
With a guttural cry, you ejaculate into the Oni’s hand, your legs buckling as she continues to jerk you off even as you cum. A high-pitched whine rings in your ears and your eyes roll back, feeling as though your soul had just left your body. As you fall to your knees, Eari towers over you, one hand planted on her hip as she raises her cum-soaked fist to her face.
“Heh! It’s my mairotciv,” she says with a grin, opening her hand to reveal just how much semen you had pumped out.
Opening her mouth, the Amazonian demon produces a long tongue and messily cleans your cum off her hand.
“Not a bad taste, onamuh.”
Feeling your heart pounding in your chest, you take a deep breath and look down at the floor. As odd as the whole situation is, you’ve technically given Eari what she wants. Now that she’s had her fight and won, hopefully, she’ll calm down enough for you to actually talk to her.
You don’t feel relieved. You feel indignant.
Gazing up at the Oni, you fix her with a resolute glare as she bears down upon you.
Best of three?
“Eh?” she grunts, cracking her knuckles threateningly.
You stand up as tall as possible, trying to look as brave as you can even though you’re sweaty, naked and still reeling from your loss. Squaring up to the Oni, you forget your fear and narrow your eyes. Spurred on by competitiveness and your own mounting arousal, you dimly realise that you’re stepping headfirst into another complicated situation, but by now you don’t care. You want to win.
Best of three. She caught you on the backfoot there, but you’re more confident in your tongue.
Eari scoffs.
“Tongue?! Now you fight like a sinac?!”
…A what?
“Sinac! Animal. Small. Um… Woof woof?”
A dog?
“Dog! You want to fight like a dog?!”
Huh. Maybe different demonic cultures had different views on oral sex. Regardless, you press your point, fixing her with a steely glare.
Maybe you do. If she’s such a master of the battlefield, then surely she’ll have no problem facing you on the proverbial higher ground.
“Bah! You dare mock me?!” she snaps, clenching her fists.
The scars etched into her orange skin began to glow, like a fire is burning beneath her skin. Illuminated from the inside out, you’re given a moment to appreciate the intricate flaming swirls and smoky coils scored into her flesh right as she grabs your shoulders and hurls you to the floor. You’re beginning to think that all of this roughhousing is going to really hurt when morning comes.
Clocking the back of your head off the floorboards, you’re granted a split-second to gasp for air as Eari swings a mighty leg over your face. Squatting down, she braces her arms against the floor and glares at you upside-down through the gap in her legs. It’s oddly cute.
“You say you can win like dog? Then just try!” the Oni spits.
You make to quip something snarky back at her, but right as you open your mouth, she unexpectedly drops her weight upon your face.
For the second time today, you think you’re about to die. Your entire world is immediately filled with her; your vision goes dark as her powerful ass covers your face, the titanic thighs clamped around your head deafen you, and your face is pushed firmly into her sex. It’s oppressively warm, but by God is it steamy. Her untamed pubic hair is laced with a spicy-yet-sexual scent; strong but not overpowering. The quivering lips of her vagina rest against your lips, slick with moisture and hot to the touch.
With your focus honed to a razor’s edge by your survival instincts and your heart pumping from your previous defeat, you kick things off by giving Eari a tender kiss from below.
“Ngh?!” you hear her cry, her entire body jolting.
The great warrior is sensitive? She mustn’t be used to receiving such attention. Luckily for her, you’re a very attentive lover.
You launch into a retaliatory attack against your newest lodge’s pussy, taking great pleasure in every stifled gasp and moan that she gave. Each lick and nibble burns your tongue with erotic heat, but you don’t give up; if anything, the high temperature of your opponent serves only to get your blood pumping harder. Eari’s thighs quiver and shake all around you, sending vibrations through your skull, but you don’t let up. Right as she begins to compose herself, you cheekily suckle on her clitoris.
Your brazen act is rewarded with a splash of feminine juices against your face, drowning your olfactory senses in the Oni’s heady taste. She slumps forward a little before you hear her growl and punch the floor.
“Will… not… lose… to… onamuh…!”
An electric tingle runs through your body as you feel the vicelike sensation of Eari’s hands clamping around your dick. It seems her pride won’t allow her to give in without dishing out something in return! Well if this demon wants to go down swinging, then you can only oblige!
As you double your efforts and relentlessly eat her out, the Oni attempts to fight back with another rough handjob, but you can already tell it’s a losing battle. Her hands keep slipping with every twitch and spasm, and you keep your tonguework unpredictable to prevent her from getting accustomed to her. The hot, tight embrace of her hands still feels as incredible as before, but you manage to remain composed as you continue to orally pleasure her.
“Ah…” she pants breathlessly, “… munob sinac…“
Was that a compliment of some kind?
“Ngh, no! Warrior knows no defeat! Not even to dog-tongued onamuh!”
…Never mind.
As Eari continues her futile efforts to make you cum. you bury your face deep into her crotch, ignoring the pain in your neck as it struggles to uphold the weight of the Amazon. There’s something about the whole situation that brings out the animal in you; like walking the fine line between life and death is bringing your basic instincts to the forefront. With the Oni’s thighs squeezing your head and her hip spasms threatening to crush you flat, some primitive part of your brain spurs you on to make her cum before you lose consciousness altogether. It’s no longer about your wounded pride, or your sexual desire, or even your need to appease the Oni. It’s survival, pure and simple.
And as a mighty shudder runs through Eari right as you feel her tense up, you realise – much to your relief – that you’re going to live to see another day.
Having a demon of Wrath cum all over your face is something akin to sticking your head directly into a volcanic geyser. Scalding-hot ejaculate splatters into your mouth, across your face and all down your front. Though you direly wish to lie there and bask in the delicious, spicy flavour of your victory, you hurriedly scramble out from beneath Eari as her legs give out.
She’s sitting there, gasping for breath in a small puddle of her own juices. Sweat slicks her entire body, further accentuating her statuesque features further. Her blazing eyes are wide, her cheeks are flushed and she looks shocked. As your newest charge quivers from the aftershocks of her explosive orgasm, you warily creep to your feet and wipe some of the sticky Oni-juice off your face.
There’s a reason people love an underdog.
As you internally admonish your terrible quip, Eari slowly turns her head to look at you. Her face betrays no anger, but her eyes… They’re positively on fire.
“… Best of three…” she growls, slowly rising to her feet.
Raising a finger, she points at your dick, still painfully erect.
“We fight… like… like…!” she gasps, barely able to get her words out.
Like what?
“…Sutiram et roxu!”
You can’t speak her language; you don’t know what that means.
Eari proceeds to hit you with a tackle that would shake the confidence of even the greatest linebackers. More of your furniture is sent flying as the pair of you strike the floor, and before you can react, the Oni grabs your shoulders, pinning you in place as she lines her crotch up with yours. Her teeth are bared, steam is hissing from her mouth and she looks about ready to burst into flames. Panicked, you try to get through to her.
You’re fine with relenting! She doesn’t have to go this far if she doesn’t-!
Lining the head of your cock up against the entrance to her womanhood, Eari grabs both of your legs and violently tugs on them, spearing herself all the way to the hilt.
The sensation is indescribable. The Oni’s body – trained from birth by a lifetime of combat – is as hot as a furnace, and her internal muscles clamp down upon your dick like a vice. The wind is knocked from your lungs as the combined heat, pressure and pleasure hit you all at once. Hissing through her teeth, Eari snorts like an animal in heat and begins to violently slam her hips down upon your crotch, grunting with every movement she makes.
She holds onto your legs tight, denying you the chance the opportunity to move as she ruthlessly and thoroughly fucks you. Every time she brings her weight down upon you, a mixture of pleasure and pain shoots through your entire body, dulling your thoughts and causing stars to dance at the edges of your vision. The heat of her pussy has you sweating, and in your delirious state, all you can do is lie there and take it.
The Oni herself doesn’t seem to be any more coherent than you are. She’s gone beyond words – English or demonic – and is just growling and panting, her animalistic tongue occasionally lolling out of her mouth as she loses herself to pleasure. A part of you is proud that you’re somehow enough to please this mighty warrior woman, but another part of you realises that if she keeps this up, she’s likely to break you, the floor and the foundations of your house into pieces. So mustering up as much courage as you can, you fight through the hot haze of sweat and sex. Teeth gritted, you lunge for the weak point you discovered earlier.
Eari’s single, jutting horn.
Her reaction is… deafening.
Her pussy clenches so tight that you briefly feel it cut off your circulation as the Oni lets loose with the most ear-splitting roar you have ever heard in your entire life. It rattles the window panes and shakes you to the very core, and while you initially worry that you’ve hurt her somehow, a quick glance at her face tells you otherwise. Her eyes are rolled back and saliva drips from her lips; her entire visage is paralysed in the most erotic fashion.
Wasting no time, you call upon reserves of strength you don’t know you even have and free yourself from her grasp, pushing the demon onto her back and placing you in a more dominant position. She looks up at you with wide, shocked eyes.
“Y- You! How did you know-ah!” she cries, her question cut off by a lurid moan as you thrust into her.
Shush. No talking. It’s hotter this way.
It’s no longer about winning or losing at this point. It’s no longer a competition. As ever, no matter how hard you try, your rationality melts away only to be replaced with the burning need to fuck the demon laying before you. With one hand wrapped around her sensitive horn, you use the other to steady yourself as you thrust into Eari, your breathy gasps syncopating with her throaty moans. Her face is beet red; it seems she’s embarrassed to be the one on the bottom for once.
“Th- This… This outuf… feels… ngh~!” she cries, clawing at the cracked floorboards as you slam into her pussy.
Oh, so she’s admitting she feels good now?
“Shut up, onamuh! Keep going!”
As if to compound her point, the Oni wraps her powerful thighs around your waist, locking you in place and guiding your every thrust. Her strong hands claw at your back, locking you both in a tight, steamy embrace. Your entire world is hot orange flesh, spicy sweat and feral vocalisations. Just two rutting animals, fucking as such. You lose yourself to the moment, passionately railing Eari as you tenderly massage her horn. Occasionally you turn your attention to massaging her impressive breasts or lewdly licking her powerful abs, but you don’t let up for a second. Your ministrations are driving the demon wild, and you can feel her reactions both inside and out.
Eari releases a resounding moan and rakes her fingernails across your back, her pussy muscles clenching tighter than you thought possible. She’s close to cumming, and you’re close to snapping like a twig. With her legs locked around you tighter than Fort Knox, you move into the endgame, upping the pace as you rapidly alternate your oral ministrations. Gripping her horn, you bite onto one of her nipples and thrust so hard that you can audibly hear your lower body slap off her ass cheeks.
“O- Omanuh…! You… I’m…!” the Oni gasps, having long since lost control of her speech.
You grin despite the extensive strain your body is going through, her nipple proudly clamped between your teeth. In this moment, you feel like a warrior making his last stand.
No guts, no glory.
Your climax gradually builds up within you, but you hold on for as long as you can as Eari inches closer and closer to the edge. With one final thrust, she gives in; she screams at the top of her lungs as she violently orgasms for the second time that afternoon, digging clinging to you so tightly that she threatens to snap your back like a toothpick.
The erotic edge to her scream coupled with the intense pressure and rush of wetness forces you to cum as well. You bury your face deep into the Oni’s chest, growling like a beast as you hilt yourself deep within her. Her vagina milks you for all you’re worth and then some, wringing you dry to the point that your vision goes completely white for a moment.
You both remain locked in a tight hug, each gasping for breath. When you hear Eari’s arms and legs flop to the ground, you take it as your cue to slowly roll off her. Lying next to each other on the floor, you both stare at the ceiling as the afterglow washes over you.
So… who won?
“What…?” Eari asks, shaking a little.
The competition. Best of three, remember?
“Battle… was victorless.”
A draw, then? You must admit, you’re feeling like a winner right now.
You wince as you say that, your entire body screaming for mercy as you move.
“Ngh… I have never lost…” the Oni grumbles, clenching her fists.
Amused by her defiance, you kneel next to her, almost toppling over as your legs threaten to give out. Eari glares at you with a dour gaze, but you can detect none of the bloodlust you felt earlier. In fact, seeing her pout like this is kind of cute.
Technically she didn’t lose if it’s a draw. If anything, you both won.
“Ngh. Words of a weakling,” she scoffs.
Oho? Does that mean she doesn’t want her prize?
“Prize? Muimearp?”
With a smile, you lean down and surprise Eari with a kiss. In contrast to your rough loving earlier on, this display is much gentler. The Oni give a surprised little gasp as you lock lips, offering no resistance to your tongue as you softly make out with her. As she squirms beneath you, you raise an eyebrow and break the kiss, glancing down to see her legs clamped together and her hand reaching down for her cum-soaked pussy.
Is she… getting off on just kissing?
“Wh- What is that?”
You look back at her face to find her staring at you, eyes wide with shock.
“Kih-sing? Is… Is this an onamuh thing?”
Does she not have kissing where she comes from?
Slowly, Eari shakes her head. She’s looking as though she’s going through a personal epiphany.
Well, in that case, you’d be happy to teach her all about human courting rituals later on, so long as she promises to behave-
“I want more!”
Grabbing your wrists, the exhausted Oni springs to life, pinning you beneath her before you can react. Too exhausted to even try and fight back, you can only accept your fate as Eari begins to ruthlessly French kiss you. Her tongue eagerly probes your mouth as her wide, burning eyes stare into yours. She twitches and spasms with excitement, her messy kisses leaving the pair of you soaked in saliva before long.
The thing is, she doesn’t stop. Having just discovered this newfound pleasure, the demonic warrior woman keeps you pinned to the floor, her tongue never leaving your mouth, trapping you in a hot, sloppy limbo.
You don’t even realise when you pass out from exhaustion.
You’re awoken by the sound of shoes crunching against broken glass. The moment you open your eyes, you immediately regret it as every muscle you have begins to hurt at the exact same time.
You’re pinned beneath Eari’s massive naked body as she slumbers on top of you, her powerful snores vibrating the cracked floorboards that you’re lying upon. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you try to climb out from under your new lodger, but she’s simply too heavy. Trapped as you are, you can only await your fate as the sound of footsteps draws closer.
“Well hot damn. I was confused as to why the place was such a mess, but this certainly explains it,” chimes a familiar voice, followed by a stifled laugh.
Natasha steps into view, peering down at you with a bemused expression upon her face. Judging by her stylish outerwear and the satchel slung across her shoulder, she’s just returned from the university.
You can explain.
“Oh you don’t gotta explain nothing, honey. Honestly, I should be congratulating you! Fucking an Oni into submission! I don’t think there’s many humans who can claim they’ve achieved such a feat!” the Succubus teases, ogling Eari’s impressive musculature.
… that’s not quite how it went.
“Yeah, looks like she put up a fight. You know the entire doorway is destroyed, right?”
You’re aware.
“Lilith’s not gonna be happy.”
Please don’t say that now.
“Alright, alright,” the purple-skinned demon sighs, raising her hands, “you want help getting up?”
That would be most appreciated.
Hunkering down, Natasha manages to lift Eari just enough to allow you to wriggle free. Wiping the dust and splinters off your bare skin, you turn to face the Succubus, only to find her staring at your cock with a smile on her face.
“The bruises tell me that she pounded you into the ground, but then again, the scratches tell me that you were the one in charge. What happened, honey?” she asked curiously, poking one of the tender spots on your wrists.
The best way you can describe it is some sort of fucked-up contest of strength.
“Ah, a fight for dominance!” Natasha laughs.
You’d laugh along with her, if you found it remotely funny. Or if you didn’t hurt all over.
“Still, colour me impressed! Now that you’ve outfucked an Oni, you’ve bedded almost every kind of demon there is! Aren’t you proud, honey?” the Succubus announces, reaching down to pat Eari’s head.
Oh God, she has a point. You really have.
Smiling devilishly, Natasha nods to the stairwell.
“Hey, go get dressed. I’ll try and clean up in the meantime. Once that’s done, we’ll get this big lump into her bed, and then…”
She licks her lips.
“… then you and I can discuss a certain matter I’ve been meaning to bring up.”
Perturbed by her words, you just nod and hobble up to your room, wincing with every step you take. Once in your room, you clean off the remnants of your brutal lovemaking and throw on some clothes, before returning back downstairs. Natasha has already swept up the broken glass and cleared the broken furniture outside, and with your help, you both manage to clean away most of the debris left in the wake of Eari’s rampage.
“Ready to carry her upstairs?” she asks, tossing the scraps of the Oni’s destroyed armour into a pile by the door.
As ready as you’ll ever be.
With you taking her arms and Natasha taking her legs, you both arduously carry the massive demon to the stairs, taking frequent breaks in order to let your overworked muscles rest.
“You’re lucky my lectures ended early today. Imagine if it was one of the others!” she laughs as you both head upstairs.
You’re trying not to think about that possibility. God, what if it were Callyette that found you…
“Oh, even if I wasn’t let off early, she wouldn’t have seen her. She’s been stinking up the infirmary with her constant wailing.”
So you’ve heard. You were actually shopping for vegan alternatives when you got the call about Eari’s arrival.
“Good call. You know Oni are meat lovers, though, right?”
… Of course they are.
“Well, this one certainly loved your meat, honey~!”
Okay, that’s quite enough of that!
Eventually, after a long trek upstairs and many, many rest breaks, you both manage to haul Eari into her new room and dump her slumbering form onto her bed. You stumble into your room and collapse onto your own bed as Natasha leans in the doorway.
“Hey. Do you remember what I said when we first met?” she asks you, her small wings fluttering behind her back.
Vaguely? It’s a little blurry, to be honest.
“We made a promise of sorts. That when I think you’ve finally improved and reached your potential, that I would accept your request to have sex?”
Oh. That. You had almost forgotten.
“Well, today’s your lucky day, honey. I think you’re almost there. Almost.”
Sitting up in bed, you fix your mischievous lodger with a confused look, prompting her to giggle.
“You’ve proven your skill as a top, bottom, switch and everything in between. You’re perfectly versatile, and honestly, it’s taking every shred of willpower I have not to hop on your dick right now,” she purrs, her spaded tail flicking playfully.
You swallowed hard.
“But as I said before, I want my first time with a human to be special. And I want it to be special for you too. So I got one last challenge for you, honey. For us.”
Taking a deep breath, you nod. You’re in too deep now; no point in pretending to be chaste.
“For the next week, we’re gonna go completely pure. Seven days, no masturbation, no cumming, no nothing. It’ll make it all the more exciting when next Friday rolls around,” she explains.
You frown. No jerking off for a week, huh? It sounds doable, but… Well, you’re in a house full of temptations. It could be difficult.
Wait, what’s so special about Friday?
Giggling, Natasha steps into your room and quickly plants a soft kiss upon your lips, taking you by complete surprise.
“Well, Friday is when I don’t have any classes. We’ll have the entire day to ourselves, honey.”
She gives you a wink.
“So don’t let me down, alright?” she says with a wink.
Turning on her heel, the Succubus flicks her tail and saunters out of your bedroom, leaving you to rest by yourself. An uneasy feeling settles in your gut, but you can’t tell whether it’s excitement or apprehension.
Finally, sex with a Succubus; a demon of Lust. It’s as enticing as it is intimidating.
You sigh and shut your eyes.
A week of chastity.
You’ll manage it. For her.