Wife continues the onslaught (Chapter 8)

"Gaby knew that I was always willing and able to give in to her assault on my ass . . . ."

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Gaby (my wife) knew that I was always willing and able to give in to her assault on my ass. I was having immense pleasure and I wanted it as much as Gaby wanted to give it to me. This time Gaby prepared the way with a love letter. I got the letter at work. Immediately, of course, I recognized Gaby´s handwriting.  My first reaction was to wait until I got home to read it together with Gaby, but I realized that if Gaby wanted me to wait to arrive home she would have been waiting for my arrival and read it then. So my ass began feeling “funny”. I had been developing a sense on the lips (sphincter) of my boypussy when she (my boypussy) wanted sex. I don’t know, kind of like a sixth sense for sex. I felt that little itch that needed to be taken care off. It is combined with what I have described as a bit of electricity going from my boypussy lips up to my brain. Remember that without a good functioning of the brain, sex is just blah, blah.

So, I opened the letter and began reading. Dear Bitch, (I knew what came after that opening) what are you doing to get ready for tonight?? Are you planning to masturbate there at the office to bring me the jism of your cock?? You know I want it as fresh as possible. So you better masturbate as you are leaving so that it does not get dry on me. As a matter of fact, go now and get your butt plug on so that my bitch is open when I penetrate her.

I am going to ravish you tonight!. I am going to fuck you until I get tired, which you well know that I am lasting over an hour while the fast and hard penetration is going on. I will bring you to orgasm more times than I will have orgasms. I will take care of you. And after I finish with you then we will entertain a DP for me. Your cock and my dildo will do the fantastic DP that I like so much.

I want you today to start by sucking and rubbing my nipples. You know how horny that gets me. And you also know that once I am horny then I begin my assault on you bitch. I am going to male you my bitch once again. And you will love it. Because I know you. You will be speaking to encourage me to ravish you. You will be begging with your more, faster, harder, cries and I will give it to you. For a whole hour!

We have not have one of this teasing in a while so I was really happy to read the letter and by reading the letter my boypussy was “yelling” for immediate attention. I waited a bit until 5 to go to the men’s room and insert the butt plug. I was going to masturbate driving home so that Gaby could have her fresh cum almost directly from my cock. She loved it. She really enjoyed drinking my sperm. I also enjoyed eating Gaby’s pussy . . .  a lot. Pussy juices are better than Orange juice, or Apple juice, or Tomato juice, or whatever . . . . .  

In addition to drinking such nectar from Gaby’s pussy, I enjoyed eating Gaby because as I was progressing on my meal I could sense Gaby’s orgasm growing. For me it is tremendously satisfying to understand that Gab will orgasm with my eating her. When you have a normal fuck, although great, somehow I don’t feel so much Gaby’s orgasm in “crescendo”. When I eat her, I feel every little orgasmic nuance she produces. With every little progress I feel those “nuances” growing in intensity. I feel when she begins bucking sideways and up and down. Soon after this her head will begin what I have termed as in negative faction (from side to side) which given the situation we have with my mouth I know she means yes, yes, yes. She is about to explode when I shift and fuck her with my cock. And if for whatever reason my cock is tired, she gets my strapon dildo. She will always be fucked.

And now as I drive, I am pressing my cock with my thighs and I am getting to cum.

I usually, (Yes, I have done it before), I usually get my cock to cum as I am turning into the drive way of our home. When Gaby hears the garage door opening she rushes into the garage (from the kitchen) and takes my cum immediately and she swallows, and then she kisses me. I always get a bit of my own cum. And although good, not as good as Gaby’s pussy juices.

Now I am home and Gaby begins telling me to go quickly to the bedroom. All the BDSM stuff is laid out for me. I get naked, the pillows in the center of the bed so that my boypussy is elevated for easy ravishing, and I get my legs/ankle straps and the one hand/wrist, Gaby comes in and gets   the other hand/wrist and I am now Spread eagled and tied. Can not move, at the mercy of Gaby’s cock. Ready for Gaby’s attack on my boy pussy. Since Nancy is on Vacation visiting her parents, (Nancy is “our” lover. Nancy was a lesbian that was putting some moves on Gaby and we said, let it happen and maybe we get another person in our sex escapades. So we have been having great ménage a trois for some time. Gaby is enjoying as much as I eating Nancy’s pussy). So, since Nancy is not with us tonight there is no need for the blindfold and the mouth gag because there is no secret expectations. I know is Gaby!!!! When Nancy is with us, I never know who fucks me or who eats who or who is placed under my mouth so that between the sides of the gag I try to eat whoever is on my mouth.  

 So, Gaby takes the plug from my asshole and she begins penetrating my ass. We have arrived at a form of slow penetration so that every nerve ending at the mouth of my boypussy feels the fucking of Gaby’s cock. Once she is all inside of me, then she just pauses for a minute, or so, before she begins her out/in. Initially the out/ins are slow and deliberately and hard but slow. She then begins accelerating her fucking motion on my ass and I begin asking for more, harder, faster, etc. She plays with my ass all she wants. She goes fast then slow then fast then . . . . whatever. Gaby really enjoys fucking my ass . . . . and I am very grateful.  Her out/ins go by my “g” spot (prostate) and I feel the cum almost at the tip of my cock. With every pass the “g” spot gets more exited and my brain is saying OH YES, let me have my orgasm. Gaby cums and I feel it when she actually yells YEAH I am having it . . . . . and she continues pushing in out and with every push she gets another explosion and I get another “g” spot excitement. I finally cum and Gaby picks it up from the bed sheets and she puts my cum in her mouth. Then she kisses me to thank me and to let me try a bit of my own cum. She falls on my back, her cock buried deep inside my ass and we remain there for a few moments. We need to give Gaby her DP.

Gaby releases me from my ties and I get on my back. Gaby then descends her pussy onto my cock and I fuck Gaby. Then I have the dildo Gaby likes, the one Nancy uses on Gaby when we are all together, and I begin fucking Gaby’s ass with it. Gaby moves up and down my cock and I move in/out the dildo of Gaby’s asshole. She is hot so she usually cums/orgasms really quick. What happens then is that since I was a bit spent I last longer and between me and the dildo we really give Gaby a good pounding. She gets DP’d hard and good. She says that she usually gets from 3 to 4 orgasms.  And then we fall in each others arms and we kind of doze off. When we wake up, Gaby has her dildo buried inside her ass and I am in another corner of the bed . . . . bummer, I always want to finish inside of Gaby for the night . . . . . 

Well another time it will be . . . .    


Published 16 years ago

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