My wife Rebecca and I have been married seven years. Rebecca works for a contract software firm and is involved in a local theater group. She had done some acting in college and really enjoys being on stage, and I have to admit she is very good. Rebecca often plays the leading lady or one of the other main female characters as well as working on the sets and costumes. The plays the troupe produces are mostly the classics and last for three or four months with weekend performances only. They make enough money from ticket sales to fund their next production so there is little or nothing left over for building repairs. This was causing a problem because some of the auditorium seats were needing repairs and the lobby carpeting was in dire need of replacement.
There were several meetings with the troupe to discuss how they could raise more money. Suggestions ran the gamut from bake sales to begging on street corners to offering productions with more sexual overtones and even nudity. Rebecca would come home after the meetings and tell me about them. She jokingly said maybe the cast would have to show more skin on stage in order to raise the money they need. We laughed at that know it would not be an option.
Rebecca came home from the next meeting and when I asked how it went, she changed the subject, which I thought was odd. She finally told me that they had decided to produce a play that had a brief nude scene and she was to be in the scene. I had two reactions: no way in hell and a boner that was trying to rip through my pants.
Rebecca saw my jaw go slack and my eyes pop open. She said I really shouldn’t get upset because she would only be exposed for a brief moment and they needed to do something to draw people to watch the play. She rolled her eyes and said, “Like the old saying goes, Sex Sells.”
I couldn’t believe that my wife was going to appear naked on a public stage, and what’s more, she wanted to do it. I asked if she wouldn’t be embarrassed, and she said she wouldn’t because an actor has to do what the script calls for. Holy shit.
That wasn’t all of it. Rebecca didn’t tell me the whole story until I pressed her for details of the play. The lead character was married and having an affair with a co-worker. The main scenes were held in her and her husband’s bedroom where she would entertain her lover. Rebecca would actually be nude in several scenes, not just one as she first told me. And, there was a scene where she and her lover were both naked in bed, albeit under a sheet and another where she and her husband were naked in bed.
Over the next weeks, there was a lot of advertising in the papers and fliers were handed out on the streets. With the publicity, a lot of excitement was being generated and ticket sales were going off the charts. A lot of our friends knew about Rebecca’s hobby and when they found out she would be playing the lead in the new risqué production, they all bought tickets. So did many of our co-workers. I asked Rebecca if she had second thoughts about appearing nude in front of the people she worked with and she said she was fine with it. I didn’t totally believe her because I was a bit apprehensive about my co-workers ogling Rebecca’s nudity.
Finally, it was dress rehearsal night. Mostly family and friends were invited along with a lot of media folks to offer their reviews. The first act took place mostly in the bedroom with Rebecca and her husband discussing their sex life, or lack, thereof. Rebecca was usually dressed in her nightgown and got dressed right onstage for work. Her husband spent most of the act in his boxer shorts, as well. The scene switched to a coffee shop where she would rendezvous with her lover and make plans to meet later at her house.
The beginning of Act II had the first partially nude scene where Rebecca was stripped to the waist by her lover and ended with his face between her tits and them falling on the bed.
I don’t think there was a limp dick in the house. I know mine wasn’t. In the last scene, Rebecca came out of the bathroom again naked but this time her lover, who was also naked, was standing beside the bed. They embraced, a full frontal embrace, and slowly went down to lay on the bed. He rolled Rebecca on top of him and they kissed, passionately. I was stunned that I was actually watching my naked wife having sex in front of seventy-five people, although there wasn’t penetration, at least it didn’t appear that way.
I also noticed that they didn’t cover themselves and her naked ass was clearly visible. At least her legs were together. The way the bed was positioned, if she spread her legs, Rebecca’s pussy would be seen. At this point, the door flew open and her husband burst into the room, yelling at the top of his lungs. The lights came on as Rebecca jumped off of the bed and burying her face in her hands, was screaming, “I’m sorry” over and over. In that position, Rebecca was facing the audience and her hair covered pussy was in plain sight. Her bent arms were covering her breasts and she was sobbing. Rebecca suddenly reached her arms out toward her husband and he pushed her away. She fell into a chair and watched as her husband pulled out a pistol and shot her lover then turned the gun on himself and fired. Rebecca slowly stood up with a remorseful cry and yelled, “What have I done.” The curtain closed.
All of the nude and partially nude scenes were done with very little lighting except for the last murder suicide. Rebecca’s body was somewhat obscured except at the end. The curtain opened to a loud applause from the crowd and the cast did their bows. Rebecca and her lover wore robes during the curtain calls and she appeared a few minutes later fully dressed.
When we got home and after a long and passionate session in bed, I asked how she was dressed backstage after each of the nude scenes. Rebecca blushed slightly and said she wasn’t concerned about being naked in front of the troupe. She had to dress quickly for the next scenes and did it right there off stage in front of whoever was looking. She also said the director mentioned that she should consider a close trim of her pubic hair and perhaps shaving her lips. He suggested her lover stand a bit more sideways during the last scene so that his cock could be seen by the people on the side of the stage. During the dress rehearsal, his back was to the audience so his bare ass was the only nasty part of him showing.
Rebecca said she was really excited about being nude in front of all those people and she couldn’t wait until the people we knew would see her. She said she was considering making the final curtain calls without the robe and if she trimmed and shaved like the director suggested, they would probably sell a lot more tickets and maybe have to extend the show.
The critics were very kind but not overly flattering except for Rebecca’s performance. They seemed to like her acting as well as her body. She did do a severe trimming of her pubic hair and her pussy lips were clearly evident. She also did the curtain calls without the robe and so did her lover. They raised a lot more money than they planned on and renovations are in process.