My hunger didn’t matter much when I was under the table with my tongue between her legs. Mistress ordered me to do it, so I had no choice but to comply.
I didn’t realize how hungry I actually was until I came up and saw that delicious steak on my plate. I’ve not eaten much of anything today, or all week for that matter, so naturally I started gorging myself when I saw all that food.
“I know you must be famished, dear,” Mistress calmly says, “but take smaller bites please, and chew gracefully before swallowing. No matter how hungry she is, a Hierarchy sissy must never forget her proper table manners.”
“I’m sorry, Mistress, but I’ve hardly eaten anything all day. I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Mistress Brenda told me she’s just started you on the starving process,” she sympathetically says, “so I’ll forgive your bad manners this time. Being hungry all the time gets easier for a sissy as she learns to control her hunger urges.
“Our girls are always starving themselves to achieve and maintain the skinny slut look that Hierarchy sissy whores are known for. There’s simply no way around it, but I can assure you, you’ll be quite pleased with the end result.”
“Mistress Brenda keeps telling me I was born this way, but isn’t it a choice I’ve made? Didn’t I choose to become her sissy?”
“Honey, you didn’t choose, she chose for you. You may have thought you made a choice, but the only choice you really made was accepting what you’ve always been. You’ve been a sissy your entire life, and a sissy you will always be. You were indeed born this way, so the only path for you is the path your Mistress has shown you.”
“So that’s why I’m so horny all the time?”
“You’re always horny, dear, because horny is a sissy’s natural state. Sex is one of those impulses that comes forth from within, and cannot be denied. You’re incapable of being anything other than a sissy girl, so your natural tendencies towards a female sex life will continue to come forth.
“Happiness for you, sweetheart, only comes when you’re getting the female sex you’re so naturally craving all the time. Weren’t you happy just now when I granted you the lesbian privilege of licking my pussy?”
“I wasn’t excited about doing it right here.”
Mistress can easily see the mess of emotions coursing through me as I ponder how kinky it was to orally pleasure her in public. It was weird enough when she told me to get under the table and lick her pussy, but it was even weirder when I actually did it… and this is the part that scares me… I liked it.
I never thought I’d ever do something like that in public, and now that I have, I know that I’m falling further into this kinky lifestyle at an ever-accelerating pace. But it’s not like I didn’t see it coming. Marci told me it would happen like this, and she would know, because it’s already happened to her. My own femininity blushes in the humiliation of it, yet most of me welcomes it, embraces it even.
“Were you ashamed to lick my pussy in a public restaurant?” Mistress probes.
“I was probably more embarrassed than ashamed. Then I got scared, because when I was doing it, I started liking it, and I know I’ll have to do it again if you tell me to.”
“I knew you’d like it, honey. A little eighteen-year-old slut like you…? Eating pussy under the table…? How could you not help but like it?”
“Okay, so I know I liked it. But what if I woulda got caught?”
“But you didn’t get caught, did you?”
“And it was kinda thrilling, don’t you think?”
“It’s more scary than thrilling when I think that there’s probably nothing I won’t do anymore when it comes to sex.”
“You’re right, sissy, there isn’t anything you won’t do for sex. It’s embedded in your DNA. It only seems scary because it was the first time you’ve done it public, but Hierarchy whores do it all the time, and so will you. They’re all scared to do kinky things the first time, but the more they do it, the more they realize it’s just another moneymaking sex act they perform for their kinkiest clients.”
“So the more kinky things they do, the more money they make?”
“Our kinkiest whores, the ones who’ve thrown away every inhibition they’ve ever had, have become very rich catering to their regular clients’ kinks. Are you ready to do some kinky things with me, Mandy Parker? Are you the little pleaser Mistress Brenda says you are?”
“I’ll do my best, Mistress.”
“I’m sure you will. I love how you look in that dress, by the way.”
“I love this dress! I feel so hot wearing it.”
“You’re a hot little cunt, aren’t you?”
“I am in this dress.”
“No, honey, you’re a hot little cunt no matter what you’re wearing, and you’re even hotter when you’re wearing nothing at all, you slut. When I had you naked at the store, I couldn’t help but admire how sexy your sissy body already is.
“Your cute bikini tan lines do more for you than any dress ever could. Just imagine, hon, what a few months on estrogen will do for your figure. You’re gonna be such a fox when your little sissy tits start coming in permanently. Does that excite you?”
“It excites me a lot. It scared me to even think about going on hormones, but now that I know how it feels to have real boobs, I can’t wait to grow my own!”
“See how that works? What once scared you, now thrills you. Public sex scares you now, but rest assured, it’ll thrill you after you’ve done it a few times and see the generous tips you’ll get for doing it.”
“That’s kinda how it was when I started drinking Mistress Brenda’s nectar. I didn’t like it at first, but now I think I do.”
“Are you gonna get in the shower with me when I take you home?”
“Yes, I’ll do it because I want to please you any way I can.”
“Then let’s get out of here,” she says rather nonchalantly, “I want to have some real fun with my sissy whore.”
I feel like such a hot bitch as Mistress leads me out of the restaurant like a whore on a leash. When every guy at the bar turns their head to look at me, she tells me to wiggle my butt for them, which earns me some whistles as we’re walking out the door. I’m telling you, if Mistress didn’t have me on a leash, I’d be flirting with them and trying to get fucked!
“Didn’t that make you feel sexy-hot when those men whistled at you in that hot dress?” Mistress asks as we’re walking towards her car.
“I love this dress!” I giggle with excitement. “It’s like a magic dress, the way it makes me feel. Thank you for letting me borrow it.”
“It’s not a loan, honey, it’s a gift. Since you look so good in it, I think you should own it.”
“But it’s so expensive.”
“Sweetie, your Mistress isn’t charging me for my date with you, so gifting you the dress is the least I can do for what you’ll be doing for me when I get you home.”
“I’ll do anything you want, Mistress,” I excitedly say, “anything at all!”
“You’ll be doing everything I want in the shower, you little whore, and you’ll be loving every bit of it.”
She’s been calling me a whore so often that my mind’s been manipulated into accepting that I’ve already become one. Okay, so maybe I’m not getting actual money, but I am getting this beautiful, expensive dress. And I can’t imagine how much these padded pussy panties must cost.
I feel so wonderfully good getting back in the car with a full stomach and knowing this beautiful dress is all mine! It makes me eager to get in the shower with Mistress so I can show my appreciation. When she opens her purse to get her keys, she also pulls out a rolled joint.
“Smoke this by yourself,” she says as she hands it to me, “I want you in the proper frame of mind when I get you home.”
‘Well… okay…!’ I think. ‘Getting loaded and having sex… what’s not to like!’
Mistress grins as she watches me take the first hit. “Hold it as long as you can, baby,” she says, “don’t exhale until you have to.”
I’m only able to hold it for about twenty seconds before my burning lungs involuntarily force it out. “Take another hit,” she says as she drives off.
‘This is some bad-ass weed,’ I think as the effects hit me faster than any weed I’ve ever smoked.
My third hit makes me dizzy, causing me to pause until Mistress prods me into smoking more until I’ve smoked the whole thing. When she pulls into her garage, I can hardly even think, and I need help just getting out of the car.
Her face is a blur when she opens my door and kisses me long and hard. “How does my little slut feel after that teeny little joint?” she giggles.
“Teeny…?” I mumble. “That was a fuckin’ bomber!”
“Did it make Mandy Parker horny?”
“Oh, fuuuuuck… was there something laced into that joint?”
“My little secret, honey. Did it make you horny?”
“I feel like I could screw the whole world.”
“Sorry, whore, you’ll only be screwing me. Oh, wait… that’s not correct. I’ll be the one screwing you, you little fuck-slut!”
“You can do anything you want with me, Mistress. I’ll do anything you want.”
“Indeed you will, cunt,” she laughs, “more than you know.”
Everything is dark as I stumble behind her into the house. She takes me to her living room and tells me to stand in place while she lights one candle instead of turning on a light.
“Take off your pussy panties,” she orders, “but leave the dress on, for now.”
Okay, the padded panties do make me look and feel so very sexy, but I didn’t realize how fucking hard they were going to be to take off. Mistress laughs when my dick gets stuck in the gaff, and I struggle to pull it out of the tiny pouch. She knows it’s gonna be so hard when it gets free.
As I’m bending over to step out of my pussy panties, Mistress comes around behind me and slaps me hard on my ass. Then, as I’m standing back up, she lifts my dress above my waist and puts her arms around me. My ass feels so hot and vulnerable after being spanked, and my clitty is so hard it’s pointing towards the ceiling.
“Play with yourself, slut,” she whispers.
Instinctively, I start stroking myself like I’ve done all my life.
‘Slap…!’ she spanks my ass. “No jacking off, you cunt…! Jacking off is what boys do, which you never were, were you, Mandy?”
“No, I never was a male. A sissy is what I am.”
“How old are you, SissyMandy?”
‘Slap…!’ she spanks me again, twice on each cheek.
“How old are you?”
“Twent… no, eighteen. I’m eighteen.”
“That’s correct, you’re an eighteen-year-old slut. Do eighteen-year-old sluts jack off?”
“No. Jacking off is such a stupid thing for a sissy to do.”
“When do sissies get off?”
“When we’re getting fucked.”
“Good girl. Now just stand there and fondle yourself like a little girl while Mistress gets something to enhance your pleasure.”
It’s hard to just stand here as Mistress leaves me alone. The joint is really coming on strong, making me all wobbly as I’m cupping my balls and spreading pre-cum all over my clitty head. I’ve never been this high after smoking just a joint, and there’s nothing I can do but enjoy it.
I’d just love to lay out on that big, plush couch I can barely see in the dim light, but she told me to stay standing. I know I’m incapable of making my own decisions in this situation, so I dare not disobey.
“How does your hard little clitty feel?” Mistress asks as she approaches me from behind.
“This dress makes my clitty so hard that I could explode any second.”
“It’s not the dress, honey,” she says as she removes my princess collar and replaces it with a choker chain, “it’s you that makes you so horny.”
She establishes considerable psychological leverage by pulling the choker chain tight before going on to say, “Knowing and accepting what you are, and always will be, is what turns you on, sissy girl.”
“Grrrrrrrr…!” she growls in my ear. “You’re a mindless little eighteen-year-old fuck-slut, who’s about to let herself be used by this old cougar. grrrrrrrr…!”
She continues her playful growling as she places a blindfold over my eyes.
“I’m covering your eyes for two reasons, honey. For one, you haven’t yet earned the privilege of seeing my nakedness, but more importantly, and pay attention to this, when one of your senses is taken away, your other senses become much more acute, especially the sense of touch.”
She then unzips my dress, lifting it over my head before unhooking my bra. I have to say, even though my tits are so small, it feels so sexy when my bra falls away and Mistress cups her hands around them to fondle me.
“Cute titty rings,” she says as she tugs on them, “I love your belly ring too, baby. All our whores are pierced like this. Mistress Brenda has prepped you well for your new life, but why hasn’t she had your ears pierced yet?”
“Because my hair doesn’t cover my ears enough yet to hide earrings when I’m at work.”
“Yes, the hair does take a while to grow out, but you’ll look so good with hair down to your ass, and I suspect your Mistress won’t be letting you go to work much longer.”
“I’m working for my dad, so I can’t just quit. And we need the money to live on. I have responsibilities.”
“Fuck your dad, slut. He doesn’t own you, Mistress Brenda does. You’ll make plenty of money as a Hierarchy whore, and you should know by now that Mistress Brenda can manage your financial responsibilities better than you ever could. The only thing you should have to manage is your constant horniness. Feel your hard little clitty and try telling me you’re not a horny little fuck-slut!”
“You’re making me so horny, Mistress,” I whimper, “please take me into the shower and let me serve you.”
All I’m wearing at this point are nylons and the corset as she attaches a leather leash to the choker chain and jerks it sharply upwards so I feel like I’m being hanged. She leads me into what I think is her bathroom, since I can’t see a thing, and steps me into what I know is her shower because I feel the water nobs as she pushes me up against the wall.
This is all so incredibly erotic, not being able to see, but knowing she’s tying the leash to the shower head to hold me firmly in place. I’m expecting her to finish undressing me, but instead, she leaves me hanging on the showerhead. She’s gone for the longest time until I feel a rope being tied to my wrist and a strap-on cock brushing across my ass.
“Just relax, honey,” she says as she ties both wrists behind my back, “this is going to be fun. More fun for me, of course, since we both know who the whore is, don’t we, Mandy?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Who’s the whore?”
“I am, Mistress. I’m your whore to use in any way you like.”
I feel so vulnerable, tied to the shower head in such a way that I’ll choke myself if I try to move. As vulnerable and humiliating as this is, I’m getting so excited that I have to hump my hard clitty up and down against the shower wall.
She spanks me a couple times before twisting the plug in my ass. “Want this out?” she giggles.
“Only if you put something bigger in me.” I giggle back.
“That’s already been arranged,” she laughs as she wiggles the plug out of my butt.
Now, of course I’d much rather be fucked by a stud’s big cock, but there’s something different about being fucked by a woman that I also like a lot. So far, I’ve only been fucked by Mistress Brenda and Sherry, and Mistress Virginia will be my third. I don’t have much time to think about it before she shoves the butt plug into my mouth.
“Hold this for me, hon,” she laughs, “don’t let it drop on the floor. We don’t want any germs on it when I slide it back into you after I’m finished fucking your sissy ass!”
She turns my head to face the wall with my plug pressing up against it. “Suck on it, slut” she says as she pushes my head onto the plug and pours lube down the crack of my ass.
I recoil for a moment at the taste, but there really isn’t much I can do. The next thing I feel is a rubber cock head at my entrance. I want to be fucked so bad that I arch my spine backwards to let her know I’m ready.
“You look like such a fucking whore,” she laughs, “with your slut hole sticking out like that. I can’t decide what I want more… beating your ass, or fucking your brains out. Hmmm… maybe I’ll do both. After all, you’re just a rented bitch, so I can do whatever I want.”
My heart is absolutely hammering as I contemplate how vulnerable I am. Then I hear a soft whoosh, followed by loud smacks. Moments later, sharp pains flash in my ass. A soft chuckle lets me know that Mistress Virginia is enjoying beating my ass.
“You know what that was, sissy whore?”
I really don’t want to know, but I can’t look away when she puts a riding crop in front of my eyes.
“This is one of my toys, Mandy. Get used to it, my pet,” she says as she gives me several more swats.
She then mixes fast, stinging strikes of the crop with lighter hits with her hand. I’m squirming and trying to breathe deeply to help process the pain. She only gives me a few moments between hits before she strikes again, so I have little time to process while she continues to mind-fuck me with derogatory words. My brain goes into overload, wondering why my cock keeps getting harder every time she hits me.
Then, as suddenly as the assault started, it stops. “Damn, slut,” she laughs, “that was fun! I hope you enjoyed it too.”
She leans in close, running her strap-on along my lubed-up crack. “Can you feel how hard I am?”
With my lips wrapped around my plug, the only way I can respond is by moving my ass in rhythm with her strap-on cock.
“Oh, yes! You really are a little slut. Look at how your hungry little hole wants it. Oh… and if you drop that plug out of your nasty mouth, I’m going to spank your sissy balls hard, so keep your little whore mouth wrapped around that plug, bitch!”
Moaning into the plug as her rubber cock presses into my sissy hole, I feel my clitty swelling even more, if that’s even possible. She then pushes hard, thrusting her cock until its buried inside me.
With my ass on fire and stuffed with rubber strap-on meat, I’m bracing myself for an onslaught I know is surely coming. But the fierce cougar who’s been attacking me now turns into a sweet kitten and starts kissing my neck as she loosens the corset and removes it from my waist.
“Is that easier to breathe now, my pet?”
“Mmmm…. Mmmm…” are the only sounds I can muster with the ass plug still in my mouth.
“Oopsie…” she giggles as she takes the plug out of my mouth, “I forgot, you can’t talk with your mouth full.”
“Are you gonna fuck me now?” are the first words out of my mouth.
“So my little slut wants to be fucked, does she? After I just beat your ass with the riding crop?”
“Oh, God, Mistress,” I moan, “that hurt so fuckin’ bad, and I don’t know why, but I just loved it. Please slide your big cock up and down my ass. Fuck my ass good, Mistress, I really need it now.”
“Your ass…?”
“My pussy, Mistress, please fuck my sissy pussy.”
“What are you?” she asks as she starts fucking me with slow strokes.
“I’m a sissy whore, Mistress. I’m your sissy whore.”
“Just mine, and only mine?”
“Yes, Mistress, only yours.”
“Wrong, Miss Mandy Parker. You’re only my sissy whore for tonight. When your Mistress sells you to someone else, you’ll be their whore for as long as they’ve rented you for. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mistress, I’m anyone’s whore who pays for me.”
“Good, Mandy,” she purrs as she takes the blindfold off my eyes. “I think my sissy whore deserves a nice fuck, don’t you?”
“Oh, God, Mistress, I’m so ready. Your cock feels so good inside me!”
“You were born for this, weren’t you?”
“I was, I’m so sure of it now.”
“Oooo… baby!” she giggles as her hand wraps around my hard four inches, “Your little clitty is so hard! Shall we do something about that?”
“Oh please, Mistress. Your sissy bitch begs you to take her sissy cunt with your big cock. I need to cum so bad. I beg to be fucked like the sissy whore I am.”
“You’ll cum soon enough, but your client’s orgasm is more important than your own. You weren’t bought to receive pleasure, you were sold to give it. Ride my cock, bitch, and give me the great fuck your Mistress told me I’d get.”
“Yes, Mistress,” I moan as I begin rocking my hips back and forth. “I’ll ride it the best I can without choking myself.”
“I realize you can’t hump it while you’re tied to the shower head. I want you to learn to use your pussy muscles to massage his cock. You’ll find that when you rub your prostate against his shaft, you’ll make yourself cum in ways you can’t imagine. Try it, honey, I’ll help you.”
Mistress presses her tits against my back, squeezing my little clitty shaft as I clench my pussy around her cock. She feels so loving now, kissing my neck as her thumb spreads pre-cum around my clitty head.
At first, I’m not really sure where my prostate even is, until I feel the same sensation I got when Mistress milked me last week. I let out a soft moan as I press into that sensation.
“Do you feel it, Mandy-babe? Have you found your own, personal g-spot?”
“I think so, Mistress. It feels soooo dreamy!”
“That’s it, honey. Rub yourself into that spot, baby. This is how a sissy jacks herself off. You’ll never want to jack off like a boy, ever again, when you start doing it like this.”
“Oh, God Mistress! It feels so woooooonnnnnderful…!”
“Work with it, honey. You want it… you crave it… you deserve it!”
Mistress lets go of my clitty and grabs onto my tits as she continues stroking the rubber cock in and out of me. It seems like I’m climbing up a huge mountain of pleasure like I’ve never felt before, climbing higher and higher with the peak within my grasp.
Waves of pure erotic, sensual pleasure wash over me as Mistress unties me from the shower head, allowing me to rock my body back and forth with the rhythm of her fucking. She then unties my wrists, letting me reach back to pull her body into mine as she quickens the pace of her strokes.
My heart pounds against my chest as an enormous pressure fills me with such joy that I scream out loud and shoot rope after rope of cum onto the shower wall in front of me.
“Feel it, Mandy!” Mistress says as she shoves the cock up my sissy fuck-hole and holds it there just like a man would do when he’s shooting his load into me. “Cum…! You little slut! You dirty, horny little slut! Cum like you were meant to cum! What are you?”
“I’m a dirty little cum-slut! I’m anyone’s whore who pays for me!”
“How old are you?”
“I’m eight-teeeeeen! I love being eighteen!”
“How long do you want to be eighteen?”
“You’re forever a sissy, isn’t that right?”
“I’m forever a sissy… forever a sissy… forever a sissy!”
I’m close to passing out as I collapse backwards into Mistress’s arms, chanting ‘forever a sissy’, over and over. I’m overcome with the realization that I just made myself cum, hands-free! My knees buckle under me as Mistress gently lets me drift down to the shower floor.
“That was as lovely an experience for me as it was for you,” Mistress says as she covers me in kisses.
“I did it, Mistress! I made myself cum like a woman does!”
“Not quite, hon, you did it like a sissy does, and now that you’ve learned how, you can do it for yourself whenever you feel the urge. It’s only natural that you’ll be wanting to do it a lot, so don’t hold yourself back.”
“I’ll never jack off again. How could I? Knowing how wonderful it is to do it like this.”
“You made quite a mess in my shower,” she points at the cum dripping down the wall.
“I’ll clean it up, Mistress. Nothing tastes sweeter than my own cum.”
“Well, maybe there is one thing that tastes as good.”
“And what would that be?”
“Your nectar, Mistress. May I please show you how I can drink nectar?”
“You surely may, my sweet. But let’s talk about what it really is for a moment. It’s piss, isn’t it?”
“Yes, I suppose it is, but it doesn’t seem like it when I drink it.”
“What does it seem like to you?”
“It’s like the ultimate submission I can do to thank my Mistress for everything she’s done for me. It’s an honor for me to accept her fluids into my body.”
“It gives you new life, doesn’t it?”
“It does, when I think about it. I’m getting her DNA when I drink it, and it makes me more like her. I’m so in love with my Mistress.”
“Any woman’s piss can give a sissy new life, and she becomes more of a woman when she drinks it. Some might think it’s the ultimate kink, but for a Mistress, it’s a sacred way of passing her love into her sissy. Are you ready to accept my love into your body?”
“Yes, Mistress. I already told you I was. I’ll always be ready to drink a Mistress’s piss.”
“Good. Now that I know that you understand what this ultimate ritual of love between a Mistress and her sissy is all about, we’ll call it nectar again.
“We need to take off your wig first, we wouldn’t want to mess it up.”
“What about my nylons?”
“Leave them on. I’ll give you another pair to wear home. Now clean your mess off my shower wall while I take off my strap-on harness and get you a pill to take.”
“May I ask what that pill is?”
“You may. It’s Viagra, because this night is far from over, hon, and I like to play with hard little clitties. Sound like fun?”
“Much fun, Mistress! I’m learning so much about myself tonight!”
Oh my God…! I feel so damn good after getting myself off on her strap-on. I think I’ll probably be fucking myself a lot from now on. I can’t wait to talk to Marci about it, cuz I bet she does it all the time. After all, she’s more of a slut than I am. Well, maybe not now. After tonight, I might be just as much of a slut as she is. Hee-hee!
I’m so occupied thinking about Marci and licking my yummy cum off Mistress’s shower wall, that I don’t even realize she’s returned until I feel the end of a plug probing around my sissy hole.
“You know you look like a desperate slut, don’t you?” she laughs. “Licking your own cum off a wall? What kind of kinky slut would do that?”
“A sissy slut like me?” I giggle.
“Is there no kinky thing a deranged little cunt like you wouldn’t do to get fucked?”
“Probably not anymore,” I snicker. “Now that you’ve taught me how to cum like a girl with a cock in my pussy, I want to do it with a man fucking me.”
“Hierarchy whores are known for their ability to shoot their cum while they’re being fucked. With enough practice, you’ll be able to do it at will, just when your client expects you to.”
“Are you going to fuck me again?”
“After I quench your thirst,” she says as she slaps my ass and pushes the plug harder against my opening. “Open up that hungry little hole, honey, this’ll keep it satisfied until I’m ready to do you again.”
Since I’m so relaxed down there from just being fucked, I don’t even flinch when she shoves it in. My trained pussy naturally sucks it in after the widest part enters me and clamps it securely in place. She spanks my already red ass a few more times as I begin kissing her feet and work my way up her legs.
“I hope you have to pee, Mistress,” I giggle as I get close to her pussy, “cuz I’m kinda thirsty.”
The moment after I say that, I can’t believe I just did. Is this kinky act becoming second nature to me too? Like so many other things I’ve done, drinking urine is becoming just as natural to me as eating cum.
And what’s more, the kinkier things get, the more I seem to like it.
I can’t deny what Mistress told me at the restaurant. She was right when she said I was indeed born this way. I’ve succumbed to the realization of it, and there’s no way to stop myself from loving what I’m doing.
I look up into her eyes as my tongue glides up her thighs. Her naked body towering over me with her legs spread slightly apart makes my limp clitty pulse with new life. She looks both beautiful and graceful, in a stately kind of way that gives her a certain sexiness I’ve never seen in an older woman.
Maybe that’s because I’ve never seen a woman of her age naked before, I don’t know. She’s only the third woman I’ve seen naked, but I can tell she must have been quite the stunner in her prime, and still carries her good looks into her golden years.
My tongue is drawn to her pussy, so wet with anticipation as she looks down on me. I see experience in her face, and wisdom in her eyes as she leans down to kiss me. She smiles as she draws back and places a Viagra pill on my tongue.
“Time to finish what you started under the table, you dirty little whore. If you do a good job, you’ll get something to help you swallow that little blue pill.”
Oh, fuck…! What a turn-on it is to have a Viagra pill in my mouth as my tongue slides into her slit. The silvery-grey hairs in her bush feel so silky as I run my nose in them and lap away at her cunt. I honestly don’t think I need Viagra, because my little sissy dick gets hard again when I find her clit, and the little nub is eager to come out of its hood.
Mistress starts panting with soft moans as my tongue rolls around her rosy bud. Her moaning suddenly becomes louder as she lifts her leg to rest her foot on my shoulder the way Brenda always does. I know she’s so ready to pee when she pulls my head into her, and I’ve barely even started on her pee hole yet.
Knowing how weak Brenda gets when I do this, I decide I’m going to make her beg for it and see if all Mistresses let their guard down when they’re so close to pissing in a sissy’s mouth. It’s the one time I can control Brenda, and I’m not going to waste this opportunity to see if I can control Virginia the very same way.
“Use…your…lips,” Mistress pants as she falls back against the shower wall.
Just the contact with my face and the feel of my breath are driving her wild.
“And….tongue…oh…God,” she screams when I push the tip of my tongue into her pee hole. “That’s it, honey…oh yes, lick… right… there…! Oh, fuuuuck… yesssss!”
At this point, I’m exploring and tasting each and every little bit of her. Her quivering pussy gives her away, her normally contained emotions now in the open, so raw, obvious, and obscene. The hint taste of urine begins to seep out of her excited little pee hole as my tongue roams around it. I could bust the dam any time I want, but like I said, I’m wondering if she’ll beg for it.
I move back up to her clit… licking, sucking, and pursing my lips around it. She lets out a submissive howl, and I know right now, it’s her way of begging for it. I go back to licking her labia, plunging my tongue deep into her slit, touching her pee hole again before working my tongue into her fuck hole.
“That’s it, baby, all along my slit….my hole, my fuck hole, oh yes…. up here, too, my clit… oh fuck…. very sensitive, very sensitive. Lick it all.”
Mistress rocks her hips, riding my face as I flick my tongue and swirl it inside her love hole, wondering if I might be so lucky as to put my hard little clitty into it tonight. Her hips shake from the sensation as I torment her like this until my own desire gets the best of me. The taste of urine gets stronger and I’m wanting it as bad as I’d normally want a man’s cum when I get him close to climax.
Brenda has trained my tongue to position itself in the perfect spot to catch it when she lets it loose. I don’t have to wait long before the golden liquid nectar begins to flow, quickly filling my mouth and running down my cheeks before I can even swallow my first gulp.
“Drink it…!” Mistress screams. “Swallow it all, you filthy little whore!”
I can’t do anything but drink it up, the way she’s holding my head so tight with my open mouth so close to her stream. Taking her foot off my shoulder, she’s quick to reassert her complete dominance over me by holding my head and making me gulp it down. I’m wondering if she knew how I intentionally tormented her and if she’s going to punish me for it.
“Face on the floor, cunt,”* she orders as I think she’s emptied her bladder, “ass in the air!”
I know I better not fuck around with her because her riding crop is probably within easy reach. With my cheek pressed against the pee-covered shower floor, I’m not sure what’s going to happen as she straddles me from behind like a man who’s about to fuck me.
She spreads her legs and presses her pussy against my ass, letting out another stream of pee that runs in between my ass cheeks and drips off my balls. I know this would humiliate most people, but for me, feeling her hot pee flowing down my crack is an erotic sensation that shakes me beyond anything I’ve ever done with a man.
I think what turns me on the most about it is that I know it’s probably turning her on more than it does me. To be able to bring out the animalistic cravings she has for this kinky sex act is something I’m willing to do for her. It’s a good thing I’m accepting it, because I know this isn’t the last time I’ll be in the shower with her.
She raises herself up a little and sprays my back with nectar until she finally runs out of fluids and my entire body is covered in it.
“Don’t move, you filthy little whore,” she says as she gets off me and steps out of the shower.
Of course, I’m not about to move in the mess I’m in. Somehow, I’m very turned on with my belly full of it and my body covered in it.
“You’re such a good little slut,” she says as she turns on the shower water before leaving me alone with her yellow fluid rinsing off me and flowing down the drain.
With the night hardly over, I can only wonder what else this kinky cougar might have planned for me.
Thank You for reading this continuing chapter with the cougar Mistress. Don’t forget to let Mandy know liked it by clicking the ‘like’ button so she’ll tell us about the rest of her night with Mistress Virginia. ~~ Jill