Return to Seattle, Chapter 1

"It had been a year since my trip to Seattle, it was time to again visit my loving niece"

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For those who have not read the stories of “Family Get Together”, chapters 1-6, please take the time to do so, it is the intro to this very lustfull adventure, and will explain much of the situation described in this second eddition to the tale of pleasure, lust and fulfillment.


It has been a year since my visit to Seattle, the memories of my brother Wade and his wife, as well as Arisol still haunt me, the temptations of the flesh had overtaken me during the visit.   Though, finding out that I was indeed adopted was more comfort than shock, at least all of the wild abandoned sexual escapades had not been truly incest, no matter what the law said.


Enough said about the past…As I said, it has been a year and many things change in that vast span of time.   Firstly my wife of several decades, whom I never had the fortitude to tell of the real things that happened during my visit died, less than three months after my return.   The car crash, needless to say was tragic, my life turned upside down with the devastation of the loss.   I found solace only in not having to have confessed my transgressions, though I still miss our warm friendship and bond.


More than that had changed, the art business was doing well, actually better than well; it provided a six digit income this year, one a significance to me, since I had worked an hourly low paying job for so many years prior to this.   At that I had to quit my regular job to keep up with the demands of both the sculptures and drawings, build a new shop with high ceilings, and power winches to accommodate the ever increasing size of the works being requested and sold.  


On the Seattle end of the equation things had changed as well.   Aaron, the middle brother now resides in a state controlled facility 24/7…yep a jail cell.   He had been caught red handed “corrupting a minor” and “statutory rape”.   As I have long said “What goes around, comes around.”   Wade’s father-in-law died a month after my wife, so he and Mako moved to Japan to care for her mother and take care of family affairs.   They plan no return to the U.S. , apparently Wade’s perversions fit well there too.


That leaves us with the good changes; Arisol had finished another year at the University and remained living in the house on Queen Anne Hill.   Sally had divorced and moved into the vacated garage apartment that Arisol had been in during my visit, Arisol had moved in to the main house, apparently a great arrangement for both young ladies.   The adventures I had gotten emails about were enough to bring me to arousal in short order.


All-in-all, I was more than ready for a trip to the coast when it came time to renew my contract with the gallery.    It could have been done via the mail, but I really looked forward to visiting again with my sweet (kind of) niece.   I made reservations and arrangements, leaving the return date open, in case I needed more (or less) time there.   The thought had crossed my mind to relocate to Seattle , for many reasons other than the economic, not to mention the sexual ones, but hadn’t decided as yet.   The only real drawback to moving was that my daughter and her three wonderful kids would still be in the Midwest, and I wouldn’t get to see them very often, but for now that took a second seat compared to the thought of fucking Arisol again, and again, and again


Since Arisol had also realized the time of renewal was coming up her emails seemed as if she were looking forward to my return visit, and perhaps the renewal of our sexual pleasures.   One particular email went on and on about how she wanted to feel my big thick ten inches again banging her to orgasm over and over.   In her ravings, she proudly boasted of now being able to truly deep throat it, I hadn’t told her that I had been taking an herbal supplement providing male enhancement for six months, I figured it would be a BIG surprise.   She was sitting pretty comfortably with the house paid for, netting over 60 grand from the sales commission of my artwork, but I fully believed that she deserved it, after all I had made half a mil + and most of that was due to her sales work, she seemed to have a way with the male customers *chuckle* I knew what it was, but we didn’t talk about it.


I shipped the last two pieces of sculpture by truck on Monday, boarded my flight on Thursday night.   Arisol was to pick me up at Sea-Tac Friday morning and we could go directly to the delivery destination of the works, apparently the customer wanted to meet me in person if possible.   She lived in Kent, a not too distant town between Seattle and Sea-Tac, it would work out perfectly.


The flight went uneventfully, even with the new security procedures at the airports I managed to get on and off with little delay.   After a brief layover in Salt Lake City , it was non-stop to Seattle/Tacoma Airport (AKA:   SeaTac).   The flight was only about ten minutes late, but not too shabby for traveling by air these days.   My row was one of the first to disembark, and I soon found myself in the mass confusion of Sea-Tac’s Arrival gate area.   I searched visually for a sign as to which way to go, not figuring that I would see anyone I knew till I got to the baggage claim area.   I figured….WRONG, standing at the end of one of the ropes at my gate was fair Arisol, beautiful as ever, her smile gave evidence that she recognized me as well.   I walked as quickly over to the rope as the mass of people would allow, and as I got to the opening where she was standing she jumped up and wrapped her muscular legs around my torso, filling my mouth with hers in a crushing blow.   Her tongue immediately went into my mouth, French kissing me as if she wanted more than a kiss, right there in the airport.   I returned the kiss only briefly, got her back to her feet and gave her that look, the same one as when she crossed the line a year earlier in the restaurant.   She only giggled before saying “Hi, I’m sure glad you’re here at last, we’ve got some catching up to do” and giggled naughtily again.   She took me by the hand and we walked towards the tram that would carry us to the baggage claim.   We didn’t talk much, only glanced over at each other as the throng of people would allow us to take our focus from the path, so to speak.


We got to the claim area and caught a break, the luggage from my flight was just starting to come out of the shoot onto the carousel.   We quickly retrieved my suitcase, and waited for the folio to come forth.   On about the second wave of baggage it appeared and I snatched it from the moving carousel.   Arisol extended the handle of my suitcase and started for the door, me following close behind with the large art folio, yep the same one that had been so lucky for me a year earlier.   As we got outside she gazed towards the curb, I thought to myself, surely she didn’t just leave it here, but I soon found out the reason for being here rather than in the parking garage.   She moved to the second tier of vehicles double lining the traffic area and found her SUV sitting in wait for us.   As I rounded the minivan blocking my view of it I was literally knocked over by Sally, she jumped me much the same as Arisol had in the terminal, and ran her tongue down my throat equally.   I dropped the folio and wrapped my arms around her, slid my hands down onto her still nicely shaped ass and squeezed the cheeks once before setting her down as well.   She smiled and said “Welcome back.”   I didn’t have a chance to reply, Arisol had already tossed my bags into the back of the SUV as Sally moved to the driver’s door, Arisol moved to the passenger side and held the back side door open for me to enter, which I did.   She said “Slide it over, I’m sittin’ with you.”   I slid to the driver’s side of the back seat and she bounded into the seat, slamming the door behind her.

  Sally had the vehicle in gear as the door shut and took off like a rabbit into the busy traffic of the airport roadway, dodging in and out of lanes, making the best time she could, I didn’t understand the urgency, but left the driving to her, after all, she lived around here and knew how to get where she was going, scary, but true.   By the time we hit the highway, which for those who haven’t been there, has seven lanes north and seven south bound, plus the bus lanes, it had thinned out quite a bit, Arisol hadn’t said a word since the terminal and the ensuing chastising look I gave her.   Not that she was pouting, more like she was plotting a new approach, I could see her eyeing me continuously during that first few minutes of the trip to Kent .


Not wanting to seem too distant, hell, if for no other reason than I wanted so much to get my hands on her, I slid over next to her and put my arm around her shoulders, pulling her close.   We looked at each other briefly before our lips met in earnest, hot open mouth kisses and tongues exploring each others depths.   My hand found its way to her firm breast, popped one button to allow my persuasive touching and slid it into the cup of her demi bra.   She groaned with pleasure as I cradled her tit gently in my palm and squeezed the nipple with my thumb and index finger.   “Ummmm, ohhh yeah, I’ve been waiting for that” she cooed into my open mouth.   I glanced up long enough to see that Sally was enjoying the show and parted our lips to say “Keep your eyes on the road girl, we’ll have plenty of time later” and resumed the passionate kisses and probing of our lustful oral pleasures.   Arisol seemed to really be getting hot to have more done for her, so I slid my free hand up her thigh, turning in the seat to give me some elbow room and feel her below her taught quivering mound.    I used all four fingers and extended them to cup her groin, her legs parted enough that I could feel the heat emanating from her even through the cotton slacks.


As Sally drove onward I leaned over in the seat, almost laying down on my side to gain access to the wanton pussy so willing to feel my lips.   I unbuttoned her slacks, unzipped them and tried to push them down from her hips.   She quickly gave in and raised her hips up off the seat and with a swoosh of fabric against leather the slacks slid down to her knees, and then to her ankles.   Her legs were every bit as wonderful as I remembered, the smooth muscular texture was so exciting to the touch, the smell of her freshly washed body filled my nostrils, my cock was already swelled to near its new massive size, but I didn’t want to give away the secret, not yet.   I lowered my face to her mound and began kissing at the edges of her panties, lacey and black, of course, a high hipped French variety by my reckoning, since they had some fabric around her hips.   As her hands lay on the top of my head, my lips went to work on the more intimate parts of her genitals.   I pulled the panties to the side and after wetting my lips lightly pulled at the tender crown over her clit, and then took her clitoris into my eager lips to suckle it gently, using the tip of my tongue to flicker back and forth across it lightly.   She again moaned with the delightful rush of pleasures, pushing down on my head to have me take more of her pussy and give it pleasures as well.    He legs parted farther and I released her clit from the grasp of my lips to run the flattened texture of my tongue down the outer parts of her sweet petals.   Her body quaked in a spasm of blissful lust and I could feel the heat of her inner labia build quickly as I continued to taunt her with my tongue.   “Ohhhh…..Yessss, mooooore…..” she moaned.   I grasped the panel of her panties with my right hand freeing up the left for other advances, toying with the tender sensitive parts of her inner thigh, almost, but not quite, touching the wanton lips of her vagina.   Ugmffff, sheeee….itttt, more….” she demanded.   Her   hands tried desperately to find their way to my hips and below, but I kept them away from her reach as I slid one and them two fingers into the inner sanctum of her labia, lightly circling the opening to her wet vaginal canal.   Her body shuddered at the feelings and her moans became more and more pronounced, the time was drawing close for her to climax, and I hadn’t even gotten to her g-spot yet.   My erection was full, I turned my body downward on the seat so she’d not be able to see or touch it, not yet anyway.   As I turned myself, I pulled her left leg up and out of the slacks, turning her in the seat to face me, now fully face first in her sopping wet crotch.   My tongue did its deed and penetrated her vagina, she yelped at the offering and spewed out a gush of juices for me to drink, her abdomen quivering, her labored breathing coming in pants for air.   She frantically used both hands and pulled my face into her groin, my tongue scooping the wetness from within.


I felt the SUV turn and slow, reached down and retrieved her slacks and guided the removed pant leg back into place around her ankle.   I hadn’t looked up, but figured that in the 30 minutes or so we had been on the highway we were probably approaching Kent .   She leaned over and pulled her pants up, replacing her panties as she got the slacks up to her groin, still dripping with her sweet nectar.   I leaned down again and licked her clean before she pulled them up completely.   She in turn leaned to me and licked her juices from my cheeks and chin.   The vehicle came to a stop and I looked up to see that we were at a traffic light, in Kent already.   Sally turned in the seat and said “You guys better clean up your act, there’s been a cop riding next to us for the last ten miles.   We all roared with laughter at the thought of getting busted, knowing that the tinted windows would not have allowed him to see anything.   She made a right turn at the intersection and went on toward the home of the new customer for the sculptures I had shipped days before, surely they would have arrived already.   As Sally drove down the streets of Kent watching intently as to not miss the turn I reached between the bucket seats and ran my right hand down across her abs and directly to her crotch, squeezing it firmly in my grip.   She giggled and turned briefly to see my expression.   I said “Not to worry, Arisol can drive the rest of the journey into Seattle when we’re done here” and let forth a naughty chuckle to let her know that she wouldn’t be left out without some degree of satisfaction.   I raised my hand to her still very ample breast and caressed it for the rest of the trip to the destination, being sure not to excite her too much, just enough to arouse her a bit.   Arisol sat back in the seat and composed herself for the meeting of the customer.   Though I could still smell the nectar in her groin, surely the customer would not, now that is a laugh, but perhaps they wouldn’t say anything.   We arrived at the address provided and found a truck parked outside, the driver’s just getting to the front door.    Sally pulled up beside the truck and parked.   The door was on Arisol’s side of the SUV, so she opened the door and got out, finishing straightening her waistband and passing her hands down the front as she stepped out, I followed in her path, being sure that I wiped the sticky feeling from my cheeks as I did so.   Sally found it hard to straighten out her problem, the nipple of her right breast was poking out in a very pronounced way from the constant teasing I had given her on the drive through Kent .


The door to the house opened and a mid thirties looking woman appeared in the doorway.   We were just getting to the door when she greeted the driver, and then noticed that we had all arrived at the same time.   She chuckled and said “Timing is great” and turned her eyes towards me saying “Are you the artist?”


As always, I encourage everyone to leave a comment and/or a vote.  I enjoy knowing that I am doing…

Published 17 years ago

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