It was a very brisk day, mid December. Snow was blowing sideways across the eastern coast of South Korea. The car windows fogged slightly on their jet black Sonata as the couple sped south on Koreas main expressway. Gina, my Korean born Americanized wife was smiling as we had just completed our Christmas Shopping. She had also just gotten her Early Christmas present, a very popular Gucci purse from a top name dept. store in Seoul.
It didn’t matter to me that had I spent extra on her. She deserved it after our 22 years of marriage. Now both in our early 40’s, and with our last child in college back in the states, it seemed like we were starting over with each other. No more fights with teenage kids, no more worried evenings wondering where they were. We had established a renewed fondness to playing together. We were also both in good shape for our age, the gym workouts had paid off. Gina, an astounding 11 inches shorter than myself stood only 5’0 tall and weighed just 103lbs. Her body still superb to me, has nice 34C tits and a great ass and legs like that of a much younger woman. No stretch marks anywhere, she still get slustful stares from men much younger than herself. None of that bothered me; I felt it was flattering at the least.
The only thing that was now lacking was our sex life. At 45, I was now experiencing mild sexual dysfunction. In my mind, I wanted to fuck but once in bed, I found it took a lot of work to get hard. Gina and I were having less and less sex, I didn’t know who was more frustrated with the situation. I had recently seen a doctor about it, who asked if I would still get hard in the mornings, when I confirmed it, he just stated it may be a lack of desire.
My mind wandered to our full trunk of Christmas presents and the two bottles of French wine I had just purchased, maybe the wine would get us both into the mood…
My eyes were on Gina and then…
“Oh Shit.” I yelled out.
The car in front of me in the center lane, made a sudden stop. Without time to change lanes, I quickly and miraculously came to complete stop just inches from the rear bumper of the stalled Kia. I saw that Gina was grabbing the door handle with all of her might. I quickly looked into my rear view mirror and saw horror.
Gina felt the crash while her husband Bill braced for the inevitable. Gina tried to stop the crash momentum by holding onto the door handle and shoulder belt with both hands. A white car slammed into us first and the Truck riding bumper of that car, hit the white car just nano seconds later, making sure we were pushed hard into the car ahead of us. This is when Gina felt a snap in her back. As the cars and their twisted metal merged into one magnetic heap, Gina grabbed onto her right arm which was now radiating pain. It seemed to be evolving from her lower back.
I was not injured; but I was obviously concerned about Gina. Through the intense impact of the accident, the airbags in the Sonata failed to inflate. 30 minutes later, Gina was in the emergency ward of a nearby hospital, merely 10 minutes from home. After an initial doctors examination, and with no injuries seen on the initial x-rays, she was released with a bag full of pain medications. This was the beginning of treatments, physical therapies and medications that simply did little more than numb the pain. We didn’t get an MRI because our insurance plan didn’t cover that while we were overseas.
Gina was in a daily state of pain. Her right arm, back and right thigh felt like she had been trapped in a batting cage without a bat. The pain would come and go and the medications she tried just made her numb, drowsy and lethargic.
Bill and Gina finished their overseas assignment and returned to the Midwest in the early summer. More medical tests were done although insurance red-tape made sure it would take weeks for Gina to get a needed MRI. We found a local doctor who prescribed Gina some stronger medications. One of them was used not only for pain but also to treat depression. The doctor gave us some advice while waiting for an MRI appointment. He said for Gina to go see a Chiropractor. He recommended an old friend that had served in the military with him. Doctor Turner.
Gina experimented with the new pills while Bill made an appointment with Dr. Turner. Dr. Turner seemed nice on the phone; he scheduled an appointment for Gina for three days later, Monday.
Gina felt strange after using the new pink pills. “The Manic depressive Prescription,” she thought with a smile. Only an hour after taking one huge pill, She felt Goosebumps all over her skin. The pain in her back and legs soon decreased to an acceptable level. After taking a second pill four hours later, Gina felt a new rush of sensitivity randomly sweep over her body. The pain subsided to being barely there and she strangely began feeling excitement in her nipples and pussy… the medicine, she resolved was making her …horny.
Although the pain was still restricting her movements, Gina began thinking of sex, she wanted to fuck; it felt so unreal for Gina to fantasize. It had been so long….
So was Bill, but not about Gina, it was his friend the Internet, hell, at least he wasn’t having an affair. He and Gina had not fucked in ages. “Porn, porn, and more porn.” Bills home time was soon dominated by a continuous cycle of searching naked women across the internet universe, playing with his cock and spraying his cum whenever he could get precious time alone from Gina. Bill was curious why he could get himself so hard so quickly with the help of the Internet but never ready for Gina. He had decided that sex between he and Gina was only history.
Gina in the mean time was masturbating too. She couldn’t help it, the lack of sex at home, the pain when she tried to get into a good sexual position and Bills erectile dysfunction all contributed to her lack of desire. Her thoughts soon became more and more convoluted with sex.
Friday afternoon came and Bill called home to tell Gina he was stopping for some beers with a coworker who had just been promoted. He told her not to cook, it would be a few hours till he arrived home. Gina said “ok” and let her mind begin to wander as soon as the phone was hung up. She started herself a hot bath in the heart-shaped Jacuzzi tub. It rarely received any use. Gina decided not to put in any bath beads this time, she just wanted to feel the heat of the swirling water rush against her body.
The heart-shaped tri-jet was large for Gina’s petite 5’ frame. It seemed to swallow her naked body as she stood in the steaming tub. It took minutes for her to get used the intoxicating heat of the bath. At first she felt so weird because she realized it was 96 degrees outside against the cool air-conditioned temperature inside the house. She looked to the mirror across the tub at her naked body through. She still looked sexy for a middle aged woman. Her tits and legs looked incredibly young for her age.
Gina sat down, turned on the Jacuzzi pump and felt the water rush against her skin. That’s when she felt the Goosebumps return, not from the heat or cold, but sexual excitement. She looked through the moving water as it forced itself against her legs, ass and tits, especially her tits. Two jets were aligned just right to hit her side mounds and nipples whenever she moved the slightest bit.
It was good, so good, like a massage. Soon her long pencil erasure nipples stood out long and hard from her 34c mounds. She rolled slightly to her side and felt the jet hit her nipple directly; it was making her so horny. She switched to the other side and worked her right nipple the same way. Her mind flashed to someone finding her naked like this, aroused as she was, what would happen if they did???
Now, Gina wanted her pussy to get some attention too, but instead of using her fingers she decided to use the water jets… She moved slightly down the length of the tub and turned to the side, to get a good blast of water against her pussy. Ohhh, she was beginning to moan now, unconsciously, without inhibition and without a man to please her, all by herself…
Gina’s back pain became secondary as she positioned herself in the tub to get more pressure from the jets. She was working her tits with her fingers now, squeezing them hard and pushing her ass and pussy against the rushing stream of water. Gina stopped what she was doing long enough to turn off the pump switch and position her self against the back of the tub so that her legs were wide spread with her pussy directly in front of the side jet of the tub. With her size 5 feet hanging over the edge of the tub, she turned the pressure dial to maximum and hit the power switch.
Immediately, the hot surging water pushed itself against her pussy and ass. Gina thrust her hips forward and moaned loudly. It felt good, too good and in fact the best it ever did. As she slowly rotated her hips, Gina used her hands to open her labia wider. Now the water was thrusting in her and against her abandoned clit. perfect, she thought. Her moans were much louder now. Gina knew it wouldn’t be long; she closed her eyes and fantasized about cocks, not just Bill’s but any cocks of any shape. She just wanted something large to satisfy her need and the water jet was doing the job for now…
Ohhh, yesss, Cumming, she was Cumming. With her nipples clamped down with her long nails and the tub jet thrusting against her pussy, she could not stop the waves of pleasure from flooding over her body, each inch of her felt like she was on fire. It rippled through her again and again. Her thoughts still locked into a world of cocks and wet holes did not escape her for several moments. Finally she moved her pussy away from the jet and turned off the switch. Gina settled back into the tub with her injured back painfully reminding her that she had overdone herself. It would be 10 minutes before she could get out of the tub.. At least her desire was gone…temporarily.
Bill noticed that Gina was walking a little more carefully when they got up for breakfast Saturday morning. He asked her if she was all right, and as usual, she complained of her back. Bill was horny that morning, he figured it was the young brunette in white shorts that had been serving he and his friends tables the night before, she had nice tits and an ass that Bill would love to lick. Bill hadn’t cum lately; he was trying to break his pattern from watching porn and hoping that he and Gina could have some sex soon. After hearing Gina’s complaints of pain, he concluded “Oh well, nothing again tonight.”
One Monday after work, Bill drove Gina to the Chiropractor. The clinic was in an older part of town. It was on a bottom floor of an old business complex next to a vacuum cleaner repair shop. The secretary, Janet, met us in a happy mood. She was slightly, plump probably mid thirties and attractive, also she was very nice. We filled out some basic paperwork, mostly of it showing nude front and back body sketches for Gina to graphically highlight the pain areas with a supplied pencil.
I looked along the old paneled walls to two aquariums filled with several multicolored fish. Just as Gina turned in her clipboard to the secretary, A thirtish woman wearing a sundress with large breasts and long brown hair came in from an adjoining room. She was smiling and walking very well for a patient with back problems, at least I assumed.
Dr Turner followed her in and saw Gina moving from the counter. His eyes were wide as if he were surprised when he introduced himself with a handshake to Gina. He was still looking her up and down, smiling when I offered my handshake. I noticed his salt n pepper hair, he looked to be in his early 50’s. He was lean and tall too, perhaps 6’1 and 190 lbs, I wasn’t sure.
After going over Gina’s charts and X-rays, Dr. Turner explained that the previous accident may have pushed one of Gina’s lumbar vertebrae slightly out of place and that condition could be the reason for her pain in her legs, back and arm. He said he could try to reset her vertebrae today. It seemed like wishful thinking on my part since I had already concluded to myself that Gina needed back surgery.
Gina was ready to try anything and she told me that he seemed friendly enough for her to risk what ever he was going to do. I noticed that Dr. Turner was more friendly to Gina than I thought normal for a first time visit. It was ok though because I wanted her to get any help she could.
Dr.. Turner had us follow him to another room. The room that we first entered was large and had the front windows darkened out by an oblique window tint. You could slightly see the sun through blemishes in the tint. Dr. Turner explained he was going to refinish this room in the near future as it was just for storage for now. I noticed that there were old furniture pieces and some medical equipment items laying scattered around.
As we rounded the corner, Gina entered the patient exam room first. Dr. Turner gave her a blue striped cotton hospital gown that tied behind the back. He asked her to remove her top and he would return in a few minutes. As Gina changed, I noticed the white patient room was larger than most I’d seen and instead of just stools for patients and doctors to sit in, there was a blue comfort recliner chair in one corner. I sat there near the leather wrapped chiropractic cable as Gina worked the gown over her black bra.
Seconds later, Dr. Turner knocked at the door and came in. He brought Gina over to the table and probed her back for pain. He then told Gina, he would need to unclasp her bra temporarily so that he could check her spinal alignment. With a nod from Gina, he undid her bra from the back and had Gina move face-down onto the leather table. He told some light jokes as he prepared her to relax her back for his procedure.
I watched as Dr. Turner wrapped his hands around Kim’s ankle while he pushed on her mid section. He began rocking her body side-to-side wile moving her legs in an opposite direction. She groaned some and then he asked her to relax again as he opened the back of her gown. Dr. Turner placed one hand on Gina’s naked lower rib cage and the other on her opposite side thigh. He asker her to close her eyes and relax on the count of 3. On three, after several rocking motions, he rocked her body hard while pressing on her lumbar, then Gina and I heard a snap. I’m sure Dr. Turner heard and felt the same thing. He slowly adjusted her gown back down and with Gina holding her bra back in place, he brought her to a sitting position on the table.
“How do you feel now, Gina” Gina, while sore did not feel the stabbing pain she had felt for months. “A little better, I think.” Gina carefully stood up and said, I’m sore but it doesn’t hurt!!” She took a few careful steps around the room.
“ That’s good news!” Dr. Turner smiled and so did I. “You were definitely out of alignment.” “The thing is, your disk could slip back out, I need to know how you’re doing tonight and tomorrow. Come see me again Wed.” He then gave us his office and personal home number, “just in case”, he said. We all left the clinic smiling.
Gina was back to her old self on the way home. She said she felt much better all the way back. We decided to have dinner out and later I found her pleasantly asleep in bed that night as I had forgotten the football game ran so late. It was ok, Gina had not slept much lately, and she had a lot of catching up to do. I felt the same way about sex, it would just have to wait.
Gina was sore the next day but not in pain. There was a difference to her now that she had suffered so long. She decided against taking a pain pill for a while to see if the pain would subside.
Wed afternoon was the return visit to Dr. Turner. He was as friendly as ever. He had Gina undress and again as he advised he needed to check her spinal alignment once more. The same rocking motion in the hidden room and another snap, this time not audible to me but it was felt by Gina and Dr. Turner apparently. This time there was a loud groan from Gina. She immediately began to complain of pain. Dr. turner was apologetic, he said he might have overdid it and returned Gina’s disk out of alignment. He rocked her body once more until Gina groaned again. She said she felt a little better soon after that.
Gina’s back was ok, she just felt a little sore from all the contortionist movements on her back, and she just didn’t want Dr. Turner to work her over anymore.
Dr. Turner explained to us that Gina’s vertebrae could go out of alignment more easily that normal because she had been compensating her muscles and movements for so long to avoid her pain. She needed to relax certain muscles and perform some physical therapy to strengthen others. He apologized again and recommended that Gina undergo some massage and electronic acupuncture that he himself would provide. He also stopped us before we could ask, and offered the services at a cut rate. He followed up by telling us it was essential that Gina should relax her back and body so that her disk would not slip back out of place. We all agreed and Dr. Turner asked that we call him by his first name, “Mitch” and that he wanted to begin seeing Gina every other day for the next week.
Gina had her next appointment on Friday at 4:30. The secretary picked up her purse as she waved us goodbye. It felt odd that Gina’s appointments were at the end of each office day and that“Mitch’s” staff would leave him in the office alone. It didn’t matter to me. I was curious to watch him perform acupuncture.
Gina’s back was better but she had never had a massage other than those done by Bill and it they nothing more than foreplay to a quick fuck. She had taken another pain med just before her appointment because her back was sore. She figured, she’d stay on them till she was fully well.
“Mitch” asked Gina to fully undress this time except for her bra and panties so he could give her the massage correctly. Gina kicked off her shoes and got ready while Mitch was outside the room. She put on her robe and and the Doctor gave her instructions to lay on her stomach with a pillow at her head. From outside the room, he placed some soft jazz on with his stereo in the background.
When Mitch returned, he unhooked her bra and opened the seam of the gown, exposing the soft skin of her back. He told some more light jokes as he had Gina place a clip-on ground probe onto her forefinger. He said it was for the electronic accupture probe he was going to use. He then applied some lubricant to Gina’s back, down in the lumbar area. He had to dip his fingers into the top of her white cotton panties to cover the entire acupuncture area.
I guess this was the first time, I felt that Dr. Turner was going beyond his profession. He seemed to really enjoy touching Gina’s skin and looking at her body. While he had given her a cotton sheet to cover her legs and ass, his use of the probe that followed, caused the sheet to slip and expose her body parts to both of us.
Dr. Turner used an Oriental acupuncture wall chart to map his movements with the device. He began at the top of Gina’s back slowly. The probe made audible clicking sounds as it neared a nerve point. When it was centered and aligned to the right point, it would audibly click at high speed.
Gina was asked to tell Mitch when ever she felt the electronic probe do its job. It was of a course like an electronic non-piercing needle to her. It provided small electrical shocks to the nerves and muscles. When the clicking began, the muscle surrounding the area would tighten slightly like it was being squeezed and when the nerve point was exactly found, Gina felt the muscle tighten hard and give her a “tingling” feeling that was indescribable.
Dr. Turner worked a long time along Gina’s bareback. Although the thin sheet was 75% covering her, the use of the device and the shifting of his hands, caused the sheet to slip haphazardly from side to side. I saw the wisp of Gina’s black panties several times as Dr. turner continued to work his magic over Gina’s back.
After 30 minutes of probing Gina’s back, Dr. Turner turned off the device and began applying “Tiger Balm” to her upper back. It had a minty smell and Gina admitted it felt hot and good when applied.
Gina was enjoying the feel of Mitch’s fingers probing her back. It was invigorating to her. Secretly, she liked it whenever he would press down in the lumbar area, near her panties. Maybe it was the medicine kicking in again but it didn’t matter, it just felt good.
Mitch would get his hands dangerously close to Gina’s private parts as he massaged her deeply. His fingers didn’t just target her lower back; they slid around to the sides of her breasts and within millimeters of Gina’s panty bands.
Bill was watching all the action intensely. Dr. Turner said,” no offense, but he had never practiced Oriental medicine on an Oriental.” We all laughed and snickered. Bill began to notice too that Dr. Turner was excited by the massage, more then he should be. He saw something was creasing his loose fitting slacks whenever he’d shift his body forward with his hand movements.
He had a Hard-on! Fuck, Bill couldn’t believe it! He could only see it every now and then, but it was real and it was big! For some reason, Bill became excited too. The over-friendliness by Mitch made sense now. Mitch was obviously lusting Gina. Bill didn’t get jealous at all; it just excited him more. Bill felt myself harden a little in his jeans as he continued to watch. When Mitch caught saw Bill looking up at his crotch, he moved sideways to to hide himself and he looked began to look a little uncomfortable. Bill tried to look away. Soon, Mitch finished the massage and asked Gina to dress.
Gina went to the bathroom after getting dressed and Bill waited in the lobby with Dr. Turner both awaiting her return. Mitch knew Bill had seen his excitement and apologized. Bill said, “don’t, it’s ok, it’s alright.” “It’s really ok.” he said with a smile. With that, both men just kind of smirked at each other. Bills cock was still lightly swollen as he and Gina went out the door.
Gina felt refreshed from the treatments. She was looking forward to the next one, now just a week away. Afterward her treatment she noticed that Bill was looking a little bewildered and asked why. He just said “everything is ok” and “lets get a movie.”
Bill picked up some wine and a movie. The movie was 91/2 weeks. They had both seen it when it day viewed but that was too long ago. Gina and Bill tired from the wine went to bed early and decided to watch the movie there.
After watching some of the hotter movie scenes, Gina and Bill decided to play around. They began kissing and peeling off each other’s clothes slowly. Gina was feeling the medicine again and wanted sex. Bill just had not had any for so long, he had to have it. Gina noticed something different about Bill again and asked him what was up. the first thing was that he wanted sex! She questioned him immediately, what had happened today to excite him. It wasn’t just the movie. He said he got super horny today. Gina felt down and confirmed it, Bill was hard as a rock.
Gina smiled and said, “tell me why.”
I haven’t fucked in so long.
“What else?”
“What happened today?”
She slid her hand softly against his jockeys and rubbed his cock waiting for a response.
Bill Moaned, “The Doctor.”
“What about him? Tell me.”
He was excited today when he massaged you.
“Really? How?”
He was hard, I could see it.
“Are you kidding? I don’t believe it!”
He was, I saw it! I saw him with a hard-on.
“What did you think, when you saw it?”
Bill removed the rest of Gina’s clothes; he slid his thigh between her legs and felt her wet mound.
Gina began rocking her pussy against Bills leg as she continued on.
“What did you think? just tell me!” She was rocking and pumping her pussy against his leg. Her breathing was hard now.
“I thought of how horny he was for you and I liked it!” He confessed.
Gina pushed her nipple hard into Bills mouth and then she got on top and straddled his cock. She moaned when Bill’s cock was fully inside her. She rocked her pussy while moaning.
“You’re not jealous?”
No, No, Bill admitted.
“I can tell.” Gina smiled as she moaned loudly; Bill’s cock seemed harder than granite.
Gina giggled aloud while she grinded her pussy against Bill. “The next appointment, I’m going to wear sexier underwear!”
Bill replied with his own moans.
That was the last thing she said before Bill bit down on her nipple. She just squeezed her pussy and moaned after that. Their orgasms weren’t far away. The fucking they both experienced that evening was the best they could remember. Bill never fantomed that another mans lust could drive him like this!
Gina spent the next day shopping. Bill returned from work noticing all the bags from the mall and jokingly bitched about being broke. Gina seemed to be doing better physically. Today, Bill didn’t notice any impairment in her walk. She was smiling too, another oddity around the house.
Another came Friday and it was appointment time. It was a particularly hot day. Gina decided to wear white denim shorts and a black halter-top that tied around her neck and mid back.. Gina wore a thin unpadded black bra and her nipples poked out slightly from the tight halter. She looked sexy. She and Bill hadn’t had sex in a few days, it somehow felt like weeks to them both. Bill guessed he was looking forward to the appointment as much as she was; it kind of felt like foreplay to him..
Although she had minimal pain now, Gina had returned to the pain meds the day before the appointment. They allowed her more flexible movement with her body and they also sexually aroused her.
Mitch was waiting for Gina and Bill inside the office. He had fascinated about sex with Gina several times during the week. If he hadn’t had to attend a seminar, he could have seen her earlier. It didn’t matter that Bill came to the appointments, he could tell Bill liked what he liked, it even made it more exciting for him that the husband didn’t mind seeing the doctor get horny from touching someone else’s wife.
Gina had such a hot, tight body; Mitch suddenly felt that his desire for Gina was a sexual fetish, her tiny voluptuous body and her beautiful Asian face. She was nothing like Terry, the large breasted girl that came in once a month to relieve the pain in her shoulders and to relieve Mitch’s balls from getting full… “Married women are the Horniest, damn!” He thought.
As soon as Bill and Gina arrived in the waiting area, Dr. Turner chewed out Gina. Janet just smiled.
“Those are pretty shoes Gina (4 inch high cfm sandals) but you need to stick to low heeled shoes for now, ok?” Gina pretended to pout and just nodded yes. Mitch was already turned on by the way Gina was dressed. He quickly glanced down to se a little “camel toe” exhibited by her tight shorts and her nipples were poking out hard from the halter. He excitedly wondered if she was indeed braless.
Since it was another late-day appointment and Gina was the last customer that day, the secretary smiled, grabbed her purse and waved us goodbye just on cue. Then Gina was directed to the back exam office for her treatment. The room was hot. Not as bad as outside though, 98 degrees and high humidity made her feel like a wet Raggedy Anne doll.
Mitch came into the room and on came the music. Mitch immediately flipped on some saxophone music and apologized for the heat, the air conditioning unit was old and couldn’t handle the heat well.
Bill sat back in the lazy boy chair. He quickly noticed that Gina was smirking at him. “What’s the joke?” he thought. He smirked back. Gina asked Mitch not to use the sheet this time; it was too hot in the room. Dr Turner complied and pulled the sheet back over to the Bureau. Gina was left with just her underclothes and the short cotton gown on the padded leather table. She laid face down opposite Bill.
Mitch asked Gina a few standard questions about her pain as he probed around the bottom of the back slit in her gown. “Not much pain today, just sore around the bottom”, Gina point to her lumbar and panty area. Mitch turned her on her stomach and looked for the clasp on Gina’s bra. It wasn’t there; in fact the bra wasn’t there! It was lying neatly folded on the cabinet bureau.“Beat me to it Gina?” Gina smiled and said, “It was too hot to wear it.” “oooohhh, I see,” said Mitch.
Bill was sure Gina could sense the excitement from both Mitch and he as soon as she announced she had not worn the bra. She just smirked at Bill again as she looked over her shoulder.
Mitch began his usual acupuncture on Gina’s back beginning just below her neck. The music relaxed her as Mitch’s fingers slowly separated the gown while he moved the instrument downward. Mitch liked Gina’s soft skin. She had such light skin for an Asian. He really liked the look of her today.
Bill watched curiously as Mitch worked his hands lower and lower. Soon, Gina’s gown was riding high on her thighs and bill could see a hint of material from her panties, just a little, he wondered what she wore today.
Mitch informed Gina he needed to massage her muscles manually. She just appeared to be sore today. He got the nod from Gina and went to work. He used a different lotion this time. Gina gasped at the heat from the new balm a it was applied to the middle of her back. It burned at first, then felt so good. Mitch said he was going to open the gown a little more and Gina nodded again.
Mitch slowly opened the entire back of Gina’s gown. It didn’t take long to for him to notice that Gina was wearing a thong. “Fuck, he whispered to himself” “hot.” He unconsciously whistled out loud. Mitch laid the gown to the sides of Gina’s body equally on both sides. “Is this ok, Gina?” “Umhum. Yeah”
Bill suddenly awoke from his daydreaming to see Gina’s ass exposed except for a small black v at the top of her panty and a thin slice or string of fabric that was creased into her lovely ass. He could also see the side globe of her bare right tit, with the nipple pressed out of sight against the leather padding beneath her. Bill suddenly went into sexual shock and felt his cock stiffen and strain against his jeans.
Mitch was excited too. He showed his excitement in his pants just as before while his slippery fingers worked against Gina’s naked back. He accidentally pushed too hard in a sensitive spot and Gina squirmed her body quickly exposing her tit for a second. She settled back down and moaned slightly.
Mitch looked at Bill from time to time to check his body language and approval in his expressions. Bill was aware that Mitch was excited just as he himself was, he smiled back at Mitch. Bill was enjoying the show and the excitement as it built between the three.
Mitch asked Gina to point to the areas that were sore and so he could work the areas that needed it the most. Gina pointed to the top of her ass and said her right leg was sore as well.
Gina moaned again when Mitch began working Gina’s lumbar area, just over the top of her thong line. He went further down and Gina moaned some more. She was almost as loud as the jazz that was softly playing on the surround system.
Mitch stopped what he was doing and excused himself. He said he needed to make sure the front door was secure before going on. Bill said “ok.”
While Mitch was gone, Bill and Gina quickly talked. Mitch asked if everything is ok. Gina replied it is and jokingly asked if Bill could see if Mitch was hard. Just as Bill was rounding the corner back into the room, he said, “we both are.”
Mitch came back joking and trying to shake off obvious nervousness. He asked if Gina was still comfortable and she said sure. Mitch followed up by telling her to adjust her body if she felt sore lying in one spot.
Bill sunk back in the lounge chair as Mitch moved the heated bottle of lotion closer to the table. Mitch mentioned that he had a lot of time since this was the last appointment of the day, so he asked if Gina if she wanted him to start at the her toes and work up towards her legs area, it would help reduce the tensions in the surrounding muscles.
Gina said “sure,” Bill just nodded.
Mitch placed some warm lotion on his hands and started at Gina’s toes while gazing at her smooth, rounded ass poking from the sides of the thin thong. He felt his cock fully stiffen when he realized the thong was indeed transparent. He could see the Victoria Secret tag clearly from the top of the “T” and when he peered down, he glimpsed the bottom of her vulva when she shifted right. Gina moaned as Mitch worked his fingers between each of her petite toes. She has sexy sized five feet and likes to show them in sandals and CFM shoes that she wears from time to time.
Mitch was really working her feet and ankles well. Gina moaned with the pure pleasure of this new experience. As Mitch work her calves and back of her knees he spread her legs slightly. He could she the sheer fabric surrounding her mound. Mitch was really liking touching her too, He slid his hands up higher till he reached the lower part of Gina’s ass. Gina moaned louder as Mitch touched her naked ass for the first time.
Soon he was rubbing the hot lotion deep within her smooth ass checks without a single protest from either Gina or her Bill. Mitch slightly parted Gina’s ass randomly as he worked his fingers into her muscles.
“That feels good Mitch.” “goooood” Smiled Mitch. Your making the best sounds I’ve ever heard in this clinic. Lucky that Janet has gone home for the day, she would be curious.
Gina motioned she needed to move for a second, so Mitch removed his hands as Gina turned to her left side, exposing her tit and hard nipple to both men. She then raised herself up slightly saying she had been on her stomach too long.
Mitch excitedly said “get into the position you want, just be comfortable.”
Gina smiled at me as she raised herself up and turned over onto her back. As she turned, the gown slipped off and onto the floor. This fully exposed her tits and front of her thong. Bill looked across to see that the black skimpy thong she was wearing was indeed nude. Not an opaque seam in it. He could easily see the small crusp of public hair above her vulva as she shifted her ass on the table, he also saw her pussy lips pushing out against thin membrane of the fabric.
Mitch was just stunned, speechless and in total silence. He was looking at a nearly naked Asian wife that was … the hottest thing he’d ever seen. With her petite body, she looked like an asian schoolgirl. Her fucking tits and pussy were just inches away from his hands. The firmest tits he’d ever seen … “damn!” He thought. His cock suddenly felt enormous in his boxers.
Mitch stuttered his next few words. he bent to pick up the gown and said, “Do do.. You want me to continue?”
“Yes, But I’m too hot for the gown.” She wiped sweat from her forehead. “It’s ok, don’t worry.” Mitch looked to Bills eyes for approval once again. He got it.
The medicine was really working on Gina now. She had lost all inhibitions. Her nipples were burning to be touched and her pussy was damp against the thin thong material. She needed it. She needed to have sex.
Bill squirmed in his chair. He was in shock but wanted to be shocked even more. He needed to see this man’s lust unravel in front of him… with his wife. He wondered, “who was lusting who and who wanted it more?”
Mitch nervously pumped more lotion onto his shaking hands. He looked at Gina and Bill with a glance. They both looked like they were ok with this whole thing. He wondered if they had done this before… teased men and had Gina have sex with them.
Mitch applied his wet fingers to Gina’s instep and began to run in circles. He could see her nervous pleasure expressed on her face as he massaged her tender feet. He could not help but look down at Gina’s pussy. By working with her feet, he could easily part her legs for a better view. The black thong was merely a window to her hot box. No part of the thong covered her and she knew it. Mitch glanced up some also and looked over Gina’s nicely rounded tits. Maybe 34 or more inches.. Not bad for an Asian. But what Mitch liked best was Gina’s pencil erasure nipples, long, dark, and suckable, yess…
Mitch decided to try to relax everyone by starting some conversation…
“Your both a good looking couple.”
“Thanks.” said bill
“Gina is beautiful.”
Gina smiled
Mitch worked his hands upward into Gina’s calves.. she moaned slightly
Bill was excited too, he wanted to say a lot of things, anything, he felt intoxicated with the scene.
“Like her body?”
Mitch relied… “of course.”
Mitch had now worked his hands up to Gina’s inner thighs just above her kneecap. Gina moaned a little louder as she slightly parted her legs.
Mitch looked again at the couple.. They both seemed so willing for him to go on. He suddenly had the idea that they were both submissive somehow. He could really sense it. He decided to take a lead role in what would follow.
Mitch worked his thumbs inside Gina’s inner thighs higher and higher. She was moaning steadily now.
Mitch spoke up.
“Bill, we are all getting involved with this, you know this is turning me on.” Bill answered back, yes me too.
“Do you mind if I am blunt, I mean speak out the way I like?”
Bill said “please, it’s no problem.”
First Mitch washed his hands and applied some baby oil to his hands making them slippery. He then skipped is hands over Gina’s waiting crotch and then slipped his hands up to the sides of her tits.
He began massaging just the sides of her mounds. She moaned long and loud.
“You have really nice tits Gina.”
Thank you.
Mitch cupped one of her breasts just for a second and she moaned louder.
“These are nice fucking tits. You’re a lucky guy Bill.”
Bill just nodded
Mitch placed some more lotion onto his hands and slowly squeezed both of Gina’s tits at the same time. He then pinched her nipples with his slippery fingers. Gina moaned aloud again as her back arched high off the table.
“Is she horny Bill?”
Oh yeah!
“Horny Gina?”
Mitch worked her tits more. She came off the table again. Gina was squeezing her legs together tightly and pointing her toes. Bills cock was aching in his pants.
Mitch let his language loosen up.
“You have a really nice ass and pussy too baby.”
Gina nodded waiting for Mitch’s next move.
Mitch moved along side the table. He placed Gina’s right hand between his thighs and clamped them shut. The top of her palm softly cradled Mitch’s balls.
Mitch worked her tits some more and asked her what she liked.
Sexxxxx. She purred.
“You want sex?”
Mitch unzipped his fly and pulled Gina’s hand into his boxer opening.
“Hold it!”
Gina circled her hand around what she thought was a cucumber. It was as big as one for sure.
The heat in the room had everyone sweating. Gina could now smell not only Mitch’s cologne, but also his musk. She was excited to touch his naked cock. With Mitch telling her what to do, she became even more aroused.
“Play with it and open your sexy legs.” Gina liked the way Mitch commanded the scene and the language even enticed her more. Gina followed directions. She opened her legs the full width of the table and used her hand to trace the length of Mitch’s cock in his pants. It was a monster!
Mitch noticed that Bill was frozen in a stare while leaning forward on the chair. “Bill get comfortable.. Pants are optional today,” Mitch joked. Bill stood up nervously and unbuttoned his pants. It was a great relief to unlock his rock hard on from his jeans.
Gina felt the pain med overcome her again, her tits and pussy were burning again. she slowly confessed her desires:
“I’ve wanted to do this all day… I’m horny.”
That’s why you purposely wore those sexy clothes and panties?
Gina had her legs slightly part and was moving her hips with a circular motion as if fucking a ghost.
“Yessss. I wanted you to see me like this.” She moaned
Good replied Mitch. I’ll take care of you.
Pull out my cock. Now
Gina wrestled with Mitch’s huge member for a moment then worked it out of his pants. She looked over to see the head was cut and huge. His cock was long and thick, like a tree. It had to be over 8 inches. She could see the blue veins on the side of his tool.
Don’t worry. I had a vasectomy years ago and am clean. No problems, ok.
Gina just nodded.
Bill worked his cock through his underwear. His own 6.5 inches looked looked miniature compared to Mitch’s tool. Bill needed to cum badly but first he needed to witness what was going to happen to his wife….
Mitch leaned over the table and motioned Gina to suck his cock. She slowly let it enter her mouth.
Mitch pinched one of Gina’s nipples hard and she moaned as she started to stroke the head of his cock in her mouth. She had to open her mouth really wide to let it pass her lips.
Gina liked the taste; it was musky with a clean sweat and wet too; pre-cum was leaking from the tip.. She tried her best not to gag as Mitch pushed forward into her throat. He moaned a couple of times and then pulled out.
Mitch backed away from Gina’s wet mouth, her saliva still pulling away from his wanting cock. Mitch began to strip, he wanted Gina so bad, nothing could get in the way.
Bill took this as a queue to strip also. It didn’t take long. It relieve him to let his cock spring loose from his tight jockeys. Bill walked to the opposite side of Gina’s head so he would be in range for a good sucking when she was not busy with Mitch.
Gina loved the sexual attention she was getting. She had only fantasized about having two men, she never thought this moment would happen. Gina took Mitch’s cock back in her mouth again, and as he stroked and moaned, Gina cradled his frosty-haired balls with her free hand. The other hand was now pumping Bills cock at the same time. Soon, she switched from sucking Mitch’s cock to Bill’s. Bill, not used to being sucked regularly really loved to feel Gina’s vibrating tongue work on his head.
“You’ve got a horny little cutie Bill.” Bill just smiled. Again, Mitch felt the submissive nature of the couple. It was as if they just wanted some direction. Anyway, Mitch liked taking charge…
“I bet she can drink some cum!”
She can, Bill said lying with nervous excitement. Gina had never drank his cum except by mistake.
Gina returned her hot mouth to Mitch’s cock and began working it up and down, Mitch thrust into her throat deeply and slowly , making her gag slightly.
“Like what I’m doing Bill?”
Yesss, yesss. Bill was in the heat of the situation, he loved what he was seeing and feeling.
“We’ll she likes it and I love it!”
Mitch thrust into her mouth faster while pinching her nipples harder this time, she groaned.
He felt himself pre-cum and let Gina sample it before pulling his cock from her moaning mouth.
“Kiss her Bill.”
Bill looked at Mitch before he slowly moved towards Gina’s cheek.
“Not like that, French kiss her.”
Bill was shocked but then became excited to do it.
Immediately when his tongue touched Gina’s, he tasted Mitch. It turned him on more.
Mitch turned and fucked Gina’s mouth again and then said, “do it again.” Bill complied.
“Your both so fucking horny and willing,” said Mitch
Mitch moved down to the bottom of the table near Gina’s feet
“Raise your knees.”
Gina raised them.
Mitch hooked his fingers into the sides of the thin band of the thong and pulled the panties off.
Gina was clumsy raising her ass for Mitch, she was busy sucking Bills cock
Mitch looked over Gina’s wet, nearly bald pussy and then pulled her ankles wide open. He pulled her closer to the end and positioned a leather head cushion under her ass to get a better position to work with her pussy.
Immediately he lowered his head and began to go down on her pussy. She moaned out. Mitch made sucking sounds that were just as loud as Gina’s. Bill and Gina began moaning in unison.
Mitch’s tongue was an expert tool that he had used on numerous women over many travels and years. Damned, he wished he had gotten to Asia! Gina’s pussy was the sweetest he had ever tasted. Her hole was so small and her clit was like a swollen blueberry in his mouth.
He also probed her ass. It was the tightest button he had ever tried to penetrate. He could barely get his pointed tongue in past the rim. he knew she had to be virgin here. “Damn!” he said to himself. After straining for minutes to pierce Gina’s brown hole, Mitch returned his tongue to Gina’s wet pussy.
Gina felt like she wanted to make Bill cum hard before Mitch finished her off. it wouldn’t be long for her own orgasm and the more she moaned, the closer she got to a plateau she had never reached before. It was good, good sex. Better then in the Jacuzzi. She tasted a little of Bill’s pre-cum and licked it hard.
She let go of Bill’s cock briefly when Mitch asked her if she liked getting her pussy eaten. Mitch went to work again this time right on her clit.
“Yesss, oh yesss. oooh right ther… her words were abruptly stopped by Bill pushing his cock hard into her mouth. She sucked at it eagerly, she was so horny now, it didn’t matter whether Bill came in her mouth or not.
Bill felt his balls tighten for their final release. They were so full and he wanted to fill Gina’s mouth so bad, he just needed to shoot. He looked down the table one last time and saw Mitch push his wife’s legs high in the air as his tongue drilled deeper into her hot wet gold mine.
Between Gina’s moans, Bill let out a loud one of his own, Gina took his cock deep as the first jets of white fluid shot into her mouth like a huge syringe. “Fucking suck it!” he yelled as he groaned and moaned off and on, pumping her petite mouth and throat till the contractions ceased and his balls were drained.
Gina instinctively kept the pool of cum that didn’t make it down her throat in her mouth. It was a huge load and Bill was still milking his swollen member over her mouth; he dribbled some onto her cheek and lips.
Gina needed to cum before she spit out the cum. She was trying to keep it in her mouth and moan at the same time. Bill tried to help out by getting a paper towel but Mitch had other ideas, he stopped eating Gina.
Gina looked up in protest. Mitch said, “Want me to finish you?” Gina nodded puzzlingly. “Hold that cum in your mouth till your ready to cum then swallow it, ok??” Mitch teased her clit a little and looked up to witness another nod from Gina. Bill’s cock was soft now and since he was relieved of his back pressure, he just sat down in a roll around stool and watched.
Mitch stretched Gina’s knees back till her ankles were close to her head. He then spread her pussy lips with his large fingers and began vacuuming her labia and outer clitoral area till she squirmed on the table and emitted muted moans, still holding Bills load in her mouth.
Gina felt the waves of her orgasm building, she was so close. It would not be a fast orgasm, this was going to be a good one, a pent-up one that she needed and fantasized about for a long time. The first wave began and Gina drank a small amount of cum.
The wave got bigger and Gina thought about the taste, it wasn’t bad, it made her want to cum harder. it was about to happen. Mitch used his thumbs to fully expose Gina’s clit. He took her clit in his mouth , bit down and sucked at it …. hard.
Gina convulsed on the table and eagerly drank the cum. It took her three swallows to get it all down, She needed to get it out of her mouth so she could open it and scream out because the wave was overtaking her now. “fffuuuuucccckkkk”, it”sssss goooddddddd, OOOOOOOhhhh yesssss. Oh shit, oh shit, mmmmmmmm, gooooddd.Mitch stuck his tongue deep into Ginas cunt and wave two began. OOOOOOOmmmmy Godddddddd. MMMMMM, Fuck, fuck fuck , es, ccummmmmmmm, yesssssssss.
In moments, Gina’s cries died down. She finally let Mitch’s forearms go, then he looked down to see a small trace of blood on one arm where Gina had dug her nails into him during her second wave of pleasure. Gina apologized when she saw the mark. Her breathing was still rapid and she was sweating profusely.
“Did you enjoy it as much as you sounded,” smirked Mitch.
Of course I did did, I came so hard. Gina was still trying to catch her breath.
“I mean the cum.” Mitch wiped sweat from his forehead and pussy juice from his lips.
“Yes,” Gina admitted. Mitch looked at Bill jut sitting there with his eyes wide open as if in a trance. Gina apologized again about the blood as Mitch soaked it up with a clean-ex. His cock bounced mid air as he helped gina get off the table. He then laid a hand towel on the comforter seat and sat her down. Mitch moved directly in front of her face.
“Don’t worry about the scratch Gina, Now I can give you something.” “Open your mouth wide for me.” Gina opened slowly. Mitch pushed the fat tip of his cock into Gina’s mouth and moaned. “Tight, oh yes, let it in for me.” With little more than the tip in her mouth, Gina’s mouth felt stuffed.
“Open wider and take it!” Her lips was sore but she would do it for him. He had made her cum so hard. Soon Mitch was stroking and stretching Gina’s mouth to the max.
“You horny little thing, tighten your mouth as I stroke in.” Yessss like that, ooohhhhh.
“I’m going to give you a bigger load baby. Tell me you want it now.” Mitch pulled his wet cock from her mouth.
I want it Mitch.
Mitch pushed it in hard again then pulled it out.
Yessssm yessss, she gasped. Mitch immediately stuffed his cock back into her mouth, her wanting mouth.
“Get ready, get ready….. oooohhhh.”
Gina anticipated his cock shooting hard so she closed her eyes. Mitch groaned and held her head tight onto his cock. oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh.
Instead of a hard squirt, she felt her mouth flood from the tback of her throat. He pushed into her throat harder, barely clearing half of his cock past her lip line. Another flood, then more. Mitch kept his tool in her mouth while squeezing one tit.
“Swallow, swallow.” Gina did it. She welcomed it. It had a different flavor then Bill but it was good, she actually liked it.
Mitch left the cock in her mouth till it began to soften. “Get every drop of it baby, yesssss. Ahhh, you are hot!”
After everyone was exhausted and satisfied, a strange silence overcame the room. With the smell of sweat and sex still in the air of the hot room, it was strange that everyone just gathered their things and began to dress quietly. It was if what had just happened had been a mistake and that all three souls had committed an act they wished to forget. Bill and Gina readied themselves to leave. There was nothing more than idle conversation between them and Mitch even as they exited the clinic.
On the way home, Bill and Gina spoke few words. Both of them were trying to take in the fact they had participated in sex with a stranger. They both avoided any conversation regarding their sexual journey. It was if they both had let the other slip over the line. The shame of it all was that they were temporarily satisfied but not fulfilled… what could they do?
End of part 1