“The Empress”
1968. Vung Tau. “Party-town.” The main-drag. Broad day light. Dusty streets. Thick, humid, late- summer air. People on foot. People on motorcycles.
I was tired, hungry, thirsty, and horny.
Spill the Wine was playing loudly in the bar across the street, as I continued my search. Finally, I came to the building I’d heard about. A building with the letters “E.M.K.,” decorated with Christmas lights.
I walked through the door and was quickly greeted by a petite, plump Asian woman in a gold Chinese silk robe decorated with red cherry blossoms. She was immaculately groomed. Her silky black hair was tied up into a bun. She had wide set eyes, lined black, high cheek bones, and was probably in her early 20s.
With broken English, she opened her tiny, red-painted lips and said “Hello, sir, come in, have seat right here.” I said “How you doin’ today ma’am?” She said “Oh, I’m just fine. What happen to your head?” I said “Oh, just a little shrapnel.” She said “What your name sir?” I said “Ronald.” She said “My name is Pearl.” I said “I know, I’ve heard about you. I’ll have the usual.” She gave me a shy, sexy smile, handed me an open beer, and locked the door.
I asked her how much money she wanted. When she told me, I smiled at her, doubled her fee and laid the money on the night stand. She smiled, put on a glove and said “Oh, thank you. I give you the special!” I said “What’s that?” She just giggled and told me to undress, so I undressed and laid on the bed. She got onto the bed and sat beside me .
She slipped a condom onto me, and then slipped a gloved, lubricated finger into my ass. She began to suck me and I pushed her robe up exposing her chubby little ass. I propped my head onto a pillow, and I slipped a finger into her pussy as I watched her red-painted lips slide up and down my shaft, as she fingered my ass with soft upward circular strokes.
I watched as her lipstick began to smear, as she rubbed her lips back and forth across the head of my cock. She really gave me a dirty little show, sliding her lips around the head, looking up at me. A few moments later, my eyes began to blur as I felt the pressure build. I squeezed her ass cheek and exploded into the condom.
I thanked her, and she cleaned me up.
I sat down at the table and waited for her while she went to the bathroom.
She re-entered the room with a perfectly painted mouth.
I saw a bowl of unusual looking seeds on the table and said “What is this?” In answer, Pearl said “Candied Lotus. Help yourself.” I began to enjoy the delicately flavored, oval shaped seeds as she made a sandwich for me. She then handed me a plate, and another fresh, cold beer.
A moment later, she gently pushed a vase full of paper roses to the side as she sat across from me.
I said “By the way, I hear you’re quite the fortune teller!” She laughed and said “That, and other things!”
She took out a deck of cards, and I said “What’s that?” She said “Rider-Waite Tarot. I do “love reading” for you.” I sipped my beer and said “What will you be able to tell me from that?” She said “I be able to tell you what to look for when you want to find love.” Pearl then began to shuffle a deck of cards. A moment later, she pulled a single card and pushed it across the table, face-down. Then she said “The card you turn over will describe her.” I turned the card over and it said “The Empress.” She said “What is the name on the card?” I handed it to her. Pearl said “Ahhh…The Empress! She is “venus-ruled.” She most likely a Libra. She much younger than you. She short. She have shoulder-length, blonde curly hair, light eyes, and she very curvy. She look much like Empress on this card. Her color is green.” I looked at the card more intently for a moment.
Pearl smiled and said “You want the card? Here, you take the card. Keep it so you don’t forget.” I took the card and put it in my shirt-pocket.
I finished my beer, thanked her, and walked out the door. As I walked down the dusty street in the sun-set, I thought about what Pearl had told me about my one true love, the empress. I also realized that she had actually answered 2 questions that had been weighing on my mind, the second question being, would I make it out of here? Would I ever see The States again? Since the empress was much younger than me, and was blonde, I knew it could not be any woman around here, so the answer seemed to be yes.
1999. Late summer. The beginning of the year for school teachers. I was on my way to the chemistry class I taught when I was stopped by a curvy, petite lady wearing a white tunic with little red flowers on it. She had pale skin, shoulder length blonde curly hair, and gray eyes. With a very soft voice, she said “Hi, I’m Dawn. I’m the new art teacher. I was wondering if you could help me find the supply room.” She then explained that it had been a few weeks since her interview and that she had forgotten where the supply room was, so I changed my course to the chemistry lab so that I could show her the supply room. I couldn’t help but notice she was attractive in an unusual sort of way, so I quickly glanced at her hand and noticed a wedding ring as we made small talk. A few moments later, we left the supply room and went to our respective class rooms.
Later that day at the lunch table, she sat across from me and we began to chat with each other about the students and the school. You know, “teacher talk.” I noticed that she was really nice lookin’, and I was sorta’ hopin’ she wasn’t married, but she revealed through conversation that she was.
We continued to talk to each other in the lunch room nearly every day, and became friends. I wondered if she was attracted to me too, because of the way she
sometimes looked into my eyes when I was talking to her.
One night, we were talking on the phone and I pretended that I had drifted off to sleep and she whispered to me that she loved me. I think I was beginning to feel the same way, but I was struggling with the fact she was married, so I continued to pretend to be asleep.
I was looking for a way to get her alone so I could spend time with her. I was trying to think of a way to ask her without asking her, so one day, in early October of the following year, I went by her class to wish her a happy birthday, and when she wasn’t looking, I switched our book bags because they were identical, given to us by the school system.
Later that afternoon, I called her and told her I had accidentally picked up her book bag. She went out to her car and looked and came back to the phone and told me that she had mine. I told her I really needed my book bag, which was a little white lie, so she offered to bring it to me.
When she pulled up to the house, I watched her as she got out of the car. She had changed into a pale green dress cut just above her knee, and some sandals. I’d never seen her legs before, she had always worn pants to work, so I couldn’t help but notice that she had very nice legs and pretty feet. I knew she was married, but she looked so beautiful to me.
I felt a sudden rush as Pearl’s words came back to me! At that moment, I realized that Dawn was the woman Pearl had told me about. Dawn was The Empress.
She sat with me at the table outside. We talked for a while and looked down at the lake as the sun began to set.
I invited her in and I poured a glass of merlot and served it to her before I sat down.
She sat in the easy chair as I went to the sofa. Our glances slowly intensified as we finished our wine.
She got up to use the restroom, and when she came back, I stopped her. As I pulled her close, Jasmine Sand began to play. I parted her merlot scented lips with a kiss, as I rocked her in my arms.
I felt her hand slip through my robe. She began to fondle my hard cock, so I lifted her skirt and felt that she was hot and wet. We stood there for a few moments, kissing and fondling each other.
I took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. I laid her onto the bed gently as I kissed her. I looked at the clock as I put on a condom.
She began to suck my cock, making tiny little circles around the head with her tongue, gently massaging my balls, and moving her head up and down with a slow, steady rhythm. I was really gettin’ into it, but I really wanted to fuck her pussy.
I gently put her on her back, pushed up her skirt and begin to massage my cock against her pussy as her dark, curly hairs tickled me. I looked into her eyes and slipped the head of my cock inside her. She looked up at the mirror, blushed and turned her head to the side, so I kissed her again.
I began to inch my way into her hot, wet pussy, and she began to grind into me, as she played with her clit. Her pussy was squeezing me so hard, it was difficult for me to keep from cummin,’ but I held on, hoping she’d ask me to fuck her ass, cause I’d been dreamin’ of ass for a very long time.
Approximately 15 minutes later, she began to look down and watch my cock sliding in and out of her pussy. She looked up at me and faintly began to cry out, saying “I’m cummin’, mmm…oh…yeah…that’s it….don’t stop…please don’t stop…I’m cummin’! A few moments later, her pussy gripped my cock in hot, pounding waves. I looked down at her soaked pussy and noticed the way her curly pussy hairs were sliding around on my dick as I twisted into her.
When I started to rub her feet, she went crazy. She started playing with her clit again and grinding her hips into me. Then she looked up and said the magic words…“Fuck my ass!” I’d never had anal sex before, but I was prepared for the situation, just in case! I put on a glove and inserted an anal lube shooter into her and began to finger her ass. She put her feet on my shoulders and looked up at the mirror again. She was moaning and begging me to fuck her ass, so I began to massage her ass with the head of my cock.
I looked down at her and admired the way her soft golden ringlets surrounded her sweet, beautiful face like a halo, with her delicate rosy-painted finger at the corner of her lip and I kissed her.
I asked her if she was ready. She smiled and reached down to pulled her ass apart and I slowly and gently slipped my head into her ass. As I slowly inched my way in, she unzipped the front of her dress, un-hooked the front of her bra and I started playing with her tits. A few moments later, she began to play with her clit until she came again.
Her ass was pounding around my cock, getting tighter and tighter. Finally, I started to feel the rush. My vision began to blur as a bead of my sweat dropped onto the pearl of her half-clam-shell necklace, and with a final trust, I came inside her hot, pillow-y hole.
I collapsed onto her chest, my cock still throbbing inside her ass. She began to softly stroke my hair. I looked down at her, and she brushed the hair away from my face as I began to kiss her.
We got dressed, and I walked her to her car, gave her the book bag, and kissed her again.
Do we still get together from time to time? I really can’t say.
Let’s just say, I will never forget my night with The Empress.
Spill The Wine is a song from the 60’s. We are unsure as to whether or not it is “public domain”