It makes sense to first describe the subject of our story, Wendy. That’s not to say that the appetizing visual image of her you will get will cause you to forget her misdeeds when it comes to her marriage, or even forgive them. Instead, you might begin to understand the why and the how. Understanding either of those two things is not a requirement to move forward. Unbutton your pants, slip your hand inside, and rub what’s down there as you bear witness to Wendy’s enjoyment of the local selection of young men.
Wendy is average of height for a woman at five foot six and weighs around one hundred and twenty-five pounds. She’s a slim woman with 34C breasts that still hang pleasantly on her chest and sway like a pendulum when the time is right. The right time just happens to be when she’s bent over with a cock barreling in and out of her pussy.
Her short, dark hair is reminiscent of the Jamie-Lee Curtis of old most are familiar with. Her skin is copper-toned and youthful looking despite her age. She wears thin, silver-colored wire frame glasses that make it easy for her to look you over above the tops of the frame with only a subtle downturn of her head. She could be taken as the stereotypical schoolteacher with that trademark look of hers. Given the current events, that would not have been a wise career choice.
The man she married forgot her personality and her explosive personality. He used to barely be able to contain himself on his way home from work every single day. His dick would harden as soon as he got into his car in the parking lot and wouldn’t soften again until he dumped his load in her cunt. She knew this and often waited for him on their bed wearing nothing but what nature provided her. They fucked morning noon and night and, in every position imaginable.
The weekends were no different. As she scampers through the house busy with her chores, he took every opportunity to make her his bitch and she loved it. A simple task took hours to accomplish. She often took to just staying nude as it was easier than picking up clothing all day long that she nearly ripped off while satisfying her own needs.
Every day turned into once a week. When he got promoted, working late meant he was tired when he returned home. Weekly turned into monthly and she began to feel less satisfied. She was happy for him and supported his late nights as his hard work was, if nothing else, paying off financially. She didn’t know that her once-per-month run in the sack was just the beginning of the death of her active sex life. She spiced things up by waiting for him nude in every room of the house. She would try to take advantage of weekends and plan elaborate sexcscapades but they always turned into dull affairs if they turned into anything at all.
As he continued to get promoted, it seemed he recognized the impact his high-profile job was having on her. He began to give her expensive things. First, it took the form of gifts and elaborate but still sexless outings. Then it was deliveries at the front door with corporate and cheap gift wrapping. It finally turned into leaving a stack of cash on the table before he left town on all his many business trips. The cash also entirely replaced his cock. It had been months since flesh and blood invaded her pussy.
She began to plead with him to find a way to bring their old and happy life back. She often reminded him with stories of their past and how much she missed those days. He often rebutted her with reminders that they fucked a lot because they didn’t have money to do much else. After those excuses ran out, he would ask what was so bad about the life he set up for her and that she should be grateful for the things she has, completely missing the reality of what she wanted. It was that position he took that was the nail in the coffin.
Her own pleas and arguments became less and less until trying became akin to banging one’s head against a brick wall repeatedly while expecting something new to happen. More months went by without a hard piston jackhammering her cunt when she needed it. She had become tired of the fight but never stopped feeling the need. She was going to put forth one more attempt and give him the time to figure it out on his own.
She waited by the door as he was leaving on his most recent business trip across the country. Being an oil company executive demanded more time than a person with a family should ever give a company that would replace them at the drop of a hat. She was going to ask him to do one final thing before she looked for another solution. She didn’t know what to do, but she was going to find a way to stop the growing emptiness within her.
“Here’s your wallet, honey,” she said, handing it to him and kissing his cheek. “Before you go, I would like you to do something while you’re gone. I want you to think about when we were younger and the things you used to do to me when you got home from work. I miss those days. I want to see if you can light that fire for me, okay?”
He sighed loudly as if she was putting him out by asking a ridiculous and impossible task.
“This again? You have a life any woman your age would kill for. Sex isn’t that important,” he told her before leaving.
No, it’s just not important to you, she thought immediately after the door closed.
She was going to give him the time she promised him, though. Her thoughts, however, didn’t wait. When she lay in bed at night, her mind strayed, and she began thinking of sexual adventures she’d never had before.
The first night, she masturbated to thoughts of getting herself off in her car in the middle of a busy parking lot. She felt electrified thinking of exposing herself in public and cumming as people passed by her window. A dozen scenarios cross her mind as her fingers circled her clit. She thought about her job as a college counselor and her unique position as being one of the first faces a young and impressionable freshman would see. A final image came to mind and when the act played itself out, her body shook with an intense orgasm. Turns out that swallowing the cum of a young stranger in a public place did it for her. As she writhed on her bed, she shouted mindless obscenities. Her tits flopped side to side as her thighs clutched her hand in place.
“Fucking bitch! Cum!” she grunted loudly.
She lay there huffing through the aftershocks and decided she would act out that fantasy if she was denied again. A part of her hoped her husband would dismiss her desires again but the majority of her soul still wanted her husband to be the one who made her see the stars. Regardless, she knew she would be satisfied if she found some young cock to fuck when she needed it.
It will be easy. What young man wouldn’t want his cock sucked? she thought.
She went about her life as she always had while her husband was gone. The only difference was her masturbation schedule. It used to be reserved for evenings in bed to help her fall asleep. A week after her husband left, she began getting herself off before or during her morning shower. In the second week, she rationalized that reenacting part of her fantasy would not be cheating.
I can just suck a hot, juicy cock and swallow the precious reward. It’s not all-the-way cheating, is it? My pussy would still be his if he ever wanted it, she thought.
During that first lunch break at work in the second week, she took her lunch to her car. She nibbled on her meal as she surveyed the parking lot. She carefully noted the volume and type of people who came and went. As she people-watched, a free hand unbuttoned her pants and slid inside her panties. She was annoyed at the lack of freedom the restrictive garments provided.
I can do without these later, she thought about the cumbersome undergarment.
Regardless, she managed to cum watching the young men enter and leave the building. That became a new daily routine. She was masturbating three times a day at the thought of young cock. She resolved to not take another step until all sexual avenues with her husband had become exhausted. Unfortunately, the answer she expected became the answer she got. He got home a week later and she approached him about the subject almost immediately.
“Did you think about what I asked?”
“This again, Wendy?” he asked, clearly irritated with her persistence. “You wanna go fuck and get it out of your system?”
She expected a much different kind of letdown. She was shocked at his dismissive comment.
“No! I wanna fuck because I like sex and I love you!” she told him.
He went on a long diatribe about how hard he worked to get her a better life.
“You know, as a grown and experienced adult, I would have thought you would have gotten over that urge,” he told her.
“Is it that you don’t have the urge anymore or do you just not have it for me?” she asked, not truly wanting or caring about the answer.
She cared so little that she walked away from him and went to bed without another word spoken. She struggled to keep her emotions in check. She convinced herself that only a weak woman would cry in that situation. Instead, she waited until her husband got into bed and turned away from her to sleep. She put her hand between her legs and finger fucked herself hard enough to ensure he heard the sloshing of her fingers and her ragged breathing and felt the shaking of the bed as she got herself off next to him.
She gave him that last opportunity and when he didn’t take it, she committed herself to acting out her fantasy.
I’m going to make some young man happy tomorrow, she thought just before she drifted off to sleep.
The next day, her routine was carried out as usual up to the point where she was nibbling her food. Instead, she was nervously scanning the parking lot. She waited for the right one to come close to her car before she carried out her plan. She was already rubbing her clit with one foot on the dashboard. She was slow and sensual with her movements until a promising young man came close. She didn’t want to risk cumming too soon.
He was a tall, nervous-looking young black man carrying a book and notebook in one hand. He seemed preoccupied with whatever business had brought him to her building that day. She rolled her window down and stared at him until he noticed her. When he didn’t notice her soon enough for her liking, she used her free hand to pull one side of her top down, exposing a single tit to the young man’s eyes if he were to look.
He was nearly at her window and still had not noticed the lewd display she was putting on.
“Oh, fuck,” she moaned just loud enough that he could hear.
She was delighted when his attention turned to her as he walked past. She looked at him in her side view mirror as he stopped and turned around. She continued rubbing her pussy as he watched her. She massaged her nipple as they observed each other. She finally got brave.
“You can come watch, honey,” she told him.
He nervously looked around to see if anyone could see what was going on. He inched forward until he was at her door and watching her up close.
“Do you like what you see?” she asked him.
“Yeah,” he replied shyly.
“Are you getting hard watching me fuck myself?” she asked, helping to make sure he was getting hard if not already.
“Kinda,” he said immaturely.
She shifted her position in the car seat to give him a better view and she revealed her other tit to him.
“Do you like my body?”
“Yeah,” he said with a little more enthusiasm.
“That’s it,” she coached him nervously. She was doing everything she could to not let on how anxious she was about her first exhibitionist outing. “What would you like to do to me?”
He hesitated in his response as the situation was unlike anything he had encountered before. She didn’t have a plan for how to get her target to go along with everything she wanted. Every action was a reaction for both of them.
“You seem nervous, honey,” she told him as she opened her car door. “Step here,” she said, pointing to the area between the door and her seat.
He moved slowly, not taking his eyes off the hand she was using to toy with her clit. He was mesmerized. She was losing her nerve to elevate things.
“Can I see your cock?” she asked nervously, unsure if the young man would take off running.
She was pleased when he quickly released his stiff rod and began stroking it in front of her. His eyes remained fixed on her pussy and hers were glued to his enormous cock. She licked her lips and moaned in pleasure imagining the stiff rod plowing her cunt.
“I’ll suck it for you if you want me to,” she told him.
She surprised herself with her abrupt offer. He welcomed it. He turned his body until his large cock was pointing at her face. She adjusted herself until she was able to receive him in her mouth and still facilitate her own orgasm.
“Just cum in my mouth when you’re ready, baby,” she said before sucking a few inches into her mouth.
It was exactly what she was looking for. She wanted to please a young man and get herself off in the parking lot. Everything was going according to plan until he unloaded his balls in her mouth early.
“It’s coming,” he said as if he’s never cum before.
She swallowed his load and he quickly tucked himself back into his pants. He was done and stood awkwardly as she continued working toward her own orgasm. She needed just the right moment to get herself over the edge.
“Would you like to meet up again? I don’t have the time today,” she said, “but I could use a good fuck and you’ve got a cock I’d love to ride.”
“Yeah,” he said. “I’ll do it now, if you want real quick.”
“You want to fuck me now?” she asked in a husky tone, knowing her orgasm was approaching like a bullet train.
“I mean, yeah,” she said with a shrug.
“Tell me what you want to do to me,” she grunted as her legs began to shake.
He snickered nervously, clearly uncomfortable talking to her the way she wanted him to.
“Tell me you want to fuck me with that big cock.”
“Yeah, I’ll fuck you,” he said.
That was all she needed. Just the slightest confirmation that she was desired by the young stud.
“I’m cumming,” she squeaked.
She let her orgasm rise and fall before ending the encounter quickly. She shooed him away from the door and closed it. As she adjusted her clothing, she told him not to come to her.
“I promise you that if you find me in this position again, you’ll have me bent over the hood of my car not long after. Just don’t come to me looking for it, okay?” she said dismissively before putting her car in drive. She waited for him to acknowledge her request.
“Thanks, honey,” she said with a smile when he nodded briefly at her.
She drove away and left him standing in the place where he had just shot his load down a strange woman’s throat. She drove around the block and looked for her temporary lover in the parking lot before parking her car in a different section of the same parking lot that she just sucked off a barely legal stud minutes before. She put the car in park and quickly walked back to her office.
She replayed her interlude in the parking lot over and over in her head until she felt a familiar wetness between her legs. She considered retiring to the restroom to punish her clit again, but decided to embrace the theme of the day and daringly masturbated at her desk. Another orgasm rocked her body and it was nearly time for her to go home for another round or two of self-pleasure.
That episode was enough for her to know that she was not going to stop as long as her husband continued to deny her. She was at least going to hold off until he was gone, though. It’s not that she thought it was more respectful to him. She was cheating, after all. She would just feel freer to go about her illicit behavior when nobody was at home expecting her or wondering where she was. That was the justification she embraced for seeking young, hard cock elsewhere.
That same night, she asked the question any rational person would ask themselves in that situation.
Why don’t I just leave him?
She loved him still. They did build a nice life together. Everything he said was true. The money, the lifestyle, and the friends were all things they did together.
No, she thought, I’ll make myself happy doing what… or who I want and I’ll make him happy by not nagging him any longer.
She was instantly happy with the new direction she was going to take in her life. She waited happily in bed for her husband to show up. He came in, saw her patiently waiting for him, and sighed, thinking he was going to have to weather a new round of questions about their miserable sex life. When she said nothing after a few moments, the expression on his face changed to that of pleasant surprise and he got into bed relieved.
“I’m sorry I harassed you so much about sex,” she said before turning to face him.
“Are you, though?” he asked.
“Well, no actually but I am going to stop doing it.”
“Okay, so why bring it up at all then?”
“I’ve discovered the joy of masturbation,” she lied, “and with a little adventurous spirit, I know it could quench the thirst I’ve been nagging you about.”
“Adventurous spirit?”
“Yes. The only price you have to pay for my silence on the subject is to tolerate the purchase of a few little… toys and I’ll be off to the races.”
She wasn’t lying. She did intend to buy multiple dildos and vibrators to fuck herself with when she wasn’t being fucked by a young cock of flesh and blood.
“You know I don’t care about what you buy. As long as they’re not solid gold and wrapped in gems, knock yourself out,” he said, continuing to sound relieved that the relentless nagging about his lack of desire was apparently over.
“It’s settled then. Are we having dinner with the McAllisters before you head off next week?” she asked, referring to his next out-of-towner.
He confirmed the dinner date, and she drifted off to sleep thinking about her next adventure. Every day that followed was better than the many years that came before it, save one. She knew what her future held. She was going to ensure the one and only thing her husband denied would be fulfilled and her husband would think she was taking care of it herself. They would both be happier, and he would never need to know the truth of the matter.
She couldn’t wait longer than it took her to find a new spot once her husband went on his latest trip. She dropped him off at the airport and drove to the back of a large strip mall parking lot. She enjoyed exhibitionism and spent hours searching for her mark. She occasionally listened to the sounds of random porn videos to keep her worked up and wet. She finally found the young man she was looking for.
I guess I like `em young, she thought as she observed her mark walking toward her without a care in the world.
“Hey,” she said loudly toward him.
He turned around, initially unsure who was speaking to him.
“Over here, stud.”
His eyes met hers and she motioned him to her with a single curling finger. He looked around, appearing nervous at first, then energetic as if he were simply helping a woman who needed to ask him a question. When he approached, he got the surprise of a lifetime. Her dress was pulled up to her waist and her legs were spread wide. Between her legs, she was slowly pushing a rubber cock in and out of her pussy.
“Hey,” she said in a seductive tone, “I’d hate to say something as cliché as ‘lookin’ for a good time?’ but are you?”
“Hell yeah!” he announced louder than she liked.
“Calm down, okay? How old are ya?”
“Well, I’m nineteen. Gonna be twenty in a few weeks, but who’s counting, right?”
She stared at him, judging his demeanor before telling him to get in the car. He got in the passenger side quickly and was quick to ask the obvious question.
“How does a nice-lookin’ lady like you know that I’m not a serial killer?”
She turned and looked at him, smiled, and asked, “I would have to wonder what the odds were of two serial killers being in the same car together!”
He laughed with a nervousness she noticed right away.
“Calm down, stud. I’m just looking for a young cock.”
“That’s fair,” he responded. “Where we goin’?”
“Somewhere to fuck. Get your cock hard as I drive,” she told him.
He was quick to get his dick out and begin stroking it. She looked at it several times as she made her way to a spot she knew about. It was hard in no time. She couldn’t wait for him to bury it in her pussy and then shoot his cum down her throat.
“Ever fucked before?” she asked before pulling into a somewhat secluded spot.
“A couple times,” he responded.
She put the car in park and didn’t bother turning it off.
“Come fuck me,” she told him as she got out of the car.
He kicked his pants off onto the floorboard of the passenger side and walked around to meet her in front of the car. She lifted her dress and bent over.
“Fuck me good and hard with that cock you got there,” she told him.
She wiggled her ass at him just before one of his hands grabbed her hip and guided his cock inside her with the other.
“Oh, fuck,” she groaned loudly as be bottomed out.
She shook her hips again and he began fucking her. She didn’t think too much about whose cock was inside her, only that she finally had one there. In the midst of her pleasure, she realized that the dick plowing her pussy had some talent behind it.
“Been fuckin’ for a while, have ya?” she asked, resting her head against the still-warm hood of her car.
He was slow in every movement for the moment and buried his shaft inside her completely with every thrust.
“I’ve had a few,” he said, changing his story slightly from what he told her before.
He focused his eyes on his cock as he moved it. He enjoyed watching more of her wetness coat his rod with each thrust. Soon, he saw the familiar signs of her enjoyment as she creamed on his cock.
“I see you’re enjoying it,” he noted.
“What makes you say that?” she asked, not caring about his observation.
He explained what he saw and dismissed it just a quick. Neither party cared too much about the other. They both wanted to get their rocks off and if fucking at the edge of the woods over the hood of a car was the way to get off, so be it.
“Don’t cum inside me,” she told her young lover, “tell me when and you’ll cum in my mouth, got it?”
“Yeah,” he casually replied.
He heard and understood what she said but was focused on his pleasure in the moment. He also understood their unspoken arrangement. He knew he was picked at random and probably settled for which made it simple for him to focus on himself. She knew that unspoken sentiment to also be true and didn’t care too much for his pleasure. She could sense he wasn’t far off from finishing and slipped a hand between her legs. She underestimated the timing and was soon forced around and onto her knees.
Hell yes, she thought. I forgot the nature of the young ones. My god, have I missed this.
He grabbed her hair and yanked her head back just as he began jerking his cock. The tip pressed against her bottom lip, and he stared intently into her eyes. She forgot about her own pleasure in favor of watching her young stud put on a performance she’d been begging her husband for. Years had passed since she was handled like a bitch, and she missed it.
“Shoot it,” she begged. “Shoot that cum in my throat.”
“I am,” he said seconds before letting loose his seed.
She felt every rope and drop of his cum as it splattered the inside of her mouth and slid down her throat. She swallowed it as it was deposited. She thought he might have been one of the young men who watched too much porn and wanted to see her mouth filled with his seed as a mental prize but she had no intention of rewarding him too much with oral praise. When the last drop was in her stomach, she stood.
“The young ones never fail to impress,” she said dismissively, retrieving her clothes and dressing in front of her spent lover.
“I suppose this is a one-and-done deal, yes?” he asked. “You got yourself a tight little pussy and I wouldn’t mind makin’ you a regular thing.”
She straightened her clothes the best she could, looked up at him, and took him in. She nearly laughed as he stood there with just a shirt on and his dick still sticking straight out.
“If you happen to be in my line of sight when I’m out hunting, maybe I’ll paint my mark on you again and let you mount me. Until then, yes, honey, it’s just a one-and-done.”
He looked around and chuckled lightly.
“I just got used like a hooker, didn’t I?” he said.
“Sure did, honey. Get in. I’ll give you a ride wherever you wanna go.”
He laughed loudly and she smiled in return. She got what she wanted and was drunk on the possibilities that lay before her. Her mind filled with fantasies of future adventures she wanted to take having tasted the forbidden fruit. Her body and soul refilled with life, and she was not going to let her remaining healthy years go without the pleasure she sampled that day.