Casey woke up and immediately started dreading the mission she had to perform that day. This time she would not only have to expose herself in public again, but she had to do it at her college in front of new people who she knew would gossip about her. She knew she would be the talk of the school if she did it, but she also knew that not doing it would have far worse consequences. Her sister would then be facing indenture or jail time, and far more degrading images of her would be circulated to absolutely everyone she knew, including her parents. Even so, she felt nauseous at even the idea of carrying out this one, despite it being the better option. Somehow, she had to get a photograph of herself nude in one of the Tech hallways while it was in use.
She decided that all she could do was to try to minimise her exposure as much as possible, which included minimising her chances of getting caught. That meant wearing something she could get on and off quickly, and making sure she knew where campus security was. It would require a bold approach. No more trying to explain her actions in too much detail.
She selected another of her plain dresses, like the one she wore on Monday’s mission, and again went without panties for the day. She also decided to go braless so she had less to take off and put back on when it came time to get the nude picture. Then she packed the butt plug and set off for Tech on her bicycle. Riding with the butt plug in place was too uncomfortable so she decided it was best avoided whenever possible.
She heard her phone ding while she was riding, and pulled over to check just in case it was him. She hoped not, as there were only a few trees nearby to offer any cover if it was an upskirt request. Thankfully it was just Jolene again.
“Still all good? No more word from him?”
Casey thought about how to respond but decided it best to continue sparing Jolene the pain of the truth.
“No, all quiet here”
“Good. Hopefully, he’s gone now. You let me know if he comes back”
“I will. Ok gotta go”
With that, Casey got back on her bike and continued to Tech, only to find Cassandra in the locker room with Brigit, much to her dismay.
“Wassup, nudist girl? Strange to see you wearing clothes. You’re not about to strip off and strut your stuff in front of us again, I hope?”
“Uh no, Cassandra. I have a class to get to.”
“Don’t tell me you’re chicken now all of a sudden?” Cassandra responded, sensing Casey’s discomfort, and deciding to seize the moment. “You’re not worried about Brigit being here, are you? It sure didn’t seem to make no difference to you Monday, and it sure didn’t seem to make no difference to you how many people saw you in Stocksgate on Saturday.”
“Um… well there’s a time and a place, I guess,” Casey replied, scrambling to come up with excuses for her recent behaviour.
“Well, you around friends now. C’mon then. Gear off. Show us you legit,” Cassandra prompted.
Casey looked up and saw both girls smirking in anticipation. She knew that for her wannabe nudist excuse to hold water, she would have to exhibit no shame in being nude in front of people, and obviously, Cassandra wasn’t going to let this go. With a reluctant sigh, she pulled her dress up over her head, not caring now that she would be showing them that she had no underwear on underneath. She was at least thankful that she hadn’t inserted the butt plug yet. She then stood naked in front of the pair with her hands behind her back. Cassandra immediately guffawed.
“Happy now?” Casey asked.
“Told you. Total fuckin’ exhibitionist,” Cassandra smirked, obviously referring to an earlier conversation she had with Brigit.
“What a fucking slut,” Brigit responded. “Bitch don’t even have panties on under her dress. Who goes out in public like that?”
“Those beef curtains too,” Cassandra jibed, pointing at Casey’s genitals. “You ever seen a girl look like that? How much meat has she seen to get all loose like that, you think?”
Casey was completely mortified and could only stand there and take it all. She cursed her anatomy and wished she was at least “normal” down there if people were going to see her in all her glory. It was also apparent from this incident that she was being talked about behind her back, at least amongst Cassandra’s crowd. Sadly, she realised it was getting harder and harder to contain the fallout from the blackmailer’s missions.
Finally, seemingly satisfied that they had teased her enough, the girls grabbed their things and left the locker room, laughing.
Casey quickly dressed again, remembering to insert the loathsome butt plug.
There was just one upskirt request before morning tea. Then at last lunchtime came and it was time for the mission she’d been dreading. She checked on the security guard and found that he appeared to be eating lunch. Then she checked the nearest hallway. About a dozen people were milling about inside, which was about the right number to fulfil the mission parameters. On the downside, it was a dozen more people who would see her degrade herself, and a dozen more who would be talking about her later. Now she just needed a photographer, so she picked out a random nerdy-looking boy standing on his own and looking at his phone.
“Hey, want to take a picture of me?” Casey asked as she thrust her phone into his hands, not really giving him a choice about it.
“Um… yeah sure,” he replied, a little startled by the sudden confrontation.
Casey looked behind her and nobody was looking her way yet.
“Okay, ready?” she asked him.
“Yep,” he replied while looking at her image on the phone’s screen.
Then she quickly slipped off her dress and tossed it to one side, assumed a pose in the middle of the hallway with people behind her, and smiled.
“Okay, now!” she directed.
“What the fuck?” he responded, before lowering the phone in surprise. People started to look their way.
“Quick! Just get the shot before Security comes!” Casey shrieked.
The boy was shocked into action and quickly did as she asked. As soon as she heard the phone click, Casey quickly put her dress back on and took her phone back. The shot was a little out of level but otherwise perfect. Several people were evident in the background. While they had obviously been alerted by the commotion and were looking straight at her, so they saw the whole thing, it at least fulfilled the requirements of the mission.
Casey gave him a smile and “thanks” and started to walk away, red-faced but grateful it was over.
“Wait a second. What was that all about?” he asked.
Casey was hoping he’d be too shocked to ask questions. She was hesitant to stop at first, but then decided it was time to break out the nudist experiment story again.
“Um, well… Long story short, I’ve been intrigued by the idea of becoming a registered nudist, and I wanted to get some pictures of me in various places so I can see what I looked like, and how I felt about it.”
“I see…” he replied.
“What you did for me was really helpful. Thanks so much,” she added, hoping that would satisfy him enough so she could move on and pretend the whole thing never happened. She turned to walk away again but he hadn’t finished with her yet.
“You know, I think you’re lying,” he began, his brow furrowing with obvious suspicion. “I think you like flashing your body to people because you like to shock them and see their reaction. I think you might be an exhibitionist. Not that your body is a bad thing to see, but that’s not normal behaviour. Are you okay? Is everything okay at home? Is someone abusing you? I can help you get help if you need it?”
Casey was on the spot now. He wasn’t wrong about someone abusing her, but it wasn’t in the way he suspected. And no, there wasn’t any helping her at this stage. This was something only she could deal with on her own.
“Err… No that’s okay, I’m perfectly fine. Call it a prank if you like. Um… I really have to go. Thanks again for your help.”
“Are you sure? Look, if you want to talk about it more, I can give you my number if you like. I’m studying psych at Uni and just came here to do a typing course. As a student, I can’t help you in any official capacity, but I can refer you to someone who can if you want?”
“Um… that’s very kind of you. I’ll be fine, though. This isn’t something I normally do. It’s just a one-off.”
At last, she managed to get away from him, basically by running away. Then she went to find Greg to spend what remained of her lunch break with him. On the way, her thoughts troubled her.
Now people think I’m an exhibitionist?
She definitely didn’t want people thinking that about her. She hated showing her body and was only doing it because someone was making her. She couldn’t tell people that, though. But to pull it off, and hopefully get the blackmailer to lose interest in her, she had to pretend she was one and have everyone believe it. The irony in that was awful, and she knew that she was digging herself in deeper and deeper with each mission. She needed to get better control somehow, which would mean thinking harder about her excuses and picking her marks better in the future, but the blackmailer was leaving her fewer and fewer options. It was a problem. She prayed that soon he would lose interest and leave her alone before her reputation was completely ruined. Up until now, she had thought she could manage the fallout by claiming it as an experiment, but now someone had called her out on that. On the other hand, maybe being an exhibitionist was another excuse to keep in her arsenal since people were going to assume that about her anyway? It was a sluttier option than wanting to become a nudist, but there were worse things people could think about her, particularly if the blackmailer released some of the other material he had on her now.
After lunch, she sent the image to the blackmailer, but there was no response. Was that a clue maybe? Perhaps he worked somewhere where he didn’t have access to his phone at this time of day?
The rest of the day passed without even another upskirt request, and she was glad of the peace. She decided he must be occupied, and even took the chance of removing the butt plug for her bike ride home. When she got home, she found the mailbox was empty for once too. She hoped this trend would continue. Maybe he had been hit by a bus or something after all. She could only hope.
As eight-thirty came around she showered, re-shaved, and re-inserted the butt plug just in case, and then her hopes were crushed when she finally got a response from him.
“Well done completing the mission. Now do the same as last night for me on the webcam, but remove the plug & use the dildo in your ass”
The what, now?
Putting things in her butt was so much more degrading than putting things in her pussy, which was degrading enough. It wasn’t even anything she would have considered doing before, even in private. The whole idea made her stomach churn, but she knew somehow she would have to do it. Angering him at this point wasn’t worth thinking about after everything she’d done now.
When it came time, she assumed a similar position to the night before and played with her clit while sucking the dildo. As her arousal kicked in, she reached around behind her and pulled the butt plug out. Then, after covering the dildo with spit, she started pushing it against her butt hole. It accepted the dildo with no more difficulty than it had accepted the butt plug. The main difference was that there was no moment where it popped into place. Her sphincter remained stretched no matter how far she pushed it in. The sensation was not unlike going to the toilet, and she hoped she didn’t make a mess on her bed. At the same time, in her aroused state, she sensed that while it felt a little uncomfortable, and it was definitely degrading doing it in front of someone else, it wasn’t an entirely unpleasant sensation. She began thrusting it back and forth as she increased the speed while putting pressure on her clit with her other hand. A short time later she had to bury her face into her pillow once again as her orgasm came.
“Thank you. Your mission tomorrow is to streak the whole length of the same hallway. Walk slow. Get video”
Casey’s heart sank. She immediately knew she could not pull that off with any reasonable excuse.
Wait! ‘Streaking’ gives me an idea. I can use the ‘dare’ excuse for this one. I can say it’s a streaking dare!
She realised that dozens of people would see her, but at least they would think it was just a prank rather than anything strange.
It would need careful planning, though. She would again need to check that the security guard or any faculty were in the area. Hopefully, the number of students would be around the same again. An additional issue was that if she had to strip off at one end and walk to the other, she would then have to walk all the way back naked as well to get back to her clothes. That would double the length of time she would be naked, and also increase her risk of getting caught. The solution would be to take a second dress and leave it at the other end beforehand. Both dresses would need to be simple styles that she could get on and off quickly. Speed would be of the essence. She couldn’t be fussing with zippers or buttons.
Now for a photographer. She would select someone randomly again. Surely that couldn’t backfire twice? She just hoped the boy from earlier wouldn’t be there again. He could be a problem.
Planning all of this sucked. It was starting to get seriously out of hand. She was already a laughingstock to Cassandra and her friends. The missions were escalating too, as were the chances of getting caught. What would happen if she was caught? Would she be thrown out of Tech and not get to finish her diploma? What would she tell her parents? Would Amelia and Greg turn their backs on her? Would she be arrested and maybe face indenture?
Just what was this blackmailer’s game anyway? Why her? Did she fit some profile he had in mind, or was it just a sadistic opportunity to fuck with a random young woman because of what he had on Jolene? Why not just fuck with Jolene then? Sure, she was a couple of years older and could stand to lose a few pounds, but it wasn’t like she was ugly. On the other hand, maybe he was fucking with Jolene already and he was getting two for the price of one, and she was just keeping it to herself out of embarrassment or so as not to cause distress to anyone? If that was the case, how could she get Jolene to confess, without revealing the truth of her own torment to her and causing her to worry? A problem shared is a problem halved, and maybe then they could work together and figure out who he was and how to stop it, but if neither of them was willing to reveal to the other what they were actually going through, then they were at an impasse.
What if it one of these missions did get reported to the authorities and she was arrested? Surely that would end the blackmailer’s grip on her, and he wouldn’t want that to happen… But what if he did want that as the ultimate in humiliation for her? He would then win whatever game he was playing, and her life would be over. The charge itself could have very serious consequences, maybe even indenture! Unless he was a cop… Then maybe he had the influence to get a charge like that dropped so he could continue making her do these awful things. That might explain why he didn’t seem to care if she was arrested. Either way, he would still win. However, that didn’t make sense either. Sure, he would still have a hold over her with all of the disgusting pictures he still had of her, and what he had on Jolene, to continue with the blackmail. However, getting caught would still leave her facing expulsion, as well as having to explain her behaviour to her parents and friends, so his fun would be over anyway. Okay, so there was no way to know if getting her caught was something he didn’t want, or if maybe it was the endgame. Either way, it wasn’t an option for her, so it was up to her to avoid it and outsmart him somehow. How, though?
Were the pictures and videos he’d been collecting just for his own gratification, as well as to use to blackmail her further, or were they being passed around amongst his buddies so they could all laugh at her or masturbate, or whatever the fuck men did with pictures of naked women? Was he even one person, or maybe a group? There was no way to know.
If she could just find out who he was to start with, that might lead to finding a way to end it. How, though? She would need to find out where he was so she could at least get a look at him. Her mailbox or front porch were possibilities, but it was always possible he was paying someone else to act as a courier. Even if she did get a look at him, if she didn’t know him then she would be no closer to understanding why he was doing this. And if she cornered him, then this might all blow up in her face, which would be as bad, if not worse, than being caught by the authorities…
It was still a dilemma, so for now she just had to focus on not getting caught, and planning her missions as cleverly as possible so that didn’t happen. On the one hand, walking a hallway at Tech in the nude wouldn’t be as hard as the shopping mission was, but the bigger risk here was that people knew her here, and she could end up seriously screwed if faculty caught her in the act, particularly if it was someone like Mrs Daly…
She checked the time and discovered it was after midnight. She’d been agonising for hours. How would she ever get to sleep with her brain going completely nuts with worry? She made a determined effort to block it out, and while it did pop back into her thoughts a couple more times, eventually exhaustion took over and at last she slept.