As we stood in the queue for the gate, I looked down at Sarah’s right ankle. There, wrapped around it, was the thin gold chain which I had only given to her last night. Its presence made my cock stir, and once again I wondered what sexual adventures Sarah and I had in store on our first holiday together.
As we crept forward, still in line, I had time to reflect on the week up to today.
I had only seen Clare once, and that was on Monday night. She looked tired, but then she had every right to be. Since the last time I had seen her, she had been, basically, nonstop fucking with Brenda and for a while, in a threesome with Paula.
We did not discuss all the ins and outs then (Author’s Note:- Covered in Book 4) as we just needed to reconnect and adjust to the new relationship setups. These were the Sarah, David, and Clare three-way relationship, or as I call it, our relationship of three. Then there was the new Clare and Brenda relationship, where Clare’s girlfriend was a more dominant older bull lesbian and the fledgling Clare and Karen relationship. The last one was a surprise to Clare, as cleverly Brenda had manipulated her to date a seventeen-year-old ginger girl as a top, the same role that Brenda played with Clare.
For me, tonight was the first step on that journey of adjustment, new knowledge and, above all, sexual understanding and honesty.
We had gone for a pub meal at a new venue for both of us. It was a pub called “The Anchorage.” It overlooked the estuary where the city’s port was located. When we looked out of the window, we could see the cranes and several large ships moored out in the water. They were waiting for their turn to dock, while smaller ships, tugs, and boats seemed to skirt around them as if they were not there.
Maybe it was not the most romantic view, I didn’t know, but I liked it.
More importantly, Clare was happy, and we had time to chat as the ships outside our window entertained us. Tonight was important as I needed to know what Clare was thinking, now that she had been literarily under Brenda for the last day and a half.
The first thing Clare said to me when I picked her up was, “I love you” and I returned those words before we kissed and drove to the pub. Then a short time later, when we were still en route, Clare sweetly added, “Thank you for letting me have Brenda as my girlfriend as I needed this experience and, as you probably have guessed, I have been enjoying myself.”
I smiled. I was happy for her, and maybe for us. But I just hoped it did not affect Clare’s love for me and our own fledgling relationship. I didn’t want to mess that up. We needed our love and laughter.
We needed our relationship of three to grow and become an unbreakable loving bond.
Clare whispered, though her voice was still clear and steady. “I also know it cannot be easy for you to accept me having a full-time girlfriend and sleeping around.”
Clare was right, it was not easy and my latest orange journal entry had said as much. But for some unexplained reason, I understood, and now I knew I could live with it.
I had to!
I also had become to realise that it wasn’t as hard for me to accept Clare with a girlfriend as it had been for Sarah to accept Clare with me.
I hoped this phase of Clare’s sexual life would not last too long, but I had also accepted that it would not be over in an instant.
Later, when we were sitting down eating in the pub enjoying the food, the atmosphere and, above all, each other’s company, Clare started talking about Sunday…
“When you left Sunday lunchtime with Sarah, a big part of me, my heart, wanted to go with you, but my body was lusting after Brenda and the type of sex she would give me.”
I looked at Clare, directly into her chocolate brown eyes, and I knew… Whatever she was going to say, literally anything, I would still want her as my girlfriend.
“I am sorry, but it is true,” Clare stated, obviously reading my feelings through my green eyes. “I can’t help it, but Brenda makes me all gooey.”
I laughed, “Gooey!”
It could have been much worse.
“I hope I make you gooey too,” I chuckled.
Clare joined me in a giggle, and then winced; it looked like she was in pain. She moved a little closer; her face was once again as beautiful as normal, before whispering into my ear.
It was something personal…
“Actually, I am paying the price now for my energetic weekend.” Clare carefully giggled, “You could say I am a little sore as I am currently sitting on a cushion.”
I looked down, I hadn’t noticed, and I chuckled, “You must have had a good time then!” I glanced down again, and noticed the cushion was thick and obviously soft, and my chuckle turned more into a laugh.
I added, “It must have been a wonderful time, judging by the thickness of that cushion!”
Clare nudged me. Then laughed with me but abruptly stopped as a stab of pain pulsed from her pussy and escaped her body through her face, in the form of another grimace.
Honestly, I did try my best not to laugh too hard. Another nudge helped, but in the end, I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom. I needed a little time to adjust to this new relationship situation as funny as it currently was.
On my return, my face still with a grin on it, we moved on to more important things than Clare’s sore pussy. We both knew it would be the last time that we see each other for the next two weeks, so we chatted about what Clare’s plans were for the next week.
“I am on a date with Karen tomorrow and Wednesday as I have use of my mum’s car. On Friday, I will be going to the Rainbow Bar with Brenda as her official girlfriend and will probably stay with her over the weekend. After that, I am not too sure.”
“What do you tell your parents?” I asked, as it seemed that Clare was now getting more freedom.
“Well, I tell them I am staying with my girlfriend. They have Brenda’s telephone number, but of course, they think my girlfriend is Karen. The main thing is they know I am safe.”
“So, what did Brenda say about you and Karen?” I asked, already knowing the answer, which encouraged my grin to break cover once again.
Clare looked at me and then smiled back. She was happy, notwithstanding her sore pussy or my grin.
“You were right!” Clare exclaimed, sounding like it surprised her that I could be correct. “I am her project, though her words were. It is part of your lesbian education, my dear.”
We both laughed. Clare had said it deliberately, impersonating Brenda, complete with her slight Scottish accent.
Brenda wanted Clare, one of the most feminine girls I had ever met, to become a bull lesbian, complete with a fake strap-on cock. I had suggested to Clare that it was part of Brenda’s entertainment, but I have to admit, the thought of what Brenda wanted to do with Clare had me equally entertained.
“What do you think? Now you have the facts?” I asked. I did wonder, and I tried my best to cover my smile.
“I warming to it,” was Clare’s surprising initial answer. “But it will not be a long-term project,” Clare then added, more strongly. “I am not going to switch to being a full-time butch lesbian. It is just not me, but I play along for a while.”
“Are you sure about that, my dear?” I asked, as I both impersonated Brenda and grinned. I was trying to provoke a reaction from Clare. She knew it, and I received the appropriate nudge before getting a more considered answer.
“Yes, but I do want to date Karen as a top, if that is what she wants.”
Clare looked at me. She was waiting for me to say something… funny.
I didn’t, mainly because I couldn’t think of anything witty and just maybe, because I realised that this was important to Clare and, therefore, to me.
“David, I want that experience. To know what it is like to be a top,” Clare added before she took a long sip of her pint of cider. She was clearly thinking about something.
She continued. “I do not want to just tell Brenda that I am not going to do it and just stop before I have even tried it. I like Karen. She is sweet and innocent, well in body, as her mind seems to be full of dirty thoughts.”
I laughed, “Go on.” I was hoping that I was going to hear all about Karen’s dirty thoughts. But I didn’t. Instead, Clare knowingly carried on talking about Brenda.
“Brenda could not have picked a better person for me to date as a top. I want to experiment and Karen is perfect for me.”
I smiled but did not say anything. I was going to let Clare carry on doing all the talking, as this was giving me a wonderful insight into what she was thinking and doing when Sarah and I were away.
“Brenda has even promised to dress me when I take Karen out tomorrow night. I am not sure what that exactly means, but I guess it is part of my education.”
Clare smiled. “As you might have guessed with you and Sarah away for ten days and with college not yet started, I will have a lot of free time to spend with Brenda. After all, she is only a fifteen-minute walk away from my home and we are now officially a couple.”
I smiled. I wanted Clare to think I was entirely happy, and that was true, but only to a point, as I rather Clare was with other girls rather than with men. But I still did not see Clare as a lesbian, especially a butch one; though I was pleased, she had a female distraction when Sarah and I were in Crete.
I had, of course, already guessed that Clare would see Brenda while we were away and I hoped my Clare would still be my Clare on the return from holiday, but there was one last thing that I needed to bring up with her tonight.
“Has Brenda mentioned modelling for money yet?”
“Yes, she has mentioned it and I have looked through the red albums if that is what you hinting at.”
I smiled. Clare knew me. Or perhaps it was more that we both have very similar minds, dirty ones. With that thought turned my smile turned into a grin.
Clare had been watching me. She smiled and then said a little more…
“I looked at ones with nude models, and the models using dildos and various toys on one another. It was all porn.”
“Did she show you the photos of the girls peeing?” I carefully asked, then added. “Apparently, that type of photo is a top seller in the butch lesbian community. Brenda told me that you would earn a lot of money for those types of shots. Apparently, she has a private lesbian club she sells this type of photo to.”
Clare seemed unfazed by what I had just said. I should have been surprised, but somehow I wasn’t.
“Yes, we went through hundreds of photos, including the watersports pictures, and I said I would think about it.”
Clare stopped and looked at me, before telling me, “I promise you I will not sign anything when you are away. I have got enough money at the moment. So it is not an urgent issue. But sometime soon I will need to get a job, just to get through the college year, let alone pay my mother any bed tax.”
“Keep money,” I injected while smiling. Clare often called it a bed tax as she thought she shouldn’t have to pay her mum anything whilst studying.
Clare continued, unphased, “And by the way, the photos of girls pissing were fine. I have been with a guy who was into that and maybe one day I will tell you all.”
Clare grinned at my shocked expression. Her admission surprised me. I couldn’t image my beautiful Clare wanting to pee on someone or, even worse, being pissed on!
I guessed Clare must be talking about one of the four guys who she regularly fucked behind Alan’s back and had so far not told Sarah or me about. She had only hinted, and I did not press. She was not ready, but I wondered if I might need another safari trip to get Clare to reveal all about her past.
Clare continued, “No, the issue… Or putting it slightly differently, the question I ask myself is do I want loads of naked photos of me out in the world? I guess it’s not so bad now, but when I have children, I might feel different.”
I knew Clare wanted children, and I also knew that I wanted to be their father, but that was a future discussion. One when we had our own home; and perhaps also finished our sexual experimentation.
Clare then added, “Or maybe one day you could electronically send photos around the world as you can now with letters on fax machines. These are my concerns, more than standing naked in front of a camera.”
I knew she was right. It might happen, but I needed to ask her one more thing.
“Have you seen the photos that were taken of us on Saturday?”
I then added, “Sarah will ask,” though in truth we both knew I was just as interested as Sarah.
Clare giggled. “She has already phoned me about them.”
I smiled. Both Clare and I knew that Sarah had wanted always to model nude in a professional photo shoot. It was the one sexual fantasy she had often mentioned to me.
“But to answer your question, no, not yet, we got a little distracted and Brenda has not had a chance to process them yet. She is hoping to do that tomorrow and I let you know Thursday if they have been developed, or not. I will make sure you and Sarah do get to see all of them.”
“That’s good,” I grinned. “I am sure Sarah will want to see them, and I mean… all of them.” I inwardly chuckled.
After Saturday, we both knew that was true. Sarah couldn’t get enough of posing in front of Brenda’s camera. But I was also pleased, perhaps even more so, to hear Sarah had phoned Clare as it meant the two girls were getting along, even without me!
I changed the subject to phone calls.
“We are planning to phone you both this Thursday at six-thirty and the same time next week when we are in Crete. Could you be around to pick the phone up as it may be only a quick phone call, especially next week?”
Clare confirmed she would be waiting by the phone. Then asked about what plans Sarah and I had for Crete. The question made me feel guilty as I slid a single piece of paper that I had ripped from the holiday brochure across the table. I had been carrying it in my pocket as I had the feeling it might come up tonight with Clare.
“I promise next holiday it will be the three of us,” I warmly said, as Clare looked at the hotel and the main swimming pool photos.
“David, it is okay. Sarah needs some time with you,” Clare remarked, as I explained what I knew of the hotel.
What Clare had said might be true, but I still felt guilty.
For me, it was a slightly sombre note to end our meal on as I wanted Clare there with the two of us but knew for Sarah’s sake that couldn’t happen. Clare was right. Sarah and I did need some private time together, though I wasn’t sure yet what that would really mean.
Later that night, we parked up and, after much talking, cuddling and kissing; we ended up making tender love to each other. Yes, Clare did feel slightly different. She was a little looser, but I kind of liked it. She was still my Clare, and we still climaxed together, even if some of her “AGHS” came more from her soreness than her arousal.
With that, I dropped Clare off at home as she needed an early night. As she went to get out of the car, I kissed her and told her again that I loved her. I also promised, once again, that the next holiday would be for all three of us.
Clare smiled and gingerly got out of the car’s passenger seat.
I watched her go safely through her door and silently said to myself, “Good night, my Clare.”
As I drove home with Madonna’s “Who’s that Girl” playing on my car radio. I realised this would be the last time I made this journey, as after our holiday I would have my own apartment.
Not for the first time that evening. A large smile returned to my face.
I was once again… happy.
We boarded the plane, and I got the window seat. I always did when I flew, as I liked watching the world move beneath us. My hand was on Sarah’s thigh. She was wearing three-quarter-length denim jeans, the gold anklet around her right ankle for all to see.
I looked at Sarah; she smiled back or was it a knowing grin? She knew I had been once again taking in the anklet she was now wearing.
It was with the anklet still in my mind. I looked out of the window as I took in the view, but my mind started to drift, to the phone call Sarah and I had last night with Clare.
It was Thursday evening. We were at Sarah’s, just the two of us, when we phoned Clare. As promised, she picked up on the second ring. It was obvious that she had been waiting for our call.
“Hi there,” both Sarah and I said together as we were on speakerphone.
After exchanging our normal pleasantries, Clare told us about the dates she had with Karen and how they were now getting a little more intimate with each other, though they had not yet had sex.
Karen wanted to wait until she was eighteen and legally an adult to both come out as gay and started having full sex with Clare. Her eighteenth birthday was on October 6th, so only just over a month away.
“Is she going to have a party?” I quite innocently asked.
“She is pretty sure her mum is organising something, but she is not certain yet. She will know if there is one next week,” Clare somewhat enthusiastically replied.
“Maybe it would be better if she did not come out at her party,” I recommended as Sarah looked on.
“Yes, that’s what I said to her. I suggested that it would be better to talk to her parents first, before the party and she is thinking about it. To be honest, I am not sure what to do if there is a party.”
Clare paused. I looked at Sarah; she seemed concerned.
“She wants me to go as her girlfriend,” Clare suddenly said, and then quickly added. “Of course, if there is a party. That’s something I am not comfortable about at the moment, as I rather would be introduced to the family first. I do not want to give them any surprises.” I laughed, which I knew was wrong, especially with Sarah staring at me. She nudged me!
“Clare, you do find yourself in some interesting situations,” I said.
Sarah was smiling but was more diplomatic as she stayed quiet.
“We will be back before then,” I added. “So perhaps we can talk more about it then and maybe you will also know for certain what is happening? Though Clare, do make sure that Karen does not announce that she is gay and introduces you as her girlfriend in front of all her family, including her grandma, grandad and aunty Mary… I can see that not going down too well.”
Sarah was quietly giggling as she listened.
“Whatever happens Clare, we will be there for you, we promise, but more importantly,” I added with a smile. “What did Brenda dress you in for your date with Karen?”
I looked at Sarah; she was grinning.
“I am not saying.”
Sarah and I were now both laughing before we said together, “BAGGY JEANS!”
We could feel Clare’s blush come down the telephone wire.
After a brief pause where Sarah and I were trying to recover our composure, Clare said. “It’s not just that, she also measured me up for a piece, actually I think she is buying two for me.”
We were still laughing, so there was a pause before I replied.
“I love to ask you how she measured you, but I think I leave that to my imagination. Are you going to wear them?”
“Yes, but only when I am with Karen, dressed like a man. Actually, Brenda did quite a good job of making me manlier, and when I dressed like that, it certainly helped me play the part better.”
“Did you enjoy it?” Sarah quickly asked before adding, “Playing the part of a man.”
I glanced at Sarah. Surely she was not interested in doing the same?
“Yes, it was fun, but it is not something I could do permanently, like Brenda. It was like I was in a stage play and putting on a show. Good for a while but too tiring to do all the time… Karen quite liked it when I explained why I was dressed like that!”
Clare then forcefully added, “But it’s just not me!”
“Does Karen know about Brenda?” I asked.
“Not the detail, David. Just that she is a friend. The rest will come later.”
Sarah and I quietly chuckled, trying our best not to let Clare hear. With that, I asked in my normal diplomatic way.
“Are you still sore?”
Clare laughed, “Typical man question. What do you think?”
“A typical Clare answer,” I retorted. “Come on, are you?”
“Yes, but Brenda’s got some special cream that takes away the soreness and we are now also using plenty of lube.”
I knew Clare was smiling when she then wickedly said, “My tip for you, Sarah. If you ever have a man with a properly sized cock, something the size of Brenda’s, use lots of lube.”
Sarah blushed but still managed a giggle. I chose to let it go, even though I knew that Clare was hinting that I had a small cock.
My mind had drifted and at that moment was having a childish vision. It was Sarah on her back and a massive cock pistoning in and out of her, with me holding a can of Brenda’s special lubricant and oiling the moving, contacting parts.
It was a vision that had me grinning and then Sarah staring at me, not understanding why I was grinning at Clare’s jibe about having a small cock.
With that vision, we said our goodbyes and gave our love to one another, and all three of us confirmed next Thursday’s phone call.
On the plane, Sarah was reading. She had a rather obese man sitting next to her. I glanced at him. His eyes were locked on Sarah’s legs. Maybe even at the thin gold chain that now nestled around her right ankle.
I pulled Sarah close, and she smiled.
“I love you,” I whispered in her ear as her head rested on my shoulder.
The aeroplane’s tannoy came to life as the captain’s voice announced, “We will be landing in fifteen minutes.”
We looked at each other and grinned; our holiday had officially started and with that, so had our new sexual adventure…
Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+ ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.