Wife’s Triple Sex on the Beach

"Wife Turns Nympho"

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         Ordinarily I would have had qualms about my wife wearing such a teensy bikini as I watched her “twirl around” outside the dressing room of a Boutique swimwear shop, but…  Seeing as how we were heading to a “Clothing Optional” beach on Cape Cod,  “Miniscule” seemed better than bareass?

     I had kind of fantasized  for a long time going to a nudey beach, and I was actually quite shocked when Angie actually seemed to consider my “silly” idea.  I guess I caught her in the right mood because she replied… “What the hell. Once before I die?”

Now, the idea of “Optional” is that WE didn’t have to be naked. But…We could still checkout the scene of what that was like?  I was already quite excited ( And “Visualizing” naked women in my head ) as I  watched my wife’s near-bare ass in a thong and a bikini top and bottom  in that shop made it clear to me… “Hot Damn! It’s like freekin naked anyway?”  “Guess I gotta shave?” Angie giggled, as some other male customers passed by ogling.

     Like Duh?  We’re talking an “Eye-patch” thing over her pussy. No!  LESSER!

      It was my first experience seeing other guys seeing my wife so almost nude, but wouldn’t be the last. At the shop, I had this weird tingly feeling when I saw those other guys staring at her body parts unashamedly. One guy even made her blush by “Wolf-Whistling”  at her.  I LIKED this?  Wow?

     At home, I took a few quick snaps of her in her new “sinful” bikini,  then a few days later made the mistake to proudly show off my super-hot wife to a few co-workers. That they were agog in their complimentary remarks set me off I guess, because I then stupidly boasted Angie would be wearing that the coming Saturday at the clothing optional beach.

       Jim said the obvious… “It’s a nudey beach. With what she’s wearing,  why bother with a bikini anyway?”   Hmmm, interesting observation.

        Here’s the kicker.  Maybe I should have guessed, but…   Angie’s slathering her oily shit on herself as I’m checking out the mostly “gross”  looking sixty year olds near us.  (  Where were the 20 year old “bods”  of my dreams) and I hear Jim’s bellowing voice behind us…  “There they are!”

      Jim, Billy, and Bob are coming toward us with coolers and lounge chairs.

Initially, I was like in eye-rolling grief, but…  Hearing Billy go off…

          “Holy shit Ang, you look awesome!” changed something in me…Permanently. ( As we shall see.)

     Billy was like… “Wow! Oh wow! You got a killer body there young lady!”   ( She’s 41 by the calender but could easily pass for 25.)

     Jim added…”I’m impressed.  Who wants a beer?”   Angie blushed, then said “I’m good with my Gran Marnier.”      Jim shook his head saying.. “That’s potent shit Ang, go slow.”   A warning she/we maybe should have taken? 

     Thankfully,  some young babes, fully naked,    made an appearance on the scene, and Angie had some competition.

        Sneak peek in the future…  An hour later my wife would be blowing Jim while I took pics on my new Digi-cam.

     Things got wilder, ( MUCH wilder) when a few  young studs walked by, cocks waving back and forth nakedly.   and Bob, usually the nerdy shy type but now blitzed)  remarked…  “With all these naked women around, how do they keep their dicks down?”   Angie seemed shocked by Bob’s comment.  She slapped him on the wrist,  but Bob continued…  “Well geez? I’ve had a hard-on since I got here seeing you Angie, and your not even naked!”

       It had  never been a secret exactly that Angie thought Bob was “cute”  and that Bob lusted for her,  just one of those things that goes on for years unsaid, no big problem.

      I got 5 beers in me by then, and…  For whatever reason, decided to give the Bob man a thrill.”Hey Bob, Angie-boobs”  I laughed as I pulled up her top to reveal her sweet nippies

      I 100% expected Angie to curse me, quickly tug down her bikini top, but she stunned me by simply saying…..  “Oh well, it IS a nudey beach?”    She let the top stay as it was…. Boobs exposed!

      Amazing shit?

      So…Naturally, I slipped down her bikini bottom too saying…  “In that case, might as well go for the Full Monty?”

          Angie had to be shit-faced. She just looked back and forth at her “admirers” asking… “So?”

Billy offered.. “I LIKE it!”

           Angie had this weird “pleased” grin on her face as she sort of wriggled around.

         “Your gonna get sunburnt in places you don’t want to,”  I offered.

            Why I said the next thing I have no clue but…  I blurted out…  “Lotion party on Angie!”  and squeezed out gooey slippery  oily spf 20 stuff into the hands of Bob, Jim, and Billy who eagerly took up my offer and proceeded to “Examine”  Angie’s now naked body with their hands almost furiously.

“This is such a kick” Jim groaned,  his oiled hands wobbling my wife’s tits around in utter joy.  Billy seemed focsed on Angie’s taut little tummy. Bob however,  kneeled alongside her and slowly massaged her upper thighs until his hands met up with…   Ohh Geez? Was that finger penatration?      I saw Angie’s body tighten.  I heard her moan lightly.

          I swigged at Angie’s Gran Marnier then realized.. I wanted to catch this surreal moment on my camera.  I figured this was a once in a lifetime Angie-moment.    WRONG!

           As I saw her hips rise to Bob’s finger manipulations, Angie griped… “I’m the only nude one here!”

        Jim can be a nut case.  That day, he showed just how much.  His swim trunks went down and down until…  Boing!  His erected cock sprung loose to Angie’s awestruck eyes.

         As Jim dropped his trunks, seeing his erection did nothing for me but..  I LOVED the way Angie seemed to be impressed by it and she even fondled at it.  Wow?  Just like that, her left hand went around it, started strocking it,  and she shyley admitted  to me… “I think I have a bit of slut in me hon?”

       Billy seemed brave enough by now to follow suit.  Angie now had a “7”  (  Jim’s)  and a 5 ( Billy’s)  cock in each hand.

         Bob seemed shyer until Angie reached into his trunks and pleaded… “What you got Bobbie?”

            Holy Shit?  Why has this man had trouble dating?  The guy had a cock some porn stars might envy.    Geez!

           “Ohhh freekin kiss me”  Angie moaned to Bob, as she pulled his head towards her.

                 “This is NOT my wife?” I groaned,  wondering how much she had had to drink.

            And he did.        It was icky seeing my wife’s tongue dart in and out of Bob’s mouth passionately as she stroked that… ( I’m guessing 11) cock.

        But..  I kept clicking my 8 Megapixel cam anyway.       

It seemed really strange, ( Duh?) to be the voyeur to my wife and friends going at it so freneticly,  but the more it went on, the more I craved to see Angie drive them mad?  That they seemed oblivious to me made it like… I was all the more impressed by  how  Angie seemed to so easily wilt them into “slaves”  to her.  Awe is an overused word but, in this case,  fitting.

        I almost came out of the spell as Jim turned his body around for 69, but….Just couldn’t stop the insanity.  I was becoming addicted to watching my wife being a sex machine?

           Jim’s licking at my wife’s clit, and I see his cock going into Angie’s mouth and I’m totally numbed by it all.

             I saw her cheek being pushed outwards by his cock going in her mouth, and all the  while Billy and Bob are still fondling all  over her naked body.  Intense shit!    Jim cummed enough in her mouth to the point where it was spilling out of the sides of her mouth.  He seemed happy.

            I heard Angie gasp….  “All these cocks?  You beautiful guys making me happy.  I need..IT!”

        IT?   I checked my camera’s battery level. 

              Angie must have liked the way Bob kissed because,  she used her index finger seductively to seduce him closer and…

            She sighed deeply…… “I got to see what a horse-cock feels like.”

          Yep… There was her two hands holding and guiding Bob’s hugey toward her cunt.  There was one of my friend’s cock pushing aside her vaginal lips and ever so slowly going forth where no man but me had ever entered before. And Angie let out this wickedly sexy long sigh as it went deeper and deeper inside her.    I was envious.

        My camera’s battery pooped out, but Angie didn’t.  I saw Bob’s hips quivering as he apparently shot a load into her,  then rolled over muttering unintelligently, but obviouslly quite happy.

            “ONE more time?” my boozed up  wife giggled, and Billy happily obliged. 

By now my testicles were near bursting.  Her pussy long satisfied after twenty minutes with Billy, Angie offered me a hand job.  Oh well?

            Kneeling alongside her, my trunks lowered in front, my intention was to cumon her tits but I couldn’t resist the opportunity in her present frame of mind to splatter her face instead.  OK. that’s wacky, but… Under the circumstances?

    Girls walking by laughed.  Old men just paused and shook their heads

“I got to wash my face”  Angie giggled, as she trotted off toward the surf.

          “She’s something else”  Bob noted.

          We all nodded in agreement as we watched her cute tight little   naked  ass run towards the sea.

       “She do anal?”  Jim asked.

                “Not yet” I moaned.   “Not yet.”    Jim  looked deep in thought.

Cocks re-risen,  and bobbing up and down,  we all ambled  naked  toward the sea-nymph oil-glistened in the waning sunlight and…   Naturally, we all tried.      I won!   

Ok… Bob playing on her clit might have helped convince her to my desire, but… I still was the only one to “get ass?”  







Published 17 years ago

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