Casey’s Fall Ch. 07 – Week 1, Sun.

"Naked in front of friends and frenemies."

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Casey slept much later than usual and instinctively reached for a cover when she realised she was naked. The events of the previous day came flooding back as her sleepiness lifted. She felt a bit relieved that at least it was now over and was very much looking forward to that evening when she’d be back in clothes again at last. She just had the lunch mission to get through now, which would have been much easier to cope with mentally if Cassandra and her posse weren’t coming. Hopefully, they just wouldn’t show up.

She allowed herself a bathrobe as she went downstairs for breakfast and coffee, figuring she could drop it quickly if she got a request for a selfie, or if Greg or Amelia showed up early. It felt so good to be covered at last. It was a nice day outside, so she had her breakfast on the back patio and listened to the birds.



Casey quickly went back inside and tossed the robe out of view. Then held her phone out, smiled, took the shot, and sent it. Then she put the robe back on for the temporary comfort it offered her.

“I see stubble. The mission to ask your parents for permission to register is back on. You have one week to comply”

No way!

“Please no. I’ll do anything else”


“But you already said you wanted to. I can send this to your parents as proof if needed?”

There was an attachment. She opened it and there was a video of her standing naked in her bedroom. Moments later she smiled at the camera and then said “I’m going to ask my parents to become a registered nudist. I hope they say yes.”

He tricked me! He was never going to let me off. He just wanted me to say that on camera so he could record it and use it to force me to do it!

She couldn’t help but notice her ridiculously dangly labia were completely obvious in the video as well. She screamed.


“I also have vege show from last night too if they need more proof”

Fuck, he’s got me! It’s better I ask then than have them see either of those videos. Oh God! How am I ever going to do it? The one saving grace is that there’s a 99.9% chance they’ll just say no. If not, I have to rig it so they do, or I just lie and tell him they said no?

After that, she remembered she was supposed to set the camera up where he could watch the day’s proceedings. She looked around the living room where the luncheon would be held and decided on a position on top of a cabinet. Now to disguise it. She configured her laptop to remain on with the lid down. Then she set the camera beside it and moved some of her mother’s ornaments around it until she was satisfied it would go unnoticed without blocking the lens. After that, she watched TV for a while before deciding it was time to shower before anyone arrived.

Out of view of the camera, she disrobed and then came back in and turned it on. It still felt so weird to be wandering around her home totally naked, and she shivered again as she recalled the previous day’s events where she was naked in public. She’d decided to go barefoot today to help emphasise the whole nude look for her “experiment” to make it seem more believable to everyone. She glanced at the fake tattoo and saw that it was still as perfect as when she first put it on. Oh well, it could stay on a little longer. Then she showered, carefully re-shaved everything, and blow-dried her hair. It would have been nice, and even normal, to pick out a nice outfit then, but that wasn’t to be today. Today she would be naked around her best friend and her new boyfriend, and a bunch of popular girls she didn’t get along with. She wasn’t looking forward to it, to say the least, but the alternative of having her sister go to jail and the entire circle of people in her life seeing her performing humiliating sex acts in front of a camera, seemingly of her own volition, was not an option.

A familiar burbling sound came from outside her house. She looked out her bedroom window and sure enough, Greg was there already. Casey excitedly ran down the stairs to greet him at the front door, almost forgetting she was naked for a moment.


“Hi, Casey!” Greg replied just as excitedly. Casey only had the door open wide enough to poke her head around just in case there were any neighbours watching. As he entered, he saw his new girlfriend was just as naked as he’d left her the day before.

“How’s the nude weekend going? I still can’t believe what you did yesterday. That was amazing!” he beamed.

“Oh, okay, I guess. It takes a bit of getting used to.”

Like anyone could ever get used to this…

Greg started kissing her with a little too much passion and she had to push him away.

“Not now. Other people could arrive any minute,” she pointed out.

“Oh, we still have at least an hour,” he reasoned. “Plenty of time.”

“Having enough time isn’t all I’m worried about,” she replied. “I’m naked remember, and I don’t want people to see that I’ve been to funky town.”

“Okay, I understand,” Greg replied with a laugh as he realised what Casey was worried about.

“Can I get you a coffee or something?” Casey asked.

“Oh fuck. Thanks for reminding me. I have a case of cokes in the boot. Would you like one of those instead?” Greg asked.

“Actually, yes,” Casey replied. “I didn’t realise it until you mentioned it, but that would totally go down a treat right now.”

Greg went back out to get the cokes, then Casey thought she could hear him talking to someone outside. She peeked out and saw Amelia had arrived as well. Amelia entered moments later.

“Casey! You’re naked already! I wasn’t sure you’d still want to do it. I guess that’s a yes then,” Amelia greeted.

“Yes, it’s a nude weekend, remember?”

“Oh right.”

“I see you met Greg. Do you two know each other?” Casey asked.

“Oh yeah. Kind of. We know each other from the driveway incident two minutes ago actually.”

Greg and Amelia laughed together.

“Greg,” advanced Greg, holding his hand out towards Amelia.

“Amelia. Pleasure,” Amelia responded, curtsying while taking his hand. They both laughed again.

Amelia turned back to Casey.

“So you two have been getting on I guess? Oh my… Casey, you seem to be missing something!” Amelia commented, gesturing to Casey’s hairless genitals.

Casey looked down and realised that Amelia had noticed her lack of pubic hair since she was last naked in front of her under the bleachers on Wednesday. Was it only last Wednesday? It felt like so much longer.

“Oh Um… yeah. I thought I’d try something different,” Casey replied.

If only it was my choice…

A knock at the door interrupted their conversation.

“Helloooo?” a female voice called out.

Fucking Cassandra is here. Dammit, I hoped she’d be a no-show.

Greg got up and waved her in. In her wake were two other girls. All were casually dressed but it was obviously all top-brand name clothing. Casey envied their style but would have settled for a potato sack to wear at the point. Anything would be better than being naked.

“Holy fuck, she is actually naked,” someone whispered.

“I fuckin’ told you,” came the whispered reply.

“You weren’t wrong about the minge.”

“Toldja that too.”

“Oh hi, Casey!” Cassandra greeted out loud at last, smiling as if they were best friends and there was nothing out of the ordinary with Casey being completely nude.

“Hi, Cassandra,” Casey replied in as pleasant a voice as she could muster up.

“You know Tina?” Cassandra continued, introducing an Asian girl Casey had seen at Cassandra’s side almost constantly around campus. Tina nodded politely.

“Hi, Tina. Glad you could come,” Casey politely greeted.

“And this is Anne,” Cassandra added. Casey had seen Anne multiple times in Cassandra’s presence as well. She was a tall brunette with an unfortunate natural sneer to her smile but was otherwise attractive.

“Welcome, Anne,” Casey responded.

“Sorry, the others can’t make it, but they said to say hi. Oh hey, Amelia. How you doin’, girl?” Cassandra added after spotting Amelia.

Casey was more than a little relieved to hear there wouldn’t be more of Cassandra’s posse present.

“I’m fine thank you, Cassandra. You?” Amelia replied.

“Yeah good. Wassup with your girl here?” Cassandra asked while thumbing in Casey’s direction. “She got a big set o’ balls on her I give her that.”

Anne and Tina giggled at that.

“Who’s up for a coke?” Greg asked the new visitors.

“Please,” Cassandra replied before turning to her girlfriends. “Bitches?”

Both nodded in response.

“I’ll get them,” Casey offered, willing to do anything to be somewhere else even for a second.

She returned a short time later with the drinks, not forgetting her nudity for a moment, which was so much more pronounced while walking around in a room full of fully dressed people. Maybe if they were all nude as well this wouldn’t be such a big deal. Being the only one naked was completely mortifying, but she had invited them here for this, so she had to pretend she was cool with it all.

“Thanks. I always wondered what it would be like to have a naked slave,” Tina giggled as she accepted a drink from Casey’s tray.

“Oh, hell yeah. Are you taking bookings, Casey?” Cassandra asked. “I could tee up a bunch of gigs for you, no problems. We can get you a little slave outfit that doesn’t hide nuthin’, and you can call everyone ‘Master’ and ‘Mistress’ while you serve drinks and stuff.”

Casey glanced furtively for a moment in the camera’s direction.

Oh God! That sounds completely horrific! Even worse is that the blackmailer probably heard that, and it’ll give him ideas…

“This could be a new career path for you, girl,” Cassandra continued. “I might even ask Pa about putting you on full-time at our house.”

Jesus H Christ! I need a way out of this, fast!

“Would you want to do that, Casey?” Amelia chimed in with a puzzled expression.

“Nah, it’s a nice offer, thanks, Cassandra,” Casey responded, “but I have my heart set on graphic design.”

“Why would you wanna do that as a nudist?” Cassandra asked. “I bet you can make triple that salary as a nude slave girl for hire. Fuck, I’ll even put my hand up to manage your career.”

Oh my God, will she drop it already?

“Um… no, I’m good,” Casey replied. “I’m not even sure I want to become a nudist yet. That’s what this weekend is all about.”

“Well, whatever,” Cassandra shrugged. “You come see me if you change your mind.”

As if…

“Sure, thanks, Cassandra,” Casey replied.

“Anyone wanna shot? I bought bourbon,” Cassandra asked everyone, finally changing the subject much to Casey’s relief. There was a unanimous agreement, even from Casey. She normally didn’t drink, but today it was easy to make an exception.

“Casey, you wouldn’t have some ice would you, girl?” Cassandra asked.

“Sure, I’ll be right back,” Casey answered. She remembered her parents had an ice bucket complete with tongs, and she scrounged them out from one of the cupboards. Then filled it with ice cubes from the refrigerator.

“Would you mind?” Anne asked, holding her glass up to Casey.

“Sure,” Casey replied and used the tongs to drop a couple of cubes into her glass.

“Eww!” Casey heard from behind her.

“You gotta take more care bendin’ over in polite company with your naked ass out, girl. I think I just saw what you had for breakfast!” Cassandra commented, wrinkling up her nose.

Everyone laughed. Inwardly, Casey died a little bit inside, but she pretended to laugh along.

Both Cassandra and Tina held up their glasses for Casey to bring ice to them as well.

“Oh yeah, subs!” Cassandra suddenly remembered. “Anyone give a shit about what they get, or should I just order a mixed platter?”

No one was fussed so Cassandra placed the order on her phone. About twenty minutes later there was a knock on the door.

“That’ll be the subs. I’ll get it,” Greg offered as he rose from his chair.

“No, sit tight, Greg,” Cassandra demanded. “Let our slave girl take care of it.”

“But I’m naked!” Casey protested. “I can’t go to the door like this!”

“C’mon, girlfriend,” Cassandra smirked. “You wanted the nudist experience, right? You’d have to answer the door in the nude if you become a nudist, wouldn’t you? Besides, this ain’t nuthin’ compared to what you did yesterday. I see you still got that tattoo on, so you ain’t gonna get in any trouble. What’s the problem?”

“For fuck’s sake, Cassandra,” Amelia interrupted. “I’ll get it. You can see she isn’t comfortable.”

“Sit your ass down, girlfriend,” Cassandra scowled. “Your girl here wants to be a nudist. Let her act like it.”

Oh God, there’s no way out of this. I have to act like this is all my idea if I want to maintain my cover.

“It’s fine, Amelia,” Casey responded. “I got this. Cassandra’s right. This is exactly the kind of situation I’d have to face if I did become a nudist.”

As confident as Casey appeared to her friends, deep down she was feeling anything but as she approached the door.

Oh God, I can’t imagine having to face stuff like this every day of my life. What’s this delivery driver going to think? I guess I don’t have to stretch my imagination too far to know what it would be like. I’m literally living it right now. What if it’s not the subs and my parents are home early and don’t have their keys? Or maybe a neighbour asking if I have a cup of sugar or something. Oh God, here goes nothing…

Casey opened the door to reveal a young man in a delivery driver’s uniform. For a moment his eyes were down as he got the order together. Then he finally looked up to see a naked girl in front of him.

“Hi, I have a large mixed platter of… what the fuck?” he began.

“Um… yes, thank you. I’ll take it,” Casey replied, trying to look as casual as possible.

“Awesome! Is this one of those delivery-guy challenges?” he asked. “Did your friends dare you to do this? All the other guys have been bragging about getting these. I thought they were all lying until now.”

“No, I’m actually a registered nudist, see,” Casey replied, holding her wrist up towards him.

“Oh really?” he beamed. “Wow! You’re so young, and a total babe too.”

“Um… thanks,” Casey replied.

Kill me now…

“Well okay then, here’s your sandwiches. All paid for. Y’all have a great day now.”

“Thanks. You too. Bye now,” Casey replied as she accepted the sandwiches and closed the door behind him.

Thank God that’s over…

“Told you you’d be fine, slave girl,” Cassandra remarked as she accepted one of the subs.

“Um.. yeah, you were right, Cassandra,” Casey agreed. “I don’t know what I was worrying about.”

Apart from completely disgracing myself in front of a stranger and maybe getting the cops called in…

“You were totally amazing, Casey,” Greg added. “I can’t believe how brave you are.”

The party continued on for an hour or so. Cassandra and her girls seemed to get particular pleasure out of having Casey fetch things for them like she was their own private slave girl, and there was always a jibe anytime she bent over for anything. Finally, the bourbon was gone, and the conversation began to die down. Cassandra then decided to leave.

“Well, it’s been a blast, but we got places to be. Thanks for the invite, Casey. I guess I’ll see you at Tech. Greg. Amelia,” Cassandra announced, nodding to each of them before turning to Tina and Anne. “Bitches come!”

Tina and Anne immediately got up and made their farewells, then followed Cassandra out to her car. Casey followed them to the door, and then almost screamed when she saw her parents were already home and parked in the driveway getting their suitcases out. Luckily, they hadn’t looked up, so Casey made a run for it upstairs to her room and quickly dressed.

Greg was smiling at her knowingly when she re-emerged fully clothed, and Amelia gave her a silent “whew” while pretending to wipe her brow.

“Oh hi, Mum and Dad. I didn’t hear you get home. You’re earlier than I expected,” Casey greeted.

“Yes, it was starting to get a bit old, so we decided to call it a weekend,” her father replied.

“It was lovely, though. We had a wonderful time,” added her mother. “It looks like you had a wonderful time too, Casey. Oh, hi, Amelia. Nice to see you again.”

“Hi, Mrs Reine. Likewise,” Amelia responded.

“Oh, don’t be silly. Call me Sue. You’re a fully grown woman now.”

“Ok thanks err… Sue.”

“Mum, Dad. This is Greg,” Casey interrupted, introducing him.

“Michael Reine. That must be your beast in the driveway?” Casey’s father asked while shaking Greg’s hand. “What is it? A ’79?”

“’78,” Greg corrected. “She’s my pride and joy. A lot of skinned knuckles and one completely skinned bank account went into that.”

“I’ll bet,” Michael replied. “Well, you’ve sure done a fine job. You’ll have to take me for a spin one day.”

“Sure thing. I’d offer right now but I have a thing I need to get to in a little while.”

“No problems,” Michael responded.

“Casey, unfortunately, I do actually have to go,” Greg continued, turning to her. “I didn’t realise what time it was already. Do you need a hand with dishes or anything?”

“No, it’s fine. There’s not that much there really. Most of it is just stuff for the trash,” Casey replied.

She followed Greg out to his car, and they kissed several times while leaning up against the driver’s door. She eventually had to push him away and duck under his arms to get him to let go of her.

“Okay, I’ll call or text if I can’t find you at Tech tomorrow,” Greg assured her.

“Cool. I’ll be there. I have a class at eight-thirty a.m. that I can’t miss so I’ll probably see you at morning tea or lunch. Cafeteria?” Casey asked.

“Done deal. See you then.”

And with that, he was gone. Amelia also came out and bid her farewells.

“You have more guts in your pinkie than I have in my whole body, Casey. I never could have done what you did today in a million years!” she exclaimed.

Casey just shrugged in response. It was such a relief to have finally made it through the dreadful missions and her nude weekend.

“So did your experiment reveal anything? Which is weirder, strangers or friends?” Amelia asked.

Neither. They both sucked major ass.

“Actually, I think friends might have been the weirdest, but I need to mull it over and get my thoughts down on paper after a few days, I think. It’s hard to think of how I felt yesterday while today is still so fresh,” Casey replied, almost believing her own bullshit. Both experiences were batshit fucking insanely mortifying. The only good thing was that they were finally over at last.

After Amelia left on her bicycle, Casey went back in to find her mother tidying up the living room.

“Oh, no need for that, Mum,” Casey assured her. “I’ll take care of it. Surely you have enough to do unpacking your own stuff?”

“That’s fine, dear,” her mother replied. “I’m so happy to see you had so many friends visit. You keep so much to yourself these days. I worry you’re a hermit sometimes.”

“L.O.L., mum!”

“Casey, what’s that?” her mother asked suddenly while pointing to Casey’s wrist.

Casey looked down and saw that she still had the fake registered nudist tattoo on her wrist.

“Oh fuck oh no hells bells! How could I forget that???

She glanced up as she remembered the camera.

Fuck! He’s seen everything. If I don’t ask her for permission to register now, he’ll be furious!


That’ll be him telling me to do it. Fuck!

Just then her father came back into the room and wondered what Casey and her mother were talking about. Casey tried to think of a way to stall, or some other circumstance where asking this horrible thing might make any sense at all, but it would never be okay. There was nothing for it but to just do it and get it over with, and pray to all the Gods at once that her parents said no.

“Um… Mum, Dad. Um… I’ve been kinda thinking about what it would be like to be a registered nudist. Um… would you guys be willing to approve it if I wanted to become one?”

There was a stunned silence. Both just stared at her blankly for a moment, but then her father’s face reddened in anger.

“Are you completely nuts, Casey!” he asked. “What brought this on? And what is that thing doing on your arm? Are you some kind of pervert?”

Casey looked at her mother and saw she was crying.

As much as she was upset because she had made her parents upset, Casey suddenly brightened as she realised the Gods were going to answer her prayer after all. There was no way her parents would ever be okay with her becoming a nudist.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Casey replied, trying not to smile too much. “It was just a joke at the party, and they put me up to this as a dare. I’ll go and wash it off now. Mum, do we have any methylated spirits?”

“I think there’s some under the sink, Casey. My goodness, girl, you gave me a fright. I thought you were serious for a moment there.”

“Sorry, Mum. It sounded funny beforehand.”

Michael rolled his eyes and went to turn the TV on as Casey went off to find the methylated spirits and scrub the offending mark off her arm. It didn’t come off easily and there was still a faint shadow at the end. She decided it would have to do.

Then she realised her period had come.

“Oh crap! Will I still have to do the webcam meeting tonight?” she wondered. She didn’t have to wait long to find out.


“Kudos for trying. Better luck next time”

Next time? Like hell, I hope!


“I like Cassandra. We need to do something about your asshole in polite company tho”

Well, whose fault was it that my asshole was on display, fucktard? Shit, I better jump in and tell him I’m on my period so he doesn’t make me do something gross and messy later on the cam.

“FYI I have my period”


“No problems. You have earned a night off. Your mission tomorrow is to get a group selfie with all of your friends who were here today. You’ll be nude”

I can’t do that! Oh God! Tampon string! I guess I’ll have to cut it off or tuck it in. Gross!

As much as Casey loathed the idea of being naked with her friends again, at least they were conquered territory now she figured. The hardest part would be getting them all in one place at the same time.

She waited until her parents had retired for the night, and then fetched her laptop and camera from the living room to smuggle them back into her bedroom.

As she curled up in bed, she tried not to think about any of the awful things she’d been made to do over the weekend and focussed on enjoying the comfort of her pyjamas until she drifted off to sleep.

Published 2 years ago

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