“Lexy, can you stay behind this afternoon to help out”. Mr Maidly asked, but in a way which said I know you will.
You see I am a prefect which means it is my job as a lead student to drop my life after school and help them, (not really but that is how I saw it).
“Yes sir”. I replied quiet nonchalantly I didn’t really mind with sir he was the youngest in our school (24) and quiet cool, he would let us have our music out in class and in free time play you tube on the interactive white board. In addition, to be honest I had a little crush on him, but I am the kind of person not to show my feelings, he had cobalt blue eyes and caramel hair that was floppy and a mess on his head tanned skin and a self confident air that made the kids respect him. …
“Are you okay”? A soft but strong voice asked me with a little urgency. “Yes, I’m fine sir I just fell the book shelf was too high for me and I wobbled and fell down of the stool”. I replied sheepishly. Then I caught him staring at me not concerning as he should be, but flustered I followed his eyes. My crotch, that’s were his eyes were on my cute little bunny knickers, my skirt had ridden up around my waste must have been from when I fell. Oh the shame, my cheeks were burning. He was coming over to help me when he tripped and landed on me, he just managed too brace his hands on both sides of me to stop from body slamming me. He was in a half kneeling half-straddling position above me, his warm breath in my face, my heartbeat doing fifty miles per hour. It was an eternity before we made a move to free ourselves from the embarrassing position. Instead of letting me up straight away as I thought he would a number of looks passed over his face I wonder what he was contemplating I soon got my answer. He pushed me down on to my back and kicked the stock room door shut with his feet. “What are you doing”? I said breathlessly and confused, but so excited, cause in a strange way I knew what was coming. He did not reply to me he just bent his head stared into my eyes then his lips descended on mine. The kiss was hot and all consuming as if he wanted to swallow me whole, he feasted on my lips and our tongues did the ancient tango, its thrusting mimicking a promise of what was to come. He took one hand away from supporting himself, to roam over my young supple body; he pulled up my cardigan and slid his hand under my loose school shirt to find my erect nipple, his finger grazed it and a deep moan vibrated from my throat. He proceeded to toy and tease me until his fingers finally clamped shut around my nipple and with his index finger, a thumb started to rub around it, just from that I though I would fall over the edge of pleasure. He pulled his hand away and stopped kissing me, what was going on? Right when I was so hot for him, he was going to leave me like this frustrated and horny. “Get up and take your shirt of “. He said with a voice filled with an adrenaline rush. I complied lifting my cardigan and slowly unbuttoning my shirt with trembling fingers. “Now before we do this are you sure”? He asked me. I shakily nodded my head he was asking me if I was really going to sleep with him, I was scared it would be my first time, in a stock cupboard at school ,the shame, but I wanted him.