Pale white skin, dark brown hair tied up to a pony tail, green eyes and an intoxicating, sweet smile. Jane often admired herself in the mirror, there was no doubt in the fact that she was proud of her physique and always had an attire that would do justice to her body. ‘You’re one sexy babe in the world’ she would often whisper to herself and giggle. In college she didn’t have a lot of friends, but all the friends she had, was quite dear to her. One of those were, Ashley. Ashley was as gorgeous as Jane, she being a Southern girl, was a pale skinned brunette with admirable, expressive blue eyes. There was no such secret which Jane would veil from Ashley and the same case whent for Ashley. Both the girls were best friends since the 9th grade, and with increase in each year since then, their friendship had grown stronger and stronger.
Finally it was Vacation time and Jane was free from all the cheerleading and other college activities. She decided to give Ashley a call and go out for shopping.
Jane : Hey Ash, what you doing today?
Ashley : Nothing at all, just decided to get lazy and do some chores
Jane : Why not go, do some shopping and later on just hang out?
Ashley : Hmmm, sounds good to me. How about 6 in the evening?
Jane : Sounds good. Okay, then cya. (Jane drops her phone)
Finally, at 5:30 pm after getting over with her house chores, she decided to pick Ashley up. Opening her cuboard she started fumbling for a good dress. Then she choosed a tight pink t-shirt and a pair of sky blue jeans. The jeans was slightly tight to her but gave her butt a good posture as she pretty much admired her round big butt. She knew it was always an active turn-on for males of all ages. Whenever she would walk out.. it would cause her butt cheeks to wiggle a bit…. resulting in attention of men around, and as a fact she would enjoy the attention from them very much. At sharp 5:45 she reached at Ashley’s place… she beeped the horn of her scooty causing Ashley to come upto the window, she looked down the window to see Jane awaiting her. “Will be right there in a sec” she shouted to Jane and hurried to her room. Likewise Jane, Ashley decided to try out something revealing yet a decent outfit, so she went for a t-shirt and pair of shorts. On coming down, Jane noticed Ashley had dressed lushly. “You look hot Ash” she said. “So do you” Ashley replied back with a soft giggle. Soon Jane started his scooty and headed to the shopping complex.
After parking the scooty, the two decided to go to the ‘Ladies corner’ to shop for some bra’s and panties. After they had finished with everything, they decided to do buy some music cd’s. Reaching inside Jane looked around for the ‘Rap / Punk’ Corner, as she began searching for her favourate Cd, on not finding the one she decided to call one of the assisting staff to help her out. “Excuse me, can you help me?” she said as she saw a man busy packing some cd’s. On turning around… what Jane saw before her was a tall, masculine african man. His age appeared about 30 to 34 and atleast 6 feet 5 inches tall. He was as black as coal and had the perfect masculine features with not an ounce of fat in him. Jane scanned each feature of the big black adonis before her. The coal black skin on his neck glistening with sweat… caused her jeans to glisten with juices. According to her he was the symbol of an active male. “May I help you, young lady?” said the man with a polite accent. Jane couldn’t help her eyes deviate from the strong african person… she managed to say “Uhmm, yeah… I am looking for a copy of ‘Goldblade’ and Sham 69′”. The man smiled and started probing for the Cd’s. After sometime he came upto her with a Cd in his right palm.
“Really very sorry, there is no copy of ‘Sham 69′ its currently out of stock, you can look for some other one’ saying so he handed the copy of ‘Goldblade’ to Jane, allowing his rough black palm to give a slight rub against her pale hand. Jen felt a rush of anticipated orgasms in her. She looked upto the man with a smile “Thank you very much” “Ron, you can call me Ron, young lady” said the big black man smiling. “I must say, you have a very pretty smile” said he. Jane could only blush and say ‘Thanks, by the way I am Jane, it’s nice meeting you Ron”. “Same here, let me escort you Jane’ said Ron politely. “That would be nice of you Ron’ replied back Jane. In the meantime Ashley was looking around for Jane, she stopped by the doorway where she saw Jane being followed by a big black male. “Hey Jane, sorry… I was just looking for you”. “Its alright Jane, hmm by the way who is this?” asked Ashley with a curious tone as she ogled Ron’s masculine black as coal body. The white uniform contrasted well with his stark black body. “Oh he is Ron. Ron, meet Ashley my friend”…. Ron nodded with a smile. “Great to meet you Ron, now if you dont mind, can I take my friend away” said Ashley with a giggle. Before they could leave, Ron handed Jane a card saying ‘Well, if you need to have a gossip anytime, call me up anytime, have a good day ladies’. After Ron left, Ashley whispered softly to Jane “Damn, he is one real man, he would be a real good date, you know”. On hearing it Jane started to feel jealousy, as she admired him as well..”Stop it Ash, I am not looking forward to any such thing, besides he is black”. Ash would give a small laugh saying “Hmm, true.. but the common saying Black men are real men…. you know what I mean, right?” saying so she started rubbing Jane’s palm. “Lets forget about it, I need to help mom.. so lets go home”. Soon both left for their home. Finally Jane reached home, totally exhausted after a long shopping hour. Opening the fridge she grabbed a Beer can and proceeded towards her room. In her room, Jane decided to read a book to help her chill her mind a bit. On not finding an ideal one, she decided to sneak inside her father’s room and choose a book. Jane’s father Robert Horton who was usually abroad was a book worm and Jane had inherited her father’s hobby in her as well. On entering his father’s room, she proceeded towards the Locker, on rummaging a couple of books, she finally came across a book titled “The color of Love” on eyeing the title, Jane had become already curious and decided to discover the book. She immediately grabbed the copy and ran to her room. Without wasting a single moment, Jane sat on her study table and wore her reading glasses on. When the synopsis declared that it was a story based on two different race relationships, she became totally curious…she decided wasting no time and started reading the book. She came across the characters of the story, who where a black man and white woman who embarked on a relationship. The characters belonged to the late 19th Century. Jen loved and adored the character of the black man in the story who was a gentleman and humble while approaching the lady. On getting in the bottom of the story Jane started biting her lower lip as the page came to Passion. The chemistry of the black man with the southern white woman was so well described, Jane was totally excited. Suddenly from nowhere Ron appeared on her mind. On reading each line, she felt the urge to envision Ron’s immense dark hands on her tender pale flesh, Jane felt excited as she kept thinking about Ron, at the same time also surprised that she had such strong feelings for him, a man she just met at the shopping mall a few hours ago.