Part 1 – The Setup
In the months following Rosa’s reentry into my life, I thought often about her tactic of innocently introducing spanking into a conversation. On the surface, it seemed easy enough, but in practice, it seemed much harder.
Opportunities presented themselves where it occurred to me to say, ‘You need a spanking’, but I couldn’t do it; it didn’t feel right. Was it because I was again too sensitive to a woman’s feelings, that I was afraid it would be taken wrong? Was it fear of being successful and not knowing how to follow up?
After one of these chances passed, I would come up with all kinds of reasons why it might not have been the right person; or the right time. I even wondered whether it worked for Rosa because of some female or maternal slant that made such a statement more palatable or less threatening. My analysis wouldn’t last too long, giving it up by telling myself I shouldn’t over-analyze, which is definitely a character trait of mine.
My role in IT often brings me into situations of frustration, which if I handle myself well, I can turn around to humor or even gratitude. Such was the case one day when dealing with a repetitive issue I was trying to resolve in our Engineering department. A woman named Lina was having trouble with a certain application that didn’t appear to be doing what it was supposed to. It had been affecting her daily for more than a week, where it would refuse to accept her input. She was genuinely nice about it, but every day her frustration grew as we tried unsuccessfully to resolve her problem. Intermittent problems are the worst because you can’t reproduce them on demand and therefore it’s much harder to find a commonality between events. Lina was trying to update a record in this application, and it wasn’t allowing her to save her changes.
It came to a head one morning when she came into my office after several occurrences of the problem had raised her frustration level to new levels.
“Mark! It’s doing it again! Can’t you try something else to fix it? Please?” she pled in her cute voice with a mild Spanish accent.
“I’ll come take a look.”
We headed to her office which normally had two other occupants who were both gone, probably on their coffee break. I sat down at her computer and Lina sat on the corner of the desk watching me. Telling me what she did we went through her process to try again to find the reason. Starting at an earlier step in her procedure, she told me how she found the record she needed to change, and I suddenly knew the reason.
“Lina, you can’t update a closed record!” I said with exasperation. “You’re starting with all closed records here so you can’t update them!” Her mouth dropped open as she realized she was the problem, not the application. Speechless for a few minutes while I elaborated on the reason for her problem and why the application worked that way. “Why are you changing them anyway?”
“Jim has been giving me these project notes to change! I haven’t done that in such a long time, I forgot there’s a separate way to do it! Oh, Mark, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay. I’m just glad we figured it out.”
“No, it’s not okay! I’ve been complaining to you since last Tuesday and it was me all along!” she said with the cutest look of contrition on her face.
The word cute would come up often to describe Lina for both her personality, and even more so, her appearance. First, she was very small; petite is a better word. At least an inch or two under five feet tall, but everything very nicely proportioned. A pretty, little face with dark-framed glasses and straight, waist-long dark brown hair. A beautifully proportioned body that would look voluptuous in someone taller, with breasts the size and shape of oranges and a gorgeous, perfectly rounded bottom that I noticed on a very regular basis, because she usually wore tight pants and because I notice girls’ bottoms for obvious reasons.
As the junior person in her department, she is always trying very hard to please and approaches everybody with a great attitude and a cute smile on her pretty face. I’ve seen her interact with various people and invariably they react positively to her as she always has a friendly attitude and will work collaboratively with you.
In my case, I often wondered if she was even friendlier than with others. She seemed to go out of her way, calling to me in the hall for a personal or business reason, where it seemed like a very minor issue, and I wondered if she was just trying to find a reason to talk to me. I didn’t mind as she was such a pleasure to talk to. I’ve mentioned my poor track record in reading girls and their reactions to me in various situations, so I doubted there was anything to it, but still, I wondered. Given the opportunity, I could see myself with her, though our relative sizes might make for an amusing picture.
“You could have told me before how you were starting the process and avoided all this,” I said acknowledging her complicity.
“I’m so sorry!” she said again with a pouty face, but also a bit of a smile, looking for forgiveness.
“You know you need a spanking,” I said surprising myself at the sudden use of Rosa’s tactic. Watching close for her reaction, I saw her eyes widen in surprise, but then quickly reveal she was actually thinking about it.
“You wouldn’t do that to me, would you?” she asked, both biting her lip and smiling at the same time. Given her little girl appearance, it was as close to ‘Please don’t spank me, daddy’ as she could get without actually saying it.
“Of course not!” I replied unconvincingly. We parted company, each with a bit of a smile.
So there, I used Rosa’s phrase and maybe? … I got a bit of a positive reaction? Definitely not a negative one. The environment didn’t lend itself to carrying through in any way, so I looked at it as planting a seed that might grow into something someday.
In the following weeks, there didn’t seem to be anything carried over from this event … no change in the way Lina spoke to me, even though she continued to approach me on what seemed to be contrived matters.
There was one thing that I wondered about but didn’t trust myself to act upon. On at least three occasions, when I was talking with one of the other girls in Engineering I’d glance over at Lina and find her bent way over something … her desk, a box … showing her tight, little butt in a provocative position. Was she trying to provoke me or was it just a coincidence? Again, doubting myself, I chalked it off to coincidence and continued my conversation with her colleagues.
Finally, one day, something happened that was very out of the ordinary and I was almost sure it meant something; something related to my ‘you need a spanking’ comment. I was walking in one of the back hallways where only a few offices were in use and the hallway was empty. Lina suddenly appeared up ahead from one of the empty offices and called to me.
“Mark, do you have a minute?”
“Sure. What’s up, Lina?” I said as I reached her. She leaned against the wall with her hands behind her.
“Could you help me with my computer?” she asked in a lower-than-normal voice.
“Sure, let’s go …”
“My computer at home,” she interrupted.
“Um, well what seems to be wrong with it?” I asked with alarm bells going off in my head.
“Well, it wants me to upgrade something and I’m afraid to do it. I don’t have the money to take it to a shop, so I wondered if you would do it for me?”
Then she reached out and stroked my left arm, which was very out of character. We’d never had any physical contact before.
“Uh, okay. How about tomorrow, after work?”
“Could you do it today?” she pleaded as her eyes looked up to mine.
“Yeah, I can do today,” I replied after mentally checking my calendar. “You’ll give me your address and directions?”
“Yes … here, I wrote it down for you,” she said handing me a folded piece of paper. I looked it over and saw it was a ten-to-fifteen-minute drive from the office.
“Good! I can get out of here around five-thirty so … around six?”
“Great! I could make you some dinner?” she offered clearly hoping I’d accept. With each turn of the conversation, I was increasingly sure there was an ulterior motive here … and hoped it had to do with spanking.
“Um, okay. That’d be great. Can I bring anything?”
“No … no, you’re fixing my … my computer! You don’t have to … to do anything else,” she added, stumbling over her words.
“Okay, six o’clock tomorrow. See you then!”
“No! Tonight!” she said clearly panicked.
“I’m sorry yeah, tonight. See you at six!”
“Good! See you then,” relief evident on her face. My little intentional mistake confirmed there was something more than fixing a computer at hand.