A Kiss Worth Dying

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A wonderful feeling had woke her in the middle of the night. Sally Findley was positive that she was either having some type of erotic dream, or that someone or something had been touching her gently between her thighs. The bright morning sun, now shined through her bedroom window, and then like someone who realizes they’ve left the stove on, while there out, she realized that she had closed her blinds last night, as she did every night before bed.

“ How did they open?” She asked herself quietly in her head. Getting up she went to the window, her bare feet touching the cool hard wood floor. At the window she found nothing out of the ordinary, the lock was still in place. In fact she discovered that she may want to clean her window soon, since there was a layer of dust on the frame, and the window’s too, looked like they could use a little Windex. Maybe they just opened on their own, perhaps the springs were getting old? Sally didn’t know, but was happy to know that no one had broke into her apartment, just to give her sweet dreams.

Just to be on the safe side, Sally examined every entrance into her small apartment. Again there was no reason to believe that someone or something had come into her apartment last night. Moving around her apartment in her White T-Shirt and panties was a typical Saturday morning for Sally. Neither was waking up at eleven in the morning. She didn’t usually get home until after three am, and last night was no exception. Last night she had made almost three thousand dollars at the club. A new record for her. Since she normally made around a thousand. However last night was different, there seemed to be a lot of energy in the club, and not just the usual perverts who sat drinking whooping out as she took off her clothes. Sally couldn’t place a finger on it, it just seemed to be a great night.

Even though she made most of her money dancing for one customer in particular. A woman, which wasn’t un-usual either, Sally found herself thinking of the woman, who was un-like any other customer she had given a private dance to before. First thing, she wasn’t old. She seemed slightly older than her or maybe even the same age. Second, she seemed to watch every movement Sally made. Didn’t just sit looking at her snatch or her breasts. She made Sally feel beautiful, and when she spoke it made her feel as though she were being hypnotised, by the woman’s voice. She had felt full of energy around this woman, who never gave a name. She just found it odd, how she even felt attracted to this woman, who had watched her dance for the better part of three hours. Before the woman left she placed a bundle of bills into Sally’s small hand, said “ Thank you, I’ve enjoyed you immensely.” Then disappeared, with the rest of the patron’s who were all leaving as the club closed. Sally hoped the woman would return, not for the woman’s money, but for the attention the woman gave her, which seemed to be a life-times worth.

When she arrived at the club, it was fairly quiet. It normally is on a Sunday. Sally walked into the back where the other girls were standing around smoking cigarettes, and talking. Some were half dressed. Lana Chalmers her friend and fellow dancer waved and said “ Well hello, Miss Big Bucks.” Sally blushed slightly. Lana who was standing with her arms crossed over her large bare breasts now reached out and gave her a hug, and a slight kiss on the cheek. This was something Sally had gotten used to long ago, other women giving her hugs with no shirts on. How much she had changed over the last two years since working here.

“ Well what the hell did you do? Make love to the woman or what, she kept you all night long!” Lana said letting go of Sally. Sally still slightly blushing smiled and replied “ No, I just danced the whole time, every time a song ended she’d say one more song please. By the end of the night she gave me almost twenty five hundred dollars.”

“ What do you think she’d give you if you slept with her?” Lana asked teasingly. Slightly giving Sally a shove. “ I don’t know?” Sally replied with a soft giggle. “ Any way I got to get ready.” Sally said moving to her locker. “ If you see that woman again, you let me know, I want some of that money!” Lana replied smirking as she turned to go back to the mirror and make up station.

Sally hadn’t done very much other than her usual set of songs and one private dance for an elderly fellow, who seemed to be on his way out. Occasionally she kept an eye out for the woman with dark brown hair and pale white skin. Who Sally had decided was probably the most beautiful woman she had ever met. She had yet to see her. Then at eleven o’clock as she was getting off the stage and heading to the back room, she felt a tap on her bare shoulder. She turned to see the woman. Immediately she smiled. “ Hi, How are you?” Sally asked. The woman smiled in return. “ I am good, and hoping to use your services again?” The woman replied, her face never leaving Sally’s face. Sally could feel her cheeks growing red, and was thankful for the darkness in the club. “ Sure.” Sally replied.

This time Sally took them to the more quiet and what would be considered the VIP area for private dances. The bouncer Todd smiled and continued looking back at the rest of the club. That smile from Todd meant he understood. He’d get a great tip, if he were to warn of any police coming into the club. After all the “ NO TOUCHING” rule was the governments rule, not that of the club. The club was willing to turn a blind eye, as long as you were willing to understand that if your caught, you’d have to give up your licence and they could do nothing for you.

The private room was quiet. There was a black chair, that Sally said to the Woman to have a seat in. The woman excepted and sat. Sally grabbed a small stool, and sat in front of the woman. Her black Lingerie she wore soon to be off. Already she could see the woman’s eyes exploring her body. It again gave her the feeling that she were beautiful. She was not offended, she enjoyed this woman eyeing her.

“ What is your name?” Sally asked looking into the woman’s dark eyes. A smile graced the woman’s lips. “ My name is Elisabeth, but please call me Beth!” The woman replied. The current song ended. Sally stood moving the stool back a little bit, so she could begin dancing on the next song. “ I’m happy someone likes my dancing!” Sally said giving the woman, whose name was Beth, a smile. “ I love how you dance.” Beth replied as the song began. An up beat song by Kevin Lyttle “ Turn Me On”.

She began by moving her body in rhythm to the song. Her hands running the length of her long slender thighs. Up her body, over her breasts clasped behind a lacy black bra. Beth’s eyes followed every single movement like a cat watching a mouse. Slowly she removed her bra, letting it fall to the floor, where she kicked it aside. In a teasing gesture she covered her breasts and nipples with her hands. Then she removed one hand revealing her nipple for Beth. Than she removed the other, letting both her breasts stare Beth in the face. Again rubbing her hands up and down her body, across her breasts. Sally slowly slid her black lacy panties down her thighs. Turning around so Beth could see her behind. Turning she saw Beth smile, letting her know she was pleased by Sally’s dance. Moving the stool closer Sally bent over it, revealing her vagina and anus to Beth.

She then went and sat on Beth’s lap, letting herself lie against her. Sally took Beth’s right hand and placed it on her breast. Beth’s hand began rubbing against her nipple and then pulling softly on it. Sally was getting turned on, and she was positive Beth was as well. Again she stood, letting her breasts hang in Beth’s face. Beth reached for them. Sally wanted her to touch them, she wanted to watch her nipples disappear into her mouth one after the other. She wanted to feel the touch of Beth’s mouth against them.

As the song ended, Sally sat on the stool again. Then she smiled. “ How was it?” She asked. Beth smiling as well replied “ Very great. Another song please.” The next song that came on was by “ Brittany Spears “ Gimme More”. Sally began by straddling Beth’s chair, pumping her hips towards her. Straddling her knees on the large arms of the chair. Sally ran her hands through her long dark blonde hair. Then to her shock, she felt Beth’s finger stroke against the wetness of her vagina. She almost stopped, but the kept moving, letting Beth’s finger continue rubbing. Moving her body in sequence with the song. To Sally’s amazement she felt Beth’s slender finger push into her . Deeply and Slowly. Then moving faster and more vigorous to song’s beat. Sally could feel herself growing nearer to an orgasm. Beth placed a hand on Sally’s breast. As Sally hung her head closer to Beth’s. A moan escaping from her throat, as she was almost to the point of no return Beth whispered into her ear “ Come for me. Come.” At that moment Sally felt a tidal wave escape from her. Her orgasm so intense she had to lay her head across the top of the chair to bury her face to stifle her loud moans of ecstasy. Somewhere lost between pleasure and reality, she was vaguely aware of Beth speaking.

“ Pardon.” Sally asked still trying to recover from her orgasm. “ I said, I’d like it if we could go back to your place, Sally!” Beth asked. Letting Sally get down from the chair. “ I’d like that very much.” Sally replied meaning every word she said. She didn’t want to let this woman go. She had never been involved with a woman, except for college where she had one or two experiences, but never on this level.

“ Not for money, Beth!” She stated, hoping she didn’t offend her. “ No, not for money!” Beth agreed.

As the club closed, Sally walked out the door, looking for Beth, who leaned against a Black Jaguar. “ I thought you were never coming out!” Beth said, as Sally moved closer. Sally smiled. “ You have nothing to worry about! I wouldn’t stand you up for a million dollars.” Sally replied. Beth moved around to the driver side of the vehicle, “ Come on get in, let’s go.” She said. Sally got in on the passenger side of the vehicle. She looked at Beth, as Beth turned to look at her. Immediately as though there were a magnet drawing their faces together. Sally kissed and let herself be kissed. Her hands wandered eagerly underneath the coat of Beth, as Beth’s hands wandered across hers. “ I’ve never felt so great before.” Sally said whispering breaking the kiss. “ Shall we go?” Beth asked. Sally nodded, explaining where she lived to Beth.

As soon as they were on the elevator, the kissing began again. The touching began again. When the doors opened on her floor Sally took Beth’s hand and led her to her apartment, where as soon as they were in began kissing, removing their clothes. Sally removed Beth’s white Bra, throwing it somewhere. Her mouth kissed and sucked her nipples. Softly she bit one. A soft moan escaped from Beth, whose hands were buried deep into Sally’s hair. “ You make me feel alive, Sally.” Beth panted out . Beth then lead the two of them to Sally’s sofa where. Sally pulled off Beth’s panties like there would be no other chance to do so. She felt almost possessed, like she had no control over herself. All she could think about was kissing this woman, all over her body, between her legs. Slowly she kissed down Beth’s body, toward her thighs. Her mouth kissed gently at Beth’s moist vagina. She pushed Beth’s legs apart, spreading them wide she let her tongue reach out and touch against Beth’s clitoris, which made Beth moan softly. Slowly she began to suck and lick, her fingers touching softly at Beth’s labia, she slid her finger in. It slid easily in and out, her wetness as intense as Sally’s was in the club. Her fingers began moving faster and did her licking and sucking. Louder moans came from Beth, they came faster now. Sally could sense she was bringing Beth close to her Orgasm, and it’s all she wanted to do, it’s what she felt she needed to do. Not as repayment for all this woman had done for her, but for this woman to be pleased with her, for this woman to know how much she enjoyed her company.

A scream escaped from Beth, as a multiple of Orgasms ran through her. Sally could feel Beth shutter from one to the next. “ I have never felt so fulfilled.” Beth managed to say between her deep breaths and moans. This pleased Sally. To hear that she had made Beth feel good, to make her feel as she felt. She snuggled up close to Beth. Beth wrapped her arms around her, as they faced one another. Again they began kissing. Already Sally was overly turned on again, her body rubbing against her lover’s. Beth kissed her neck, and then she asked with a whispered voice “ Will you stay with me, forever Sally.” Sally answered with so much as a thought. “ Yes.” Suddenly she felt herself plunge into the greatest orgasm of her life, as Beth’s teeth sank deeply into her flesh. Sally cried out with a cry of pleasure. She could feel her heart beating like a drum, fast at first then drawing to a slow almost quiet non-existent sound. From somewhere Beth said Drink from me, Sally found her mouth being placed against a breast, she could taste an almost familiar flavour, and then she felt the drumming of her heart again, beating slowly but strong, then beating faster and faster until the point she felt it would explode. Almost as though they were floating, Sally opened her eyes. Taking her mouth from Beth’s breast, she saw a trickle of blood disappear and the cut that Beth had made heal before her eyes. Confused, Sally asked “ What did we just do?” Beth opened her arms so Sally could go into them. Sally put her arms around Beth. “ I’ve made you my companion for the rest of eternity, my love.” Beth responded. “ You mean you’re a vampire?” Sally asked, knowing that she was. “ Yes, and now so are you!” Sally sat quiet for a moment, then asked “ You were here the other night, weren’t you?”

Beth didn’t answer immediately, she kissed Sally then spoke. “ Yes, I was going to wake you, and simply take you, have you, make you mine, but then decided to give you a choice, to let you decide if you would be mine forever, as I am yours forever. Sally didn’t answer or speak, she simply sat in her lover’s arms, feeling a love that she had never known throughout her life as a human. For the first time in her life Sally felt as though she belonged somewhere.

An hour before sun-rise Sally found herself no longer in her apartment, but in a large home across the city, where the rich and wealthy reside. This was the home of Beth, where she would remain. Beth led her down the stairs to the basement. There was no need to turn on a light, Sally’s eyes could see everything in the dark, her new eyes allowed such things. There Beth showed her a large casket, and together they got in. As Beth pulled the Casket closed, Sally felt the sleepiness overtake her, as Beth held her in her arms. Sally knew no more as sleep over took her, into her new daylight

Published 17 years ago

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