Identical Twins – Camping Trip

"A close bond between identical twins can get even closer."

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Hi, my name is Tammy, and I am one half of identical twins. Hunter and I are now 30 years old and we have been almost inseparable since birth. On reading some of the stories posted on this site, I decided to “come out of the closet” and reveal parts of our lives together. As I sit here typing this story, Hunter is beside me, helping me remember some incidences that occurred during our growing up. Unless you are a twin, you have no idea how strong a bond can be between siblings.

Hunter and I were born on the 17 th March, 1978 in a small country town in Victoria called Moe (pronounced Mowee). Ever since I can remember as a little girl, we were always together. Mum and dad and both of us lived in a modest two bedroom unit. Mum and dad in one bedroom, and Hunter and me in the other. From the time we were out of the baby cot, we always slept together in a double bed. Mum or dad would always bath us together to conserve water and we were very rarely out of each others sight.

In kindergarten and primary school, we always sat together, instead of with our friends; as well as in high school too. Every year our parents would take us camping in the summer months and early autumn, before the weather got too cold. I played netball and hockey for sport and Hunter was always there to watch me. Hunter played football and cricket and I was always there to watch him. We played basketball together at home and practiced together every night.

By the time we were 13, mum and dad decided it was time we had our own bedrooms. I had developed breasts and had my first period and Hunter was getting hair around his balls and above his cock. Although we saw each other naked every day, there was never anything sexual between us at that stage. Body contact was limited to wrestling matches, pillow fights and curling up beside each other when we went to sleep.

On moving into a bigger house in 1991, we found each other in single beds in our own room and had baths and showers by ourselves. In our high school years, we seldom had the chance to see each other naked, other than an occasional glance when one was leaving the bathroom and the other was entering. I noticed Hunter was getting bigger and growing more hair on his legs and body. My breasts were growing and pubic hair was spreading and thickening. We both noticed the gradual changes to our bodies, but nothing much was said.

Dad was a keen fisherman and often took all of us for a picnic day out. I was more a tomboy than anything else and loved doing things Hunter did. For all intentional purposes, I was one of the boys. As I said before, we were born identical twins. Even now, our faces are very closely matched. The only difference now is that I have breasts and he is about 10cm or 4” taller than me; my hair is also much longer than his. With our schooling, we always had similar results, close to the top of the class and both wanted to go to university after our HSC.

Both of us were 17 when we successfully completed our HSC at high school, with very high marks, qualifying us for university. We started our university courses in February of 1996 where I chose a Law Degree, majoring in Criminal Law; and Hunter doing Civil Engineering. We attended the Southern Cross University in a nearby town. In the summer months it gets very hot in Victoria , Australia , and we spent a lot of time at the local swimming pool by ourselves or with friends. In his Speedo’s, I could not help but notice Hunter’s frequent erections; at times, wondering if I was contributing to them. (Hunter just whispered to me that it was impossible not to notice me). I had several pairs of low cut bikinis, to help show off what I had. For some reason, I always had the urge or wish to be able to see his manliness and how he had grown since our days of sleeping together.

Our first year at university was most successful. Both of us passed all our modules with distinctions. By now, we both had our driving licences and had a car between us to get to school and back and other places. It was during the end of our summer break, before university recommenced, that our story really begins. Hunter was keen to go fishing and bushwalking up in the mountains, past Walhalla (an old gold mining village) up near the Aberfeldy River . This wonderful spot was about 80 km from where we lived and a great place to camp and go fishing. Hunter told mum and dad that he wanted to go away for about a week and they said it was okay.

I said to Hunter “Hunter you have to take me too, someone has to cook for you, besides, we always go everywhere together.” Hunter laughed and agreed, so we planned our little holiday together. We packed sufficient canned food in case the fish were not biting, plenty of water, fishing tackle, a four man tent, two sleeping bags, cooking utensils, insect spray, mosquito repellent and battery lighting. I turned to Hunter and hugged and kissed him saying we would have a wonderful time up in the mountains together. We left early on a Saturday morning and arrived there about 3 hours later. The road is not sealed past Walhalla and is very narrow and bumpy, making our trip very slow.

On arriving at the Aberfeldy, Hunter pulled off Walhalla road onto a fire break track, near the bridge. We found an ideal place to pitch the tent and gathered some wood for a camp fire that evening. It was late that afternoon that our holiday was setup for an entertaining week away. The day had been very hot and we were tired and sweaty.   There had hardly been any traffic go by, perhaps 3-4 cars for the whole afternoon. Walking along the river, there were some lovely rock pools, deep enough for swimming in and lots of sand as well. I really felt like going for a dip in the water while the sun was still out and asked Hunter if he did too. My bikini and his Speedo’s were still in the car, some distance away.

I said to Hunter “Hunter I am going for a swim, are you going to join me?” He replied “How can we Tammy, our clothes are in the car?”

“Don’t worry about clothes Hunter, lets go skinny dipping, no one can see us here.” I then proceeded to take off my top and my bra and place them on the ground. Hunter was looking at me quizzically, savouring the change of scenery.   Pulling down my shorts then removing my panties, I ran to the water in the rock pool and jumped in. The mountain water was so cold I let out a shriek as my body acclimatized to the temperature of the water. “Come on Hunter, come in, you will love it.” As he removed his clothes, I splashed around in the water, always looking at him, waiting in anticipation to see his cock again. After disrobing, he placed his clothes in a neat pile beside mine. He then did a really weird thing; he picked up my panties and sniffed at the gusset in the crotch. “Hunter, what in the heck are you doing?”

“I was just finding out if you smell as beautiful as you look,” was his reply. Not knowing whether he was serious or just joking really intrigued me. I then asked him “Do I smell beautiful?” and he replied “Yes Tammy, every bit as beautiful as you look.” With that, he then approached the water and slowly started to wade in. I came up near him and splashed water all over him, with the cold water taking his breath. Soon we were playing like little kids in the water, splashing each other, duck diving and swimming between each other’s legs. It wasn’t very hard to notice his cock; it was very hard, and it wasn’t just sticking straight out, but curved upwards towards the sky and almost touching his navel.

“Wow Hunter, does cold water always give you a hard-on?” He replied “No Tammy, but your body does.” After about 45 minutes in the water, we got out and stood in the sun until our bodies dried off. We then got dressed and headed back to our camp. We cooked a late meal and the sun started to set around 9 pm. As the night rapidly approached, the temperature really cooled off very fast. We had a small camp fire going just outside our tent and we played some music on our Discman.

Crawling into our sleeping bags, we chatted for a while before going to sleep. Our main topic of discussion was about our skinny dipping in the water that afternoon, the panty sniffing episode, and Hunter’s erection.

Hunter was the first to fall asleep but the noises of the night were keeping me awake. There was a constant hooting of an owl with other occasional shrills and shrieks permeating the night’s air. Convinced there was someone or something wandering around outside I awakened Hunter. “Hunter, wake up!   There is something out there, please go have a look for me please.” Stirring from his sleep Hunter flicked on the torch and had a look outside the tent. He came back laughing with a smile on his face “It’s only an old wombat Tammy, probably after our food scraps.” On coming back into the tent, I indicated that I was nervous and a little afraid. Hunter suggested we unzip our sleeping bags and form a double sleeping bag by zipping our bags together.

I cuddled up to Hunter and felt safe in his arms. I was wearing a top and panties and he was wearing a top and a pair of jocks. As we lay together, I could feel his cock pressing into my body. This made me feel a little horny and I was thinking unthinkable things when I drifted into a deep sleep. We both awoke around 6 am in the morning and talked about the night before. We arose to a nice warm sunny day, one perfect for fishing and adventuring. We changed into a new change of clothes and I told Hunter I would take yesterday’s dirty clothes down to the river and wash them out. It was then that I noticed a large wet patch in his jocks and obviously the melted down remains of some cum.

On coming back I casually mentioned to Hunter “Do you ever masturbate much?” He replied “Sometimes I do Tammy but haven’t done so for a few days now.”

“Well, that’s strange; I could swear I found fairly fresh cum in your jocks when I washed them out just now.” Hunter looked a little sheepish and embarrassed; “I had a wet dream last night while sleeping and it (the sperm) just come out. It sometimes happens when I haven’t masturbated for a while.” When I asked him about what he dreamt about last night that was so erotic, he admitted that he was dreaming of me splashing naked in the pool yesterday. All during breakfast, we swapped stories about masturbation, how old we were when we did it, and how often we did it. I always felt so at ease with my identical twin brother. Our bond was very close and we had always shared many things together.

After tidying up and washing the dirty dishes, we headed downstream for some fishing. In the course of the morning we caught 3 large brown trout and an eel that we threw away. That afternoon, we explored a little more before finding another rock-pool and going for a skinny dip. After yesterday’s fun, there was no point in wearing a bikini or Speedo’s. We had a great time again and Hunter had intermittent problems with erections. I don’t shave as such down there, but only trim to my bikini line. I have a natural thick bushy growth of pubic hair covering my pussy. I have relatively small breasts, fitting into a 32A cup, sometimes just managing a B cup. Hunter remarked “Tammy, you just look absolutely ravishing, just as you did yesterday and nice enough to eat.” I replied “Promises, promises, don’t say anything you don’t mean.”

After our swim we headed back to our camp. I took the washing off the string line while Hunter cleaned the fish.   I cooked some potatoes in their jackets in the fire, and then cooked the fish a little later. The dinner was exquisite. We played some music on our Discman and chatted some more. As we were tired from a long day, we decided to bed down relatively early. We decided to sleep together again as we did last night as it was fun to cuddle up together; something we really hadn’t done since we were about 13. As I lowered my hand down his chest, it brushed over his jocks and I could feel that he had another hard-on. “Are you horny again Hunter? Your cock seems to be hard again.” He replied “I can’t help it, teen boys always get them for no reason, and they just come and go.”

I asked him if he was going to dream again tonight and have another wet dream. “I don’t think so Tammy, it doesn’t happen two nights in a row.” Feeling a little horny and mischievous, I took his hand with mine and placed in on my panties. “Hunter, I don’t have a cock like you, but my pussy here really likes to be rubbed. When you said earlier today that you said I was nice enough to eat, would you like to taste me?”

“Taste you? What do you mean Tammy?” Just what I said, so you can smell the same smell as you did when you were sniffing my panties.” Hunter replied, “Oh shit! You don’t mean that do you?” “I do mean that my sweet brother.” I removed my panties and took his hand again and placed it on my pubic hair and told him to rub between my legs. I felt for his cock and it had hardened substantially. I then removed his jocks and we were lying naked together. Unzipping the sleeping bag, I opened my legs and told my brother to stick his tongue inside my pussy. As he cottoned on to the idea and improved with every lick, I was flicking my thumb, forefinger and index finger over my clit. Hunter said that I was so wet and slippery as he stopped licking and inserted 2 fingers which slid in and out quite easily. “That’s great Hunter, that means that I am ready for sex and a hot cock feels so much better than two fingers.”

I lay on my back and positioned Hunter above me, then guided him into my dripping wet vagina. “When you are about to cum Hunter, you MUST pull out and don’t cum inside me. I haven’t got any protection and I don’t want a baby.” “Okay Tammy, I promise, I will pull out.” After about 3-4 minutes, I could hear his breathing get deeper and quicker. His body tensed up and I could feel his cock start to twitch, “pull out, pull out, quick.”   Just as soon as he pulled out he spurted 6 or 7 loads of hot sticky cum over my stomach. “Mmmmh, that was nice wasn’t it Hunter, I really enjoyed that.” Hunter replied that he loved it too, and that was our first time together as lovers. After cleaning ourselves up, I lay back on the sleeping bag, letting hunter fondle my breasts and lick around my nipples. We cuddled up and both went into a blissful sleep.

Over the next five days, we did lots of fishing, some bushwalking and plenty of lovemaking. Eager to find new positions and ways to make each other cum, we were in a world of our own. This was the start of another adventurous journey into our lives. On arriving home at the end of the week, I saw my doctor and got a prescription for the pill. Once we were able to have safe sex, our lovemaking reached a new level; able to feel Hunter’s sperm squirt against my vaginal wall. We started our second year of university shortly afterwards, and every chance we had, we had sex together.

There is so much more to tell, so our story will be continued in the next issue: Identical Twins – After Graduation.

Published 17 years ago

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