The Return Trip
He went to the airport to pick her up wondering if it would be like before. The last time she came to visit they never made it out of the parking lot before she had drained him dry with an awesome cum swallowing blowjob. He was surprised that she did it, and that she actually swallowed all the cum he had to offer her. It had been so long since he had been with someone who would do that. She just licked her lips, smiled and said “ Ok we can go now.”
They had been friends for some time now and been perverted friends for most of that time. They just seemed to bring it out of each other. It seemed they were on the same wave length and it made it all the more exciting. Plus the fact they both were sure that they couldn’t tell their respected spouses how they wanted to play in fear that they wouldn’t understand, and think they were strange or something. So they played games with each other with the confidence that their perverseness was ok.
This time he would turn it up a notch without her knowledge. But she was pretty willing to do what ever he said because she had trust in him on how far he would go. He had told her that before she got off the plane he wanted her to remove her bra so he could see her hard nipples as soon as she came thru the gate. She would also know that he was wanting her as soon as she landed.
He was waiting for her when people started coming thru the door. And there she was, with a smile that warmed his heart and made his cock stir. But what he couldn’t miss was her nipples standing out so big and hard waiting to be abused and sucked on. They hugged a long and missed hug along with a deep and passionate kiss. They had needed this, they needed each other to release the sexual desire that had been building for way to long. As they walked out of the airport she said “ I think you wanted this” as she handed him her bra. He smiled a knowing smile, a smile that said that it was going to be a weekend of giving of each other as never before. A weekend of total perversion and enjoyment.
When they reached his truck they were all over each other, feeling what they had been fantasizing about for to long. Her feeling his hard growing cock and him feeling her hard nipples. She pushed him back in the seat and said “I’ve waited for so long for this” as she unzipped his pants and fished out his stiff hard cock. Not wanting to waste a minute longer she was sucking him as deep as his cock was long. All he could do was to lay back and enjoy the feeling of her warm mouth on his hard cock. Watching her head bob up and down he was fulfilled with the knowledge that this was just the beginning of a great weekend. It didn’t take long for the feeling of his orgasm to start building in his groin. The lifting of him trying to push his cock deeper in her mouth told her it wouldn’t be long until she got what she wanted. The taste of his hot cum flooding her mouth and coating her throat. And it started, he grabbed her hair and forced her all the way down until her nose was pressed against him and his cock was deep in her throat. Spurt after spurt of hot cum started filling her mouth and coating her throat. They were both in heaven, for him the warmth of her mouth and for her the warmth of his cum.
After she had cleaned him up he told her he had a surprise for her, she asked what could be better than what she just received. He told her that she was going to be his slave for the night and that she had to do what ever he said. “Well that sounds intriguing” she said. First you have to pull your pants down and show me your pussy. She looked around nervously. Now the shoe was on the other foot. Just what did he have in mind. He said come on, we don’t want to be here in this parking lot all night and we’re not leaving until you do as I say. She liked the way he was taking charge, she had been in charge at home for so long it felt good to be told what to do. She looked him in the eyes as she unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down over her ass. Seeing that she didn’t have on any panties he knew this was going to be a fun ride to the hotel. “Now look in the glove box and take out the surprise I have for you” he said. Opening the glove box she saw a nice big, fat, thick dildo. She kind of felt nervous and excited at the same time, wondering what he had in store for her. “Now, fill that hot pussy of yours with that as we ride to the hotel” he told her. “Excuse me” was all she could say. “I want you to put in your pussy sit on it and ride back to the hotel with it.” “Ok” was all she could say. He started the truck as he watched her lift off the seat and slowly insert it deep into her pussy and slowly sit back down on the seat. She hadn’t noticed the towel on the seat until then and knew he had planed this all along. He also knew she would get very wet in doing so. As she sat back down on the seat the dildo was pushed deep into her wet and waiting cunt. A deep moan escaped from deep inside her as it pushed deeper and deeper. “All right, now we can go”. he said as they started pulling out of the parking lot. It hadn’t been fifteen minutes since they got back to the truck and she already had sucked a hard cock, swallowed a load of cum, and had a cock buried deep in her hot wet cunt. What a start to a great weekend. As they drove back to the hotel, the rocking of the truck kept the cock buried deep inside her and kept it moving back and forth. Orgasm after orgasm had soaked the towel she was sitting on and was only making her hornier and hornier by the mile. She had gotten to the point where she was determined to make him as hot as she was. As they drove along she noticed that some of the drivers would look over and see that she was laying back in the seat and that she couldn’t help but to pull and twist on her hardened nipples. The thought of others watching her only added to the fire burning in her pussy. By the time they reached the hotel she was soaked. Cum had run down her thighs, and down into the crack of her ass. She was feeling like such a slut that she didn’t care who saw her in that condition. When they had parked and started to get out of the truck to go inside, she started to take the dildo out. “Oh no, you have to leave it in. Just pull up your pants, that will hold it in place” he said. She was so hot and in his control she did what he said and pulled her pants up securing the dildo deep inside her.
The walk to the motel was almost more than she could stand. The moving back and forth made the cock work her cunt even more. It was making her legs so weak she didn’t know if she would be able to walk that far. By the time they made it to the check in her pants were starting to look like she had peed herself from the juices of her pussy. Her nipples were as hard as they had ever been and the desk clerk could not have missed them even if he was blind. This only added to her excitement when he made sure that she knew he was looking at her hard nipples. “I think he likes your nipples baby,” he told her as they waited for the clerk to fill out the paper work. “I bet you like to have him suck on them wouldn’t you” he asked. She was so horny by then she didn’t care who sucked on them just as long as somebody did. She could always cum from that alone, and now more than ever. She couldn’t hardly stand still with the cock still in her pussy and the clerk staring at her hard nipples. She just wanted to fuck and to be fucked now and hard.
Just then a young woman came out of the back and asked if she could be of any help. The clerk said he had everything under control still looking at the hard nipples and squirming woman in front of him. But he said that maybe they could both help a little later if that was ok with them. The clerk and the young assistant looked at each other smiled and said “If there is Anything they could do just give them a call.” he did ask the clerks if they had room service, they smiled once again and said “ not normally, but they might be able to make an exception if we needed anything”.
Once they finally made it to the room she grabbed him by the shirt and thru him on the bed and said “ You son of a bitch, now you’ll pay”. as he lay there laughing she took off her clothes and held him down on the bed and straddled him. “You have made me make such a mess of myself that now your going to clean me up.” She held him down as she moved up across his body and straddled his head. Pushing her soaking wet pussy into his face she said “Now get busy.” She proceeded to work her hips back and forth working her pussy all over his face making him give her the licking she needed so badly. The more he licked and sucked though the more wet she became until she let loose and flooded his mouth and face with a flood cum leaving her a shaking and trembling mess.
Laughing and snuggling they looked at each other with a smile of much needed release. After a much needed rest he asked her if she needed something to drink or eat, and she said that would be nice. “Well go jump in the shower and I’ll order something and see if they were telling the truth about doing anything for us. She asked “What are you up to now” with a smirk and a kiss. While she went to take her shower he called the front desk. Talking to the clerk he asked if there was someplace they could get something to eat and drink. The clerk eager to maybe she the woman with the large hard nipples again informed him that their shift was ending and they would be glad to get them something and bring it by. Thanking him he told the clerk that he would make it worth his while and he would see them soon. As Peggy got out of the shower there was a knock at the door. Answering it he found it was the young girl standing there. He asked where the other clerk was. “Oh he’s in the car, waiting for me” the young girl said. “How come he didn’t come in” Jack asked? Blushing the girl said “He was afraid he would embarrass himself, or offend you and your girlfriend” “How in the world would he do that” he asked. Blushing even more she said “ Don’t tell him I told you but he got kind of excited over your girlfriend earlier. And he was afraid he would do it again”. “Well tell him to come on in it would be a complement if he got excited over her and she would like the attention” “Are you sure?” she asked. “Well yes tell him you and him are more than welcome to join us. We ordered plenty if you two would like to stay.” “Ok, I’ll ask.” Walking out the door she yelled out to him “Horse they said for you to come on in, and they want us to join them if we wanted.” Horse? He wondered. The kid must like horses because he certainly wasn’t that big, but what ever. Young people do come up with some strange nick names sometimes.
Just as Peggy was walking out of the bathroom wearing a very sheer teddy she saw the young girl standing in the doorway. “Oh sorry I didn’t know we had company I’ll get a robe. “No don’t, Horse was quite taken earlier by your display at the check in.” As they were talking Horse walked up to the door. Jack invited them to come on in and close the door. Poor Horse trying his best not to stare did all he could not to fall over his own feet walking in. Sit, sit, Jack told them as he took the food and drinks and put them on the table. Peggy was feeling very nervous about all of this, but so was everyone else. But then again she was the only one who was almost naked in the room. She couldn’t help it but her nipples were not letting anyone down either. They were standing out as hard and proud as ever. Peggy could feel them and the rubbing against the soft material wasn’t helping things either. Honey why don’t you give ol’ Horse here his tip for being so nice for bringing us some food and drinks. Peggy got this strange look and asked “How am I suppose to do that?” “Well according to this young lady, by the way what is your name dear?” Jack asked. “April” she said. “Horse here got somewhat excited by you at our check in. Seems he really likes your hard nipples.” Horse looked at April with a look that would have killed a man. April blushing said “Sorry”. Peggy knew where this was going, looked at Jack and said “Well it’s not like I’m very covered now.” I know but why don’t you walk over here and let Horse here have a better look, after all he did go out for us when they don’t normally have room service. Feeling the moisture developing between her legs Peggy slowly walked over to the young man. The teddy did very little to cover her very large breast and hard nipples. The dark caps and swollen nipples were easy to make out. Sitting on Horse’s lap Peggy asked him “So you like large breast Horse?” The young clerk was beet red and could only nod his head. Peggy settled down on his lap she felt what seemed to be a baseball bat rubbing on her crotch. There’s no way this young man can be that big. Moving her ass around as if to get more comfortable it seemed to be getting bigger by the second. This only heightened Peggy’s growing excitement. She took Horses hands and placed them on her breast. When his hands made contact she felt the “bat” move against her crotch. Looking back over her shoulder she looked at Jack and said “I think I know how he got his nickname.” Jack just smiled. Looking at April who was watching them intently, asked “This isn’t making you to uncomfortable is it?” “Oh no” she said. “Maybe he’ll leave me and my friends alone when we get home.” Peggy instantly looked at Jack and he at her. Their perverted minds clicked on at the same time and on the same page. “When you get home?” Jack asked. “You two boyfriend and girlfriend? April looking somewhat surprised said “Oh my god no, he’s my brother.” Peggy hearing this and knowing Jacks mind, and hers as well, almost came just from hearing this. Jack busting out laughing asked April “Does he show himself often?” “No, but he keeps offering and I have to run him out.” April said. Peggy could feel Horses cock getting so hard she thought he was going to rip thru his sweat pants and right into her now very wet cunt. She knew she was making a wet spot on his pants as she was slowly, without even thinking about it, rubbing her pussy back and forth on his rock hard cock. Jack, taking advantage of the opportunity sat down next to April. While Horse was totally lost in Peggy’s hard nipples and what she was doing to his cock wasn’t paying attention to what was being said right in front of him. Jack also noticed that Aprils nipples were also starting to get hard. Not nearly as big as Peggy’s they still were doing a nice job of making themselves proudly known. “Have you ever seen your brothers cock? Jack asked. April blushed a beet red and said “NO”. She knew she was lying as she had peeked in on him many times wondering just what a cock that size would feel like in her small pussy. Would she even be able to take suck a large cock. She had without anyone’s knowledge rubbed herself to many an orgasm thinking about her brother. Jack could tell by the way she blushed and the way she suddenly squirmed in her seat that she…