Part 3
My phone buzzed twice. I rolled over in bed and reached for it. Rubbing my eyes and putting on my glasses I saw that I’d received a Whatsapp from Ben. How are you fixed for next weekend? It said.
My stomach lurched slightly, and I got a little twinge in my groin too. This was the end of a couple of days of back and forth following the events of part two. The TLDR version is me and my wife had cam sex for the benefit of a friend who had also fucked her recently (previous chapters available for the unenlightened).
I nudged Asha, who was still half sleeping. She turned her head and through narrow, sleepy eyes read the message. A broad grin crept over her face, she stretched her arms out and kicked the duvet off to stretch her legs. In just her small grey knickers and a loose-fitting vest, I admired how curvy and sexy she looked. She had put on five or six pounds during the last few months, her boobs were now an even more impressive 34F, and even her new bras struggled with them.
As she lay there I imagined how Ben would use her and dominate her in a way that I couldn’t. As I’ve said previously, we have a fairly decent sex life for being married with kids but having witnessed how she responded to someone much larger than me, I knew my place.
“So. How are we fixed for next weekend,” I said, breaking the silence and Asha’s sleepy, grinning stupor.
“Well I think we can get someone to watch the kids for a couple of nights, or they can be home alone” She replied, smiling.
Bearing in mind we hadn’t discussed a whole weekend. Only a night. And also our kids were well under 12, I quickly realised Asha had something more eventful in mind than me.
Picking her up on this I continued, “Who said anything about the whole weekend? Did Ben say something to you?”
“No, I thought you said it would be for a couple of nights, may as well make the most of it if we are visiting him, we can do other stuff too you know” Asha cackled back to me.
I hadn’t thought of anything else other than us all getting naughty together and frankly had no interest in a day trip or anything but I thought it was a good idea. Given that (in my mind anyway) we would be taking things up a notch from last time.
We ended up arranging to meet two weeks later, issues with babysitters threw a spanner in the works but the delay only seemed to fire Asha up more. She had used the fortnight to make herself look her best.
A couple of spa/pamper days with her friends with trips to the nail and hair salon had her looking much younger and healthier. She had also visited the local tanning salon to give herself an all-over bronzing. This always made her look super sexy and made her big blue eyes even more prominent.
The day we were due to leave we had returned to the house after dropping the kids off. I had realised with work, the kids and her days away to herself we hadn’t had sex for about a week. And even that was a quickie.
I suggested we have a last fuck before we go. Asha said no, saying she needed to get ready and we should save ourselves for the coming weekend. Frustrated, I agreed and decided to get myself ready too. Hadn’t thought about it until then weirdly but I realised I should probably do some manscaping in the shower.
I usually do as Asha prefers it that way, but I was going to be naked in front of someone else even if it was another guy.
I shaved my balls smooth and trimmed all my pubic hair short. Not being particularly hairy down there I was done quickly. Asha was packing a bag as I came out and she quickly zipped it up as I entered the bedroom.
I didn’t think anything of it and gave her a cuddle. Just in my towel, she could feel my bulge pressing into her from behind. She turned to kiss me.
“So are you ready for this weekend or just pleased to see me?” she laughed. I dropped my towel and placed her hand on my stiffening semi.
“That would be a definite both! Maybe you can just warm up quickly on me, it has been a few days, don’t want you forgetting what to do this weekend haha,” I replied.
“Hmm OK but quickly, I need to shower too,” Asha said as she looked down at my cock, now hard and desperate for her hot mouth.
I pushed her head down and she sat on the edge of the bed. She pulled me off a few times while looking at the angry purple end. “Mmm nice trim, I love your balls when they are smooth.”
With that, she started sucking each of my balls in turn while jacking me. She then gripped my thighs while pulling me forward and my cock into her throat. I started to pull at her top and she began to peel it off. Then quickly undid her bra with my cock still in her mouth.
Her massive tits hung down as she leaned forward slightly. I reached down to cup each of them. I licked a finger and wetted her nipples before pulling each tit up by them and then letting them fall. Something I know she likes.
She made appreciative moans as I did that, then I worked her tits some more. She started to swallow me deeper. Something she had made a point of doing ever since that first night with Ben when she had struggled to get any of his fat cock in her throat.
It was like she was practising for the next time I wondered to myself. And I would be proved right.
I felt my balls swelling and held her head by the hair as I started to buckle.
“Cum on my tits if you want,” Asha gasped, as she pulled me out of her mouth and pushed her big tits up with her free arm. I was in no position to argue, I clenched my ass and jetted out four or five powerful blasts which splashed onto her neck, shoulders, and big meaty tits.
“Oh my god, what a lot of spunk haha, better save some for this weekend!” Asha chuckled as she let go of my cock.
Cradling her tits, she kept the cum from falling on the floor. It pooled in her cleavage as she walked quickly to the bathroom.
“Take my bottoms and knickers off please,” she asked as she tried to keep the spooge from going everywhere. I did as she asked, giving her bum a playful kiss as she hopped into the shower. She let her tits go, the cum started pouring down her and dropping in blobs onto the shower floor.
“You are so fucking sexy, Jesus Christ…” I couldn’t help but say as I looked at her. Tanned, dripping in cum, and stretching up to adjust the showerhead with her giant boobs swaying side to side as she did so.
“Haha stop it, just wanted to look my best for the weekend,” she replied.
I left her to it and packed my case. I did pop my head in to see her shaving her legs and pussy. This gave me a thrill knowing she was going all out.
I knew what she really meant was she wanted to look her best for Ben. I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. I remembered when she used to get pampered for me. That aside I was still excited to see what happened and had my own desires in mind too.
The feelings of wanting to be cuckolded by a well-hung guy were no longer that of a voyeur now. I was sure (if it panned out that way) I’d like to be an active participant. I knew Ben had an exotic taste in porn, he had often laughed about liking tranny porn sometimes and was pretty liberal sexually. But I was still unsure how it would unfold and would hate to make a misstep.
We jumped in the car and were off. Making small talk as we drove the hour or so to Ben’s house. Which was really his older brother’s house, but he was working offshore. As Ben was still going through his separation and divorce from his ex, Michelle, he hadn’t bought anywhere yet.
We pulled up to the house around 2 PM, which was a farm cottage conversion on the edge of a small plot of farmland. No sign of anyone else despite there being a larger farmhouse not far away. As we stopped, I turned to Asha with the idea of asking if we should do this again. Not sure why I suddenly got cold feet but part of me did fear Asha forming more than a physical attachment the second time around, without other people involved.
Asha just hopped out of the car, however. Which was maybe for the best. No point starting things off on a bad note. We knocked at the door. Some footsteps could be heard inside and the door swung open.
“Well hello there, how are you both? Good journey? Come in, come in,” Ben said, sounding a little flustered. We came into the house, Ben taking our bags and putting them under the stairs.
“We’re good man, how are you? Nice place, good to be somewhere quiet,” I said in response. It was a nice little house and mostly open plan.
“Yeah well, It’s my bro’s obviously but he’s hardly here and the rent is cheap,” Ben replied. He then looked at Asha who had barely said anything apart from Hi.
“Can I take your coat, Asha? Then we can all have a drink…” Ben said. Asha quickly unzipped her thigh-length coat. She had chosen some skinny jeans and a fairly tight strappy vest top. Ben’s eyes nearly swallowed her whole as she turned whilst removing the coat. Showing that her curvy figure had gotten even curvier since we last met up.
“Oh my, you look great! Drinks?” Ben said ushering us over to the table in the kitchen.
“Beer is fine for me mate, please,” I said. Asha asked for Rose wine if he had any. We sat and enjoyed a few drinks, and a catch up. The initial awkwardness soon passed and Asha loosened up as we skirted around the events of the last time we met. Laughing at how crazy it was.
We then moved over to the living room area and sat on the sofa. It was a large corner sofa. I motioned Asha to sit in the middle of myself and Ben. We did a couple of shots and two or three hours had now passed since we arrived. It was into the evening. We passed a joint around, Asha not being an experienced weed smoker started to get woozy almost right away.
“Oh man, my head is spinning,” she said grinning and grabbing both of us to steady herself.
“I’ve not smoked anything since that night, I forgot what it did to me haha,” she continued, now fanning herself to cool down.
“Well, I bet there are a few things you haven’t done since that night Asha haha,” Ben jumped in with. Nicely steering the convo in the right direction.
“Mmm definitely,” Asha replied. “I was pretty wasted on the pills too, I can’t even remember how everything started.” She continued.
I decided to push things along. “Well, it all kind of started when you got your big tits out for everyone, no going back after that.” I saw Ben grinning and staring at her tits as I spoke.
“Suppose we could just do that again see what happens,” I added, taking a big puff on the joint and leaning back on the sofa.
Asha smiled and looked at both of us then down at her tits. She took a gulp of wine and then said, “I might have a better idea.”
She got up and went over to her bag, still under the stairs. Opening it she took a smaller plastic bag out of it. “Can I change somewhere?” she asked Ben.
“Yeah…sure…There’s a small bathroom just through that door,” Ben replied. Pointing at the door off the Kitchen.
Asha disappeared for a few minutes, looking a little unsteady. Ben and I hadn’t been alone yet and I decided to put out a few feelers.
“Not sure what she’s up to man, I’ll be honest, but I hope it’s what I think it is! Haha….. so, not sure if we need to set any ground rules or what you’re thinking,” I said.
“Errrm, I’m happy to go with the flow, don’t want step on any toes, just so grateful to you for making this happen, haven’t thought about anything else but that night for ages. And the other weekend watching you two fuck was great too. Hope that doesn’t sound weird but kinda liked watching both of you go at it haha,” Ben replied.
I was happy with what I heard. “No need to thank me, I liked watching her with you too. Did suggest a stranger but we weren’t sure, and she was more than happy for some of your big fella again haha. I’m going to get involved too obviously but if you’re not comfortable just say or give me a sign, ok?” My heart was beating as I said it but Ben instantly nodded and smiled.
We did a quick shot of whisky and then heard the door open.
Asha emerged from the less well-lit kitchen in a very sexy lingerie set. A black and pink corset with bra, pushing her tits right up and nearly spilling over the top, small black lacy panties, and black and pink stockings.
The contrast against her caramel skin and blue eyes was striking and I gasped as she came into full view.
I realised very quickly the lingerie was new and it was what she had zipped up her bag to cover back at the house. She looked incredible, as she slowly and somewhat nervously walked toward us on the sofa her tits jiggled and moved in the way that only big natural ones can.
Ben and I were both transfixed. It was surprising and sexy to see her confidently take the lead like this. She sat on my knee and gave me a very deep, wet kiss. I ran my hand over her smooth stockings. Breaking off the kiss to look at her. She smiled and motioned her eyes towards Ben as if seeking permission. I smiled and leaned back, pushing her over towards him.
Ben also sat slightly dumbfounded as she sat in his lap. Kissing his neck first before kissing him full on the lips and letting their tongues intertwine. Ben just managed a breathless, “Wow…” as she started pulling at his T-shirt.
He whipped it off over her head and went back to kissing her. I decided to undress slowly as this unfolded and sat in just my boxers as they continued to feel each other out with their tongues and hands.
“I think I might need some help taking this corset off,” Asha said as Ben kissed her neck and nibbled her ears. Ben was more than happy to oblige. He glanced over at me with a half-grin to gauge my reaction I suppose. I nodded and smiled. He worked the clasps open quickly. More and more tit being exposed as he did.
“Oh fuck, hello, there they are…” Ben moaned as the corset landed on the floor. Her giant boobs were inches from his face. He grabbed the right one, squeezing and lifting it before sucking and biting the nipple hungrily. Asha’s hand was working hard just out of view and I could see she was stroking him through his Jeans.
“They are the nicest tits ever, so fucking big,” Ben said as he started on the other one. Asha was moaning softly. I was enjoying the show and getting harder and harder. Asha looked over and smiled at me.
“I love getting my tits sucked, maybe you can both suck them together…” she said, before sliding over from the edge of the corner sofa into the middle seat. Her arms stretched back behind her head gave us both access to not just her tits, but we could now get her knickers off and play with her wet pussy too.
I started playing with her tits, doing all the things she liked, occasionally kissing her neck as Ben stroked her inner thighs and sucked a nipple as well.
“Mmm I love this, I’m so wet…” Asha moaned. I looked over at Ben who was nuzzling her neck with a hand resting right on her thigh. Her hand was reaching down too. Feeling for his cock, which was bulging and pushing his jeans out as far as they would go.
No sooner had I noticed that when Ben started to unfasten them, I was still in my boxers but my helmet was poking out of the waistband. I knew Ben was averse to underwear so It would be seconds before he was fully naked.
“Taking these off if that’s ok,” said Ben, more towards Asha than me.
“Mmm yes please, get him out…” Asha moaned as I watched him with one eye while sucking her tits.
Ben stood up and pulled the buttons open, I stopped to watch for Asha’s reaction as he pulled them down. She was wide-eyed as before as his giant member fell out and started bobbing at half-mast between his legs.
“Oooh fuck, still a monster, I hope my pussy will be ok this time haha.” Asha laughed, breaking the slight silence. Ben just laughed and started pulling it to get it hard.
“I’m sure she’ll have a great time, I know I will, plus you’ve got two big cocks for her, ain’t that right mate?” Ben said looking over at me. I’d been slightly transfixed by him pulling at himself.
“Emm yeah for sure, well one normal one and one monster haha,” I laughed in response.
“Let’s compare them,” Asha said out of nowhere. She stood up and made a grab for Ben’s stiffening cock. Taking over from him and wanking it slowly. He instantly got harder and his big purple head started to emerge, glistening through the foreskin.
“Wow, I forgot how heavy and thick it is Ben. It’s such a beautiful big dick, Michelle must be crazy to give it up,” Asha said, gazing down at it as it curled up towards her hanging tits.
“Well, let’s just say she wasn’t up for sharing like you guys. Or anything unusual…haha,” Ben replied.
I stood up to join them. My boxers dropped, and my cock strained as I pulled it to full hardness.
Asha reached for mine too and pulled me in so she could wank both of us. She looked at each in turn and started to pull us in closer together.
“I want to see them side by side, I love looking at dicks together,” she said as she positioned Me and Ben almost facing each other. Ben being slightly taller was poking straight towards my waist and mine just underneath. She then squeezed them together with both hands.
The first time I felt his cock shaft touch mine I gave an audible gasp.
“Woah, not much of a comparison,” I said to try and cover it up.
“I used to compare mine with my brother when we were young haha, that’s what mine was like next to his!” Ben said.
“Really?? Oh my god, then I need to meet him too haha,” Asha piped up. We all laughed at this. She was really in the mood now. I motioned her to sit on the edge of the couch. She did so, still holding on to both of us.
“Two cocks for me to suck, mmm yummy,” Asha said as she pulled at us both. She started with me. Straight into deep sucking, slow and hard, then speeding up. She then quickly turned to Ben and licked her lips. Glancing up at him briefly before starting to put as much of it in her mouth as she could.
Ben’s head rocked back, he started making some encouraging noises and held her head gently as she went back and forth on the top few inches.
“You’re doing so good Asha, think you’ve definitely sucked big ones before, and not just mine,” Ben said. Asha was trying very hard to please him. She pulled back to answer, licking his shaft and balls as she did.
“Not as big as yours, but I have sucked a few, I wish they were all this big haha,” she began. I had heard about most of her prior sex life when we first met. She had said I was her third lover but she had fooled around with more. I’d always wondered if she was being honest and exactly how many. She would say she couldn’t remember exactly, but it wasn’t a lot.
That said, she was an excellent dirty talker and could spin great stories which made me wonder if she is really as shy and inexperienced as she’d claimed. She was brought up Catholic after all.
“I think Ben would like to hear more about what a slut you are babe, don’t be shy haha,” I said. Knowing how good she was at it.
“Mmm well I was quite naughty when I was younger, I started playing with boys as soon as I was sixteen,” she said as she slowly pulled Ben’s weeping foreskin back and forth over his fat cock head.
“Oh yeah?” Ben said, instantly wanting to hear more. Asha ran her tongue up and down the underside of his cock. Then reached for mine and started to pull us both off.
“Mmm yeah, I had big boobs then too so all the boys liked me, they would always try to get me to show them. If I liked them I would, but only if they showed me…” Asha continued. “I liked it when they would show me their hardons, and I started to do stuff with a few of them.”
Ben was loving the dirty talk, being a pervert like me, this was right up his street.
“What sort of stuff?” Ben asked, imploring her to continue.
“Just kissing and touching each other, they would suck my tits and I would wank their dicks and sometimes kiss them. I was still too shy to do more but I remember when I was older I started to do more.” She had us both hanging on her every word and I was transfixed on how hard Ben was. The veins were bursting out all over his dick.
“What else?” I said. Having heard some of this before but only now thinking it may be true.
“I was at a party and two boys walked me home, I think I had done stuff with one but not the other, but I liked them both, they were both really tall and handsome. We stopped at a shop to get some juice and went to the park near my house. We went into the trees and had a cigarette. We were hidden and one boy started to kiss me.
Then the other did too. His friend started to take my dress off and I was only wearing a bra and pants. I had double D’s then so they were amazed and asked me to take off my bra. I said I want to see their dicks first.
They looked at each other and laughed but then took down their trousers. I put my hand into their pants and started to feel them. They were getting hard, that was the first time I had two at the same time in my hands.”
Ben was loving the filth talk, as was I, but I was worried I might shoot my load. I told her to tell us the rest later as I turned her head and pushed my cock into her mouth again.
Taking the hint she started sucking us both again in turn. Ben was grinning and rocking his head back as she managed to get a good five inches of his cock into her mouth before gagging and pulling away with sticky spit running down her chin.
Her free hand went into her knickers which were somehow still on. She started playing with her clit and was visibly soaking. She stopped sucking and started to work her knickers off.
“I think someone needs to fuck me now,” she said matter of factly, lying back and opening her legs slightly. I was amazed at how confident and cock hungry she was. It had been years since I had seen her so wanton.
Ben was gazing down at her, tanned, shaved smooth, with her pink pussy lips exposed and wet. He turned to me and said “I think we should spit roast her mate haha. But let me give her a few like this first. She’s so fucking sexy.” I didn’t even have time to agree before he knelt between her legs and lined up his helmet with her opening.
“Come on Ben, put it in me,” Asha sighed. I knelt down next to them. “I want to see this ha, see her get stretched,” I said as I put my head about a foot from her cunt.
Ben started to inch the fat head in slowly. Asha popped up onto her elbows and threw her head back. He started to ease it back and forth, getting more in until Asha let out a loud yelp.
“Holy shit, how fucking big is it again Ben? Twelve inches?” she gasped as he pushed all but a couple of inches into her.
“About ten haha, the same size as last time, you ready yeah?” Ben replied before starting to build up a faster rhythm. She was now lying back on the sofa as his pace increased. Her legs hooked over his arms and her eyes closed tightly. He fucked her hard and fast for the first minute or two. She was moaning and wriggling as he did so.
I decided to make myself useful by sucking on her tits and kissing her neck. I could see she was close to cumming and softly asked her if she was enjoying the dick.
“You enjoying getting fucked by a big one again babe?” I asked her as I mauled her tits.
“Oh…Oh..yes…it’s amazing..ah….ah…ah my pussy is on fire, feels so good,” was all she could say.
“It looks so fucking hot, your pussy lips are getting turned inside out, my cock is bursting looking at it.” I continued. As Ben continued to plough into her, she wailed and moaned. She then looked down at my dick.
“Put it in my mouth,” Asha snapped. I jumped up and pulled her head around to meet my member. She hungrily started slobbering on it whilst moaning and gasping loudly. Her eyes then opened to look down between her legs as her moaning increased to loud gasps.
“Yes…yes…yes…fuck me with that big dick Ben, fuck me like a whore,…ooh fuck, fuck, fuck….ah, ah, AH, AH, AH, AAHH FUUCKK AHAAA.”
Her whole body convulsed and buckled as her orgasm hit her like a train. “OH SHIIIT I’M COMING GUYS!” she screamed as her pussy started to squirt. She sat up, pushed Ben back and pulled his cock out and held it for support. Looking down at her wide open, red squirting pussy she watched, wide-eyed as it fired a couple more, little jets into the air.
She was breathing heavily and flopped back on the couch. Smiling to herself she caught her breath for a few seconds. Ben and I just looked at each other grinning. I broke the silence.
“Well I think that’s what she came for mate, was hoping she’d squirt on me a bit too haha,” I said.
“Well, I’m not finished yet,” Ben replied. Asha opened her eyes at that and said “Good, just give me a sec.”
Ben and I sat on either side of her. Ben still hard as a rock and me half hard.
“Why don’t you finish up your story from earlier?” Ben said taking Asha’s hand and putting it on his cock and nuzzling her neck. “What happened with the two boys?” I took her other hand and put it on mine.
“Hmm where did I get to, I think I was at the bit where I was feeling their dicks and getting them harder. They took down their pants and trousers so I could see them. They were both very nice cocks. Quite long and thick, not much hair. I always like that.” My cock was hard again as she talked. Ben started to suck her nipples again as she pulled at his member.
“Next they took off my bra to look at my tits. They both were like woah when they saw them haha. They started to squeeze them and one guy started to lick them. They wanted to fuck me but I wasn’t on the pill so I said I could only suck them. I was a bit scared because I hadn’t sucked two at the same time before. I started on one then the other.”
Ben leaned up and knelt next to Asha’s head. “Why don’t you show us how that went haha,” he added. I moved around so both our hard cocks were next to her face.
“Mmm, so I was pulling the skin back like this, then sucking gently and getting faster.” Asha expertly kept both of us going like spinning plates.
“Then I put both into my mouth at the same time but I don’t know if I can fit both of you in my mouth haha,” she said.
“Just try it, I think it’ll work,” Ben said, edging closer. I also moved in and told her to give it a go.
She sat up and pulled us together until our cocks touched. She wanked them slightly. Rubbing us off each other. Glancing up at me as she did so. I knew she was doing that for me.
She opened her mouth wide and tried to force both of our heads into her mouth. She managed an inch or two. Moaning as she did it, she looked up at both of us to see how the feeling of our cock ends squashed up together in her mouth was affecting us. I could feel Ben getting even harder. Looking over at him. He was focused on our conjoined meat, fucking Asha’s face gently.
“Hmm, that’s really nice sucking them together,” Asha said as she released us from her mouth. She held them close still and wanked them together so our uncut foreskins touched. She then went further and pushed the ends together, before licking the jizz from them. We were both rock hard and neither of us had said anything for a minute or so.
Looking at both of us as if waiting for someone to object she smiled. “I think you guys like touching dicks haha, you are both really fucking hard.”
“To be honest it’s difficult to not get hard watching you work two dicks Asha, but let’s just say I’m comfortable with it….If everyone else is,” Ben replied.
“Fine by me too mate, not gonna lie, you’ve got a hell of a cock haha,” I said feeling emboldened by what seemed like a new level achieved.
“It’s really heavy, you should feel it, heavy balls too, you know you want to haha,” Asha said chuckling. My heart jumped thinking she had pushed things too far.
I shushed her and started laughing, going bright red too. Ben just smiled and looked at each of us in turn. “Really? Does he? Haha…It’s fine by me man, crack on!” With that, he turned to face me and took a step towards me. His erection pointing up towards me, the fat end still glistening in pussy juice and spit.
“Ehh haha well ok if you’re sure it’s alright. Bit gay I know haha.” I was unsure how to proceed. I put my hand out slowly. I was about to touch another man’s dick for the first time and I had no idea how to do it.
Suddenly Asha took my wrist and led my hand to it. I ran a finger up the side of it first. I felt it quiver as I did. I then ran my palm up and down the underside of it before curling my fingers around it.
It was hot and hard. I could feel all the ridges and veins underneath the skin. It was like feeling mine but obviously much thicker and sticky with pussy cum. I wasn’t sure what to do next when again Asha took my wrist and started moving it up and down, making my hand slowly wank his dick.
“Wow, wasn’t expecting this tonight mate haha,” Ben chuckled, breaking the silence. Asha then took her hand off my wrist and put it further up the shaft. Joining me and wanking Ben’s big dick in unison.
“Why don’t you sit down Ben,” Asha said, moving ben towards the edge of the couch. As he sat, Asha knelt in front of him then pulled me down next to her.
“Lie back Ben and close your eyes,” she said as she pushed him back gently. Ben seemed happy to do as she said and put his hands behind his head. She knelt up and over his dick and started to suck the end of it whilst massaging the balls. I watched quietly for a minute as she worked him to rock hardness. He had gone from gazing down at her to eyes closed facing the ceiling.
She took my hand and placed it over his balls. I started to cup them where she had done previously. She then put a hand on my neck and pulled my head in.
“Do you want to try something else guys haha?” she asked.
Ben didn’t even look up, he just replied, “You guys do what you want to me haha. I’m having a great time.”
Asha turned and motioned me with her eyes towards Ben’s crotch. I moved my head in just a few inches from his balls then leaned in and kissed them softly. Asha was still holding his cock upright as I darted a tongue out and ran it over his heavy ball sack. As I did, I could see his thick shaft taking up most of my field of vision. I was unsure about going any further.
Then Asha whispered in my ear, “Just suck it, he wants it too…”
I took a deep breath and grabbed it by the thick shaft. I licked the end and looked up at Ben. He had one eye half-open. Asha was also watching intently and playing with a nipple. I opened my mouth and put the end in as far as I could. It tasted sweet, salty, and sticky. I gave it a few sucks, licked all around the head, and rolled the skin back to suck the exposed helmet.
Ben gasped and juddered slightly. I rolled the skin back. Gave it a few more sucks, then pulled away.
I handed it back to Asha who with a broad grin said, “Well how was that you little slut haha, like sucking dick then?” I laughed and sat back a bit, trying to gather my thoughts. Ben then sat up and they both looked at me, waiting for an answer.
“Eeeh, it was OK actually, sorry mate, if that was weird, had an itch that needed scratching…” I stammered.
“Well, that was nice, but Asha is much better than you at it haha, but happy to help. You know I’m a bit of a freak, not the first guy I’ve done stuff with by the way,” Ben said candidly. Before continuing “But if it’s ok I’d much rather fuck your wife again.” With that, he pulled Asha onto the couch and pushed her onto all fours.
Asha turned back to him. Her big tits hanging down, and said “Lick my pussy, Ben.”
Ben complied, spreading her pussy apart and pushing his tongue right up into her hole. He then started sliding a finger or two into it. He then moved from her pussy to her little pink bumhole. Licking it and spitting on it before shoving a finger in while his other hand fingered her Pussy.
The surprise attention to her ass made her yelp and she turned to watch him work her holes like a champ.
“Oooh fuck Ben that’s it. Not had anything in my ass for ages. Mmm it’s so tight though,” she moaned.
Ben then got himself in position behind her and ran his cock over both her holes. She begged him not to put his cock in her ass. He complied and started to push it into her cunt. He leant back on his knees so she could do the work and she started to rock back and forth on him.
Her big tits swayed and banged together as she backed into him faster and faster. As she got louder I got harder and put my cock up for her to suck again. She opened her mouth and timed it perfectly.
Coming forward to suck me deep and rocking back to take Ben almost right up to the balls. Ben then decided to increase the pace and gripped her hips before starting to ram her hard. Instantly she started screaming and forgot all about sucking me as she moaned in ecstasy.
“Lick my clit babe, lick it while he fucks me…” she panted. I wasn’t sure how to make this work but crawled under her. She held my cock and I shuffled back so that I could see Ben’s cock hammer in and out of her like a piston. With the angle just about right I could get my tongue on her clit and not be in the way.
Ben’s big balls brushed off my face as they swung about. I kept my eyes closed and concentrated on her clit. Swirling and flicking it.
I had my tongue right out and my mouth wide open when I felt something force its way in. Ben was hovering above grinning down at me. He shoved his helmet into my mouth quickly for a couple of thrusts before putting it back into Asha and continuing to pound her.
I was pulling my own cock now as Asha gave it the occasional suck between wailing like a banshee from the hard fucking she was receiving. Ben too was starting to moan loudly. He sped up even more and began to stiffen his whole body as his orgasm approached. Asha sensed this and slid off him before flipping over onto her side and grabbing his cock and choking it hard.
“Cum on our faces Ben, I want to see your spunk all over us..” She gasped. This came from nowhere but as we were both right next to his jerking weeping cock end, he had no choice. He let out a loud “OH GOD!” and started to empty himself in every direction.
I was still lying under him but had turned my head slightly and Asha was leaning over my chest, closer to him. The first couple of bursts cleared both of us and hit the floor. The next one hit Asha in the side of her face and chin. She opened her mouth and caught a bit of the next one. She then pointed it at me and a few smaller blobs landed on me and ran down my face.
She sucked the cum off the end of his dick and swallowed it before licking him clean. I was still hard and pulling myself when she grabbed it and put it right to the back of her throat. I didn’t last long and emptied my trembling balls into her greedy mouth.
We all just collapsed where we were and caught our breath. Ben punctured the silence, “Well I don’t know about you guys but I could use a drink.” we both replied in kind.
“What time have you guys got to go tomorrow?” Ben continued. I realised then we must have got wires crossed.
“We’re staying tomorrow night too aren’t we?” I answered.
“Happy fucking days, that would be great,” Ben said, elated.
And we did stay. And that’s why there’s a part 4 coming.