We Met In A Library-Ch. 10

"Are you hiding from me now?"

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With your thong stashed in my room where no one should find it, I spend the rest of the day trying not to think about the crust dried on my chest. I still want to find you, but it feels like you’re intentionally avoiding me, maybe even watching me, waiting to surprise me with some other treat. At least now I know you live in the same building.

Tuesday drones on until evening with nothing eventful and finally eating dinner in the cafeteria, I people-watch as I sip a warm cup of tea. I should have thought of staking out before, but hormones make my head turn to steam. I watch every woman who steps through the doors until they remove their coats and I can see they aren’t you.

Every parka that escapes the cold outside with gusts of frigid wind and rustling leaves slipping inside makes might heart leap with hope. But every hood that’s removed disappoints. Now that I think about it, I’ve only ever seen you dressed appropriately and in a normal context once. Though my context at the time was butt naked and cumming on a window. . . .

My face burns and I shake my head to clear it. I look around furtively, hoping no one else saw me through my window. I don’t remember anyone else being in the quad, but I only had eyes for you then.

Tea growing cold in my cup, I drain it and take my dishes to the tray return, buttoning up my coat and marching through the cold back to my room. I replay last night’s excitement and think about your thong, hidden under my mattress. Maybe I can jerk into it? Though I won’t want to do that too many times without washing, and I don’t really want to wash it after what you did in it.

I climb the staircase in the warmth and turn into my hall. Brushing past a few giggling girls going the other way, I see what they are laughing at. My door has a sock over the handle, which means I should wait in the hall or lounge for a while. At least this time, Eric remembered the sock.

I fall onto the couch in the lounge and scroll through social media. I’ve never used them very much, but I like to have them to keep in touch with old friends when needed. As I glance over photos and skip social justice propaganda, people come and go, stomping on the stairs or letting the fire doors slam shut behind them. It’s noisy, but at least it will drown out the moaning from my room down the hall.

I never think about Eric in that context, and until now, I’ve never thought about his girlfriend. Ever since her panty comment, I’ve seen her more as a sexual woman than just a face that shows up in my room too often.

My heart starts to race. I really hope she doesn’t find your panty. She shouldn’t think it’s hers, but what if she did? I couldn’t care less what she thinks of me for having it, but I don’t want her to take it from me.

What if she puts them on? My temples throb with my pulse, thinking of your juices mixing with hers, unbeknownst to her, of course.

A thump on the wall between the lounge and my room reminds me of Eric’s activity. Then the thought of his cum leaking out of her onto your thong clears my head immediately.

Well, nothing to do but wait for them to finish so I could sleep. There’s no way I can jerk into your thong tonight. With prolonged goodbyes and a devilish grin, Eric’s girlfriend winks at me and disappears down the stairs. I shake my head as I catch the fire door into our hall. She can be as playful as she wants, but I have my eye on someone even better.

In the morning, I groan as my alarm goes off. I swipe it away on my phone and glare at the time. I never get enough sleep, no matter how soon I go to bed. Especially when I have nightmares about Eric chasing me butt-naked with his girlfriend on his arm, inviting me to join them for a threesome. They chased me all over campus, and I didn’t wake until I ran face-first into Tachibana Sensei’s voluminous breasts, barely covered by a silk chemise.

Now I had to race to her class, with a raging boner despite my fear of Eric and his furry little friend. Maybe no more tea before bed.

I step through the doorway right as the bell rings. Most of the class ignores me, but Tachibana Sensei glares as I wade my way to my back corner. Luckily the desks outnumber the students by a dozen, so my seat is rarely taken.

One girl has her head turned away, brunette hair hiding her face as I pass by. My bag brushes her arm, and she stiffens, though I might be the only one to notice. She sits one desk forward and ahead of me and pulls her hood up as soon as I sit down.

Tachibana Sensei continues to glare at me for a moment before starting her lecture. Like last class, she makes a show of strutting across the front of the room, meeting my eye more often than not. I ignore her seduction valiantly and return her stare with an expressionless stare. She doesn’t approach me throughout class and until the bell rings; I think I’m free to go.

The girl with the hood jumps to her feet and escapes from the room before anyone else has even gathered their bags. I try to follow in her wake, just to flee quickly myself, but the cluster of students ahead of me blocks my way.

A few male students and one female crowd Sensei’s desk as the procession slowly filters through the narrow door. If I can just make it out without her stopping me.

Once free of the desks, I try to keep pace with a group of girls discussing excitedly about some party coming up. Their voices drop to a whisper when they notice my proximity and all of their faces blush. It has nothing to do with me, I’m sure, but perhaps since I’m a guy.

On the heels of the girls out of the room, my sleeve catches in the doorway. I turn to see what snagged me and meet big, chocolate eyes and thin eyebrows in a frown. I look over Sensei’s head and see the group of students by her desk scowling at me.

“I’d like to see you in my office.”

Published 2 years ago

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