Enticed #34: New Dance Partner

"All The World’s A Stage"

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I met Michael out in front of a classroom building at the state art school in Twin City that offered intensive dance, music, visual art, and film degrees for students from high school through college level. It was one of the premier art schools on the East Coast.

Michael was a professional dancer with credits that included Broadway shows who had just started teaching at the school. He had contacted me for some new business and professional portraits. I wasn’t sure yet how he’d gotten my name and number. But I always was happy for photography jobs.

Michael was about my height with a strong, thin build. He was wearing a perfectly pressed pink button-down and blue chinos. Even under that, I could see he was muscular and built in a very different way from BJ. He walked so erectly, it looked almost painful. But I could see the roundness of his ass in pants that were meant to be loose. His shoulders were at least as pronounced as mine.

After brief introductions and descriptions of what he was looking for, I began setting up my portable light kit in his office. The walls were covered with professionally framed posters from some of the better-known shows in which he’d performed. Books on his shelves included books on dance history and body mechanics.

After shooting one roll each of thirty-five millimeter and medium format there, he took me down the hall to a rehearsal space that was half classroom and half stage complete with stage lighting. I found I didn’t need my own lighting there. The mini-stage and lights made my job so much easier. He was lit perfectly for photography. I wished I could have hauled stage lights around with me everywhere.

I shot a couple more rolls of Michael in traditional portrait poses, but also in several dance poses. In his button-down and chinos, they combined the ideas of “professional” and “dancer” in a way I hadn’t seen before. He also loved the idea.

Back in his office, I began packing up my portable lights quickly as Michael continued telling me about various shows in which he’d performed. I was a little surprised when he began undressing.

I realized just how muscular he really was. When his shirt came off, I couldn’t keep my eyes off his thin, but muscular chest and abs. He was a mini version of BJ with every muscle perfectly visible as if he had no skin.

But his beautiful almond skin enhanced every line and vein. I had been so caught up in the look of his upper body that he was sliding his pants down before I realized it.

Proportionally, his legs probably were larger than BJ’s. I couldn’t help noticing his prominent cock in the tight bikini underwear he revealed under his pants.

As quickly as his pants hit the floor the bikini followed suit and he stood naked before me, all brown muscle and a seven-inch flaccid cock. There wasn’t a follicle of hair on him from the neck down.

“Wow,” I remember thinking.

“This doesn’t bother you, does it?” he asked suddenly. Apparently just remembering he wasn’t alone.

He had stripped completely as nonchalantly as I did before a paying audience.

“No. It’s fine,” I said, catching myself. I was afraid he noticed me staring.

“Dancers rarely have much modesty when it comes to changing among strangers,” he explained.

“I’m not complaining,” I said, trying not to sound hot and bothered.

I watched as he put on his dancers’ jock strap. It was different from regular jocks. It had padding instead of a cup or a pouch for a cup. Once it was on, he appeared to have a massive unformed package, like a Ken doll with a huge bulge.

Once he had light blue tights and a tank on, Michael led me back to the rehearsal space with stage lighting.

“God! You’re a beautiful model,” I said without realizing Michael could hear me.

His tights were just that – skin tight, and showed every muscle, wrinkle, and sinew.

“I’d love to shoot you for other projects.”

“Thank you,” he said, looking a little shocked. “What kind of projects do you mean?”

“Oh! I’m sorry,” I blushed. “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

He laughed as he shifted into another pose.

“I shoot art photography of men,” I explained. “I’ve published four books so far with three others in the works.”

“What kind of art photos? Do you mean nudes?” Michael asked matter-of-factually.

“Well, yes,” I admitted. “I shoot nudes, all faceless, all very artistic, mostly tasteful. That’s one project. I have another ongoing project that is comprised of just artistic shots of cocks. But they’re all men I’ve been with in one way or another, men I know personally.”

“Both of those sound intriguing,” Michael said, dropping out of what looked like a very strenuous position. “I’d love to pose for you!”

He sounded excited. Most of my models were reluctant at first. I always had to talk them into posing and sometimes offer personal incentives.

“You mean for some art photos? Of course,” I said, glad of the new model. “We can set up a good time when we’re done here.”

“I’d love to see what your cock photos look like,” he said. “And I have the rest of the afternoon free if you have time to shoot more pictures than my portraits.”

“I have a couple of my books in the car,” I said. “I’ll get them in a few minutes.”

Before I’d finished the first roll, Michael pulled his tank off and assumed a new set of poses. The look on his face suddenly was much less impersonal or “dancer-on-stage”-like. Instead, he was engaging me and the camera directly with a definite air of intensity and passion.

“Wow! That’s pretty –,” I started.

“Do you want me to take the rest off?” he interrupted.

His thumbs went straight into the waistband of his tights with that look of sensual promise on his face. I kept shooting. This pose was gold.

“I’ll shoot anything put in front of me,” I said. “But are we safe from prying eyes in here?”

I wasn’t sure just how private the room was.

“All the students and faculty are gone for the long weekend,” Michael said, pushing his tights over the generous mound of his round ass. “Even the cleaning staff is gone by now.”

He kept stripping and I kept shooting without saying a word.

Once all his almond-colored skin was on display, he continued posing and eventually fell into the same dance poses he’d given me when fully dressed. Some were just intense poses and dramatic looks directly at the camera.

I was thrilled I finally had a model who knew how to work the camera and the viewer beyond it.

I was shooting with two 35 mm cameras and had to stop to reload both. When he seemed to have exhausted his poses, I switched to my medium format camera and had him assume some of my favorite poses again for the larger format.

After a couple of rolls of medium-format poses, I loaded another back and moved in for close-ups of his brown cock.

“Do you mind getting hard for me?” I asked gingerly. I could see he already was nearly half-hard and making a good showing. His seven inches was close to eight by then.

“Of course,” he said, grabbing his cock. “It’d be more fun if you helped out.”

“What makes you think I’d be interested in helping out?” I flirted.

“You take pictures of naked men and their stiff cocks,” he explained. “You obviously like cocks one way or another.”

I stepped forward, reached out, and took his warm, brown meat from his hand.

Our eyes locked. Michael licked his lips. I gave his cock a slow, open stroke along its underside before cupping his hairless constricted balls.

He leaned in and breathed his heat onto my neck as I squeezed and stroked his caramel cock.

I silenced a gasp when I felt his tongue give my neck a quick lick.

In just a few seconds he was rock hard and my own jeans were tight.

I stepped back and pulled my camera to my eye. My first shot was of his aroused, passionate face.

Then I dropped to my knees and began shooting his hard cock that was somewhere over eight inches long, longer and thicker than mine.

The photos I got looked like point-of-view shots if I was about to suck and lick his thick meat. With my medium format camera, they were close, detailed, and sensually personal.

When I finished the roll, I set the camera down and mindlessly grabbed his cock. I stroked it slowly for a few seconds then leaned over and gave the tip of his dick a wet kiss causing a little twitch.

Then I started licking his cock up and down all four sides slowly, wetting every inch with my saliva.

Michael moaned softly and placed a hand on my head, his fingers slowly caressing my hair.

I took just his flared red head into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it, making sure to touch every millimeter.

Michael’s other hand was on his hip, his whole body leaning back to push his sex forward to me.

I slid farther down his shaft to surround his head with my lips and kept my tongue moving over his head.

He moaned a long, low sound that seemed to vibrate through his torso as I sent his cock deeper into my open mouth with only my tongue sliding along its underside.

I responded to his moan with one of my own once I closed down on his shaft with his head just pushing down into my throat.

Michael sucked air between his teeth loudly. That ended in another moan that itself became a whimper when I pushed him deeper and began a swallowing motion.

“Oh! God!” he grunted as his tight abs constricted and pulled his entire upper body down toward my head.

He grabbed my head with both hands and held it in place with his fingers clawed into my hair.

He didn’t have to pull me closer. I immediately swallowed all his thick cock that I could, flattening my nose against his smooth pelvis.

I spent a couple of minutes just swallowing, sucking, and massaging Michael’s meat with my throat and tongue. I could feel his hot breath in my hair as he remained doubled over.

I pulled him out once to catch my breath and left a long thin string of saliva hanging from his shiny wet head.

I quickly grabbed my camera and framed what I hoped would be a perfect image of oral love.

I set my camera down again and pushed his throbbing cock back into my throat. He gasped and jumped at that. So, I began a series of long, wet strokes that had his cock head on the tip of my tongue one second and deep in my throat the next.

I continued face fucking him like that for another minute before I felt the first pulses in his tight balls and shaft. His abs were next. They began pulsing and constricting in time with his tight, round ass cheeks.

Each contraction traveled down his abdomen to his ass, through his balls, and up the shaft of his cock in my mouth.

I began a long moan again to vibrate his head and created a violent throb through his dick that sent a thick wad of hot cum into my throat.

I pulled him back then to suck and lick his gushing cum in my mouth. His seed was thick and salty, but not bitter like most other cum.

He thrust his muscular hips against my face, my hands riding his clenched ass cheeks.

When the worst of his contractions and ejaculation had subsided, Michael tried to pull away. I tightened my grip on his ass and pulled him closer and tighter, again burying my nose in his groin.

I suckled his draining cock as it lost arousal, making him twitch sometimes violently.

I finally released him when he was little more than a wet, wrinkled noodle.

“Is there somewhere we can go?” I asked, looking up panting with his cum still on my lips.

Michael barely opened his eyes as he looked down at me.

“My place is a couple of blocks away,” he breathed.

He produced a towel for me to dry my saliva off my face, neck, and chest. And then there was a t-shirt with the school’s logo to replace my soaked polo.

He stopped dressing long enough to watch closely as I pulled my wet shirt over my head in his office. He openly stared at my chest and stomach as I dried my chest and pulled the t-shirt on.

“Nice,” he whispered.

“Not as nice as you,” I countered, giving his body an exaggerated once-over. “You have an amazing body.”

A few minutes later, I was following Michael to his house near the school. I took a couple of my photo books inside.

We sat on his couch for nearly forty-five minutes drinking beer while he carefully examined every photo in my first photo book and Ezekiel’s, which I had just received the previous week.

“These are fantastic!” he said. He was halfway through Ezekiel’s book.

“I love how you handled his skin tone and used his racial characteristics as stylistic markers,” he continued. “He is very attractive. I can see why you chose him as a model.”

“Well, I chose him for other things, as well,” I said.

“I see.” Michael’s eyebrows were raised. “I can understand that also.”

When he finished Ezekiel’s book, he picked up mine for the second time.

“I can see some stylistic differences between the two books,” he said.

“This one was my first attempt at nude art photography,” I explained. “There are several months and a few hundred rolls of film between the two books. My latest work is even better. Today’s shots should be extraordinary!”

“There’s nothing wrong with your early work,” he said. “The technique and art are both there. But, there’s something different ….”

“My publisher feels that it has something to do with the fact that I can see the poses as I’m shooting,” I said. “It’s more fluid when I’m shooting someone else. I think he’s right. When I shoot myself, I can really only guess how a pose looks in the frame. It’s all stop-and-go. I’m also self-conscious when I’m in front of the camera. Even though Ezekiel was quite nervous and self-conscious, I was able to watch for his more relaxed moments and take the best shots. Sometimes it’s just a matter of telling my models how great they look and their whole attitude changes just for an instant. They relax; they feel pretty or comfortable or admired or whatever it is. And I get that shot that opens right into their soul.

“Then we move to another pose and they tense up again.”

“Wow!” Michael said. “You’re so passionate and perceptive.”

“Maybe,” I shied. “But I didn’t have to do any of that with you. I could tell you’re a performer. You just turned it on. All I had to do was hit the button. You were great! I’m sure I have some of my best photos with you.”

His hand was on my thigh in an instant and he leaned in close.

It was one of those movie moments when two people almost kiss, but hesitate for a second.

Michael is the one who hesitated. I smiled a bit and pushed forward to meet his lips.

As he took over and began playing his tongue over my lips and teeth, he set down the book he’d been holding and took my beer from me. He pushed me back onto the couch and slid one hand up the t-shirt he’d given me in his office. His other hand slid up to the bulging crotch of my jeans.

When he finally let me come up for air, my cock was a hard straight bulge pointing at my left hip.

“Do you mind if I take a quick shower before we do anything else?” I asked, breathless.

“Do you mind if I join you?” he asked in return.

Michael watched me closely as I undressed for him in his bedroom.

“As good as you look in your photos, you look so much hotter in person,” he purred.

He continued watching me as I walked to his bathroom and bent down to start the water. He didn’t start undressing until I stepped under the water.

I was nearly finished when Michael finally stepped into the tub behind me.

He reached around and held me tight. I could feel his thick cock already half-hard against my wet ass. I reached back to grab his own ass.

He kissed my shoulder and worked his way up my neck. My cock responded quickly.

I turned around and pulled him tight with an ass cheek in each hand. Our tongues met and danced in and out of each of our mouths.

When we both were stiff, I reached down and grabbed both dicks, and began jacking them together.

Michael moaned into my mouth.

“Do you want to bend over?” I asked, kissing down his tight neck and over his collarbone.

“Give me a few minutes and we can go to the bedroom,” he suggested. “If that’s OK?”

“I’ll be waiting.” I kissed him again and stepped out of the shower.

Ten minutes later, I was sitting on his bed with a towel around my waist when Michael joined me naked, brown, and slinky. He always seemed to slink and glide when he walked.

He pulled a tube of lubricant out of a nightstand drawer and lay beside me.

My hand went straight to his long, thick cock that already was almost completely hard.

Before I knew it I was hovering over him kissing and licking his mouth as my hand worked his brown meat.

I started to kiss my way down his chest when he moved suddenly.

He lifted his legs to give me an open approach to his waiting sex.

I moved down the bed and licked a slow, wet path from Michael’s smooth taint over his constricting balls and up his stiff brown shaft. I swirled and sucked on his red head as it pushed out of his tight foreskin. Then I continued with wet kisses and licks up his taut stomach and chest.

I grabbed his wet lower lip with my teeth just as my hard cock pushed against his taint.

Just then, he straightened his muscled legs in an impossible pose that had his ankles up beside his head. This gave me perfect, unimpeded access to his tight, round ass.

Wow! I thought. Dancers really were different.

“It’s your turn now, Stud!” he purred.

I dribbled some lube on my swollen head and then rubbed some over his tight, brown hole. I could tell he already was prepared.

I reached down and guided my head against his wrinkled ass hole and sucked on his lip.

As I applied greater and greater pressure, Michael spread his legs to form a “V” with his toes nearly touching each corner of the headboard. He slid one hand around the back of my head to hold my mouth against his. The other hand snaked around my waist and down to my clenched ass.

I forced my tongue into his mouth at the same instant I pushed my cock through his slick, tight barrier.

He squealed and gasped, his eyes popping open, with my tongue circling his.

He pulled my ass toward his with a force I wasn’t expecting from him. He made it clear he wanted me to go deep.

I pushed in literally balls deep. He was much tighter than other men. And then he squeezed.

I gasped loudly. I rarely get the kind of treatment I give other men. Michael was massaging my cock with his sphincter and somehow even with his anal cavity.

For a few seconds, I couldn’t move. All I could do was enjoy the experience.

When I opened my eyes, he was looking up at me with an expectant look.

“Do you like that?” he asked in an almost plaintive tone.

“That’s amazing!” I said. “I’ve never had anyone do this to me.”

I finally started pulling back. He gripped the shaft of cock tightly, almost denying me release. He loosened again when I began pulling out.

He tightened and loosened again and again as I began long, slow thrusts in and out of him. He was doing exactly what I’d done to some of my lovers. It was amazing!

And I couldn’t believe he had so much control with his legs still straight up over his shoulders!

I leaned down panting and kissed his neck and ear. As I moved toward his mouth, Michael moved his legs and wrapped them tightly around my waist. Suddenly, he was holding me tight, keeping me from pulling too far back. When our lips met, he pulled me tight with his legs and his arms.

I kept pumping his ass as much as his tight hold would allow.

His eyes closed and he whimpered a little before loosening his grip. He lifted one leg and managed to get it on my shoulder beside my head. The other remained wrapped around my waist.

I picked up my pace and began pumping deeper and harder into him. I was grunting with each thrust. Michael was whimpering.

I could feel my cock beginning to throb in his hot ass. My balls were tight against me and twitching in time with my dick.

I dropped down to kiss Michael and he grabbed my tongue and sucked it hard. Just then, I felt my sperm explode into his ass.

I pounded into him as deep and fast as I could. He just kept sucking my tongue.

I blew wad after wad into him, panting and grunting in his face.

Within a couple of minutes, I was in the shower again.

“That was amazing!” he told me as he took my place under the water.

I waited for him naked on his bed.

“I thought you’d be dressed by now,” Michael said when he returned to the bedroom.

“I’m not done with your thick cock,” I said.

I pulled him to me and engulfed his hanging meat as he stood before me.

He was down my throat again and growing harder and harder in a few seconds.

Two minutes later, he was fucking my face just like I’d fucked his ass, deep and hard and fast.

When he came that time, it was thinner and weaker. But his reaction was more intense. He twitched and jumped, grunted, moaned, and whimpered.

I licked him clean, kissed him deeply, and got dressed.

A couple of weeks later, I called to schedule a meeting with Michael during his office hours. I gave him a fake name so he would be surprised when I showed up with prints of his photos.

We spent an hour inspecting my work and another inspecting each others’ cocks.

Published 2 years ago

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