Guess Who?

"A fun evening of games"

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I had just arrived home from having a few drinks with some mates. I opened the front door and made my way to the kitchen passing the lounge as I did – the girls were all still here and drinking and laughing together.

My housemate Jess had told me the day before that she was having a group of friends round in the evening so I might want to make myself scarce as they would be drinking and things may get loud; that’s why I had gone out for drinks with a few of the guys. I hadn’t had that much to drink unlike the girls who sounded to be having a good time. There were eight girls in total, all at least my age, 23 with some being 24 and 25.

“That you Mark” Jess shouted through as I opened the fridge and took a few gulps of orange juice from the carton.
“Yeah” I replied closing the fridge to hear the girls seemingly whispering now and giggling a little.
“Why don’t you come through and join us” she called to the kitchen.
I walked to the lounge and stood just inside the doorway as each girl glanced up. I recognised all the young women who sat in my lounge with some sat on the two massive couches and a few sat opposite on the floor. Jess was one of those sat on the floor along with my sister who was a good friend of Jess’s. My sister was called Isabelle and was little older than me at 25.
With most of the girls giggling I said to Jess “hey, whats up with everyone? You all had too muh to drink?”
“Not at all”Jess said “well, we’ve had plently but not too much. Why don’t you sit down”
I sat near one of the couches a few feet away from Jess and my sister. Chloe who was on the couch opposite me suddenly piped up “Mark”
“Yeah” I replied.
“You wanna play a game?” and she started giggling along with a few of the others.
“What kind of game?” I asked obviously confused.
“Oh it’s a game the whole group can play” Emily interjected who was also sat on the couch oppsite where I sat.
“Well what’s it called” I said.
“Guess who” Chloe replied with a smile on her face “You don’t mind if we play guess who with you brother do you?” winking at my sister.
“Not at all” Isabelle said smiling.
“Lets play then” Sophie said from the couch behind me. And with that a few of the girls grabbed me and lay me on the floor whilst blindfolding me.
“What the hell” I said raiing my voice above their giggles.
“Don’t worry” I heard Jess’s voice calmly say “it’s all part of the game”

When the girls were happy that I would lay still on my back with my hands by my sides, oneof them put a cusion under my head and a few of them explained that they would do a number of things to me and I had to guess who was doing what.
“Err…what kinda stuff” I asked with obvious aprehension in my voice.
“Don’t worry” I heard Emily say “it won’t be anything bad”
She seemed to talk in the direction where my sister had been sat “Don’t play if you don’t want”
“Right” I heard Isabelle say laughing a little.

I waited anxiously as nothing seem to happen. Then I felt someone lick my cheek as a different person kissed my other cheek.
“Which two of us do you think did that?” Chole said. I had no idea really, there’s was no way I could tell.
“Errr…you kissing and Jess licking” I replied to her question.
“Wrong” I heard Emily say in a funny manner “I licked you and Abbi kissed you!”
Theres was another long pause before I felt someone quickly kiss me on the lips. “Right, who was that, Hannah or Sophie” I head Emily say.
“with a 50-50 chance I said Hannah.
The girls laughed between them with a few of them saying it was Sophie.
With quick succession there was another kiss on my lips. I noticed how soft the lips were and how the kiss felt nice despite the odd situation.
“So who was that” Chloe’s voice came “Grace or Emily”
“Grace” I said, again guessing. A few small cheers came about signaling I had guessed right.
Another kiss was planted on my lips from one of the girls but this time it seemed to linger a fraction longer than the others.
The same question was asked and from the options given I guessed my housemate Jess. I was right again and the girls contined laughing and started whispering for what seemed like a few minutes.
With no warning apart from the girls becoming silent I felt a pair of breasts brush against my face. They weren’t bare, but the girl was wearing a top revealing cleavage or so it felt “Guess who” someone said. I remebered that Chloe was wearing a top showing a little cleavage and the size of the breasts which brushed against my face felt about her size as they weren’t over big, around a B cup I had guessed. With that in mind I said Chole. Again I was right.
“He’s getting too good at this” I heard Emily say.
“Well lets make sure he can’t guess by what we top we have on.
After a few minutes I felt another slighter larger pair of breasts brush against my face, but this time they were only encased in a bra so this made it difficult. I guessed at Hannah as she hadn’t seemed to take part yet but I was wrong, they were Grace’s.
Another pair of breasts brushed against my face, again in a bra. I got lucky and guessed correctly, the breasts were Emily’s.
The next thing that happened shocked me, a mouth came into contact with mine and was open. The girls tongue moved over mine as we kissed for a good ten seconds until the girl moved away.
I thought to myself how good that kiss was although not long lasting.
The question came again and I guessed at Grace but I was wrong, it was Hannah. A couple of the girls kissed me in the same way and all seemed quite tentative as they did but each kissed with skill and purpose.

It was after this that things seemed to change with the girls still drinking and laughing with each other and probably at me I felt a nipple from one of their breasts enter my mouth. It was a nice, and as it entered I swirled my tongue around it startling the girl but making her emit a low giggle muffled moan. From the sound I knew it was Abbi and when my mouth was clear of her nipple I said her name. I was correct and the girls laughed more.
“Who else dare do that” I heard Abbi challenge the group of young women. Within a number of seconds another nipple was in my mouth but this one was a little larger than Abbi’s nipple. I twirled it in my mouth until it was taken from my mouth. I knew that Jess had reletively large nipples as once when she had gotten out of the shower and we stood chatting in the kitchen, the towel she had wrapped around her fell down exposing her shapely breasts and nipples of around nearly two inches across. She had managed to catch the towel before she exposed the rest of herself
With that I guessed at Jess as it seemed a possibility. I was wrong, the nipple in my mouth this time was Chloe’s.
After that I had Jess’s nipple in my mouth and guessed right.
With that that was more whispering and what felt like two of the girls, my shirt began to be removed. I offered little resistance.
With my shirt off I felt a mouth envelop my right nipple a tingle shot through my body as the girls mouth sucked it gently for around 20 seconds. Afterwards I said a random name not caring who it was. It was Grace but I hadn’t said her name, infact I had forgotten.
After this I heard Grace say “so which two do you think these are Mark”
With that, a different girls mouth covered each of my nipples and sucked and licked them softly for around 30 seconds or so. I guessed at Hannah and Abbi but Chloe said “Actually it was me and Hannah.

The girls seemed to be getting more excited now and a couple of the girls started to pull down my pants as my socks came off too. I was now there in my boxer shorts lying on the floor blind folded surrounded by a group of young women. I had almost forgotten that my sister would be amongst them and probably watching what was going on. After a minute so of reletive silence I felt a hand grasp my stiffening cock through my boxer shorts and slowly stroke it through the fabric ‘Holy shit’ I thought to myself ‘what the hell is gonna happen. Another hand grabbed my boxer shorts and pulled them down and completly off so I was laid there surrounded by girls and I was completely nude. Another hand grasped my cock and I heard Jess say “Who’s hand do you think is on your cock Mark?”
The hand was smaller than before but felt just as good as the the soft palm and small soft fingers wrapped around it but couldn’t get the whole way round and softly pumped it until it was at it’s thickest and longest.
“Wow” I heard Sophie say from the other side of me.
“Shit, the sight of that thing is making me wet” I heard Abbi say.
“Me too” Hannah added.
A different hand grasped my cock and gave it long slow pumps. I was enjoying this immensely And although blindfolded I was sure I could hear belts been unbuckled and skirts and pants coming down, and after a few minutes and a hand change on my cock two fingers came into contact with my lips and went inside my mouth. The fingers were wet and when I tasted them as I sucked them I instantly knew I was tasting one of the girls’ pussy. She had obviously fingered her pussy a little and then gave me her fingers to taste her juices. I didn’t bother guessing who’s they were even though I was asked and after another miunte or so another pair of fingers were in my mouth and I sucked and licked the taste of this vagina from the young womens fingers which tasted different to the first one.
As the hand on my cock was now going at a quick pace pumping my cock I sensed someone loom over me and without warning one of the girls was crouching over my face with their pussy just touching my lips. Raising my hands from my sides and findig her bare buttocks, I pulled her crotch against my face. I wasted no time and started licking whoevers pussy was on my lips I licked around the lips before plunging my tongue deep into her slit licking up and down and slightly entering her hole before licking her engorged clit. From the moans I could tell that my housemate Jess was the one sat on my face having her pussy licked. As this was going on I heard Emily say “Hey I have a good idea!”
She whispered to the others her idea before someone forced Jess from my face to tell her – she seemed to like the idea despite having to stop receiving pleasure fom me. With all seven girls seemingly agreeing, with my sister probably watching, Emily explaind that each one of them would suck my cock for around two minutes each and I had to say which girl I enjoyed the most.
After she explained Chole said “yeah so make sure you last, we all want a go!”

I waited in anticipation for the first girl to start. It was going to be a random order and I would still have my blind fold on so I didn’t know who was sucking my cock when. I would also have to keep my hand by my sides.
After waiting for what seemed like ages, the first lips closed over the tip of my hard dick and the girl’s soft lips slid down my shaft to about two thirds the way down until rising back up then back down until a rythem was found and she bobbed up and down on my cock expertly. After the two minutes was over, whichever girl it was wiped my cock and the next girl started straight away using her saliva to make my cock slippery so her mouth could glide up and down smoothly – which felt so good. Again after the two minutes she wiped my cock and it was another girls turn. This time the girl licked my cock all over and up the length of the shaft before opening up wide and taking my whole cock in her mouth. This was the first girl to take my whole length and girth inside her mouth and I was impressed. Her lips travelled all the way down to the base before she pulled up and her lips were just around the tip before her head plunged back down and her mouth engulfed the whole of my cock again. She didn’t bother wiping my cock afterwards and each girl just followed straight on from the last after that so the saliva on my cock became intermingled.

The remaining girls all had their turns sucking my cock, all the time me being blindfolded not knowing who was doing what and the girls using various techniques and having varied ability how how much of my cock they could take in their mouth. This was until the seventh and last girl who had such soft lips and only sucked half my cock before she surprised me and took the whole thing in her mouth with ease. Up until now the third girl had given the best blowjob and had been able to take my full size in her mouth but this final blowjob was even better than that and who ever was sucking my cock knew what they were doing and when their time was up she even gave it a little kiss on the tip.

I was now left laying in my louge surrounded by these girls wishing I could have more. I could feel how hard my cock actually was and how it stood out from my body and would be glistening from the intermingled saliva.
“So” Emily’s voice started “which of us girls gave you the best head?”
I pretended to think for a few moments even though I knew exactly which one I would be saying.

After a moment or two I said “the last one”.
The girls giggled a little and I heard one of them say to one of the other girls “oh…you’re the winner”.
“The winner” I said laughing “winner of what” I said jokingly.
“You!” One of the girls said through the giggles and whispers.
Confused, my mind wondered what that meant. However I soon found out. I felt a body apparently stoop over me or something, I couldn’t quite tell. It was then that a soft hand grabbed my penis whilst the girl lowerd her body down until I realised what was going on; the girl was straddling me and at that moment the tip of my penis came into contact with the smooth soft labia of this girls pussy. With some wiggling of my cock in her hand and a little movement on her part, the head of my cock worked its way between her lips and just inside her before the girl slowly decended onto my cock, her soft lips sliding down my shaft, slick with the saliva of most the girls in the room. The girl must have been quite turned on too as there was little resistance from her vagina against my long thick penis which before long had filled this girls tight cunt completely as she sat on me with all my cock inside her.
I couldn’t beleive what was happening, one of these girls was impaled on my cock with the others probably watching as she started to fuck me, bouncing up and down.

As the girl on my hard dick got into her rythem another of the girls snatched my blind fold, removing it in one swift motion so I could see which girl had been the ‘winner’.

My eyes stared at the girl bouncing on my dick. I was lost for words as I found myself to be staring at my sister. She was completely naked. Her large breasts bounced around a little as she rode my cock obviously in pleasure as she bit her bottom lips fighting back the need to moan as my cock gave pleasure to her body. I seemed to be in a daze as I did nothing to stop what was going on; but to be honest I was enjoying it – a lot. My eyes looked over my sister’s body, I had never seen her naked before. She was slim with just enough curves. Her breasts were fairly large and her bullet shaped nipples were surounded by areolas which were just about one and a haly inches across. My eyes moved downwards to where my cock was appearing and disappearing into my sisters wet cunt. I noticed she was bald down there.
My sister was attractive and as I lay the with her riding away a voice came from somewhere in the room.
“Hey, you look like your enjoying that Mark. I bet you’re glad Chloe fell asleep! Isabelle agreed that to trick you she would take her place!”
I was in heaven as Isabelle really worked her pussy on my cock. My eyes wondered the room slightly and I noticed that a number of the girls were fingering their pussy’s or massaging their clits as they watched my sister fuck me. I didn’t take in which girl was doing what to themselves all I noticed was hands working on their pussys, a couple of which were completely shaved like my sisters and some seemed to have differing amounts of hair on them.

My sister and I had been fucking for a bit now and her moans were coming thick and fast now as she rode my cock harder and harder. As she continued to grind and fuck my cock she grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts. I squeezed her breasts a little as she rode my cock. I was near to exploding and within seconds I began pumping thick streams of cum into my sister. Feeling me let loose and cum inside her sent Isabelle over the edge and she screamed out “Oh shit, I’m cumming I’m cumming!”
As I contined to blow my load inside her, wave after wave of her orgasm made Isabelle’s impaled body withe on top of me and her back arch slightly as her juices drenched my cock.
Eventually our powerful orgasms ended and Isabelle’s tired body slumped down onto me with her head at the side of mine and my dick still inside her vagina. As she layed against me her breasts pushed against my chest and her long brown hair fell down brushing my neck slightly. With my sister lying on top of me and the other girls also exhausted from making themselves cum I fell asleep.

When I woke a number of hours later Isabelle was no longer on top of me and the number of girls in the room seemed to have dissapated. I lifted my naked body from off the floor and stood up to go to my room. Loking down I noticed that my cock was still covered in the different fluids it had been exposed to so with a quick visit to the bathroom I washed my penis in the sink and went to my bedroom. Luckily nobody had comendeared my bed and I fell aseep immediatley.

I got woken up hours later by a knock at my bedroom door. I had no idea what time it was although could tell, even through my thick curtains that it was light outside.
“Yeah” I said.
The door opened and stood behind it was my housemate Jess. She was completely naked as she stood there with a provocative look on her face. I stared at her glorious body. Her breasts were a nice size and her large nipples stuck out as her breasts hung in the air with no droop, being pert and firm looking. The rest of her body looked smooth and her curvy hips jutted to one side as she stood there. Her slender legs rose to her crotch where I held my gaze for a moment or two. Jess had an perfectly shaped love heart shaped from her pubic hair. She had no other other hair down there, just this cute little love heart shape just above the folds of her vagina.
“So, can I come in?” she asked, I had remained silent in awe of her body. I had never seen her fully nude before. I had just seen her boobs once before and I had seen her around the house in her bra and panties. Naked however, she looked amazing. I had never thought of Jess in that way; we were just a couple of mates who lived together. Looking at her now in the doorway really opened my eyes. I was living with a girl who was really hot. She had a pretty face with light brown hair just past her shoulders and one of the hottest bodies ever.
Realising I should answer her I said “Sure, come in.”
She walked in and closed the door behind her. “I think we have some unfinished business from last night” she said.
I instantly remembered that during last night’s wild events, Jess had sat on my face as ate her out before being halted for other events to take place. I had known it was Jess though blind folded as her moans gave her away unmistakenly.

Jess walked towards the bed and proceeded to position myself on me. She swung her leg over my head and pushed her pussy and butt close to my face as she faced the other way so she was on top of me in the 69 position. I reached around her waist and proceeded to stroke her back and butt as I pulled her honey pot onto my mouth. I instantly pushed inside her lips exposing the inner pinkness of her cunt. I began licking and sucking as her mouth clamped over my cock and began sucking and licking it. As we contined to give each other oral sex I realised that Jess had been the third girl last night to suck my cock as she was taking my whole cock in her mouth – only one other person did that other than Isabelle.
Jess was evidently wanting to show me that she was as good as anyone else at sucking cock as she sucked with suck fever, passion and skill that I could feel my balls tightening sooner than I had expected. I didn’t want to climax too early so I fought the will to release as I ate her pussy with the skill I knew I had. I licked her clit, flicking it back and forth with my tongue and taking it in my mouth sucking it and twirling it with my tongue. As she plunged her mouth over my cock again and again, her saliva luricating it nicely. I reached one of my hands round her and bending my elbow so I could reach her vagina I thrust 3 fingers into her wet pussy. I thrust my fingers into her pussy again faster and faster as I contined my assault on her clit. Jess was soon cumming, her body bucking on top of mine a little as her sweet necter covered my fingers. As she came, her mouth worked faster on my cock and I could hold back no more. I began cumming myself squirting jets of spunk into Jess’s mouth and down her throat as I heard her greedily swallow my juice as fast as she could, not letting any escape her, as mouthfuls slid down her oesophagus into her stomach. I licked my fingers clean after her necter stopped flowing.

When our bodies had finished releasing their fluids Jess got up and said winking at me “you fancy anything else to drink?”
“I’m ok” I replied smiling. She walked out of the room still wearing nothing obviously not bothered that if any of the girls were still here, would see her naked. I watched her butt move side to side a little as she exited the room and I smiled again to myself. She came back after a few minutes with a glass of orange juice.
“All the girls must have gone” she said as she took a sip of the orange juice.
“It’d be fun to see how you react when you see your sis next”
I smiled at her thinking back to last night and what Isabelle and I had done.
“Anyway” Jess said interupting my thought “I’m gonna have a shower….you fancy…joining me?”
“Sure” I said getting up from the bed with my penis now long and floppy.
Jess and I walked naked to the bathroom and she turned on the shower waiting outside until a comfortable temperature was reached.
We both stepped into the shower and the warm jets of water hit our bodies, thourougly drenching us both. I looked at Jess as water droplets trickled down her body, inbetween her pert breasts and over her smooth soft stomach.
I gazed at her nipples wanting them in my mouth. I placed my hands on Jess’s hips and moved my head down and opened my mouth for the nipple of her right breast to enter it. I felt the size of her nipple in my mouth as I stroked it with my tongue and nibbled it gently, my dick began to rise, filling with blood. As I worked on Jess’s breasts squeezing the other one softly and pinching her nipple, soft moans escaped her mouth before she said “Oh Mark please fuck me, I need your cock inside me!”
I wasted no time. I put my right arm around the bottom of her back around her hips and got my left arm under her butt and picked her up. Her hand reached down. She grasped my hard dick and helped me in aiming it towards her awaiting hole. As I felt the tip of my penis touch the outside of her vaginal opening Jess let her hand go. Loosening my grip on her slightly, I let Jess slide down a litle letting gravity do it’s work making her body slide onto my cock. When my cock was fully embedded in my housemates cunt I marvelled at how awesome it felt as her soft vaginal lips stretched around my thickness. Her warm pink hole was heaven for my penis.
I pushed her body softly against the shower wall and began fucking her brains out instantly. Jess couldn’t control herself, moaning loudly “Oh shit, oh fuck Mark, this feels so good! Ohhh yes, yes!”
Her legs went from dangling at the sides to wrapped around me, sqeezing me tightly, forcing my body into hers. I thrashd my hips backwards and forwards quickly, with every thrust fowards my cock would fill Jess’s cunt and her butt would slap against the tiled shower wall I was fucking her against.
Due to us both climaxing not long before, we were able to fuck for ages there in the shower against the shower wall as Jess’s butt slapped time after time against the wall.
Luckily Jess was pretty light, not weighting much so i was able to keep her lifted easily as I pounded my cock inside her stretched pink pussy hole.
After what seemed like being in a neverending heaven, our bodies seemed to cunvulse in unison as Jess moaned even louder as my cock sent huge orgasmic shivers through her body as she hung helpless in the air with my tool deep inside her as it shot semen deep into her pussy, filling her up.
Her body was still in a state on convulsing pleasure as her orgasm continued to rage through her body “oh my God Mark, ohh, ohh…ohhhhh shit!”
Finally Jess’s powerful orgasm ended and I lfted her small frame from my massive memeber as spunk dripped from her pussy which had just been fucked like never before. Some of the semen which oozed from her cunt dropped back onto my penis. The shower washed it straight away.
We washed each others bodies which I found quite erotic before exiting the shower and then had a lazy day watching DVD’s. Apparently the girls are coming again next week but me and Jess and now more than just housemates so there will be no more shenanigans – apart from between me and her!

Published 17 years ago

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