If only lesbians liked me.
I mean liked me liked me.
They like me plenty, is why
I wish they liked me really.
Am I the dumbest man on earth?
How stupid is my stupid wish?
So obvious is the folly here, but
It’s lesbians I’ve love most dear.
I did make one dear lesbian cum,
A best friend cuz mainly boredom.
she even loved and loves me yet,
But a romance she finds incorrect.
And my other good friend lesbian,
Loves most to sit and watch me fuck,
But though it always gets her off,
She’ll sooner wed a lesbian rock.
My third lesbian friend I made,
I thought she was the one.
We made out in Greenwich Village,
She ran back to her girl by morning.
I’m sure the question is obvious –
Why try for something so absurd?
I totally agree with your question,
I guess in my heart I’m a lesbian.