Senior Constable Jade Higgins activated the police car’s emergency lights; they sped to the reported location of an assault.
“Fuck, it’s a bloke dressed as a woman,” said Jade as they pulled up.
The victim sat on the footpath, leaning against a front fence. He seemed to be in some pain but with no apparent injuries. His dress in disarray revealed the unmistakable bulge of male genitalia in frilly blue panties. The black stockings had come loose and were torn but still accentuated long, slim, shapely legs.
“I can’t believe what I see here,” said Jade’s partner, Constable Zac Janetski. He was mesmerized by the scene before him. He imagined the attacker deliberately tearing the victim’s dress to expose the breast and then lifting the hem over the waist to reveal the lingerie and groin. He enjoyed the stirrings of an erection.
“Got some ID?” Jade asked the victim.
“Yes.” Denis retrieved his driver’s license from his purse.
“Hey, aren’t you that TV guy, that comedian?” asked Zac.
“Stay where you are while I get a background check,” said Jade, who returned to the patrol car.
Denis tried to stand up.
“Don’t move,” said Zac.
“I need to adjust my clothes.”
“Don’t worry about that for the moment.”
When Jade returned, she asked.
“Do you confirm that you are Denis Williams with a registered address a couple of doors along this road and another dwelling near the CBD?”
“Okay, you can stand up now.”
“Thank you,” Denis replied as he gingerly stood and adjusted his clothing.
“I have a couple of stalking complaints by a Mr. Roberts, do you know him?”
“Yes, he is my ex-wife’s partner.”
“Okay, you are not being charged or arrested, but I want you to come to the police station now to make a statement.”
Denis gave his account of the assault. Officers Janetski and Higgins told him to wait on a bench in a corridor. He sat there, uncomfortably for over an hour, stared at by numerous uniformed and non-uniformed personnel that walked by. He frequently heard sniggers and the occasional derogatory comment.
Eventually, a uniformed sergeant approached. She was tall, several inches taller than him, but the policewoman extruded strength and bulk where Denis was slightly built and lean. Denis thought she was beautiful and well proportioned for her height. She had short-cropped blonde hair and the most beautiful azure eyes he had ever seen.
“Mr. Williams? She asked.
“Yes,” Denis replied. The policewoman sat beside him.
“I’m sergeant Foster; I have a couple of points that need clarification on this report. But first I think we will move to the privacy of an interview room.”
“Thank you,” said Denis after the sergeant closed the door.
“The two officers who brought you in have gone home, so I thought it would be quicker and easier for you if we go through this now; to avoid a return visit. I take it that your ex-wife has no problem with you having contact with your children?”
“She is fine with that.”
“But her partner, a Mr. Roberts doesn’t agree?”
“No, he has made numerous threats toward me regarding any contact with the children. Christmas is coming so I requested some recent photos of them. My ex-wife said she would leave a memory stick for me to collect today as they are away for the weekend.”
“Is there any reason you decided to collect the photos dressed as you are today?”
“I dress in feminine attire because I like it; I have wanted to do so for as long as I can remember. I usually don’t go out in public like this, but this time I thought I would. Everything was fine until I left with the photo stick, then the two guys attacked me.
“Did you know these men?”
“No, but I suspect they may be associates of Mr. Roberts. I need to get back to my car, so I can change into male attire before I go home. The sergeant did not answer for several seconds, then she said.
” I will take your to your car. I’m finished for the day. I need to change into civvies before I leave. My name is Rose, by the way.”
“I’m very pleased to have met you,” said Denis.
“We will do a little detour on the way if that is okay with you,” said Rose.
“Fine,” said Denis.
“Trust me,” she said.
“I do.”
Before long, Rose pulled up in front of a warehouse without signage on a side street.
“This place is a venue where they hold parties for people who sometimes have difficulty finding ways to socialize as they would like.” She said. “Aside from a communal meeting area there are additional facilities that include public and private rooms where you can indulge in more intimate activities.”
“Sounds interesting,” Denis replied. “Have you been to any of these functions?”
“Yes, I have but not for a couple of years. I live alone, on occasion I enjoy anonymous, intimate company.” Denis half turned to face her. “Okay, this is totally off the record, but to answer your unasked question; yes, sex on the premises does occur. The public rooms generally cater for exhibitionists and voyeurs, the private rooms are simply that, private, but at an extra fee and must be booked in advance.”
“How do you get to be included in the club?”
“By invitation only and you need a member to nominate you. I can help with that if you are interested. Oh, and by the way, you can understand that I would like to keep this conversation confidential.”
“You can trust me.”
They continued in silence except for the occasional navigation comment by Denis. When they arrived at his car he was relieved to see it was where he left it without any damage or parking ticket. “Thank you for everything,” he said.
“It was my pleasure and the best of luck to you,” said Rose as she held out her hand. As Denis accepted the shake, Rose leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “You are a very attractive woman.”
“That’s very kind of you to say so and thank you,” said Denis, “However, I think I would need to be a lot more skilled with makeup and find a place to dress before I went to that club though. “
“But you would like to go?”
“Yes,” he said after a long thoughtful pause.
Rose held Denis’s gaze for several seconds. “Every problem has a solution my friend,” she said. “Is it okay if I call you Denise?” Denis could only nod in reply, and his heart thumped so hard it felt it would burst. “I will be in touch,” she said and briefly kissed him again, this time, on the lips.
The next morning Rose phoned. “Denis, it’s sergeant Foster here.” She didn’t call me Denise, he thought with dismay. “Unfortunately, I have some bad news. It has come to my attention that at least two officers took illegal photos of you yesterday. I need to inform you that numerous people now possess copies, including the press. The officers who perpetrated this privacy breach have been stood down and face disciplinary action. I am so very sorry; I only just found out.”
Denis dropped his phone and lost the connection. He felt too ill to try to call back. Instead, he staggered to the lounge room couch and just sat there, unable to process any rational thought. Several hours later, he was conscious of a banging on his front door. A short glimpse through the peephole revealed several media teams complete with cameras and microphones. He didn’t answer the door.
Denis had no one to turn to, or more accurately, no one close or sympathetic. The photos were in the paper the following day, but the press did not bother him at his house. Even so, he was frightened about going out in public. So he booked a short stay at a secluded cottage in the hills and hid for two weeks.
He had just packed his bags to return home when his phone showed an unknown number calling. After some hesitation, he answered. When he heard Rose’s voice his heart thumped.
“Hi Denise,” she said.
“How are you?”
“Okay, I’ve been recovering in a remote cottage. About to head home and look for another more permanent hideaway.”
“I may be able to help with that but in the meantime I wanted to let you know that there is a Christmas party at the club tomorrow night. I would be honored to escort you if you would like to attend.”
“That would be lovely, but…”
“I have your official invitation attached to mine and I will collect you at your home midday tomorrow. You can change at my place, and I will help you with makeup. If you are agreeable.”
“Yes, very,” said Denis.
“Excellent, see you tomorrow.” She ended the call before he could reply.
His bag was packed and was ready long before Rose arrived. The sight of her casually dressed in a T-Shirt without a bra and jeans took his breath away. “Hi Denise,” she said and immediately cuddled him. Denis fiercely returned the embrace, his face buried in the soft flesh of her breasts.
“Well, it would seem you are pleased to see me,” said Rose.
“Very. Sorry if I overdid the cuddle.”
“Don’t be sorry. I enjoyed it.”
“By the way, I’m unemployed now; I resigned,” she said.
“It’s something I have been contemplating for some time; your recent humiliation by my former colleagues just gave me the motivation. I’m tired of the bullying. The officers who took those photos and humiliated you, will pay dearly, especially Janetski,” she said. Denis couldn’t help but note the venom in her voice.
After a short drive they were in a very upmarket suburb near the river. Denis was surprised when Rose said, “I live on the top of that high rise building at the end of the street.” She used a keycard to access an underground car park then stopped in a private bay that included an elevator labeled ‘Private use only.’
“The elevator goes directly to my suite,” she explained. Denis was speechless when they arrived at her apartment. It was a luxury penthouse that occupied the whole top two floors.
“I won a big lottery a couple of years ago,” Rose explained. “To escape all the trolls who wanted some of my money, I bought this whole building. I had to change my surname and employment as well; I was in the army. Put your bag in one of the guest rooms down that hall; each has its own bathroom. When you are ready, we can meet upstairs.”
Denis found Rose beside a Christmas tree, surrounded by several wrapped gifts. The backdrop was floor-to-ceiling windows with breathtaking views of the river and the city beyond. Rose picked up one of the presents, a card, ‘to Denise’ was attached. “An early Christmas present for you,” she said.
“I haven’t anything for you,” Denis said with dismay.
“Your presence here is a wonderful gift for me, so thank you.” She leaned forward and kissed him. “Now open your present.” It contained a beautiful dress, lingerie, wig and an extensive make-up kit.
“Is it okay if I try these on now?”
“Absolutely.” He struggled to unbutton his shirt, Rose gently moved his trembling fingers aside. “I will help you,” she said, and completed the task along with his jeans and male underwear. He stood in front of her, totally naked a little embarrassed about his growing erection.
“Such a beautiful sight,” she said and lightly caressed his breasts and cock. She sucked off some clear precum that leaked onto her fingers. “Delicious, do all the boy bits work?”
“Mmm, good, I worried you may be taking medication to enhance your femininity.”
“No, everything works, the breasts are natural as is my desire for women.”
“Well we had better keep you fully charged for tonight. Time to get into your party gear.” Denis was delighted with the clothes and Rose proved to be skilled with makeup. They had migrated to her bedroom where he could appraise his image in a full-length mirror.
“How are you feeling, Denise?”
“Um, nervous.”
Rose smiled. “You will be fine; I predict many people at the party, both male and female will want to make your acquaintance. Relax and enjoy.”
“I hope so, what do you intend to wear?”
“A mother Christmas outfit,” she said, then retrieved it from her wardrobe. Denis made to leave when Rose took off her shirt.
“That’s okay, please stay.” She unashamedly shed all her clothes and put on the skimpy costume. She had the body of a perfectly toned athlete and Denise noted without any pubic hair. She did not wear a bra or panties even though the dress was very short.
“The party won’t get going until quite late, so dinner first. How do you feel about frozen, ready meals, in the microwave and a bottle of wine?”
“Perfect.” As they ate dinner, Denis asked. “I’m curious as to why you stopped going to parties at the club and why you invited me this time?” Denis asked.
“I used to be a regular, mainly because of a woman I would meet there. We were both in the army, she outranked me, so we had to keep our liaisons secret. We were more than just lovers; we also both enjoyed the attentions of numerous men and women. In other words we liked to be gang banged. A couple of years ago she got married after a whirlwind romance when on leave. They wanted to start a family straight away so her decadent ways and our relationship ended. I didn’t go to any more parties and left the army.
“Oh,” said Denis, “that must have been so hard for you.”
“Yes, it was. Shortly after that, I won a lot of money. It was a distraction, but It also became a nightmare. I never told anyone about the win but somehow people I never knew would harass me for money, constantly, despite the fact that it was supposed to be anonymous. In the end I changed my name, bought this place and joined the police force. You are the first person I have told this and you are the only visitor to this place.
The reason? I felt an attraction to you the first minute I saw you and wanted to see more of you. I admit I’ve been terribly lonely at times, but I haven’t lived as a nun. So, when I feel the need I hire an up market escort, to visit me at a hotel. All women by the way, I’ve even stopped taking contraceptives. But, I miss the decadence of the club.”
“I find you very attractive as well. I am also very excited about this evening,” said Denis. Rose smiled her beautiful smile, but didn’t reply.
The party and the venue was all that Rose described and more. All the rooms were bathed in soft light, and the floors were covered with wall to wall, black vinyl mattresses. People were copulating in almost every room in various combinations, often with several people just watching and masturbating. The subtle aromas of aroused bodies accompanied by pants, grunts, groans and small squeals of delight made the blood rush to Denis’s groin. Some dominant females attracted his attention along with a number of bondage and restraint situations.
In one room there were several males in female lingerie. When Denis tried to discretely adjust his erection he saw Rose smiling at him. She place a hand on his shoulder and gently caressed his neck.
“Nice, huh?”
“Yes, very.”
“Feel like joining in?”
“I would love to but am a little inexperienced, and shy. I just love watching though.”
“Take your time and let it happen.” She started to loosen the zipper on Denise’s dress, then stopped. “Good God, I don’t believe this,” she said. Denis followed her gaze to a petite slightly built woman headed toward them with a smile of recognition on her face.
“Well, long time no see,” the woman said then embraced Rose who had to lean down to kiss her, on the lips. It was a long lingering kiss accompanied by, not so discrete, caresses of bottoms and breasts by both women.
“Oh how I have missed you,” said Rose. “How have you been?”
“Up and down,” said the new arrival. “To cut a long story short, we got married, but, it turned that out I am unable to have children. Things went downhill after that. He left me three weeks ago for a woman half his age who was pregnant to him.”
“I am so sorry to hear that,” said Rose.
“That’s life, nothing I can do about it. How about you; any family, partner?”
“I wish,” said Rose. “The biological clock ticks a lot louder these days. Oh pardon my manners,” Rose put an arm around Denis. “Sharon, I would like you to meet my friend Denise.”
“Hi Denise, nice to meet you. Rose and I were in the army together.” said Sharon who kissed him on the lips and squeezed his bottom. “Did I notice you were about to undo this lovely girl’s dress, Rose?”
“Yes she was,” intervened Denis acutely aware of his pounding heart and throbbing cock. Sharon pulled the zipper all the way down on his dress. He slipped it from his shoulders and pooled it on the floor. Both women watched as he removed his panties and freed his engorged cock.
“Mmmm very nice,” said Sharon who immediately fondled his erect member, then removed his bra. “Yum.”
“I agree, I would love to watch my slave suck you,” said a voice from behind them. Denis turned to see a busty young woman who wore a low cut almost see-through top that reached to just below her groin. She was accompanied by a much older man who was naked except for a leather neck collar. The woman held a dog lead attached to the collar.
“That would be my pleasure,” said Denis. Rose and Sharon exchanged knowing looks. The young woman smiled as Rose and Sharon quickly shucked their clothes to the floor, she then handed the dog lead to Denis.
“Get on your knees and get that beautiful cock hard for me,” the woman said to her partner. Denis moaned with pleasure as the man engulfed his cock with his mouth. The woman didn’t object when Rose removed her only garment, then fondled her breasts from behind while Sharon knelt in front and tongued the woman’s pussy. “Oh yes,” the woman said with her feet sliding on the floor as she tried to open her legs to give Sharon more access.
Still holding her from behind Rose gently lowered the woman to the mattress. Sharon’s tongue had her squirming and bucking almost immediately. “Now,” she said to her partner, “stop sucking that cock and put it in me.” The slave complied and Sharon moved aside. Denis didn’t need any prompting; he knelt between the woman’s open legs, ready.
“From behind, from behind, like a dog,” the woman said and quickly took the classic pose. Denis positioned himself, the slave grasped his member, and guided it to the entrance of his girlfriend’s cunt. Denis grabbed her hips for balance and started to vigorously fuck her.
“Get on your back slave,” Sharon ordered the woman’s partner. He complied; his cock was erect and pointed straight up. Sharon climbed aboard and impaled herself on his sex organ. Rose kissed her old friend and lover.
“Just like old times,” said Rose.
“Yes,” agreed Sharon who quickly developed a rhythm to control the stimulation of the slaves cock in her cunt, but it was obvious the slave was not going to last much longer. He ejaculated in her almost immediately. Sharon dismounted and sat next to Rose. They masturbated each other’s pussies while they watched Denis fuck the slave’s mistress.
“Keep going, keep going, I’m nearly there,” the mistress said between grunts. Denis slowed his stroke to longer deeper thrusts. She started to squirm and squeal, her stomach muscles made visible contractions as she and Denis climaxed together. Semen leaked out of her swollen pussy when he pulled out. The musty aroma of fresh semen filled the air.
“I’m off to find some men who will keep me entertained for an hour or more said Sharon. Will I see you again soon?”
“Yes,” said Rose, I will look forward to it.”
After Sharon left, Rose cuddled Denis. “Very impressive,” she said. “Tomorrow morning we can go shopping for a whole new wardrobe for you, If you want.”
“Oh, wow, yes please,” said Denis.
“After we fuck though,” said Rose.