Parallel to the passions that rule our sun and temper our moon, desires are the stars permeating the midnight of our hearts. Twinkling and countless, our wants and yearnings flit about, cascading and dancing, sometimes burning with intensity but ofttimes barely a notable, dying ember. A desire can burn brightly one second, filling our vision and consuming our soul, but dim the next, only utter blackness where it once glimmered. However, new desires are born of our lust, and, soon, our ever-changing desires are the tapestry upon which our passions are hung.
Waxing and waning, some longings never cease to burn brightly, a beacon of our essence in the timeless void of the psyche. Of all our greatest yearnings, however brief, no greater craving has ever thundered more potently throughout our soul than the desire to be desired. While other wants come and go, that sole longing is as constant as the Northern Star. It may, at times, evaporate into near nothingness, no longer a part of consciousness, but it is always there, driving our behavior and influencing our minds. Even if thought lost, that which is missing may sometimes be rediscovered. Then, it burns with a scalding fire that erupts through our life, forever changing us.
Sated for the first time in ages, his desire for me, the need to reclaim me after his friends lusted over my physical, sexual allure, reverberated through my soul, consuming me with a passion that could not be quelled. My greeting card prose took on a definitive sultriness; my paintings became graphic, bordering on the pornographic, and our love life was even more torrid than the early days of our relationship when the excitement of somebody new enthralled.
As passion wanes and the stars of desire lose their luster, I refused to plummet once more into the despair of mundane routine. Our days were filled with arousing the other’s desires, our nights filled with passionate, lusty fucking, his enthrallment burning me with every touch, each voiced desire. The peeling off of my thin shirt, revealing my nude breasts for him to suckle and moan over, would no longer give way to, “I love how you look.”
The taste of passion once more on my tongue, I yearned for the same taste on his lips and to feel his raging desire as his loins pounded into me with all the fury of incessant need. Realizing that his trigger had been others lusting over my body, stoking the fires of desire manifesting in primal, horny lust, I continued reminding him of how his friends, random strangers, and others were aroused by the sight of me. My desire to be wanted grew to higher intensity, and my passion refused to be ignored.
Furiously, I worked, passionate words of desire bursting from my libido onto greeting card blurbs that scorched the readers’ hand. With fervent focus, now almost always partially nude, I painted images, romantic and torrid, for cards as well as an unbidden outpouring of my horny lust. The inferno of my hot, wet cunt tempered my paint, adding my passionate essence to my art. My determination to keep the fires of need stoked to inferno levels was the only craving that consumed me, pouring from my soul into my art and work.
The deep, dark bowels of my closet were raided, pillaged for sexier, more revealing clothes. Older garments, more mementos of past triumphs and what had been than intended to be worn again, adorned me. My inner essence mirrored the external transformation, my passion and desires erupting with every glance, each smile, a bounce in my steps.
Topless in the sweltering heat and oppressive humidity of Summer, I painted. Clad in only tight, paisley Yoga shorts that molded to my ass and highlighted the swell of my pubic mound, my desire for wanton attention was advertised in supple flesh covered in shiny splashes of color. Haphazardly tossed onto my desk was my top, a blowsy, loose crop top. The vestment of youthful, sexual spirit, billowy and seductive, one of the straps designed to fall off the shoulder, the soft garment hung perfectly from my breasts, enhancing their swell, and letting them bounce and sway freely with every movement. For now, though, it lay across my computer’s keyboard, inspirational images of furious passion, rough sex, and dark desires flashing across the monitor.
My canvas was alive with the fiery, sexual imagery made art by my phallic brush. A brunette woman, a goddess of passion, was surrounded by lewd, appreciative suitors. They stared at her nudity, leered at her hands clawing into her femininity, and gazed at her ripe breasts, reddened in her heat. One man, his face obscured in shadowy mist, stood apart, his throbbing cock held in his hands. My arousal made my cunt lips swell with desire, their outlines obvious through the tight spandex.
It was then that I heard the commotion, outside, as I recalled that the foundation for the new garage was to be poured this fine, sultry morning. Brazenly standing before the window, the curtains cast aside to let the natural light filter in, I saw Greg, my husband, and three of his friends. Bob and Jeff were inspecting the readiness of the foundation preparations, but Jake stood facing my window. Although some yards distant, his eyes grew wide when he spied me. Refusing to let the timidness of normalcy send me into petrified panic, I let the demoness of passion and the succubus of desire transform me into arousal personified. A knowing smile, accompanied by an almost imperceptible nod, let him know that I wasn’t too timid to be the object of lust.
“Jake. Hey, Jake,” I heard my husband’s friends calling. “Earth to Jake.” He had been staring into my office window, his mouth agape.
“You’re a lucky man,” he said to my husband, his voice warbling slightly. The succubus of my desire, knowing the meaning behind his words, growled with lust. The imps of my passion’s interest were piqued at that. The veiled innuendo was that he wanted to plunge his meaty shaft into my depths, and admire my impassioned flesh laid bare to his eyes.
Music wafted into the room along with the hot breeze and scorching heat. The rhythm of classic rock compelled my body to sway to the beat, my mortal flesh emulating musical copulation as the torrid painting, a manifestation of my urgent, physical longing, took form and shape in ethereal eroticism. For the sake of modesty, I donned the tattered smock to cover my heaving, bare tits, but I let it hang loose over my torso, unbuttoned and open.
The furnace of my sexual heat rose with the angry sun, my wetness leaving womanly saturation alongside the humidity’s sweat. Finishing my painting of voyeuristic kink, I stripped off the top, crossing the window with intentional slowness, and delighted in glimpsing Bob and Jeff elbowing each other.
My heightened arousal, increased from knowing that this lewd behavior incited uncontrollable passion in my husband, had my nipples hard, taut, and sensitive. The sensation of the downy, soft crop top being draped over my sweaty breasts sent shivers down my body, tingling my clit. A slight breeze from the midriff hem that hung like a curtain from the ends of my hard nipples chilled the lava-like sweat on my firm stomach with every movement.
Four icy beers, the condensation dripping off the bottles, were thrust between my firm tits, the glass bottles separating my bosoms as I walked outside. The tight seam of my Yoga shorts pressed in between my labia with every step, sending horny chills into my hole of desire. As I approached, smiling seductively, all work ceased, conversation dwindled into dying grunts, and the heat of the desire in their stares burned hotter than the Summer sun.
“It’s so hot, today, boys,” my churning passion sweetened every syllable. “Beers?”
All four of them just stared. “Fine, then. I’ll just put these on the patio, right here.” My back to them to hide me wantonly licking my lips, I felt the searing pressure of their eyes on my spandex-clad butt. Overwhelmed with passionate heat, I bent down, legs spread to show my pussy protruding, and gently placed the four bottles on the concrete.
“Don’t work too hard,” I told them, spinning to face them. The abruptness of my movement allowed my free, barely covered boobs to swing and bounce. Turning back, I leisurely walked back into the house, feeling their mutual desire permeate the air.
Back in my studio office, I paused only long enough to text my husband, “Did you see how your friends stared at my tits?” Consumed by horny passion, their craving for my body lighting fire between my legs, my hand thrust inside my shorts, attacking my clit with fury. Chancing a glance outside as my fingers ran through my wetness, I saw Jim adjust his manhood through his pants. That spawned an immediate, intense orgasm.
Possessed by needy desire, controlled by urgent passion, the wet juices of my orgasm were quickly applied to my painting, further blurring the lines between surrealism and lusty desire along with the outlines of the carnal figures the muse of my desires brought to life. My cum-soaked hues added fiery reds, demonic blacks, and orgasmic purples, the brush handle constantly wedged between my thighs. Finishing the canvas, I turned my attention to work. Words of lust, raging desire, and unbridled passion flowed from my fingers.
The day continued, my constant forays outside to ignite Greg’s lust by making me the object of his friends’ attention causing the heat within my core to rise. With the foundation poured and leveled, more refreshments and a backyard barbecue followed. Lost in the heated lust of being desired, my impassioned arousal controlled me, making me tease, bend and stretch, with an eye on my quivering, horny husband all the while.
All but Bob left for the evening; he claimed he’d drank too much, although I secretly knew better. Emboldened by my behavior, his passion for me obvious, the heated desire in his lingering glances told the truth.
“I’ll just go slip into something comfy, and we’ll get the guest room ready for you.” Something comfy was my loose, voluminous, raglan-sleeved t-shirt and a lacy black thong.
Bob and Greg were finishing up more beers, seated in the living room when I exited our bedroom, fresh sheets piled over my outstretched arms. Holding the bedding in front of my face to hide my flushed cheeks and pouting smile, my eyes drank in their enthralled stares.
“Take a picture, Bob, it will last longer.” He laughed, complimenting my body; my husband was visibly shaking with excitement. “Impressive boner.” I went to the guest room and turned down the bed.
Though the temperature dropped with the setting sun, my skin was still flushed, hot to the touch, and so sensitive that every longing glance sent tingles over my flesh. With only a few minutes of idle conversation, me drowning in the thickness of passion and desire in the room, Greg announced that it had been a busy day, and he was ready for bed. I stood and stretched, the hem of my shirt exposing just a hint of my heated flesh to Bob’s hungry eyes.
The door to our bedroom had barely closed before my husband was pawing at me in fervent need, his breath hard and hot against my exposed flesh. His lusty rage was so powerful, primal, and urgent that no words escaped his lips, only primitive snarls and moans.
“You like the way your friends get horny over me, don’t you?” I dropped to my knees.
“I flashed Jake my tits through the window. His jaw dropped.” Greg’s body spasmed as I took his hardness in my mouth.
I pumped my mouth over his turgid cock, his entire body shaking. “Did you see the way Bob looked at my ass, just now,” I asked as I pulled my mouth off his shaft and stroked it.
“Umm-hmm,” my husband grunted.
“I bet he wishes I was sucking his cock instead of yours.” I’d never said anything so bold, before, but passion consumed me.
“Yes,” he hoarsely whispered. “Suck…his…” was all he managed. Greg groaned as spurt after spurt of his hot, white, sticky cum shot from his cock, coating my hand and splattering on the floor.
When I looked up, my entire soul vibrating with desire, he was still shaking, his face a mask of primitive need. “Do you want me to?” I rose to my feet, and he grabbed me with force and fury, pulling me into him. His lips crushed against mine, a passionate kiss his only response.
“Ok, then, I will.” I turned to go, stopping at the door. “Do you want me to fuck him, too?”
My husband moaned. His spent cock jumped as he stared at me, my smile conveying my intent. “From your little man’s reaction, I assume that’s a yes. If you want me to, or not, say it now, because there’s no going back.”
“Pl-please, yes. Do.” he stammered.
“You dirty boy. You like the idea of me fucking other men, don’t you?” His cock answered for him.
My heart thundered in my chest as I walked toward the guest room. Although only a few dozen steps, it seemed like miles as thoughts raged in my mind, my passion rose to all-consuming heights, and my desire to be wanted consumed my consciousness. Taking a deep breath at the doorway, the soft, dim light of night light glowing like candlelight, I opened the door.
“Elle? What’s up?”
“I’ve come to thank you for all your hard work, today.” Enslaved by desire, I peeled off the raglan t-shirt, the light from the hall silhouetting my body. “I saw you staring at me all day. Touch me?”
“But, Greg.”
“He sent me. Now shut up and claim me, claim your reward.”
“You sure?” Bob was stammering and stuttering. “Looking is one thing, but…”
Emboldened, the horny demons of desire in complete control, I closed the distance and violently tore the covers off the bed. With one fluid motion, I yanked his underwear down, moaning in my hunger when his thick, hard cock was revealed.
“I promised Greg that I’d suck you. Then, but only if you want to, you can fuck me.”
“Uh, um, but Greg’s my best friend it wouldn’t be right to….oh, fuck that feels so good. Oh, fuck, yes.”
Visions of my erotically-charged painting and my husband’s primal passion filled my head as I pumped my greedy mouth over his shaft. Within minutes, Bob was humping my face, his flesh growing in my mouth. Although one hand was down my panties, passionately fingering my heated desire, I managed to maneuver into a position where I could squeeze his balls.
“You’re going to fucking make me cum, Elle,” he screamed. The bed has squeaking with his thrusting motions; I’m sure Greg could hear, which was why I’d left the door open.
“Not yet.” I pulled off his cock, throwing myself down on the bed, spreading my legs as I pulled the soaked crotch of my lace thong aside. “Fuck me hard; make me scream. Claim your best friend’s wife. Take her pussy.”
He quickly got up, his throbbing meat bobbing in his haste. Kissing me hard on my feverish lips as his hand tightly gripped my tits, he filled my cunt with his thick member.
“Oh, you’re so big,” was all I could manage before he pumped his hardness inside me. Primal grunts of passion and wordless screams of realized desire filled the silence for far too short a time.
Then he shrieked, “You’re so fucking tight, Elle. I’m going to cum. Where do you want it?”
I was drowning in my primal urges, my cravings could not be denied. “I’m on the pill. Shoot it inside me. Cum for me, now.”
He did, telling me how hot I am, how he’s always wanted me. Kissing him goodnight, I gathered my clothes and slowly walked back to our bedroom. The thought that I’d just cheated on my husband, at his urging, and I only longed for more stunned me.
Any trepidation I may have had faded when I opened the door. My husband was lying on the bed, furiously masturbating. He stared at my blushed, nude body, freshly fucked, his friend’s hot cum oozing out of my slightly-stretched cunt.
“Did you like that?” He nodded and grunted, increasing the speed of his stroking.
I ran over to the bed, climbed onto it, and straddled his face. “Taste me. Lick your hot wife’s pussy with your friend’s cum seeping out.”
Greg screamed a primal wail and dove between my legs, lapping at the mixed juices with wild abandon. The dirty heat of what I’d just done consumed me, and I erupted in a volcanic orgasm, my shrieks matching my husband’s wails.
“Now fuck my greedy cunt,” I commanded. “Reclaim your wife.”
His violent thrusting, owning me, pounding me into bliss, didn’t last long, but was incredible. I came on his tongue, then his cock, telling how I wanted more of Bob and all of his friends, as well. Then we slept, my hand on his cock, his strong arms around me, possessing me, letting me know that he still wanted me.
I’d unlocked the key to keeping him focused on me, reviving the sexy horniness between us. I needed more; he needed me to need more.
Somehow, it was marital bliss.
The End