A Night Out, A Night In
Chapter V : Safety Briefing
Frelic disengaged himself from his sister, planted a tender kiss on her sweet bottom, sat up on the bed, removed the rose in his hair and put it back in its rightful place up her butt, “Come my little tender hawk. Thissle and Karma are probably just about ready for your night out.” He pulled her to her feet and led her over to the table, where he brushed the tangles from her fiery hair, clasped the leash to her collar, and led his pet sister back out to the lounge.
The outer room was empty. Giggles and occasional laughter could be heard from behind the closed door leading to the bathing chamber. Frelic put his tunic on then led Shaasta over to the hearth, where he removed her leash, sat down on the couch and pulled her onto his lap so they could cuddle some more. Frelic could not get enough of his sister’s plush bottom; his hand glided over the smooth, warm flesh, tenderly petting and kneading it.
“Shaasta,” he said, “one thing puzzles me.”
“What’s that Master?” she gazed into his questioning eyes and ran her fingers through his silky, mithril hair.
“With your innate ability common to us Moors Elves, why did you not simply turn into a hawk and fly free from the Southern Rose?”
“That would have been impossible for two reasons,” she replied, “First, the entire shop, including the training grounds out back, is protected by a magick dampening field, much like the enchantment on those collars Mistress Triniti placed around our necks when we were taken aboard the Bloodlust. So, I was stuck in my true form.”
“Ah, I suspected that might have been the case. When I entered the shop, I thought I felt a weakening of my powers and a loss of contact with the Beastlands. I thought it might just be weariness from last night’s lessons I guided Thissle in.”
“Nope, it wasn’t you, Master,” Shaasta confirmed, “it was the shop.”
“And what was the second reason?”
“Even had I been able to transform and fly away,” she said, “I would not have done so; that would have meant leaving Hansen behind, and there is no way I would ever abandon him.”
Frelic held his sister close to him, greatly touched by her loyalty and devotion, “My sweet sister,” he whispered in her ear as she lay her head on his shoulder, “that silly little Squirrel is lucky to have you for a friend and lover. And now you have each other for life, and I have both of you.” Their soft lips met in another hot, tender kiss; her hands glided over his shoulders and back, and his caressed and fondled her thighs and bottom some more.
“Master?” she said, once they finally came up for air.
“Yes, my pet?”
“Even though you own us both, would you permit us to marry eventually?” she asked.
Frelic smacked her on the ass and laughed, “Of course, dear sister. You and Hansen have such a deep bond, there is no reason why you two couldn’t become lifemates. You make a cute couple together anyway.”
“Thank-you so much, Master,” she said, giving a heart melting smile and kissing him again, “We’re not ready yet to fully seal the bond, but one of these days…”
They were interrupted by the opening of the bathing chamber’s door. Thissle and Karma entered the lounge, with Hansen in tow. Frelic couldn’t help but smile. Hansen looked so cute and submissive as the Rabbit led him on the leash over to the hearth. She presented the Squirrel to Frelic, handing the lead over to the wizard.
“Here he is, Boss,” she announced, “Your pet is fresh and clean as a Dragon’s butt.”
Hansen couldn’t help but blush at the analogy, and neither could Thissle. Frelic pulled the Squirrel onto his lap with Shaasta, unclasped his leash, and looked him over, while Thissle and Karma burrowed into their shopping packs and pulled out matching buckskin, sleeveless, micro-mini dresses. They held them up against their frontsides to show them off. Frelic and Hansen both nodded their approval.
“You girls will turn a lot of heads in those,” Frelic said.
“They will turn a lot of tricks too for that matter,” Hansen added.
The girls laughed and put the dresses on, “Yes, most likely on both accounts,” Thissle agreed, as they cinched the buckskin minis around the waist with the darker suede belts attached to them. They slowly turned around, modeling their evening wear for Frelic, Hansen, and Shaasta. The dresses were quite form fitting on them, fully accentuating their ample feminine curves, lace-up low cut necklines to show off plenty of cleavage, and just barely long enough to provide modesty in front and back, but also providing a teasing glimpse of the lowermost curves of their naked bottoms when they bent forward.
“You girls look fantastic in those,” Frelic complimented them, “It really should be a hot night at Hot Summer Nights tonight with you two prowling about the club, as well as Shaasta in her collar, boots, and tail belt.”
Frelic sniffed at the air, as a pleasing, familiar scent filled his nose, “Is that cinnamon that I smell?” he asked.
Hansen nodded his head several times, “It sure is, Master,” he confirmed, “Me, Karma, and Thissle, all had cinnamon oil sprayed up our butts after our bath. Care to check it out?” He stood up on the couch and bent over, presenting his bottom for Frelic.
The wizard removed the rose again from the Squirrel’s ass and buried his face between the furry cheeks before him. He inhaled the strong scent of cinnamon coming from under his pet’s tail, then slipped his tongue into the tight treasure hole and took a deep taste of the Squirrel’s hot and spicy flavor.
“Oh, that’s good,” Frelic said, as he extracted his face from the Furling’s butt and gave him a loving pat on the rear before reinserting the rose. “I want you and Shaasta to have your asses sprayed inside with cinnamon on a regular basis.”
“A pleasure indeed, Master,” Hansen chittered as he resumed his place on Frelic’s lap, “It feels great, even better than ginger root.”
“Better than ginger root?” Shaasta repeated, a worried look in her eyes, “You mean it burns?”
“Of course it burns, silly bird. It wouldn’t be any fun if it didn’t.” He gave Shaasta his most innocent smile while Karma padded back to the bathing chamber. She returned a few seconds later with the spritzer bottle in hand, a fresh applicator attached to its long, flexible tube.
Frelic took the bottle, “Stand up, spread your legs, and grab your ankles, Shaasta,” he ordered.
She obediently complied, presenting her ass to her brother. Frelic moistened her butthole with his tongue, slid the thick tube up inside her, and gave the spritzer’s bulb four firm squeezes. Shaasta gave a quiet moan as the initially cool mist coated the inner flesh of her rear. By the time Frelic removed the tube from her ass, the cool moistness suddenly became an intense burn. Though nowhere near as painful as gehennite, the liquid fire burning in her bowels was enough to drop her down on all fours, writhing and whimpering loudly.
Frelic knelt behind his sister and lovingly massaged her bottom with both hands as the cinnamon oil was absorbed into her rectal wall. Finally, after a couple minutes, the burn faded to a gentle warmth, and she slumped down, chest pressed against the floor and ass in the air. He took a two-handed grip on Shaasta’s butt, spread her cheeks, and slipped his tongue a second time up inside her rear passage.
“See, lovebird?” Hansen said. He knelt in front of the girl, put a paw under her chin, and lifted her head to meet his gaze, “that wasn’t so bad now, was it?”
Blushing, as her brother probed her ass with his tongue, Shaasta rocked forward and pressed her lips against the Squirrel’s muzzle, “Yes, it was, actually,” she disagreed with him, “But, I’m sure I can eventually get comfortable with it, like I did with the ginger root.”
Frelic finished sampling Shaasta’s aft channel; he put the rose back in her and gave her the customary pony slap on the butt. “Perfect,” he declared, “Now for two final matters before I dismiss you to join Thissle and Karma for the evening.” He once again helped her to her feet, sat back down on the couch, and pulled her across his lap.
“Thissle,” he said, “bring me my outer belt.”
The copper-haired girl padded over to the table in the middle of the room and fetched the leather traveler’s belt for Frelic. He opened one of the larger pouches and withdrew a syringe tipped with a long mithril needle, and a small vial containing a translucent green liquid.
“What is it?” Thissle asked.
Frelic held it up and pushed the plunger; a thin stream of green squirted from the needle’s tip as he made sure no air bubbles were in the mix, “This is just a little something to ensure Shaasta will be able to sleep tonight,” he explained.
“Right before she and Hansen were branded today, they both took a potion of Dragon Metabolism up their butts to supplement their gehennite cleansings.” He pushed the long, thick needle deep into the right cheek of Shaasta’s bottom, emptied the emerald serum into her, and lovingly kneaded the soft flesh where she had been pierced.
“Without it,” Shaasta said, “we would be up and flying for days.”
“And then we would crash hard and sleep for days more,” Hansen added.
“And Master?” Shaasta asked, “what was the other matter you mentioned?”
“While you are out carousing and dancing the night away,” Frelic informed her, “I want everyone who views your pride to see my pride.” Before Shaasta could question her Master further, the outer lounge echoed with the loud smacks of one-handed applause as Frelic’s hand warmed and reddened her bottom again, refreshing the shimmering glow of the pawprint and willow tree brand.
He helped her to her feet, gave her a tender embrace and pressed his lips against hers, “Go ahead and finish getting ready now, love,” he said, giving her sore rear a gentle pat as she padded over to the table. While she donned her tail belt and buckskin thigh boots, Frelic took Thissle’s apprentice’s paddle from the mantle and tossed it to his student.
“Whenever the glow fades tonight,” he instructed her, “reheat my sister’s butt.”
“That should earn her a few extra silvers,” Karma said, giggling and giving Shaasta a smartass smirk.
Shaasta stuck her tongue out at the Rabbit, “So my assets will appreciate in value as the night presses on,” she countered. She shook her ass, causing the black tail hanging from the back of her belt to swish back and forth seductively behind her, “That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Alright, girls,” Frelic cut in, motioning the four over, “It’s time for a little briefing before I release you for the night.” They gathered around the hearth. He sat back down on the couch; Hansen nestled his furry behind on his Master’s lap, and the girls stood before them, awaiting Frelic’s wisdom.
“Now, I know you girls are quite capable of looking out for each other and yourselves,” he began, “I want you to bear in mind that this is a maritime town, and there are several large ships in port tonight from all over Niath. This means that there will be hundreds of sailors of many races and species roaming the streets, pubs, and inns; all of them will be on the hunt for a good time.”
“So if we play their hands and other parts right,” Thissle concluded, “this could conceivably be a profitable night for us.”
Frelic laughed and petted Hansen’s bottom, “Yes, I do not doubt for a second that you will all come back with a buttload of coin. However, I expect you girls to exercise common sense,” he continued, “Do not forget that you are members of the House of Willowpaw, and I expect you to conduct yourselves accordingly. If things look like they may get out of hand, if trouble starts to brew, get yourselves safely out of there.”
“You don’t mind us working the floor?” Karma asked.
“Not at all, bunny. You ladies are blessed with the grace, beauty, and charm to provide the services these hungry folk need and crave after weeks and months at sea. There is no reason for you to not use your tails for their benefit and your enrichment.”
“So which one of you will come back tonight with the most valuable ass?” Hansen asked. All three girls standing before him and Frelic raised a hand.
Frelic exchanged a look with the Squirrel on his lap, then leaned down so that his pet could whisper something to him. The girls looked nervously at each other while the two held an impromptu, hushed, secret conference. A minute later, the Elf laughed softly and held the Furling close to him, lips pressing against muzzle.
“Hansen, you are one devious little imp,” he declared, “Go ahead and share your fun little idea.”
“By your leave, Master,” the Furling beamed as he turned his gaze on Shaasta, Karma, and Thissle. “Since you girls seem to be in a bit of a competitive mood, I’m proposing a little game to spice up your night out.”
The gleam in the Squirrel’s eyes piqued Karma and Thissle’s interest and caused a sense of foreboding to sweep over Shaasta, as she knew what mischief her lover was capable of. They all listened intently as he put forth his idea.
“All three of you think that your bottoms will hold the most money by the time you return from Hot Summer Nights. Well, Master and myself want to give you all some motivation. If you agree to a little contest, we have a little prize for whoever can earn the most coin tonight. Master?” He looked up at Frelic.
“To liven up your evening, whoever brings back the most will win me and Hansen. We will be your pets for a full day,” Frelic announced.
There was a stunned silence for several seconds as the girls pondered the offer, then Karma asked, “Is this for real, boss? You are really offering yourself for a day?”
“Absolutely, bunny,” Frelic confirmed, “We will be the winner’s pets for one day, fully at her command, willing to serve faithfully for whatever she wishes to use us for.”
“I’m in,” Shaasta said.
“Me too,” Thissle replied.
“Can’t pass up an offer like this,” Karma decided.
“Well, before you commit to this,” Hansen warned them, “you need to be aware of one other condition. The lowest earner gets to spend a day with a sore bottom.”
“How sore?” Thissle asked.
“Myself, Master, and the other two will apply various intense punishments throughout the day on the lucky girl’s rear, both on the surface and inside. These sessions can be carried out any time during the day and anywhere.”
“It’s a good motivation to not be the lowest earner,” Frelic said.
“And what about the runner up?” Shaasta replied.
Frelic thought for a moment, “Hmmm… Well, let’s keep with the bottom theme. How about this? The second highest earner gets both a reward and a punishment. The reward is a nice bottom massage, hot waxing, taildiving, and fucking from both me and Hansen.”
“And the punishment?”
“That would be a spanking, of course,” Frelic declared, “sixty swats from both of us, twenty with the paddle, twenty with a leather strap, and twenty with a riding crop.”
“So,” Hansen pressed them, “Do we have a competition on our paws, ladies?”
The girls thought for a moment, then they all gave a firm nod and said, “May the best tail win.”
“Good,” Frelic replied, “Now finally…”
He was interrupted by a knock on the door, “Come in!” he yelled, figuring it was either Ashton or Makae come to check on them.
The door opened, and a figure a little shorter than Frelic and Shaasta, and clad in nothing but dark gray fur entered the room. Definitely feminine, with canine features, digitigrade legs, and a mop of long auburn hair that flowed down her back to the base of her tail; she gazed at the group through large, glowing, yellow eyes.
“Kobold,” Frelic said, as the intruder took a step in their direction. With lightning fast reflexes honed by several years of experience exploring the wilds, the seasoned adventurers pulled their weapons from the rack and assumed fighting positions.
This story, and in fact, the entire RedTails and ShadowRealms line, are copyright 2007 – G. Sutton (aka Scarletdown), some rights reserved. These works are released under the Creative Commons terms of Attribution / Share-Alike / Non-Commercial.
This means that my works may be reposted elsewhere provided that proper credit is given, the full work is available verbatim, and no fee or other restrictions are implemented in order to access my works.
Additionally, as per the Share-Alike term, derivative works (such as other stories based on mine, audio recordings, images, and video) are permitted and highly encouraged. Such derivative works must also be released under the same terms as this original work.