Full House

"This is a story about being seduced by a stranger"

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When I decided to answer the advertisement in the newspaper I wasn’t the least bit nervous. The door opened and a friendly young woman greeted me then brought me inside.   Her personality was warm and bubbly and she was quite talkative.   She mentioned that I would have to interview with another person beside herself, which we agreed was fair to the whole household.

  I sat, put my portfolio down, accepted her hospitality and sipped a glass of cool water she gave me while she went on to explain the rent, the division of responsibilities, the living arrangements, all the while dropping the 411 about the neighbors and the neighborhood all in the same breath! I had to laugh because she was so thorough and talking so fast! But I managed to keep up and even get a word in edgewise.   Momentarily she excused herself and walked out of the room then returned with a cute little dog in tow along with an apology and a question. She said that her roommate wasn’t home from work yet, and then asked me whether I could wait for a little bit?   She said she would kill some time by going to walk her sprightly dog first and in the meantime her other roommate should arrive so that we could all sit together and talk. I had been told that time was of the essence and having an empty room to fill and bills to pay was not the move! So she would need me to make a decision fast! Beating around the bush was not her thing! I laughed again but understood her position.   She offered to call her roommate and give a heads up about the interview tonight in the meantime for efficiencies sake.   I petted her hyper friendly, yet cute, affectionate dog while she talked rapid fire about his age, sex, breed and importance to her as she fastened his leash. I felt like this was another part of the interview, and to be accepted by this little master of the house was an endorsement for me so I played Dr. Doolittle to the max! I asked for the bathroom just before she left and agreed to stick around and wait for the other roommate to arrive. She gave me direction, instructed me to make myself comfortable then dashed out of the house. At first I sat politely on the sofa with my hands in my lap.   Busying myself looking around the neat spaces, and peering into the kitchen, out of the nearest windows and down the hall; but I didn’t leave the living room I just tried to scope out the place without over stepping my bounds.   Peeking around a doorway I discovered a small restroom and ducked in.   I played with my hair, placing it carefully then reapplied my lip gloss so I was sure that I was presentable.   But to keep it real I really had to go! Meeting the second roommate was causing me a little more anxiety than I thought. So as I fixed my clothes then turned on the water at the faucet I heard the front door opening.   I tried to wash my hands quickly so I wouldn’t be absent from the room when my hostess returned as I was sure it was she coming in and up the stairs.   After I washed my hands I faced a guessing game seeking a proper hand towel, so I thought I’d just skip it and get a paper towel from the kitchen to avoid the whole issue.   But as I listened the footsteps continued on beyond the door then returned back hesitated and stopped.   I opened the door and stepped out to face a tall, mellow, rich deep brown, vision. The color that wasn’t in vogue until Michael, Wesley & Tyson gave brothers other than bright skinned ones permission to be fly. But nonetheless scaring the heck out of us both we jumped backward in unison looking startled and confused. I stood back in the doorway hoping he wasn’t as intimidating as he looked as I mentally calculated the distance between him and the front door, looked around for any potential advantage I could seize, sized him up and judged his demeanor then stood up straight, squared my shoulders and got up on my Brooklyn ‘tude, all in 3 seconds flat.   I decided to be the first one to start the interrogation by adding some bass to my voice and asking two questions in one “Who’re you? You live here?   I saw surprise and amusement creep into your eyes but you were careful not to smile and I was not going to be at ease until I heard your voice.   You spoke and said “you could answer me the same”! There was no threat in your tone. I retorted smartly “you first”! Your eyebrows went up and your head cocked to the side with indignation but your voice was even and not angry as you said “I live here! Now who the hell are you”? I said sardonically “potentially your new damn roommate”! But even as I tried to be tough I had to laugh at myself and an infectious smile spread to you and we both began to laugh as our equally forceful pretenses fell away.   Just then we heard a buzzing vibrating sound that could only be a muted cell phone going off and we promptly forgot about each other, walking off in different directions seeking our devices.   You discovered that it was yours ringing.   On the other line was your roommate, you put the call on speakerphone and let me hear her voice expressing relief that you were home and explaining my presence. She then said she was going to have to take a little longer outside to go get some items for dinner, and admonished you to “be nice” to me until she returned. Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows and look at you skeptically as she hung up the phone and I folded my arms and I wondered aloud “why does she have to tell you to be nice?” You defended quickly and said “it’s just her way of saying I’m supposed to entertain you”.   Just then you loosened your tie and opened your collar buttons and rolled up your sleeves. For the first time since our awkward meeting I really took a good look at you and without a doubt you are exotic, handsome, poised, intelligent, and mannish! How glad I was that I took an opportunity to primp in the mirror first!   I moved back to the sofa as you followed to sit opposite me, offering me another drink. I accepted a cold beer from you which was a welcomed peace offering to let me know we were “cool” and swiftly moving beyond our initial misunderstanding.   As we talked I sipped my beer politely and asked for a tour of the vacant room, just then you boldly grabbed my hand wrapping mine in your warm palm leading me down the hall toward a row of identical closed doors.   You opened the first door which was a linen closet, then the next door which was your room and then pointed toward the farthest door indicating the master suite; the next door was another bathroom and finally the empty room that could be mine. Which I noted was right next to yours, so I joked that I hoped you’re a quiet neighbor “cause, I don’t wanna hear your snoring and I don’t want to hear your sexcapades in the middle of the night since we’d be so close”.   You said you could manage only one of the two directives and suggestively implied that you’re not responsible for anyone else’s volume control except your own; then flashed me a gorgeous charismatic smile for emphasis.   I admit I was being bold deliberately to see if you had a sense of humor and you didn’t disappoint, increasing my attraction.   As you held the door open for me I noticed you didn’t exactly move out of my way as I had to turn sideways to move beyond you to enter. I felt your body heat and inhaled your spicy cologne as I skimmed past. Standing inside together I got to ask questions having a look around in the closet and inquiring about what sized bed and furniture this room could accommodate.

  You offered your room as a model and so we went next door and as I looked around I was careful not to stand too close to you, my hormones were on a rollercoaster.   But you stood over my shoulder anyway at times when you talked so close I could feel your breath in my ear and your powerfully built chest against my back, while we talked about the position of my furniture, seeing as I had a little more than you.   I thought we were concluding and I turned toward the door to exit sooner than you and found myself again too close to maintain my composure. I strode into you and was caught in your arms.   While I steadied myself I apologized profusely trying to get away while you held me fast.   The harder I tried to back out of our embrace your biceps flexed solidly under my hands and your fingers tightened around my waist. My resistance failed completely, now I merely struggled to stand. My knees were weak and my heart was beating fast as you gazed intently into my eyes telepathically communicating desire.   Losing my poise momentarily in your arms I immediately snapped back to the moment when you pressed your soft lips to mine then enveloped my mouth with yours. As I close my eyes and lean into you, giving myself over to your body I realize you are walking me backward toward your bed. But I welcome the gentle pressure of your guidance making the healthy erection growing between us even more obvious.   Easily you lay me across your bed. My skirt rises around my thighs from the friction of the sheets. You position your body gently on top of mine supporting your weight above me.   Kissing me from my jaw, to my neck, to my cleavage everywhere your mouth touched a hot radiating trail remained. My breasts tingled pleasantly while you opened my blouse letting the silky fabric separate gathering beside me.   I let my shoes fall to the floor and reached down your strong back to pull your shirt out of your waistband while you raised your torso enough to undo your belt. I began to open your shirt from the front and you finished the last buttons slipping the shirt off and dropping it to the floor.   Reaching under me you pulled my skirt up and I helped you remove my panties and pantyhose in one efficient motion all dropping to the floor in a heap.   Spreading my legs wide you put your hand between my satiny thighs and formed a warm cocoon around the mound of my sex, taking deliberate care to rub your fingers gently over my swollen lips, separating them softly as if to show off the flower within, and massaging the hood of my thick clit, slowly, seductively, coaxing it out to be played with. I smiled a wide satisfied grin as I experienced the sensitivity of your hands. Quietly you said “now you do it” and withdrew to watch.   I rose onto my elbows repositioning myself on the bed and asked you to sit in front of me. Obediently you sit close opening your pants readily.   I lean back to give you the most perfect seat for the erotic show about to begin. Then I pick up where you left off using my thumb, index and middle finger to relentlessly rub and squeeze my throbbing clit.   The expression on your face at the sight of my hips slowly beginning to rise and lower in front of you encourages me to continue. Ever so slowly I insert two fingers into my hungry pussy, coating them with thick honey and moaning softly as pleasure surges through me.   As my fingers slip in deeper and pull out further the juices slowly ooze out. My passion fills the air and sticky wetness drenches my thighs as I penetrate deeper to massage my soft inner walls, my fingers come out more soaked with each thrust. The sucking sound of my gripping pussy and my heavy sighs and moans pierce the silence, my hips move faster, my clit grows larger and turns from a frosty pink to a glaring red. My orgasm is imminent and I whisper to you softly “I’m so close I can feel it, make me cum” I desperately want to feel the ecstasy that is about to explode inside of me.   Without hesitation you introduced my creamy blushing pussy to your black licorice shaft as you move in and out of me my hips gyrate uncontrollably as bliss overtakes me and I submit control to the orgasm swiftly coursing through every pore of my body. My body seizes into a tense spasm as the intensity becomes too much to hold in, c um flows from me like a stream “yes, yes, yes yyyeeeessss” I scream, until my body goes completely limp and beautiful orgasmic satisfaction takes over. J ust when I think I have reached the pinnacle of my pleasure and I cannot go any higher you firmly lock your arms around my shuddering body holding me down with your weight and strength pumping into me steadfastly burying your cock deeply in my stomach filling me completely with all of the pulsing inches of your sleek dick.   Determined to achieve your own satisfaction you f uck me passionately with purpose and stamina giving me over to new waves of delight, pushing your big dick deeply into my caramel canal. My excitement combined with the forceful rhythmic pounding of your thick shaft into me sends me to another plateau of pleasure and I begin to cum hard again. The thickening in my throat and the tightening in my groin confirms this. You are intent on your own orgasm and I merely submit as you continue to plunge into my captive body.     You give me such good dick it’s difficult not to beg for more even though simultaneously I want to beg you to stop. Stroking me forcefully, faster, harder, deeper, the sound of our flesh meeting resounds through the room along with our throaty dialogue and tender moans, while we purge our wildly erotic thoughts openly until you shoot your load deep inside me. Finally as all your sexual tension drains away your motionless body relaxes on top of me while you hold my curvy fullness pulling me toward you.   Five minutes to catch our breath is all we are afforded.   The front door is opening and we bound in different directions while I leave you to get your trousers on and I button my shirt, adjusting my skirt. My panties and pantyhose require altogether too much coordination, which at the moment I lack so I kick them under your bed and dash to the couch next to my lukewarm beer while you stand in the kitchen trying to look nonchalant talking to me about your work, offering to carry your roomates’ grocery bags and get her a beer too as she comes in huffing and puffing behind her manic canine trying to keep up with his frenetic pace.   As she accepts her beer and sits down opposite me I tell her that “I will take the room and leave a deposit with her before I go if she has no other candidates of interest”. She looks pleased but astonished and immediately turns to face you searching for an explanation as to my quick decision and you looked at her with the utmost seriousness and said “you told me to be nice”.     At this I tried to suppress a laugh and I added “he was very nice, so I’d like to stay if the decision is unanimous”. Then whipping back around to me she extended her hand and said “Then welcome roomie, would you like to stay for dinner and dessert after all this time if you’re still not in a hurry”? So I accepted the invitation to dinner but declined dessert explaining that I’d already had something “sweet” earlier, and sat on the couch to be entertained by my two new roommates for the rest of the evening.
Published 17 years ago

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