The first week of my vacation was rather eventful, and some rather reckless behavior on my behalf resulted in three well deserved and very thorough thrashings courtesy of Aunty Betty. However my very beautiful 19 year old blond cousin Amanda was able to take the sting out of my well thrashed thighs and bottom by applying some very soothing lotion with great skill. Needless to say we developed a very close relationship and I have been sharing her bed from day one.
My last disciplinary session with Aunty Betty involved a very severe taste of her cane which certainly led to a marked improvement in my conduct over the next week or two. In fact, Aunty Betty was so impressed with my new attitude that she decided to relax her previous strict rules concerning makeup and dress and allowed me to wear clear lip gloss and a little eye shadow.
I was also allowed to wear my skirts a bit shorter. However she cautioned me not to take advantage of the situation and overstep the line or she would see to me in her customary manner.
In a very surprising turn around she dropped all sanctions on makeup and dress for my cousin Amanda provide she was not too outrageous. I thought that this was a bit unfair and asked Aunty Betty why the same rules did not apply to me. She explained that since Amanda was older it seemed sensible and any further discussion would take place in her bedroom. I reluctantly decided not to pursue it further and went back to Amanda’s bedroom where she was busily taking advantage of her new found freedom. I thought Amanda had gone too far with both her makeup and short skirt and warned her that Aunty Betty would certainly not approve. However, to my total surprise Aunty Betty’s only comment was to mention how good she looked.
It was the night of the Church social for the younger members. Aunt Betty was one of the adults required to supervise the affair. I was so shocked by Aunty Betty’s new attitude toward Amanda that I did not even bother putting on any makeup at all and dressed very conservatively. I was very resentful since Amanda looked positively stunning and even though I was very striking I felt somewhat inadequate that evening. Aunt Betty sensed that something was wrong and asked me what the matter was. I was reluctant to express my true feelings since I thought it would result in a good seeing to there and then,so I kept quiet. However in a rare show of empathy, Aunty Betty said that I could have the same freedom that night as Amanda. I was so grateful that I gave aunt Betty a big hug and kiss and quickly changed and applied my makeup.
I thought that I might have gone over the top but Aunty Betty just said I looked nice and we set out for the church social.
When we arrived at the Church hall there was a complete hush. everybody was completely shocked at our appearance. Two stunning tall blonds with heavy makeup and short skirts was certainly not the norm for a conservative church social at that time. However none of the boys were complaining, and it was obvious from the start, that all of the other girls stood very little chance of securing the most desirable lads.
Well the evening proceeded quite well and it was not long before Peter and I managed to sneak away and find a secluded room which was in a nearby building. It only took a few passionate kisses to get him as hard as a rock and I asked him if he was a virgin. He seemed a little shocked by my direct question and shyly admitted that before he met me, his only sexual experiences were at the strict English boarding school which he currently attended. I had heard stories about what happened at an all boys boarding school and was curious for him to elaborate. He was a bit reluctant to go into detail but I promised him that if he was truthful with me that I would not tell anybody. He told me that wanking, sucking and bumming were common practices and he had been involved in all three. I said that I admired his honesty and continued kissing. By this time my panties were soaking and I needed some rod urgently. Peter duly obliged and he really knew how to make the best use oh his assets. We finished up and I fixed myself up and made our way back to the Church.
Luckily for me, Aunty Betty was too busy to notice my absence and the rest of the evening was uneventful. The evening finished at a respectful hour and we all said goodbye to each other and were ready to leave when one of the other adult supervisor’s, the deaconess of the church, whispered something to Aunty Betty. This caused me some concern because she might have seen Peter and I leaving the social on our way to our little tryst. However nothing was said on the drive home and when we we got back Amanda and I went straight to our room and changed into our night gowns ready for bed.
As was the custom before retiring, each of us would go upstairs to say goodnight to Aunty Betty.
Amanda had already said goodnight and returned, then I went upstairs, gave Aunty Betty a hug and a kiss and was about to leave when she asked if I had something to tell her. I sensed that she had found out about Peter and I, and though that if I told the truth my punishment would be less or even no punishment at all.
Well I admitted that Peter and I had left the social and had spent some time together, but obviously did not go into too much detail. Aunty Betty complimented me on my honesty and said she understood that young people liked to be alone, but rules were rules and I needed a very good seeing to. I agreed and said that I would accept any punishment that was necessary.
I placed myself over her lap. My night gown was lifted and I was received six solid smacks across each cheek and the same across the top of each thigh. I was surprised to get off with such a relatively light punishment but it seemed that honesty payed off in this case. When I returned to Amanda’s bedroom I explained that the lotion was not required so we skipped the preliminaries and got busy with each other. All in all a very good evening.