I looked down at my softening member and pondered the shimmering coating on the shaft. This wasn’t my first encounter with Molly. She’s been my wife for several years. You’re probably wondering what’s so special about me screwing my own wife and why this particular time is so special. Well….the coating on my cock is part me, part Molly, and part someone else. In the sentences and paragraphs that follow I’ll enlighten you. That is why you’re here, isn’t it?
Looking back over the past few months, I suppose it began this past March, on one of Molly’s ‘girl’s night out’ evenings with her friends Shawna and Jacqueline. Molly was pretty tipsy when she got home that evening. She was so tipsy that Shawna had to drop her off at our house and made sure she got in OK before leaving. “Hi honey! I’m home!” were the slurred words escaping her lips as she staggered into the living room. Molly started undressing, excitedly saying “Come fuck me before someone else does!” She stumbled and nearly fell as she struggled out of her clothing. When she finally got naked, she plopped on the couch next to me.
It was obvious from her condition that she was a lot closer to passing out than she was to getting laid. Molly typically gets in an amorous mood after a few drinks, but she was way beyond her usual this night. It’s hard to deal with a drunk, even an extremely sexy drunk, when you’re stone cold sober. “Well, it looks like you had fun tonight” I said, putting my arm around her. I had decided the best thing to do was let her talk until she faded into oblivion.
“Wow! The cutest guy tried to pick me up tonight. He looked like one of those Chippendale dancers on my calendar! He was soooooo hot! I think Shawna and Jacqueline were jealous!” she exclaimed. It wasn’t unusual for a guy to hit on her if I’m not around, but I’ve never had to worry about it. We have a great relationship and Molly always fends them off. She is an avid swimmer and keeps in her 31 year old body in excellent shape. She has long, dark brown hair and hazel eyes and could still easily pass for early twenties. She still gets carded regularly at bars and even grocery stores, if she buys alcohol.
“He wanted to take me back to his motel room. If Shawna hadn’t insisted we leave, I don’t know what might have happened……..” Molly’s words trailed off as she passed out.
I managed to get Molly to bed to sleep it off. Sleep didn’t come so easily to me. I was a little concerned about what she had said. I presumed it was just alcohol speaking instead of Molly and finally drifted away myself. The next morning Molly had a well deserved headache and hangover. “Wow. I guess I had one too many last night” she said quietly.
“No doubt about that” I answered. “Shawna and Jacqueline are the pros. You should leave the drinking and picking up men to them.” I was referring to the two friends Molly regularly hung out with. It was true that Shawna and Jacqueline were experienced when it came to picking up guys. They were both single and both worked with Molly. There was some kind of friendly competition between the two of them when it came to picking up guys. They were good gals; just not interested in settling down. Between the two, Shawna was the more brazen and the one Molly seemed closest to. “So what exactly happened last night?” I asked. “Oh, you don’t want hear about it. Just silly girl stuff, ” she said. “You know how it is when I go out with that pair of floozies.” “Well, actually, I do want to hear about it. It’s not like you to come home drunk, saying some guy wanted to take you to a motel, ” I replied. “Wow! I said that?” Molly looked surprised. “What else did I say?” “Not much else. You were pretty drunk last night. That’s not like you.” I said. “But you made it sound like something happened.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. You know how Shawna and Jackie are. We were…I guess I mean, they were talking about sex. You know….all their different guys. That’s all they ever talk about. Well…..while they were comparing penises, this nice looking guy came over and asked if one of us would like to dance. Of course Shawna jumped all over him. After they danced, Shawna was bragging to Jackie how she gave him a hard on and Jackie bet her she could too.” she said.
A few minutes later the guy came back by the table and Jackie danced with him. I don’t know if she really gave him a hard on or not, but she was all over him! After that dance Shawna and Jacqueline were deciding who would take him on that night.” she added. “I guess I was a little envious of the way they always seemed so casual about meeting guys and listening to them talk about all the kinky things they’ve done. Plus I had a few drinks in me by then. I made a stupid challenge and told them I could get the guy harder than either one of them.
I could tell Molly’s head was still splitting, but she seemed to want to confess so I wouldn’t worry. “The next time he came over, I danced with him. He was a really great dancer and I guess I did better than Shawna and Jackie because he asked me over to his table after we danced a couple of times. I could see them pretending to fan their faces when I went to sit with him. It made me feel special….you know….like I had shown them up.” Molly stated confidently.
She seemed to be forgetting about her headache and her speech became bubblier. “We talked for a while. He’s a sales rep for some company. I can’t remember which one or what they do. Then we danced some more.” “Well……..did you give him a hard on?” I chided. Molly grinned. “Why, yes, I think I did!” she exclaimed, seeming very pleased with herself. Then she caught herself and looked at me very seriously. “Don’t worry. Nothing happened. I would never cheat on you.” she added.
“I wasn’t worried” I said. “Well, anyway he did grab my ass while we danced and when I told him I had to leave soon, he suggested we go to his motel. That was when Shawna came over and offered me a ride home. I told her I was ready to leave and when she went to get her purse he gave me a quick kiss on the lips and told me he would be there tonight too.” She chuckled and seemed to be done with her storytelling. There was something sensual about listening to Molly talk about being with some strange guy. I felt an unfamiliar flush come over me and I suppose that was the first instant I ever fantasized about her having sex with someone other than me. Well….OK….that’s a lie. I’ve fantasized about it a lot.
I couldn’t resist the urge to get in a little zinger. “Are you going tonight?” I asked. I was trying to make it sound humorous. I couldn’t tell her I was secretly hoping she would. “Certainly not!” Molly exclaimed.
As is my habit, I kept jabbing. “Hey! You left the poor guy with a hard on! Don’t you think you owe him an apology?” I was still trying to sound like it was all a big joke, but I was actually looking for some sign, some indication that she might seriously think about bedding someone outside of our relationship sometime. “Get real! You’d better be nice or I’ll leave you with a hard on sometime!” she joked back. I knew better than that. When Molly heats up and I get hard, we fuck. End of discussion. Molly didn’t go back to the bar that evening, but that seemed to be the catalyst that started moving Molly and I toward a dramatic lifestyle change. Over the next few weeks Molly kept turning our conversations back to the night she gave some unknown stranger a lump in his groin. The episode must have given her some new measure of confidence in her own sexuality. Her mode of dress began to get more provocative, her flirtations around some of our friends were bolder, and she was constantly talking of the latest notches that Shawna and Jacqueline had added to their bedposts.
We were sitting at the kitchen table one morning talking. “I just don’t know how those two do it. I don’t think I could keep up with them.” “Is keeping up with Shawna and Jackie something you want to do?” I asked. I was clandestinely hopeful that this might be the proverbial sign I had been looking for. “No. Not really. I just keep hearing about all their guys. Do you know that between them they’ve screwed over 50 guys? And that’s just in the last couple of years! Counting you, I’ve got a grand total of three.” she said bluntly. It was true that Molly hadn’t played around much before we got married. She had been with two other guys before me and I had been with eight or ten women before I met Molly. That was no secret between us. I suppose she felt she had been left out of some grand life experience. I had never told her how aroused I was at the thought of her lithe body lying naked, awaiting the piercing sting of a primed and lusty stranger’s cock. I lost myself in the middle of that mental image when I blurted out, “What if I told you it’s OK to have a little fun if you really want to?”
Molly had a stunned look and I had obviously gotten her attention. “What? You’re not serious are you?” She was staring at me with a look of concern, shock, and fascination, all mixed together. For a moment I thought I had stepped across ‘the line in the sand’. Although she seemed completely caught off guard, I could tell she wasn’t angry. In fact, she seized the moment. “I love you very much and I’m always satisfied when we make love, but I guess I’d sorta like to try something different. I’m just curious.” she confessed. “Are you really serious?” She had called my bluff, although I wasn’t bluffing. “I love you very much too and I don’t want anything to come between us. I guess I’m curious too. I’ve read about a lot guys who let their wives screw other guys and they always seem to end up having even hotter sex than before. I guess we could try it once and if it doesn’t work out, we can write it off as a bad idea and move on. Besides, unless I’m reading you wrong, you’ve been fantasizing about that guy you gave the hard on to.” “You got me there! I’ve had lots of fantasies about what might have happened if Shawna hadn’t interrupted and brought me home. But, I need to know if you’re really serious and won’t get mad.” Molly said directly. “I think we’re both curious and I give you my word, I won’t get mad if you really want to try something.” I told her. Finally, I thought to myself, it’s out in the open. Molly looked pensively at me for a moment, placed her hand on mine, and then spoke. “OK. I guess it’s safe to tell you the rest of what happened that night at the bar.” Now I was the one with the stunned look I suppose. “I kinda thought something else must have happened by the way you always want to talk about that night. Tell me.” As I said that, I felt a twitch in my crotch. “Well…. I sorta lied before…. I wasn’t dancing with that guy when Shawna interrupted. We were in the back corner booth and…….” she hesitated. “Are you sure you want to know this?”
I was hanging on her every word. “Yes” Molly spoke softly. “Well….we had been talking and laughing and then he leaned over and kissed me. I know I shouldn’t have, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. I kissed him back. I know I had a lot to drink that night and I guess I lost my head. The next time he kissed me his tongue was in my mouth and I frenched him back. I’m sorry, but I was getting hot. We started making out and before I knew it, his hand was inside my blouse. He was kissing my neck and that’s when he suggested we go to his motel room.” I felt a bulge growing in my jeans as she continued. “I didn’t answer him, but, forgive me, I wanted to say ‘yes’. He was squeezing my tit gently and pinching my nipple through my bra. I guess my hand just naturally went for his crotch. That’s how I know I gave him a hard on!” she said grinning. “Ummm! He felt so big and solid. Well, that’s when Shawna caught us. I guess she was protecting me, or maybe you, I’m not sure. She said ‘we should get going because it’s late and Bob will get worried’. That brought everything back to reality real quick! I said something stupid like ‘it was nice meeting you’. I kissed him again and left.”
“Are you mad about some guy feeling me up?” Molly said seductively as her hand moved to my crotch. “Ooh! I see you’re not too upset.” she cooed as she started unbuckling my belt and unzipping my fly. The sultry way she acting now was driving me wild. A second later she was on her knees and had my enflamed cock freed and took it between her lips. I felt the warm, rapid breath from her nostrils on the shaft of engorged member. I began heatedly pulling off her tank top. In the next few seconds we frenziedly stripped each other and I pushed her back on the floor. Her arms reached up to me and she spread wide to take me. I mounted her quickly and felt her warm juices against the head of my cock as it slipped into her tight, velvety furrow. Molly was just as excited as I. With one firm jab, I slid into her and felt her tight inner muscles surround me. I got even hotter as I realized that Molly was completely aroused from the telling of her sordid little tale. We were both panting savagely as I began thrusting into her deeply. I quickened my pace as I sensed her gasping and tensing from her impending orgasm. She shrieked and clamped her legs around me in bliss. My cock began to erupt as her quivering muscles drank in the seething liquid. Quite pleased with ourselves, we lay on the floor for a while when we finished. “Geez! That was a good fuck baby!” she exclaimed. “I’ll say. I’ve never known you to get so wet, so fast. I wonder what would have happened if you had actually fucked the guy.” I said. Needless to say, just the discussion of Molly’s tiny transgression had already transformed our sex life. Over the next few weeks; just a few minutes discussion of some stranger getting a feel from Molly was enough to have us fucking like rabbits. We continually talked of Molly getting laid by someone else. It became an obsession. We talked and talked about it. We must have reassured each other fifty times that it was OK.
Spring passed into early summer. It was at a 4th of July cookout that this obsessive fantasy turned to reality. The cookout was hosted by associates of Molly’s from work and Zack was the center of attraction for most of the females. It wasn’t difficult to see why. He was the stereotypical ‘tall, dark, and handsome’ that many women seem to drool over. Zack worked for the same company as Molly, but at a facility in another state and would visit our area several times a year. I would guess him to be in his late thirties, or maybe even early forties, and he clearly kept himself in top physical shape. His 6’1″ frame drew all the female eyes. After introducing me to Zack, Molly took me aside. “Isn’t he a hunk?” she said energetically. “I think he likes me!”
It was easy to see why Molly would attract attention that day. She had worn a small red bathing suit top with strings that tied around her neck and back. She had a light summer blouse over her top and a pair of very short, very tight cutoffs. There were more guys than Zack admiring the way her shorts exposed just the right amount of cheek from her bubbly ass. The summer sun wasn’t needed to make the men hot when Molly was around that afternoon. “Promise you won’t tell a soul, but Shawna and Jackie have both done him!” she continued. “They say he has a ‘nine inch nail and he really knows how to hammer it home'” I suppose she would have sounded like a school girl if anyone had been listening. The heat was stifling and Molly had taken her blouse off and tied it around her waist, leaving her midriff and much of her back, bare. Her bathing suit top showed a lot of cleavage and the tops of her creamy 34-C’s. Throughout the afternoon it appeared Zack and Molly were quite taken with each other. Zack was trying to be discreet; knowing I was present. Molly, on the other hand was flirting openly.
The gathering progressed through the afternoon and by twilight several guests had left. I had gone to the keg to refill my glass when it occurred to me that I hadn’t seen Molly or Zack for a while. I went inside and was trying to subtly look around the house by couldn’t find either of them. When I went back outside I wandered to the edge of the yard. There was a small stand of trees and an embankment that led to a small stream. Then I saw them. Zack and Molly were wading in the stream and I arrived just in time to see Molly stumble. Zack’s arm was around her quickly to keep her from falling. I couldn’t help notice that once she was stable, his arm remained around her bare waist. Instead of moving away, Molly’s arm went beneath his now unbuttoned shirt and around his waist. I was hidden by the foliage and my eyes followed them as strolled along the edge of the creek. I watched until they disappeared beneath a small bridge a hundred yards or so downstream.
Dozens of images flashed through my brain as I wondered what would happen as they vanished from my sight. A flushed feeling came over me and my cock began expanding in my shorts as I pondered a vision of Molly succumbing to the wiles of her suitor. I was instantly jerked back to reality when I heard someone yell, “Hey dude! The party’s up here.” I rejoined the party and mingled as normally as I could, but I couldn’t keep my mind off of Molly and Zack; nor could I keep my eyes away from the trees at the edge of the yard.
The sun had set and it was nearly dark now. I suppose no more than twenty-five or thirty minutes had passed since I saw Molly and Zack vanish beneath the bridge, but it seemed hours. I pretended to listen to one of the guys tell a joke. My back had been turned to the trees and when I glanced that way again I saw Zack coming across the lawn. As he came into the brightly lit patio area I could see his wrinkled shirt was now buttoned, but his knees were grass stained. I eyed him as he made his way to the keg and then he slipped into the house. I presumed to clean up. A moment later I saw Molly trying ever so slyly to slip along the edge of the lawn toward the side of the house. I intercepted her at the side door. She sounded almost panicky, “Honey, we’ve got to leave. NOW!” she said in a loud whisper. “What’s wrong?” I queried. I didn’t need her to answer just that second. I could plainly see what was wrong. Her hair was a mess. I could see her breasts and taut nipples outlined under her thin blouse and it was obvious, at least to me, her swim suit top was missing.
“I’ll tell you later honey.” she whispered. “I can’t go back to the party looking like this!” She hesitated a moment and looked straight in my eyes. “I guess I’m not a ‘virgin’ anymore.” I knew exactly what she meant. When she would come home after a night out with the girls I would always jokingly ask her if she was still a ‘virgin’. It had become our buzzword for Molly’s eventual ascension to the level of slut wife. Molly went straight to the car and I went back in to say a quick ‘goodbye’ and thank you to our hosts. I told them that Molly wasn’t feeling well and we had to leave. Shawna insisted on seeing how Molly was doing before we left. In spite of my best efforts, I couldn’t stop her from briskly walking to the car. She found Molly waiting by the car and Molly tried to feign an upset stomach. A knowing look came over Shawna when she saw Molly’s disheveled state. I suppose it was obvious that Molly had done a bit more entertaining than simply dancing with some of the guests, but Shawna was discreet enough to say nothing.
I kept asking what had happened on as we drove home and Molly kept me on edge, saying me she would tell all at home. For the moment, she seemed more concerned about whether Shawna had found her out. “I think she knows!” Molly exclaimed. “OK! So she knows.” I said, trying to smooth over the rough edge I felt was threatening the rest of the evening. “Shawna isn’t likely to say anything to anyone. Besides, she can’t ‘know’, she can only ‘suspect’.” Molly pulled down the visor and looked at herself. She clearly had that ‘fresh fucked’ look about her. “I guess it’s evident I wasn’t fishing for minnows in the creek!” she joked. “I suppose not, but you make damn nice bait!” I added. Our tension was relieved at that point and we both laughed. “Can you drive a little faster. I’m leaking!” Molly stated jovially. I sped up. The thought of someone else’s cum oozing from Molly’s freshly violated gash was driving me nuts. We had reached the boiling point by the time we arrived home. We hugged and kissed just inside the door and again I asked ‘what happened’ while I quickly peeled away her blouse and freed her creamy mounds. Molly’s nipples were rigid both from excitement and the cool night air. Her tits were reddened and swollen from the attention they had received earlier. Her pelvis was pressing against the urgent bulge in my shorts. Molly’s voice was husky and she was breathing heavily. “We both know I just got laid. I’ll tell you about it in a minute. Right now I need YOU to fuck me! Fuck me now, before I explode!” We rapidly made our way toward the couch. Molly shimmied out of her cutoffs. I saw the rounding spot of cum on her panties and her matted pubic area of her vulva as she pulled them off. She jumped on the couch, throwing a leg over the back. The moist residue of her tryst was shimmering on her silky labia.
I wasted no time. My shorts were off and I was on her. I couldn’t wait to bury my cock in her fresh-fucked pussy. She arched upward as I slid my aching pole into her tight, soaked passage. There was something overwhelmingly erotic about entering her while she still contained the remnants of her encounter with another. She was indescribably open and slick. Her quivering inner muscles enveloped me and I pulled back and began plunging savagely. In seconds Molly was tensing and locking her legs around my back. She wailed as she quickly came. Her instant passion drove me over the edge. I entered the short strokes and soon filled her with a jet blast of hot cream. Molly and I simply held each other’s panting bodies for a few minutes as we relaxed. When I had my breath, I told Molly I had seen her and Zack by the creek and had lost sight of them when they went under the bridge. “Zack and I danced a few times in the living room, but I guess you knew that” she started. “He danced me around the corner and into the hallway a couple of times. We always ended up kissing when no one was around. He was constantly squeezing my ass and pressing me between himself and the wall when we kissed. I was getting hot. I guess he could tell I wanted to do more than kiss. He kept trying to take me to one of the bedrooms and I finally told him to ‘forget it’. I was sure someone would catch us and I wasn’t really sure if I could go through with it.” I was visualizing Molly pinned to the wall and trying to say ‘no’ and wanting to say ‘yes’. “Are you sure you’re ready to hear about this?” she asked. “We’ve talked about this for months” I replied. “It’s really OK.” I was trying to sound as matter of fact as I could, but it was difficult.
She drew a deep breath and said, “We went out on the front porch to cool off. We were talking about the heat and Zack suggested we go wading to cool off. We slipped around the side of the house and snuck down by the hedges on the way to the creek. He held my hand as we went down the bank toward the stream. He said something about the heat again and started unbuttoning his shirt as we waded. He was also telling me how someone as sexy as me just made things even hotter. I jokingly told him ‘flattery would get him everywhere’. I knew he was going to make another pass and I was afraid someone would see us. I guess he could see I was nervous about getting found out and kept telling how good I looked. I stumbled on a big rock in the water and he caught me before I fell.” “I know. I saw that part.” I interjected. “You two looked pretty chummy after that.” Molly smiled and went on. “We got out of the water and kept walking along the edge of the creek until we got to the bridge. We were both looking to see if anyone was around when we walked under it. It was already starting to get dark, but it was even darker in the shadows under the bridge. We stopped underneath and he turned me toward him. We had our arms around each other and I knew he wanted to kiss me. We just looked in each other’s eyes for a moment and…..well….we starting kissing again. He’s a good kisser! His hands were grabbing my ass and rubbing my back while we kissed and then……”
Molly seemed to lose herself in thought for a moment. “Then what?” I asked pensively. She took a deep breath and said, “The next thing I knew he was untying the strings on my top. I was getting so hot. I could feel his erection pressing against me. For a very brief instant I thought about you and wondered what you would think if you knew some guy was trying to take my top off. Isn’t that silly?” “Well, thanks for thinking of me!” I quipped. “You’re welcome.” she joked back. “Anyway, after that kiss, I just backed away and let my top fall off.” I had a fabulous mental image of Molly’s luscious orbs standing firm and proud in the pale light. I could imagine Zack’s delight at the sight of her topless body timidly awaiting his next move. I could clearly see his hands on her firm mounds and his lips and teeth taunting her rosy-pink nipples.
“He moved his hands over my tits very slowly and gently. I shuddered when his fingers streaked across my nipples. I started pulling his shirt away from his shoulders as his mouth covered my nipple and I felt his tongue flicking across it. We kissed again and I pressed my breasts into his bare chest. He felt very warm and his chest is very strong and muscular. I could feel the increasing hardness in his shorts pressing against me. Then he started pushing me backward, but we couldn’t find a good place to lie down.
I thought for a second about what a smooth move he had made, by making her a makeshift pillow. I could see her melting to his charm and could imagine his confidence was at a peak as he prepared to bed her there in the grass. “I guess I got paranoid. I was sure someone was going to catch us. I tried to tell him we should get back to the party before someone found us there. He had a glazed look in his eyes and kept pressing his bulge into my leg. Then placed his warm lips on mine again and his hand slipped inside my shorts. You can’t imagine how I felt when he touched me. I’m not used to someone else’s touch. It was so strange. For a second I thought I should stop him, but I guess I knew I had probably gone too far by now. Then I guess I completely stopped thinking. I simply started rubbing his hard on through his shorts and trying to unbutton them.” In my mind I could see my Molly’s passion taking over. I could imagine her juices beginning to flow and knew the fire Zack had ignited would have to be quenched. “I managed to get him unzipped and felt his warm, thick cock through the cotton of his briefs. He felt soooooo hard!” Molly exclaimed. “I had to let go when he moved down and started tugging at my shorts. I’m sorry honey, but I had already given in. I just raised my hips and let him pull my shorts and panties off at once. It didn’t even bother me that I was totally naked with someone I barely knew. I couldn’t seem to help myself.” She almost sounded remorseful for a moment. “You don’t have to apologize. I told you several months ago that it would be OK, as long as you were comfortable with the person. I’m not mad or upset.” I reassured her. At the same time I imagined how Zack must have felt as he looked upon Molly’s luscious body. I could see her creamy breasts heaving, her bare, well-tanned legs, and the soft brown patch of fur at her apex.
“He had a look of adoration and seemed to be complimenting my body with his eyes. He placed his hands on my breasts and moved slowly down my belly. When his hands reached my inner thighs, he gently pushed and I spread my legs. He bent down and kissed my thighs and I felt his tongue sliding along my furrow. Then he found my secret spot. I remember tightly grasping a clump of grass in each hand when his tongue starting circling and he was gently gnawing with his teeth. God….it felt good! I was paralyzed. He kept flicking his tongue wildly across my clit and slid a finger in my back door. I know I was squealing like I always do when I cum really hard.” Molly gets pretty vocal when it’s her time. I could imagine her sounds and hear her excited panting as Zack took her to her own private paradise. In my vision I could see she was totally conquered. He had tasted her sweet nectar would soon grow impatient to fully possess her. “I could see my moisture on Zack’s face when he rose up. He finished pulling off his shorts quickly and saw his magnificent tool. Shawna and Jacqueline were right. He’s definitely has a ‘nine inch nail’!
I’ve never seen a cock as big as his!” Molly exclaimed. “I just stared at it for a minute. It sounds silly, but I was remembering how Shawna and Jackie talked about him. He climbed up and straddled me. His heavy balls were resting between my tits and I reached to touch his huge cock. Zack moaned when I wrapped my fingers around him. He was hot to the touch and soooooo hard. I raised my head and flicked the precum away from the beautiful head. He was soooooo thick, but I managed to get the head in my mouth.” My own cock was once more in full, agonizing glory as I listened to her detailed account and pictured Molly’s soft lips encircling Zack’s monster. Molly spoke softly for a moment. “Before I go on I just want you to know that I love you very much and what happened a while ago doesn’t change that.” “I love you too.” I reassured her. “I looked up at him with his cock still in my mouth and I could feel the heat of his balls against on my neck. His lusty eyes were glazed and he stared at me for an instant. He got off my chest and got between my legs. I raised my knees and ….well…. I can’t believe I did it, but I actually begged him to fuck me. ‘Please Zack I said. Fuck me now! Fuck me hard!’ I looked down and saw his enormous cock just above my pussy. He was on his knees and pulled my thighs over his, lifting my ass slightly off the ground. I felt so open. He guided himself and I felt the warm head of his massive cock nestle between my outer lips as he prepared to jab me.” My own rod was about to explode as I imagined what Zack was about to experience. He would learn what I already knew. Molly’s cunt is unusually tight and her muscles lock around cock like a vise. I could imagine the thrill Zack was about to savor.
“Forgive me, but I wasn’t thinking about anything but getting his monster inside me. He pushed and I could feel my cunt spreading as the head broke the plane. He pushed harder and I felt him inching inward. He stopped for a brief second and pinned my hands to the ground. Then it happened. He shoved and let out a groan and drove that thick ‘nine inch nail’ all the way in me. I can remember biting my lips from the stinging sensation as he stretched me.” By now I was fingering Molly’s clit and she was stroking my erection. I could see her chest heaving and feel her quivering tunnel as she spoke. “I guess he must know that most girls aren’t used to someone as big as him. He just stopped for a little bit while I got used to him being in me. It still stung a little when he pulled back and shoved in me again. He kept me holding my legs while he started fucking me with long, slow strokes. There was something delicious about the burning in my pussy as he fucked me and the commanding way he held me in place. Then he let go of my legs and placed his whole body on mine. He pinned my hands to the ground and really slammed into me. He frenched me as I began to cum again. I was gasping as we broke our kiss. The he started fucking me incredibly fast. I knew he too was about to cum.”
My mind again wandered and I imagined the intense pleasure he must have felt as Molly’s rigid muscles clamped around his thick extremity and he felt the tightening in his groin that would soon lead to his ultimate gratification.
“I heard him groaning on top of me and felt his pelvic bone slamming into mine. The tempo of his thrusts and the higher pitched tone coming from his throat told me I was about to receive the sweltering liquid stored in his weighty sack. His weight was crushing my hands as he stiffened and groaned loudly. I could actually feel the head of his cock grow even larger and then jerk in a violent spasm. My legs constricted around him like a boa when I felt the first spray of his blistering fluid spatter deep in my cunt and I came again. His cock just kept on shuddering and filling me.” Neither of us could wait any longer. Molly pulled me against her and in a second my pole was once again buried in her sloppy channel. I was quickly fucking her wildly and she was writhing beneath me like a wanton slut. I jammed her arms down against the couch as I imagined Zack had done earlier and fucked her as never before. I had to prove I was worthy of my newfound slut. We could both hear the slurping sound of mixed juices as I slammed into her well fucked cunt. I imagined I was Zack as the intense pleasure began to well up in me. Molly was squealing as we came together and she accepted a new round of pearl from my spasming cock. I just laid there for a little while; gazing at that pool gathering on the cushion and staring at my shimmering cock. I knew some of the sheen was Molly, some was me, and some was Zack; the man who had so recently made my wife a slut. Or so I thought!
Molly and I showered and went to bed shortly afterwards. As we said our ‘goodnights’ she looked at me very seriously and asked softly, “Do you still feel the same way about me, now that you know I let Zack screw me?” “Yes Molly. I love you very much. We both agreed to do this and that was some of the hottest sex I’ve ever had with you. It’s really OK.” I said reassuringly. Molly went to sleep soon after. I, on the other hand didn’t. I kept seeing visions of Zack humping her and her eager acceptance of him. I guess that’s what really bothered me. There was something missing in the tale she had shared. It didn’t seem to take much coaxing on Zack’s part to get in her pants. There didn’t seem to be as much hesitance on Molly’s part as I expected. The next day Molly wanted us to go back to the bridge and get her missing top. She was afraid our friends would find it and recognize it hers. I didn’t think it necessary to get it, but Molly was very insistent, so I agreed. We waited until evening and drove down the small rural road near our friend’s home; hoping we wouldn’t be spotted. It was out of sight of their house and there wasn’t much chance they would see us. Molly was in an odd mood as we drove. I couldn’t quite read her. She must have asked four or five times if I was really alright about her recent tryst and four or five times I reassured her I was fine and still cared very deeply for her. I even went so far as to tell her I thought it made her even sexier than she already was.
I pulled off the road just before the bridge and we made our way down the short embankment. Molly’s red top was still there, in plain sight, on the rocks beneath the bridge. I couldn’t help notice the crushed grass where I presumed they had done the deed. We went under the bridge and picked up her top. Molly looked at me as she gathered it up and said questioningly, “It doesn’t bother you that Zack took this off of me last night?” “No. It’s actually exciting.” I answered. She put her arms around my neck and we kissed. Then we turned to go back to the car and both stopped by the spot in the grass. Molly looked at me and then toward the grass. Her voice was very matter of fact when she said, “That’s where he did me.” I didn’t have much of a response. “OK.” I said. “Does it bother you knowing I was lying right there last night with Zack inside me?” she asked. “No. Is it bothering you?” I asked back. Molly was acting peculiar, to so the least. “No. It isn’t really bothering me either. I just want to be sure you’re OK, ” she said. “Believe me. I’m really OK. It’s even OK if you want to do it again, ” I told her. She seemed to need more reassurance now than she did during the weeks and months leading up to this. “Why do you keep asking?” I added. Molly laid down on the grass and patted the ground next to her, signaling me to join her. As I got down beside we laid on our sides facing each other. She looked at me quite seriously and seemed a little emotional. For a few seconds the only sound was the breeze rustling the nearby trees. “I just needed to be sure you weren’t upset. There’s something else I need to tell you about last night, ” she said. I was totally confused. “OK. Tell me.” “Will you still love me if I tell you I did something bad?” Molly asked. “Of course I’ll still love you. I already know you screwed Zack. What’s so bad about that?” I inquired. Molly took a deep breath and held my hand. I had no idea what was coming. “Last night wasn’t my first time.” she confided. “Please forgive me, but I was scared to tell you. I was afraid you’d be mad, even though we both agreed. I was afraid you’d leave me.” I can’t say I was completely surprised, but her words did strike me. I knew something was odd about the way she had told her story last night and the way she had been acting today. What’s funny is her words didn’t strike me the way you might think. I tried not to let on, but I was elated. She was more of a slut than I thought. I had another story coming. “It’s alright Molly.” I said in my most supportive tone. “I don’t care if you fucked an army. I still love you.” Molly hugged me tightly and I kissed her. I couldn’t wait to hear more. “Do you remember when you went to Chicago a month or so ago?” she asked.
“Yes, I remember.” I remembered it well. I had called Molly to tell her my flight had been cancelled that Friday night and I wouldn’t get home until Saturday afternoon. She had told me she was going to the bar that evening after work with Shawna and not to worry. She said she didn’t expect anything to happen and she would probably still be a ‘virgin’ when I got back. “Well, Shawna invited Zack to go with us. I assumed she was going to do him that night because of the way she and Jackie always talked about him and I knew she had done him before.” she confided. “I guess Shawna had kinda fixed us up. When we got to the bar a guy named Chad was waiting for her. That sorta made me and Zack the other couple.” “Why would Shawna fix you up?” I was curious. Molly continued. “I’ve been hanging out with her and Jacqueline for a long time. We both know all they think about or talk about is sex. I told them lots of times that I envied them and the way they were always getting guys. They always used to tease me about picking up someone for myself. I always said ‘Bob would kill me!’ Then they would always joke around and say ‘don’t tell him!'”
“OK. So you’re at the bar with Shawna and Zack. Then what?” I asked. “We all had dinner and a few drinks and danced a few times. Later in the evening, when we were all getting pretty loose, Shawna suggested we move on to her place. It was late and I told Shawna I should get going, but she insisted I go with them. I didn’t see any harm at the time. You’ve got to believe me. I didn’t go there to do anything! Honest!” she seemed to be defending herself. “It’s alright. I believe you.” I said. “Besides, you don’t have to defend yourself. We both agreed to this. I told you over and over that it was alright and when you felt comfortable enough with someone, and you felt the time was right, to go ahead.” Molly seemed much more at ease. “OK. Well, we had a couple more drinks at Shawna’s and listened to music. Shawna and Chad were sitting on the loveseat and Zack and I were on the couch. She and Chad started making out and I wasn’t sure what to do. It was a little uncomfortable.
I didn’t want to sit there and watch Chad frenching Shawna all night. Zack and I were looking at them and then Zack leaned over and kissed me. I didn’t stop him. I suppose I should have, but I had a few Margaritas in me by then. It was a short kiss, but then he kissed me longer. We kissed several times and once I caught Shawna looking at me and she winked and gave me a thumbs up sign.” Molly said. “I’m glad Shawna approved.” I stated whimsically. “Anyway, we kept making out and Zack was holding me really tight and starting to breathe hard. I guess I was too. He started unzipping my dress. You know, the short little red summer dress. The one you say I look so sexy in. Well, Zack had his hand inside my dress and was rubbing my shoulders and back when I peeked and saw Shawna and Chad leaving the room. She gave me another thumbs up sign and I saw them leave the room. I didn’t know what to do. I figured I could let Zack have a feel and leave. I mean the guy at the bar that first night at least got a feel!” she told me.
I was engrossed in her story and my hand slid under Molly’s blouse and grabbed her left tit. “I never wear a bra with that dress, so when he pulled a shoulder down, one of my tits was exposed. He just stared for a second and told me how gorgeous I looked. A second later he pushed me down on the couch as he squeezed my tit. My nipple was already hard and when he kissed and nibbled, it felt so good. I just couldn’t make myself stop him. Then he started rubbing my legs. He slid his hand under my dress and was squeezing my ass though my panties. I could feel him getting hard and he was pressing against my thigh.” Zack had already gotten a little further than his predecessor. I thought to myself.
“I know I had several drinks in me, but I didn’t feel drunk. I started thinking it was time to stop him. I was thinking about you. I knew you had said it was OK. I just wasn’t sure. His lips moved away from my nipple and started nibbling my neck. His hand was moving away from my ass and heading toward my front. He started kissing me again and I guess I have to admit, I kept kissing him back. When I felt him rubbing me in front, I mean, through my panties, I guess that’s when reality struck home. I grabbed his wrist and told him I thought we should stop.” I supposed Zack was as determined as I to have Molly that first time. “He moved his hand away from my front, but it stayed under my dress. He pressed his hard cock against my thigh firmly. He then kissed me again. I couldn’t find the will to stop him. A few seconds later his hand slid inside my panties. I felt his fingers playing with my soft curls. I don’t know if he could feel me shaking, but I was trembling like a leaf. No one had touched me there since the first time you did.”
Molly was getting me extremely horny with her vivid description of what happened that night. My own hand left her tits and moved down her flat belly to her shorts. “Zack kept pressing against me and his hand kept wandering inside my panties. I remember stiffening when he reached my slit and rubbed it gently. He was continually kissing me. I kept thinking I should stop him, but I bring myself to do anything. I just let him keep rubbing me and kissing me. Then, all of the sudden, he raised up. He took my hand and pulled me up. He stood up, still holding my hand. I could feel him lightly pulling me. In an instant I instinctively knew what was happening. He wanted to take me to Shawna’s other bedroom.” I unbuttoned Molly’s blouse as she went on. She hadn’t worn a bra and her scrumptious breasts were easy prey for my hungry lips. Her hardened nipples begged for the tender gnawing my teeth provided.
“I stared up at Zack for a moment. I knew what might happen if I accepted his subtle invitation. Then I stared at the enormous swelling in his slacks. I was terrified of what would happen if I went with him. This was my moment of truth. I kept reassuring myself about how you said it was OK. I guess I really don’t know what I was thinking, but I got off the couch. I felt a little woozy when I stood. Zack steadied me and kept hold of my hand. I saw the expectant look in his eyes. I guess for an instant I thought about how to stall, but my feet started moving and he led me down the hall to Shawna’s second bedroom. I followed him as if I were his captive, his prize, his treasure for the night.” By now, I had unfastened Molly’s shorts and my hand was inside her panties. “I remember following Zack through the doorway and seeing the bed. I heard him close the door behind us and saw myself in the dresser mirror. He came up behind me and peeled the top of my dress down and grabbed my tits. My nipples were hard and aching as he manipulated them. He was kissing the nape of my neck. I was mesmerized as I watched us in the mirror. I watched as he started pushing my dress down over my hips. I simply stepped out of it when it crumpled onto the floor. He took me over to the bed and tenderly pushed me down upon it. He stood over me and took hold of the waistband of my panties.
I could only submit and raised my hips as he peeled them away. For the first time since you saw me eight years ago, I was naked before another man.” My fingers were sliding along Molly’s moistening slit. “The next thing I remember was Zack kneeling beside the bed and his tongue was exploring my inner thighs. Soon his tongue was licking my outer lips and then he found my most secret spot. I could only spread wider as he brushed my nub and took it in his teeth. His hands were again on my tits and my nipples were being pummeled by his fingers. Please don’t hate me, but I was given over to him. My whole being was quaking and I was begging him not to stop as I came.”
I slipped a finger inside my wife’s hungry cunt and felt her muscles greedily grasping at it. “All I wanted at that point was to have him inside me. Zack stood and quickly stripped. When is underwear came off I saw the legendary monster for the first time. He was as large as Shawna and Jackie said he was. I was sure I couldn’t take him, but I lacked the will to resist him. I could see the glistening drop of precum oozing from his slit and rose up like a servant to lick it away. My palms burned as I wrapped my hands around his firmness. I took as much of the purplish head between my lips as I could.” My finger was now easily probing Molly’s humid channel.
“Zack was moaning pleasurably as I sucked on his manhood and stroked its length. I took his gigantic balls in my other hand and gripped them tightly. My tongue was flicking the slit on his head and savoring the salty taste of his flesh. I was furiously moving my hand along his shaft. As I worked him, he slid further in my mouth, until he hit the back of my throat. Somehow, I felt it was my duty to relieve his stress. I kept stroking his magnificent example of manhood and tonguing its sensitive head until I felt his balls growing tense with pleasure.” I was fingering her quickly now. Molly was undulating to my probes. “Zack began to moan and I moved my hand more forcefully along his shaft and sucked harder on his head. His loud pitch told me he was about to cum and stroked him faster. I felt the crown of his head expand. A second later I felt the searing splash of his warm seed splashing at the back of my throat. I swallowed feverishly, to capture every ounce of his lust as his jerking monster fed me.” My own cock was on fire as I listened to Molly’s description of her first illicit blowjob and she undulating beneath me as I kept fingering her.
“I guess his initial desire was satiated and now it was my turn. Once I let go, he wasted no time in spreading my legs and diving in with his experienced tongue. In a twinkling he found my spot and I wrapped my legs around his neck as he feasted on my clit. With my lower half upraised he had no trouble in inserting a finger in my backdoor as he fed. I was nothing more than a wanton mass of flesh as he brought me off. I know Shawna must have heard me in the other room when I screeched and came like a shameless slut” I kept biting at Molly’s nipples and neck. I tugged at her shorts and she surrendered them without hesitation.
“Zack let me savor my orgasm and then pushed me further on the bed. His hungry dragon was ready to be gratified once more. I stared at his looming spear as he climbed between my legs. I was somewhat frightened by his size, but too far gone to worry about it. I was totally ready to be his whore. I couldn’t wait for the sting of his cock. I let him place me as he wished and spread myself for him. I raised my knees to open wider as he mounted me and I felt his head sliding along my wet outer lips in search of the opening to my canal.” Again, my finger was pummeling Molly’s love button and she was writhing as I bought her nearer. “He pushed forward and my outer lips gave way to his head. When he pushed again, I felt the burning sensation of his breadth. Zack was tearing me apart as he shoved deeper into my pussy. I know I was as well lubricated as a woman can be, but he was ripping me in half as he shoved further. I know he could hear my agonizing gasps as he kept driving forward. I was biting my lips when he shoved one final time and I was fully his. His cock was buried to the hilt and in spite of the stinging I felt, I was somehow proud I had taken him.” I peeled off Molly’s blouse and then reinserted my index and middle fingers in her shuddering cunt. “I was filled with the strangest of raptures. His immense cock was ripping me apart and titillating my senses with a wicked delight I’d never known. He gave me no time to recover from his entry. He started fucking me quickly. Each thrust brought a renewed sting, but soon the sting was gradually replaced with pure pleasure. I had adjusted to him and now all I wanted was to feel him spiking me with his hard, thick lance. ‘Fuck me! Make me your mistress! Make me your whore!’ I begged.” Molly was becoming breathless as she told about Zack fucking her and I slowed my fingers, not wanting her to cum just yet.
“I guess since I had already satisfied him once, he was ready for the long haul. He just kept fucking me and fucking me. I think he could sense when I was about to cum because he would fuck me faster and harder. I didn’t care if Shawna could hear me when I was cumming. You know how I get. Each time I came I squealed and clamped my legs around his back. He just kept slamming into me until finally; he started groaning real low and humping me soooooo fast. I knew I was about to pleasure him again and couldn’t wait to feel him cum inside me. And then it happened. His cock swelled once more and then started to jerk in me. I know I screamed again and came with him as he shot a load hot jism in me.” That did it. I unfastened my shorts and climbed on Molly. I rapidly sunk my inflated cock into her wanton canal and pinned her arms to the ground. I imagined fucking her just as Zack had the night before. In seconds we were both cumming like fountains.
You can’t possibly conceive of the thrill I got as I looked own upon Molly and saw her just as Zack must have seen her last night and felt the lust welling up from my loins as I filled her. I was ecstatic as I drove home with my new slut that evening. Zack hasn’t been back in town for a while and Molly still hangs out with Shawna and Jacqueline. She still keeps hoping to see her Chippendale look-alike again someday. They all three are anxiously awaiting Zack’s return. They have big plans for him.