“Daddy, daddy, come meet my sexy bestie,” nineteen-year-old Heather said to her stepdad as he climbed the cement steps of her friend’s house.
Caledon checked his watch and said, “No, no, no, I just came to pick you up.”
Heather groaned.
“No hissy fits, missy,” he said sternly. “We gotta go. Your mom’s waiting on the plumber.”
“Just come in for a second!”
He shook his head. “I said no. I never agreed to meet your friend. You called me saying you needed a ride. See? I should’ve known. I’m not your plaything.”
“But daddy…,” the college girl whined like a toddler.
“Let’s. Go.” He crossed his arms. Her pleading doe eyes weren’t going to sway him. Her playful pigtails weren’t going to manipulate him. Nor were the hard nipples poking out of her white tank top going to seduce him.
“Fine, you fucker,” she said finally. Then she opened the door wider. He could hear music. “Just say hi and we go.”
“Thank you,” he said.
Barefoot, Heather scurried back into the house. The house was fancier than his own, so he was curious to see the inside. He saw the indoor balcony, the spiral staircase, the expensive-looking vases and furniture.
And then he saw her.
A girl stood by the bookcase with her back to him, jet black hair covering her back, navy blue booty shorts, long bare legs. She turned around.
Caledon gulped.
He stammered to say hello.
She smiled slightly.
“Um, daddy?” Heather said.
He was still looking for words.
“This is Lisa Lee from my class,” his stepdaughter said.
Lisa gasped. “You’re Heather’s fuck-daddy!” She bit her lip and started walking towards them.
Caledon’s eyes skirted around her body. Lovely little titties. Legs. More legs. Camel toes. Titties. A cute small mouth. Cute Asian eyes. Cute bangs over her forehead. But the nipples…
“Um, yeah, I guess,” he finally answered.
He backed up as she continued towards him. She was looking him over as well. She put her hand on his chest. Her hand casually slipped down to his crotch, gave it a little squeeze, before sliding back to his chest.
“Wow,” he said.
Lisa slid her arms around his waist. He scratched his head.
“Hug her back, daddy, jeez,” Heather said.
“Oh,” he said, and he put an around the topless girl, liking the feel of her chest pressing against his torso.
“Mm, he’s so muscley and fuckably cute!” Lisa said as she squeezed him into a bear hug.
He chuckled and put the other arm around her, enjoying the feel and smell of her hair under his chin, her tiny body wrapped inside his.
“His heart’s beating, like, sooooo fast,” she said, laughing. Heather laughed, too.
“Hey, I’m just, uh, you know,” he tried to explain.
“Can I kiss him?” she asked Heather.
“Hey, I’m right here,” he said with a silly grin. “You can ask me.”
“Don’t ask him, just do it,” Heather said.
Lisa laughed and turned her face to kiss Caledon. She had to stand up on her toes to reach him.
“Mm,” he said as her lips touched his.
She put her arms around his neck for another hug. He lifted her a little. She giggled at that. But then she whispered low in his ear, “I need cock.”
“Um, what?”
“Cock,” she said again, so low that Heather couldn’t hear. “I need big, nasty cock.”
He stopped to look at this girl, shocked.
“So, we were just leaving, right, daddy?” Heather said suddenly, pointing to the door.
He gave her a look. “Well, no, I guess…”
She grinned back at him. “Oh, you can stay now?”
“Please, please,” Lisa said.
“Aw, hell,” he decided. He saw the rum bottles on the glass living room table. “Oh, what’s this? Party in the afternoon?”
“Yeah!” Lisa said. “Come on.” She took one arm. Heather took the other. They pulled him into the living room and onto the sofa, forcing him to sit. “Drink, daddy.” To Heather, she said, “Can I call him daddy, too?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “Drink, drink, daddy.”
But he could hardly concentrate on pouring himself a drink. The girls were dancing in front of him. He nearly knocked a bottle over. Lisa pulled on Heather’s tank top until Heather lifted her arms.
“Release the boobies!” Lisa said. Heather’s top was off. They threw it at Caledon who laughed and protected his drink.
“Daddy, daddy, look at our titties!” sang his stepdaughter.
“Oh, fuck,” he muttered as the girls smooshed their breasts together. “Oh, God help me.”
Heather was fondling Lisa’s. Lisa was slapping at Heather’s. And Caledon was enjoying the show.
Heather had her arms in the air. Lisa was biting her nipples. Caledon was squirming a little.
Heather was twirling her fingers through her pigtails with her eyes dreamily closed. Lisa was licking and kissing down Heather’s body, stopping at the V between her legs. Caledon was holding his erection.
With a grunt and violent yank, Lisa suddenly pulled down Heather’s white shorts, exposing that lovely mound Caledon loved.
“Get naked, you slutty little bitch,” Lisa said.
Heather laughed as she struggled to step out of her shorts and panties. Lisa stood up and gave her a few spanks.
Now it was Lisa’s turn. Heather took her time. Lisa stood there topless facing Caledon, swaying a little. Heather was behind her, reaching under her arms and fondling her breasts for Caledon to see. Lisa stared at Caledon hungrily while he drank and watched. Heather peeled off Lisa’s booty shorts slowly.
A bushy little landing strip pointed the way to Lisa’s pussy. And Heather was on the floor, reaching up between Lisa’s spread-out legs from behind and caressing those little hairs. She looked at her stepdad while her face rested against Lisa’s butt cheek. She stood up again, grinding her body against Lisa’s.
“Jumpin’ Jesus,” Caledon groaned as his favorite porn subgenre—interracial lesbian—played out in front of him. He leaned back and grabbed his thighs, resisting the urge to undo his own pants and jerk himself off.
“Oh, shit,” he said, sitting up as two topless nymphs began rushing towards him.
“Strip him!” Lisa commanded.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he complained, but he moved in his seat to accommodate the girls as they tore off his shirt, his pants, his shoes. “Oh, man, oh man,” he said as his boxers were torn off. He heard a rip. “What was that?”
“Nothing,” Heather said.
The girls sat on Caledon’s lap. He dug into both their rib cages to tickle them. The girls squirmed and yelped, their limbs flailing and their breasts bouncing every which way. Caledon was in heaven.
“Stop, stop, dude, stop,” Heather begged.
When he stopped, she treated him to a kiss. Lisa brought her lips to the scene, saying, “I want some,” and began kissing him, too. She pulled Heather back into the kiss as well. The three of them were locked in a three-way French-kissing tongue fest.
“Wait,” Caledon said. “Who am I kissing?”
Heather mumbled a laugh. Lisa was the hungriest, alternately focusing on Heather, then Caledon, then Heather again, finally pushing Heather away to have all of Caledon’s lips for herself, kissing loudly and wetly. Heather buried her face in her stepdad’s neck, but Lisa nuzzled his neck as well, pushing Heather aside.
Heather sighed, annoyed.
She tried to grab her stepdad’s cock, but Lisa grabbed that, too, stroking it hard.
“Mine,” Lisa muttered before returning her mouth to his.
Lisa started sliding down until she was kneeling between Caledon’s legs.
“Play time,” she sang, before she started licking every side of his cock.
“You like that, daddy?” Heather asked.
“Oh, yeah, bumpkin,” he sighed, leaning his head back.
“Pumpkin?” Lisa asked confused.
He shrugged. “Nickname.”
Lisa took him into her mouth. She wiggled her face and took the cock in as deep as she could. And then a half-inch more. Caledon held on to the top of her head, concerned about her but enjoying it just the same. He heard the gurgling noise. He stammered to say something but couldn’t. She even had his balls in her hand. But the gagging noise made him stop. He pulled her out.
She cried out, “Oh, fuck,” and gasped for breath, saliva dripping out of her mouth. Then she winced and begged, “More, daddy!”
Caledon laughed and shook his head and guided his cock back into her mouth.
“Aren’t I the best you ever had, daddy?” Lisa said before her mouth was stuffed with his cock again.
“Oh, fuck, yeah,” Caledon said. Then he looked at Heather, who scowled. “Baby?” he said to her.
Heather sat up. Caledon tried to grab her, but Lisa stopped him. She held on to his cock and sat on him, her back to him. She raised her body and slid down onto his cock. Caledon closed his eyes and forgot about Heather as he entered Lisa. She bounced on his cock for a while. Then she leaned back, him still inside her, so she could put her lips near his ear.
“I’m so much better than her,” she whispered to him.
Heather heard that and spun around. Lisa laughed. Caledon groaned at the drama that was starting.
But the sound of a door opening made him stop.
“What is that?” he said nervously. “Who the fuck is that?”
“Calm down, Cal,” Heather said.
“But who—?”
“It’s okay,” Lisa said.
Caledon bit his lip and waited as he heard footsteps coming towards them.
“Oh, shit,” Caledon muttered.
“Baba, is that you?” Lisa cried out.
Caledon looked at Heather in confusion. Heather mouthed out, “Means ‘papa’.”
“Papa, shit! I’m fucked,” he concluded.
“Yeah, you’re so screwed, daddy,” she agreed but with a little smile.
He tried to push Lisa off, but Lisa’s father walked right into the living room. The Chinese man in a suit with no tie and a thin mustache put his hands on his hips and stared at the naked people on his sofa.
“What’s going on here?” he demanded.
Caledon prayed for an earthquake. Heather was still grinning evilly. But Lisa…
“What are you doing?” Caledon said to her hoarsely.
Lisa boldly continued bouncing on his cock in front of her father.
Caledon tried to apologize to him, but a slight grin appeared on the man.
“Lisa lemon, Heather honey,” he said, “what is this? Some kind of sex party going on here? You don’t tell me? I want to join!”
Caledon watched as the man casually walked to the sofa, took Heather’s hand, pulled her up, sat down himself. Heather sat on his lap, arm around his neck, looking at the confused Caledon.
“Ooh, I take this one,” the man said, taking Heather’s hand. He pulled her into a hug. “Look how cozy this is,” he said.
“Baba, this is Cal, Heather’s daddy we told you about,” Lisa said, still bouncing on Caledon’s cock to the beat of the music.
“Sugar?” the man asked.
“Step,” said Caledon.
“Henry Lee.” Henry tightened his arms around Heather. “You got such a beautiful daughter, Cal, mm,” he said, staring up at Heather. “Lucky son of a biscuit!” He laughed and kissed Heather on the cheek. “Mm. So cute and crazy. How you deal with someone so crazy like her?” He kissed her lips. “Mm, and tasty as always.”
Caledon winced as the man began making love to his stepdaughter, casually fondling her breasts, caressing her.
Lisa brought his attention back to her the way she rolled her body in circles on his cock.
“She’s good?” Henry asked.
“Um,” Caledon said, glancing nervously at Henry, who had his pants open and Heather’s hand on his cock. “Yeah,” was all Caledon could say.
Henry threw his head back and guffawed. “Good! She work so hard to get that good. She practice every day before homework.”
Caledon groaned.
Henry laughed louder. “A joke.”
“Shut up, baba,” Lisa said. She dismounted and began to move forward and towards the floor, taking Caledon with her.
“Ooh, you in for a treat now,” Henry said.
Caledon sat up on his seat. Lisa slid an arm between her legs and was fingering herself. She gestured for him to come forward. He obeyed. She spanked herself. He brought his face to her buttocks. She pushed her ass into his face. He grabbed her thighs and began kissing each butt cheek, spreading them open, licking every sweet thing he could find.
“Ooh,” Lisa cooed. She was holding the table in front of them for support while Caledon munched away at her.
She knelt on the floor, still holding the table. Caledon got on one knee behind her. He hesitated, holding his cock, nice and hard and slick, wet with precum and her saliva, outside her anus. She pushed the table forward so she could bend even more, opening her anus to him.
“In my ass, daddy?” Lisa begged. “Please?” She shook her ass at him.
“Do it, daddy,” said Henry.
“Oh, fuck,” Caledon said as he slowly penetrated her.
“Yes,” she hissed.
“Oh, man,” he said. He held her hips and moved in deeper, slowly.
While he was being gentle to not hurt her, she was pushing back into him and cooing like an owl as she felt him deeper and deeper.
“Excellent,” Henry was cheering.
Once Caledon was settled inside her, she was able to lift herself up a little, so he could wrap a muscular arm around her little body and feel her hair tickle his face. He was even able to slide another arm in front of her and pleasure her pussy while fucking her. When her mouth opened, he let a finger slide into it.
“Outstanding,” Henry said. “My lovey Lisa loves it in the ass, unlike hot little Heather here.”
Caledon grimaced and glanced over at the man and winced.
Henry had his stepdaughter on her back scrunched up on the couch with her legs in the air. He was between her legs on top of her. Caledon groaned. Henry was inside his “hot little Heather”.
As disturbed as he was by her with another man in front of him, Caledon was about to come inside Lisa.
“No, no, no, no,” she begged.
Caledon groaned, trying to hold himself.
Lisa carefully slid him out of her ass. She turned around on all fours like a spider, pushed her hair out of the way, and brought her face to his cock. He was shocked as Lisa put the cock back in her mouth.
Caledon ejaculated inside Lisa’s mouth. Like a cat, she stayed there, licking up all his cum.
When she looked up, he said, “Got all of daddy’s milk, kitty cat?”
She gave him a funny look.
“I’m sorry,” he stammered. “That was cheesy.”
She chuckled. “I’m not a kitty,” she said. She climbed on top of him to curl up in his arms between his legs. He watched, mesmerized, as she scooped remaining cum from her face into her mouth. She whispered in his ear. “Roar,” she said cutely. “I’m a fucking lioness.”
“Ha,” he said, wrapping his arms tighter around her.
They watched Henry and Heather finish.
Lisa came to his ear again. “See them? That little bitch took my daddy, so now you can be my daddy.” She smiled up at him mischievously. “Wouldn’t that be fun? Daddy?”
He looked back at the other two. Henry was kneeling on the floor holding Heather’s legs in the air, watching his cum seep out of her, “Oh, so beautiful…”
Caledon sighed loudly.
Henry let Heather’s legs drop and exclaimed: “Ah, that was so fucking fun! We need to do this again and again. Dinner orgies. Weekend blowjobs. I’ve got a boat with a huge bed. We could party on the lake. Invite other friends…”
“Shut up, baba,” Lisa said while the girls laughed at him.
Heather took her stepdad to the washroom to clean up.
“That was weird,” he said. “But fun,” he added. “Thank you.”
She chuckled. “Thank Lisa. She wanted you.”
Before she could leave the washroom, Caledon grabbed a hold of her and pulled her back, embracing her. “No, I’m thanking you. But those two aren’t really…?”
When she didn’t answer, he said, “Ewww. Yup, we’re definitely all going to hell.”
“Daddy…” she groaned.
“Then again,” he added. “It might be, I don’t know, incumbent upon us to, you know, separate them as much as possible. For their sake. To avoid sinning.”
She looked at him suspiciously. “You fucker, you want to butt-fuck her again, don’t you?”
“No!” he said. “Well?”
She scoffed. “Okay, so I don’t do that. What, she’s more fun now?”
“Well, maybe…”
She began punching him. “You ass!”
He laughed and tried to grab her wrists. “What? I liked it. Yes. But guess what? Nothing compares to your sweet little pancake,” he said, his face closing in on hers to kiss. “You’ve got my cock and my heart. I’ll always be your plaything, bumpkin.”
“Hmm. Okay, good,” she said, letting him kiss her.
They said their goodbyes.
Heather and Caledon held hands outside while Henry and Lisa stood by the door fully dressed but hugging and kissing and teasing one another.
In the car, Heather was busy syncing her phone to the audio to get her music going.
Caledon was doing math in his head. Lisa minus Heather. Heather plus Lisa. Heather plus her mother Mary. So many possibilities.
“Jeez, stop grinning, daddy,” Heather muttered as they drove off.