I had gone to the house after Sally left, I really needed some time to myself to reflect and to rest, and my body was just plain worn out. Well, this has been one heck of a trip so far. I’ve been in Seattle for about 24 hours, and have been sucked, fucked, teased and humiliated altogether too many times for a 58 year old guy that lives in the bible belt of America . Incest, though the sex had been fantastic to say the least, was something I would have to keep secret when I returned home in the morning. I couldn’t stop thinking about Arisol though, she is so wonderfully alive, so purely a sexually passionate young woman. Sally was a good fuck mind you, and Mako had been really good at taking all of my ten inches and drinking all of my jism down her throat, but it was Arisol that really held my attention, and I knew that if she beckoned I would not be able to resist her. It was time to prepare to go back to a world of reality and leave this all behind, only one more evening, and I could do just that.
About six o’clock I heard the front door open and then the familiar sound of shoes being deposited at the doorway and bare feet scuffling through the dining room. I got up from the bed and went to see who had come in, and found Wade and Mako cheerfully putting some groceries away in the frig. Wade turned and asked “did you have a good day little brother?” I smiled and said “yep, I ‘ll tell you all about it when you’re not so busy,” but had no intention of telling him ‘all’ of what I had done that day, just the part about the gallery contract and sale, and maybe parts of my lunch with his daughter. He replied “OK, this will only take a minute, then we can go to the porch, I could use a smoke.” I nodded and went to sit in the living room. He came out of the kitchen and went straight to the door, I followed, figuring it was time for another cigarette anyway, and we could get this ‘visit’ out of the way. As he lit up his joint I excitedly told him how well it went at the gallery which he seemed genuinely happy about, I told him that Arisol and I had gone to the café and had lunch, and how it seemed a really nice place, “they don’t have café’s like that in Oklahoma” I laughed. After I had told of my day, minus the threesome, of course, he began to tell me about the trip to Puyallup to visit friends, which I didn’t know, of course, so it was kind of boring. But then he told me that he had invited our brother Aaron to come over for the evening, he had agreed, and was going to bring a couple of his friends along, just for the extra company, Wade said “you’ll really like them, Acer is a computer tech by day and a real ‘horn dog’ by night, his wife Sally is a waitress , in fact she works at the same restaurant you had lunch at. I swallowed hard, and didn’t say a word but thought “my God, I’m going to be either in trouble or in bed with her again, or both.” He went on to say that Sally was Aaron’s daughter, an unintentional result of an affair he had had years ago, but that they enjoyed being with each other. I thought “yeah, I’ll just bet they do.” I should tell you about Aaron. He is the middle brother, 2 years my senior, and very artistic, his works have been hung and published too many times to count, his mediums are pen and ink, and acid etchings. He’s about 5’10”, and until he got to middle age had long blond hair, which had turned to a nice shade of silver-gray at age 40, which he still wears in a ponytail hanging just past his shoulders. He has been married, has two daughters, but divorced after his bought with the law over a “public display of a sex act” conviction. I had thought it humorous when I was told about him masturbating in public, and thought “how could anybody see anything?” Arron is definitely the Little brother when it comes to size; he was only blessed with a skinny four and a half inch dick. But his legal problems were his own, so I never worried about them. He’s always been slightly effeminate, and I had wondered for years whether he was bi, since I knew he had two daughters, oops, now three, he must have enjoyed some women anyway. Now I was thinking that he also enjoyed the same type of incestuous sex with Sally as well. Man what kind of family is this; I certainly had never thought this possible. So, having been told of the upcoming reunion with another brother I hadn’t seen in over ten years, I thought I should clean up a bit and went to the bath to relax and enjoy a soak in the tub. This time I locked the door. I could hear Mako busying herself in the kitchen preparing the snacks or whatever for the arrival of guests, and some rattling around in a closet in an adjacent room. I heard the door handle rattle, but sat silently and let it pass. When I had soaked long enough, I dried off and put on the fresh khakis I brought from my bag, and a clean sport shirt, barefoot as was normal in the household of oriental ethnic backgrounds. I stepped into the living room and found a place on the love seat, across from Wade. We sat silently, each with one thing or another on our minds. His attire was similar to mine, except that he had on a t-shirt rather than the more dressy sport shirt I was wearing. It was 7:30 when the first car pulled into the drive, Aaron had arrived, still in the same old Ford Explorer he had been driving the last time I saw him. He walked up to the door and knocked, Wade gestured for me to let him in, and as he saw me I got a very friendly bear hug, and a BIG smile. He took a place at the arm chair next to the love seat. We chatted about life in general and how it was going, what with not being able to go to the store without an escort, his life was definitely different than my own. Somehow the conversation came to the activities of the night before, Wade proudly announced that ‘little brother’ wasn’t so little after all, at which we all roared with laughter. Wade gave him all of the details in a very matter-of-fact way, and I wondered if Aaron had also participated in such activities, which of course I knew he had. I confessed my misgivings about it being incest, and that in the Midwest , it was just something that wasn’t done, or at least not talked about anyway. Aaron chimed in and said, hell bro’, it isn’t incest for you anyway since you were adopted. Silence fell on the room, my heart pounded; I was totally taken off guard by this proclamation. Surely he was just spouting some bull shit, I knew that my family had secrets, hell they never told me anything, I had even had to wait six months after my mother died to find out she was gone, but ‘adopted’…what the fuck? Wade gave Aaron a really hard ‘go to hell’ look for spilling the beans, I was never supposed to know about that, they had both been sworn to secrecy by our parents when they were only but two and four years old. Wade explained how it happened as he had been told when he was a teenager, but my mind had shut down and I didn’t really hear the story. I was in shock; I stood up and went to the porch, telling them that I needed some air. In truth I wanted to smoke…a joint, just to relax from the stunning blow I had been dealt. I took one from the hiding place and lit it up, it had been over twenty years, and still tasted the same as I remembered, I took another hit and began to relax some as the door opened and Arisol came out onto the porch. Her smile was one of sweet understanding as she said “I heard what Aaron said, I’m sorry you had to find out that way.” This spoke volumes to me, apparently everyone else in the family had known forever, and I was the only one left out, my mind searched hurriedly for a time that I should have known, but there wasn’t one, I was just always different than the rest of them. Well shit, I guess it was just the way it was to be. About then the thought crossed my mind, ‘guess there is an upside, I haven’t been having incestual sex, and laughed quietly to myself. Arisol stepped closer and gestured for me to let her have a hit on the joint, so I put it in my lips backwards and drew her close to blow some into her mouth. She took the hit, and while holding in the smoke, plucked the joint from my mouth and laid an open mouth kiss on me, exhaling the smoke back into my throat and lungs. Our lips came together with the passion of two lovers, wanting and needing to fulfill each other right there, right then. About the time our lips parted a car pulled into the drive, so we stepped apart to wait for Acer and Sally to walk up. I was introduced to Acer and Sally; apparently she hadn’t told him about already ‘meeting’ me. A reprieve for me, thank God. We all stood and visited while Arisol and I finished the joint, passing it around once before it was but a roach, and put it out. It was kind of chilly on the porch so we decided to go inside. Arisol held open the door as Acer went in first, then me, at which time Sally patted my butt teasingly and Arisol’s hand found its way to my mostly flaccid cock lying against my leg. I gave them each ‘go-for-it’ looks as they entered the room just after I did. The party was now complete, all of its players there, I sat on the love seat between Sally and Arisol and waited for whatever was to come. Wade got up and took a record from the massive collection he had accumulated over the years and I listened as Credence Clearwater ’s “Revival” came through the speakers. He said “What’s everybody’s pleasure; we have lots of different games to loosen up with.” Sally spoke first “Let’s do naughty twister.” Mako chimed in that she’d rather do “fuck or dare.” I sat dumbfounded, as usual, and kept silent, figuring that whatever they came up with would end up with everybody naked and fucking or sucking the night away, so what difference did it make. It was decided that we would begin with “fuck or dare” which was one not really familiar, but they explained the rules for the new kid, me. We each drew a number out of a basket, and would each take a turn according to the number drawn. Thank God I wasn’t first, I had drawn the 3. Acer, as it happened had been the unlucky one, and stood in the center of the room looking from one person to the next deciding on who should be challenged. He decided on Aaron, and asked the question “fuck or dare?” Aaron, apparently familiar with the rules of ‘engagement’ stood up and replied “dare.” Aaron thought for a moment or two and said “dare you to eat out your daughter’s sweet spot and stop ‘before’ she creams you.” Aaron’s grin said he was more than willing to do that, and walked to the love seat where Sally was sitting next to my left shoulder. She smiled up at him and we all watched as he got down on his knees in front of her. He put his hands on her knees and pushed them apart as he started kissing her inner thigh and then pushed her ‘A’ line skirt up onto her hips revealing the sweet mound I was already familiar with, no panties to cover the wonderful petals or hardening clit. My cock started swelling up at the sight of this glistening prize. Aaron may have been lacking in the dick department, but had the longest tongue I think I had ever seen as he dipped it between her labia and started wetting her for the inevitable intrusion of her vaginal canal. Sally leaned back as he teased her clit making it swell and twitch at his will. He lowered himself and put his tongue into the wet hole of her vagina and bobbed his head as he fucked her with it, she began to moan and I could tell she was already getting ready to squirt onto his face when he stopped abruptly, sat back onto his heels and pushed her legs together, denying her the orgasm she wanted. She slid her hand down my thigh, grasping at my cock through the lightweight khakis, but I pushed her hand aside, figuring that the challenge had been made of me as well for her not to get off, not yet. Aaron stood up and returned to his seat, wiping the spit and pussy juices from his face with his forearm, a smile of satisfaction made up his entire expression and manor. Mako had drawn the number 2, and stood up in the center of the room to choose her victim of the game’s obvious scenario. She gazed around the room, and focused almost immediately on Acer, I chuckled as he stood to hear the question “fuck or dare?” Mako had apparently decided his fate no matter which answer he gave as he replied “fuck.” She instructed him to push his pants down to the ankle and get down on all fours, looked straight at Aaron and said “I’m going to pick on you, since you don’t come over much, now fuck your son-in-law, and shoot your wad up his sweet young ass while we watch, protection is your choice” My mind reeled at the thought; I could not believe that this quiet demure Japanese lady had just commanded her brother-in-law t butt fuck someone right in front of us. She went to her seat and retrieved a tube of KY and tossed it to the floor between Acer’s calves saying “you decide if you want it lubed or not. How well do you like your son-in-law today?” She returned to her seat. Aaron was obviously anxious as he stood up and pushed his pants down to his ankles and knelt behind Acer, who really must have liked this idea, his cock was hard as a rock, his butt cheeks twitching with anticipation. I guessed that Aaron must have liked Acer today, he picked up the KY and started rubbing a generous amount around the small brown sphincter and then slipped a lubed condom on his fully erect 4 ½ inch dick. As he was finishing up applying the KY he slipped a finger into Acer’s ass and started slowly getting him ready, then got faster and harder as Acer got into the rhythm of the defilement. I turned to look at Arisol, sitting on my right and whispered “what number did you get?” She turned and said “6.” I pushed the paper with “3” on it towards her with a pleading look and she traded with me. I saw Aaron was getting ready to shove his dick in and turned to Arisol and said “thanks.” We all sat as Aaron did indeed ass fuck his son-in-law, Acer loved every little inch of it too, his pre-cum dribbled from the tip of his erect penis as it waved back and forth with the thrusts of Aaron pumping his poop shoot. Aaron’s body was going into overdrive, I could see his abs flexing with the tortuous withholding of his climax, his breathing raspy and labored, but his hips lunged back and forth as he tried to make Acer climax as well. A shudder of magnificent proportions came across Aaron, he threw his head back and jammed all he had into the willing hole, we could all tell that he had fulfilled the challenge and had indeed unloaded his jism deep, well not as deep as some would have, in Acer’s ass. He pulled his tool out, peeled the condom off and tossed it teasingly at Mako, and said “need to check it?” She smiled and said “nope, I can tell it’s full,” as she picked it up and set it in the trash can beside her seat. As Aaron stood and pulled up his pants, and Acer rose from his knees to do the same, they each withdrew to their respective seats, both with a very content look on their faces. This brought us to number 3; thank God I had been able to trade without anyone else knowing. Arisol rose to the center of the room and looked intently in my direction, and then to Sally, and then to her mother. She beckoned her mother to stand and asked the question “fuck or dare?” Mako seemed pleased that she had been called on, and quite excitedly said “fuck.” Arisol returned her gaze in my direction and said “Mom needs a good fucking, and you will fill that bill nicely Uncle. She directed her mother to undress…