Last night I hadn’t planned on making love with Triana. We needed to get up early to hit the road to the zipline place. We kissed goodnight, and I was expecting to fall asleep.
Triana, my little sex kitten, had other ideas. I’d rolled over onto my side, facing away from her. I felt the bed move, and then my sweet girl snuggled up to me. We were sleeping only in our panties, and when I felt her finger against my hip, I knew we weren’t going right to sleep.
Triana teased me, her fingertip sliding gently along my hip to my ass and back again. When she whispered she was hungry, I melted. She slipped her fingers into my waistband, moving closer as she reached over my pubes to massage me.
Rubbing, teasing, and whispering what she would do to me made me shiver. I could have said no, but Triana makes me do what she wants me to.
She changed positions so that I could roll onto my back. Next, Triana lifted the waistband of my panties, and I raised my hips so she could slide them down my legs.
Triana moved over me, her legs between mine, her face over my breasts. She began nursing as she moved her hips like she was fucking me in a missionary position. I wrapped my legs around her, holding her tight to me.
She paused, “You like this, don’t you, mamacita.”
I looked into her eyes, “Yes, you make me feel wonderful, Triana.”
Triana grinned, “I like making you feel like this. I feel it too.”
Then she lowered her face and continued suckling me. My hands massaged her back as she continued grinding against me. She shifted position now and then until she hit our magic spot.
I whispered, “Fuck yes, baby girl.”
Triana bit my nipple, tugging it, “Mmm, mamacita. I like being your bebita.
The way Triana talked to me while we fucked, made love, or whatever you want to call it, added to my arousal. Lloyd was never vocal or used naughty words. I loved how Triana made me feel sexy, dirty and wanted. She knew how to excite me, and her sweet little body added to my pleasure.
She kept humping away on me, her hard little clit pounding against mine as she sucked and tugged my nipples. I managed to hold her head on one breast making her focus there. She got the idea and stayed to play with that one. I managed to grab her ass cheeks, squeezing them as she drove me to the edge.
It wasn’t long before I bear-hugged my bebita while reaching another climax. Triana was a well-tuned little sex machine. I’ve never had this many climaxes, even on my honeymoon.
When I returned to earth, Triana was still on top of me, happily licking and sucking my breasts.
I squeezed her ass and whispered, “Gracias, mi bebita.”
Triana giggled, “De nada mami.”
This was starting to get kinky, I knew what we both said, and I didn’t mind what it implied. I knew she wasn’t my baby. I guess what you play in bed is your business as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. I lay there wondering what other little kinks I’d discover with Triana before our vacation was over.
Before going to sleep, Triana slipped to my side and nuzzled my neck. I was content but knew I had to get up extra early now to shower before we left for our zipline adventure. Of course, it probably would be a long shower if I knew my little minx and her insatiable appetite. I may not be falling in love, but this was the next best thing.
The alarm in my head went off a little too early. I actually had to pee, so I got up and checked my phone for the time. I was about ninety minutes early, with plenty of time to shower and get dressed. Triana was used to getting up early, and when I got out of bed, she followed me to shower.
This trip has been an education in so many ways. I’d rarely had shower sex when I was married, and now it seemed like every single shower was another chance for an orgasm or two. It was routine, either.
This time after getting wet and soaping down, Triana and I mutually masturbated each other. We started off soaping one another down, kissing and boob smushing. Then she washed my pussy, and naturally, I did hers. We stood facing each other, kissing as our fingers toyed with our clits. Soon it was too much. We sat on the shower floor, water streaming down our bodies as we gave each other quick climaxes using our fingers.
After that, we kissed, rinsed off, and dressed so Triana could make breakfast. I hoped I’d have the stamina to hang on to the zipline. All this lovemaking was wearing me out, yet I wanted more.
My bebita made those delicious chorreadas again for breakfast. She made more than enough breakfast, figuring we’d take some as snacks during the day. I watched and helped as much as possible, not wanting to be in her way.
It wasn’t long before Ines and Megan popped in and got their coffee. If I didn’t know any better, Triana seemed to fawn over Megan more than she had earlier in our trip. It was fine with me; they were closer in age than Triana and I. Maybe Triana was opening up more since we were now all in the open with our feelings for one another.
The contrasts between Triana, my short, sweet mocha-skinned vixen, and Megan, my tall, adorable, somewhat inexperienced daughter, made my mind wander slightly into a different place. I quickly got that out of my mind as we sat down to enjoy our meal and coffee.
Excitement filled the air as Ines told us about the rules and the safety equipment. She reminded us to listen to the guides and have fun.
When we finished eating, Megan helped Triana in the kitchen while Ines and I packed the minivan. Then off we went on a scenic two-hour drive. Megan was upfront with Ines, as usual. They were speaking Spanish with Triana as I sat back and listened.
I caught a few words now and then, and when something interesting came up, Triana would translate.
When we arrived, the zipline place already had a small line. I gave Ines money for Triana, and she paid for all of us. We waited in line, listening to all the exciting conversations; some were scared, but most were very enthusiastic. Our wait was maybe forty-five minutes. We listened to the guides as they went over all the safety things, donned our helmets then Megan led off.
I couldn’t tell the difference between her screaming and laughing, and she was having so much fun as she slid out of sight down the long cable. Next up was Triana. She was very nervous but was all laughter and smiles when she launched.
I went next; it was better than any Disneyland ride. The views were incredible; this was the first of nine we were doing today. Ines was behind me, and I stood with my two girls as we watched her slide into the station; she was grinning as she landed. We all hugged and got ready for our second trip. Megan and Triana were giddy, talking in Spanish and English about their rides.
This next leg had two cables, so we went in pairs. Triana and Megan, then Ines and me. From then on, it was singles again. I could see why this was so popular; we laughed, recounted what we saw, and had a fantastic day. The end of our day was capped off with a butterfly garden. We walked among hundreds of them as they fluttered in a large enclosed area.
Next time, we will break up the birding with more ziplines assuming there is a next time. The drive home was tranquil. Ines and I were the only ones still awake. The girls were worn out, which surprised me.
Since Triana was with us, she didn’t have a chance to make dinner, so we stopped in the little town near our house. Ines bought dinner, puntarenas, or fish tacos with mango salsa. We enjoyed them, but Triana said she would have made them differently, so we asked her to make them the day after we went snorkeling. She smiled and was delighted we wanted them.
After dinner, we played pool and sipped wine. Instead of playing individual games, we teamed up, switching partners every third game. Of course, whoever was with Triana won, mainly because Triana’s partner didn’t get many shots.
Tomorrow was a rest day, and we’d hang out here and play in the pool, the ocean or relax. I was ready to relax and enjoy doing nothing.
Bedtime found Triana and me playing again. This time it was a bit different. We traded places, with Triana on the bottom with me on top.
We started talking, facing each other. Then kissing, hands roaming, until Triana rolled onto her back, taking me with her. We continued kissing until Triana suggested I get between her legs like we were in the morning. It initially felt odd to me, but Triana got what she wanted with her words. Not that I didn’t enjoy nursing her sweet, perfect breasts, but finding that position, so we aligned our clits seemed more difficult for me than it had been for her.
Maybe being smaller and more flexible helped. I did manage to get that position, and we both reached that pinnacle, not at the same time, but it did happen. It reminded me I needed more cardio when we returned home.
However, one thing doesn’t seem to change with my bebita, and that’s how she talks to me.
She gently guides with her words, offering praise, suggestions, and sometimes questions. You might say she knows just what to say to get me into a state of heightened passion.
Despite how I felt about Triana, I wondered what making love with someone closer to my age would be like. Triana seemed to be insatiable, which isn’t a bad thing. I was doing my best to keep up with her.
She kept finding ways to arouse me, teasing, stealing a kiss now and then, and whispering naughty things in my ear. I’m sure someone my age could do those things too. We’re all different, and this was new to me.
Morning meant another shower. This time we only showered. I was almost glad we didn’t do anything. I was beginning to feel like I couldn’t keep up, and it bruised my ego. Triana was still her sweet self, teasing and playing with me as we dressed. Well, we got our bikinis on, not exactly dressed in my book.
Triana made coffee, and we waited on breakfast for Megan and Ines.
My doll and her lover; that sounds weird. Seventeen and has a lover. Sorry, I digress.
Megan and Ines greeted us about an hour after we made the original pot of coffee. I only had two cups which is my norm. More than that, and I’m a crazy woman for the remainder of the day. We said our good mornings then they got coffee as Triana made breakfast.
We had omelets again. This time, I was a little bolder, having cheese, peppers, and onions in mine with a touch of salsa. Megan was impressed with my ‘boundary-pushing,’ as she put it. Yes, I was pretty set in my ways before this trip.
Now I could proudly say I was pushing the envelope with new experiences.
While we ate, we talked about the ziplines again and how fun they were. We also discussed snorkeling, and I didn’t offer to pay for Triana this time. It was more expensive than the ziplines, and I didn’t want her to think we were a serious couple. I know that sounds harsh, but we were visitors. It was going to be hard enough leaving them here. Having Triana think we had a romantic bond would only make it worse.
So, we headed to the beach when breakfast was over, and the kitchen was clean. Sunblock, drinks, and snacks were all brought out to save trips to the house.
It wasn’t long before our tops came off, and we passed around the sunblock. Each of us did our fronts, with our bedmates doing our backs.
Not long after, Megan decided to go for a walk. She finds it challenging to lounge around at times. I was relaxing, as was Ines. Triana was reading until Ines said something to her, which I later found out was a suggestion to go with Megan because walking alone on the beach topless isn’t always a good idea.
Triana gave Ines a look that wasn’t happy, but she went anyway, running a bit to catch up with Megan. They returned about an hour later. Megan was dragging a palm leaf behind them, almost erasing their path.
What grabbed my attention was that both had removed their bottoms, and Megan was bald. I didn’t recall her being that way when we showered together the other day. I didn’t say anything about that. I asked what had happened and where their bottoms were. Megan replied they went for a swim, and she guessed they weren’t tied tight and floated off. They looked for them and found them but decided not to wear them. They were holding them in a tight little wad in their hands.
She rationalized they didn’t hide much, so what was the point? There wasn’t anyone around to see. My only comment was that I wasn’t the only one expanding my horizons. That got a smile from my darling daughter and a giggle from Triana and Ines.
I guess we’re now nudist lesbians because Ines removed her bottoms, also. I surrendered to the majority and took mine off. Then I told them I’d had enough sun for the time being and hit the pool. I was swimming alone, trying not to think how quickly we’d changed over the past week and a half, when Triana walked over and dove in, swimming to me.
She surfaced before me, wrapped her legs around my waist, and started kissing me. Her breasts felt divine against mine as we kissed. We ignored Ines and Megan as they cannonballed us, giggling when they surfaced.
Since Triana and I weren’t paying attention to them, Megan and Ines started making out. The love fest lasted maybe ten or fifteen minutes when Triana suggested we go inside for lunch. I think she was feeling uncomfortable kissing me in front of Ines. But that’s only a guess on my part. I was hungry, so we got out, dried off, and headed inside.
Triana whipped up a quick lunch for us, arroz con pollo or chicken with rice. Of course, she added tortillas, avocado, and pico de gallo. After lunch, I put my bikini back on and napped outside in the shade on one of the loungers for a little bit.
When I woke, I headed to the ocean and walked alone on the beach. So many changes in such a short time. It boggled my mind. Now Megan had shaved her vagina. I had no clue what other surprises were in store for me. We only had a few days left, then back to reality.
I found a large piece of driftwood to sit and think on. I knew Megan was level-headed; we’d figure this out once we were back home. So, I decided to let things be and relax.
Watching the waves crash on the shore, I spotted Ines walking towards me. I smiled as she sat next to me, she had a concerned look on her face.
I asked, “Is everything alright?”
She sighed, “I think so, but I want to be sure you are alright. I know Megan has experienced many new things, and I am to blame. I was attracted to her when I first met you both. I should have been more professional, Silvia.”
I thought momentarily, “I could see the attraction from the start, Ines. If Megan didn’t want anything to happen, it wouldn’t have. She would have told me, and we would have gotten a new guide and chef. I think she and I are experiencing major changes in our lives. We’ll see what happens when we get home. It’s not all your fault.”
Ines smiled, “Thank you, Silvia. This has never happened to me before. Megan is exploring, and I’m glad you aren’t upset with her doing so.”
I laughed, “I’m exploring too, Ines. Triana is wearing me out, and I’m enjoying it. Oh, I’m also assuming you shaved my darling daughter.”
Ines blushed, “Yes, Silvia. I asked her if she’d ever done anything like that, and she decided on her own to do it. I hope it wasn’t too much of a shock to you.”
“It was a shock, but there have been a few on this trip. That’s why I came out here, to think about it all. I don’t blame you. Megan is a doll. Don’t worry; I won’t say anything to your bosses.”
I stood, and Ines joined me. We walked back to the house, talking about Triana and Megan. Ines had noticed, just as I had, that they liked being around each other more and more. I asked if that bothered her, and Ines said it did slightly. But, she understood the attraction.
We discussed the next few days, and I reassured her things were fine. Inside I still felt confused, and a little lost with everything that had happened. I was more worried about dealing with it all than with Megan.
When we returned to the property, Megan and Triana splashed and giggled in the pool. Megan was happy, and that made everything alright.
When they saw us, the girls got out of the pool, both still naked and so adorable. I was officially a pervert admiring their young bodies. I sighed as Triana ran over to hug and kiss me. Megan did the same to Ines, and then the four of us headed to the outdoor shower to get cleaned up before Triana made dinner.
I couldn’t help but wonder how Megan’s private area would feel now that it was bare. I thought about asking her, but that would have been so wrong, and I wasn’t going there. Maybe later I’d ask Triana if she’d ever done that. For now, I’d wonder.
Our shower was delightful. Triana and Megan seemed more handsy with each other, so I took the liberty of being that way with Ines. No kissing or anything like that, but we did seem to go slower, soaping each other down and ‘accidentally’ rubbing against each other.
Needless to say, I got aroused, bumping into Ines and even my darling Megan. Nobody seemed to complain. They just grinned and continued getting clean.
We changed into bikini bottoms only, except for Triana, who put on an apron since she was making pork casado with limon mandarina. It was grilled pork chops with sides, and so yummy.
After dinner, we lounged around, discussing the next day’s adventure, snorkeling. Ines would take us to the charter, drop us off and return to pick us up. Triana was going to do some grocery shopping and laundry.
I was looking forward to swimming and having a chance to talk with Megan. Nothing serious; I didn’t want to ruin our little excursion with my concerns. That could wait for when we returned home.
When Ines and I went to bed, I lay thinking about Triana in the shower. I know lying in bed with your lover and thinking of someone else is terrible. I believe it would be heaven if there were a way of having them both in bed with me. They are so different, and I find them both very sexy.
I know I can’t mention this to mom or Ines. I’m new at this and don’t want to ruin our vacation. So, I snuggled next to Ines to play with her nipples. I’m finding breasts fascinating, I don’t know why, but I do.
At first, when I started playing with Ines’s nipples, she whispered we had to get up early. I didn’t say anything; I just moved and began nursing. Before Ines could say something, I reached down and started fingering her.
Ines moaned as I continued enjoying her body. I was beginning to learn what aroused her and, in turn, aroused me. I continued playing with her breasts, tugging her nipples with my teeth, and sucking on them. My fingers rubbed the top of her labia until Ines pushed them lower with her hand. You could call it finger-fucking because that’s precisely what I did to my love. Her moans and encouragement in her native tongue made my heart beat faster.
I enjoyed pleasing her and couldn’t get enough of her breasts. Ines was close when I left her tits and moved between her legs. I wanted to taste her, so I kissed down her body until I looked at her dark mound in the moonlit room.
I stuck my tongue out and then licked all around her pubes. She was anxious and pressed my face to hers. My hands slipped under her as my tongue snuck inside. Warm, wet, and intoxicating are how I would describe what I was feeling. I loved Ines’s body, and pleasing her was arousing me almost as much as I was arousing her.
I lay between her legs, enjoying the sensations coursing through my body. Ines moaned as my tongue moved in her. Her musk filled my nostrils as my breathing increased along with my heartbeat. I reached up from under her to play with one of her nipples. Tugging, pinching, and massaging while I teased her clit. Ines called me all sorts of sweet words in Spanish, and all I could do was smile as I kept going.
I did manage to get my other hand out from under her. I changed my position to play with each breast with one hand while sucking on her clit. My other hand moved between my legs to ease the itch I felt while devouring my love.
I don’t know why, but I loved Ines’s vagina. I purposely eased up, letting her relax, then went back to work, taking her to the edge several times. Finally, she begged me to let her cum. Thanks to my fingers, I did just as I was about to do the same.
I know it’s terrible, but as I was licking Ines, I pictured Triana fingering me from behind. I think that intensified my orgasm.
When Ines climaxed, I sat back, watching as my fingers brought me to a lovely orgasm. Then, we lay together, kissing and cuddling until we fell asleep.
We woke a little later than we should have. It was still fine, just late for breakfast and coffee. Triana made my favorite, chorreadas again. I asked her if she would show me how she made them before we left. She grinned and said she’d love to.
The trip to the zipline place was a little long, but Triana, Ines, and I had a good time while poor mom watched the landscape pass by. The three of us were speaking Spanish for the most part. I’m still not good at it, but I’m improving with our two friends. I’ll probably forget most of it when we get home unless I can find someone to converse with regularly.
The zipline place was crowded, but it didn’t take long for us to get on top of the platform. I went first, followed by Triana. When Triana landed, we gave each other huge hugs, and I think she felt the same tingle I did as we hugged. Luckily, mom was still zipping and didn’t see us. Ines followed mom, and we hugged when that first station was complete. The next one had twin lines, so Triana and I went; there were more hugs at the end. Then mom and Ines, along with friendly hugs. We did nine lines, and my heart was racing the entire time we were there.
I finally calmed down in the butterfly garden. I should have brought my camera, but we got many cell phone pictures.
We stopped on the way home so Ines could get dinner for us, fish tacos which were good, but Triana said she’d make some that were better. After dinner, we shot some pool, sipped wine, and talked about our day. Tomorrow was a rest day to lounge around and relax.
I started feeling weird about flirting with Triana while sleeping with Ines. I never thought I could be attracted to one girl and another simultaneously. I felt a little pervy just thinking about it. But I couldn’t quit thinking about it.
Ines and I showered before bed, and we hadn’t talked at all today with mom and Triana. While showering, Ines asked if I’d thought about having a bare vagina. I recalled her mentioning it when we showered a day or so ago. I asked her how we’d do it if I wanted it.
She smiled, then told me how she would trim me as much as I wanted or trim and shave me so I would be bare. It sounded very intimate, and I thought about telling her if she did me, I’d do her. But I didn’t want to nick her since I knew I’d be very nervous.
I told her to do it now before I changed my mind. It would grow back if I didn’t like it. Ines smiled as she shut the water off. She had me sit on the shower’s little seat and wait while she grabbed what was needed.
Ines returned with a pair of scissors and a couple of razors she found in one of the bathroom drawers. I spread wide for her as she knelt in front of me. I was nervous, but Ines calmed me by telling me exactly what she was doing with each step.
She used the scissors to trim me down as far as she could. Then after applying body wash, Ines used the razors to remove the stubble. I think the whole process may have taken a half hour or so. When Ines finished, she put everything away, and we continued our shower.
I soaped myself down, marveling at how smooth I was around my vagina. I’d never felt like that, and I liked it. Ines liked it, too; as soon as we’d washed, she shut the water off. Dropping to her knees, Ines started licking me. Her hands held my ass as she buried her face between my legs.
Her long tongue worked its magic, giving me another intense orgasm. When she was finished, we kissed, and I rewashed my face. Ines said I should put some moisturizer on my pussy before bed. I thought she was weird, but I did it anyway, and it did help make it feel better. It took a long time for me to get to sleep. My vagina was buzzing, you might say, not in a sexual way; I’d never felt like that before and blamed being shaven.
Morning greeted us with warm sunbeams lighting up our room. We dressed in our bikinis, then off to get breakfast and coffee.
After breakfast, we took some supplies and headed to the beach to sun. It started getting warm, so off with our tops and on with the sunblock. We each did our fronts, but I wished I could have done Ines and Triana at the same time. Mom would have freaked or helped, and I wasn’t sure which anymore.
I laid around as long as possible, then decided to walk the beach. I thought about running since I hadn’t had any exercise except sex we stopped hiking. But I had a lot to think about. After Ines shaved me, I realized there would be questions back at school when my teammates noticed I was bare. What do I tell them? I became a lesbian while on vacation, and my older lover liked nude pussy?
I’d have to think of something before that happened. The other thing was how to tell mom. Ugh, so much self-imposed drama.
I’d gotten maybe fifty yards when I heard someone panting. I looked back and saw Triana running towards me. I wondered if something was wrong, she had an urgent look. My focus didn’t stay on her face. My eyes dropped to her cute breasts, watching them jiggle as she ran.
When she caught me, I asked if everything was alright. She said Ines wanted her to walk with me between breaths because it’s better in pairs here. Not that anything had ever happened, but it’s better to be safe.
I told her it was okay. I was walking because I found it hard to do nothing. Triana grinned, slipping her hand into mine, and suggested we keep walking.
I think I’m almost a foot taller than she is. Her smaller hand felt nice in mine as we walked and talked about the ziplines, along with mom and Ines. I didn’t mean to, but since Triana is shorter than me, I kept looking down at her as we walked. My eyes naturally went from her face to her cute boobs. I could feel that familiar tingle but didn’t want to say anything because of our sleeping arrangements.
Triana noticed my glances and finally stopped to ask, “Te gustan mis tetas?”
I blushed, “Si, ellas se ven deliciosas.”
Triana smiled, then led me to a tiny clearing off the beach. She motioned me to sit on a stump, and when I did, Triana parted my legs and stood with her sweet breasts in my face. I looked up at her and told her I couldn’t. I was with Ines, and she was with mom.
Triana grinned, “I won’t tell if you don’t, Miss Megan.”
God, they were right there. What hard would it do, I wasn’t going to tell, but I wasn’t sure about Triana. There wouldn’t be any evidence, her word against mine. So, I grasped her tiny ass, leaned in, and began nursing.
Triana was like Ines calling me her, buenas chica, and moaning softly. Moving back and forth, sucking, licking, and pulling her cute, hard nipples, I loved it. When Triana pressed my face harder, I almost couldn’t breathe. When she realized it, she eased her grip on my head and apologized. I returned to earth and told her we should be getting back.
Triana sighed, “I liked your lips on my boobs, Megan. Maybe we can do this again or more before you leave, si?”
I told her I’d love to, but we’re both with someone else, and I felt guilty doing this. Once more, with the apology, she suggested we swim a bit and head back.
I smiled as I stood, then we raced to the water and dove in. I guess my bottoms were tied tight, and they slipped off my butt when I dove. We both searched for them and found them not too far away, floating on the crest of the small waves.
Triana noticed as I grabbed my bottoms that I was now bare.
She smiled, “My cousin did that to you, si?”
I blushed, “Yes, I asked her to last night.”
She looked around, “Can I get a closer look, por favor?”
I replied, “Sure, go ahead.”
Triana knelt before me; before I could say or do anything, I felt her tongue slide up my labia. I shuddered and then looked around to see if anyone was watching.
I didn’t yell, but I asked Triana what she was doing.
She looked up and licked me again, then kept on licking. She did pause briefly to tell me I was delicious but a little salty.
Her tongue felt amazing, but I stopped her. She stood, kissing me briefly, then took my hand and led me out of the surf.
My heart was pounding as we started walking back to the house. I was still clutching my bottoms when Triana removed hers, too, so it wouldn’t look odd that I was the only one without them.
I found a palm frond as we walked and decided to erase our steps in the sand. It was weird, but I felt like doing it just because.
When we returned to mom and Ines, mom wondered how we had lost our bottoms. I showed her I had mine in my hand and told her we lost them swimming. I think she half believed me but didn’t question me any further. Since Triana and I were nude, Ines took her bottoms off. We looked over at mom; she sighed and removed hers.
Wow, from being a protective and prudish mom, sure had changed. She didn’t last long on the lounger. I think she was mad and without saying anything, she got up and went swimming at the pool. Triana gave me a look, and Ines nodded to her to join mom.
I sat down with Ines talking to her about my walk without telling her about Triana and me getting intimate. We heard some splashing from the pool, giggling, and then silence. We looked at each other and grinned. We got up, headed to the pool, and cannonballed them. They were kissing and ignored us, so we started making out. The four of us made out in the pool until Triana mentioned lunch.
I hated leaving Ines, but I was hungry. It was strange watching mom and Triana. Obviously, I’d seen mom kiss dad, but this was different. Sexy, yet creepy.
Lunch was good as usual, and mom dressed in her bikini and laid out for a bit. While shooting pool, I saw her get up and head to the beach. Triana was kicking my butt, so Ines went to see if mom was okay. I think she needed time to sort all this sex and new freedom stuff out.
It did give Triana time to tease me. When Ines was out of sight, Triana slipped beside me, rubbing her body against mine. That familiar tingle rushed through me, and I tried to be strong. I didn’t know when Ines or mom would return, so I ignored Triana as much as possible. I was weak and played with Triana’s nipples, much to her delight.
We didn’t last long. I stopped us and left to jump into the pool. Triana followed and met me at the deep end. She slipped her legs around me, and we began kissing. She’d move back and forth, letting our nipples graze. I felt like I was going to orgasm in the pool. We stopped again, and I managed to swim away.
Triana chased me, which led to us splashing around and chasing each other the length of the pool and back.
When mom and Ines finally returned, we got out to hug and kiss them. Then to the outdoor shower to get cleaned up before dinner. I think we were all horny because we all took our time soaping each other down this time. Mom wasn’t as shy about doing me this time, and she didn’t say anything when I massaged her boobs with soapy hands.
After we were all nice and clean, we dried and got back into clean bikinis for dinner. The rest of the evening, we talked about snorkeling, our last vacation adventure.