By muffian
This is my first attempt at writing. If it turns out ok, i may try another, so please go easy on me.
Please be truthful, but remember I’m old. I am writing this story to express my thoughts on
walking in on my wife and her lover.
I met Mandy at craft sale in a small town, where I stopped out of curiosity. She was looking at the tables full of hand made articles and curios. I hadn’t really noticed her until she turned to
move and I bumped her arm. “I’m sorry” I said and she laughed and started to say something but no sound came out.
I was looking at a woman who was more beautiful than any I had ever seen. We just stood and stared at each other for what seemed like hours, but, was a few seconds. I’m thinking ‘say something you idiot she’s gonna vanish any second now’. Gathering all my macho energies I said
“uh, yo, I, uh,”
She smiled and said “me too”. We laughed and relaxed a little and decided to have coffee. While we were talking something happened to both of us. and,when we left the diner
we were in love. It may sound strange, but six years and one child later the feeling is still there for both of us.
Mandy is five feet two inches, one hundred and twenty pounds and has a 36C 25 34 figure.
she has long black hair to about 4 inches below her shoulders. Her eyes are blue and she has the most mischievous smile i’ve ever seen.
Mandy wanted to go to work after our daughter Chloe was four years old. I have my own business I had started a few years before Mandy and I met, and it had grown and was doing very well. we didn’t need the money from her job, but, we put it in a fund for Chloe’s education.
A new contract was available to us to supply an overseas customer. They wanted to meet with me in person, so i had to fly to Sydney. I discussed it with Mandy, and we agreed it was to big to pass up. I was to leave Wednesday and return Saturday evening. The meeting went well and I returned Friday evening. I Had tried several times to call Mandy, but with no success. After landing
and, since I could not reach Mandy, I took a cab home.
I had planned to call as we were landing but decided I would just go home and surprise her.
I got a bigger surprise from her.
I went in the front door and put my bag on the floor and hung up my coat. There was one table lamp on in the living room, but, I saw clothes on the floor. I chuckled to myself and would kid Mandy about tidying up after. Then it hit me, one of the items was men’s pants. All of a sudden my world started crumbling. No, what was I thinking? This cant be, Can it? I sat on the couch, or more accurately, collapsed on it. I sat for a moment thinking how stupid I was, to think Mandy would do what I was thinking.
But I took the wallet out of the pants, and was going to see who they belonged to when I heard a scream from down the hall to the bedroom. I got up from the couch and ran to our room and burst in the door. there was my Mandy, on the bed, my fucking bed, on her knees with her ass up and this guy with his cock up there. I grabbed him at the same time as he
saw me. I got hold of his hair and hit him as hard as i could, I hit him four more times. I was almost holding him for the last three. I was going to give him more, but he had come out of her and she turned and said “what did you stop fo…”she screamed when she saw me and passed out
I pulled him up off the floor. He was conscious, but unable to move i pushed him against the dresser and said ” now you listen to me, and listen good, you will only hear this once ok”?
“I am Mandy’s husband” he looked at me like the proverbial cat with the canary. I continued “was this thing here your idea or Mandy’s”?
“It was my idea ,she said she had a bad feeling about it tonight and changed her mind, but,
I was horny and pushed my way in”. He was trembling, and hurting so bad I could barely
understand him.
“OK Here comes your one big chance to live, Have you ever touched Mandy before tonight”?
“I kissed her, and felt her tits, but she always stopped me and said she didn’t want to cheat on you, but I new she wanted to fuck my ten inch cock because I had showed it to her”.
” you just said the things to save your life. I’ll decide on your ten inches in a bit. I am not going to kill you now, but believe it buddy, I would do it with a smile on my face and the boys in jail would wonder why I was smiling while serving time for killing you.”
” I love Mandy with all my being and if I ever find you in the same neighborhood as her, I will kill you. If you ever talk to her, I will kill you. If you look at her, I will kill you. If you ever tell any body what you did today I will castrate you and leave you to bleed to death. I am going to let you keep your cock, a useless, fucking asshole like you has only one thing going for him, so you keep it.”
“If you are to stupid to understand any of this, I will explain it again. Do you understand?”.He just nodded.
“What do you think your wife is gonna do to you” His eyes opened real wide, and he shook his head and moaned.
Mandy was coming around and looked at me and collapsed again.
“this is the wrong time to piss me off slut” she turned and looked at him and her pretty face turned into a look of sheer terror. I told her to get cleaned up and clean up this room. “NOW SLUT!
she jumped up and went to the bathroom. I escorted her gentleman caller out of my house. I got the keys for his car and threw them out in the grass. I wrote down his name and address and threw his clothes out to him. I told him any contact with Mandy would cost more than he could afford.
I went in the house and put on a pot of coffee. It was going to be along night.
After the coffee was ready I called Mandy and told her coffee was ready. When she came in
and sat down she wouldn’t look at me. I said we needed to talk. she shook her head. I said “Well
we are going to talk, and NOW”. She looked at me and then at the table.
” I got little Mikeys name from his drivers licence now you phone his wife and tell her that you are his slut and that you are the reason he looks the way he does” She started crying again and pleaded not to make her do that.
“you or me, you decide. your the slut, now you pay the price. If you argue with me your out of here.”
She looked at me through her tears. She picked up the phone and asked me for his phone number “don’t you know?” I asked.
She said “No. I never called him”. I handed her the paper with his phone number. I felt maybe I was being unfair to her, but I felt so much pain from all this, I wanted her to hurt to.
Some one answered the phone and Mandy said, “Mrs. jackson? You don’t know me, but I had a visit from your husband today. He came here and wanted sex, and I said no and to get out but I gave in. My husband came home, and that is why he looks like he does, pardon? oh, well when he gets there, you’ll see how my husband feels about it. He has ruined my marriage and I don’t know what is going to happen, but I had to tell you what a scum sucking little prick he is. hello? She hung up” She said,”and I thought I heard a door open in the back ground”.
“When I busted in to the bed room, I heard some sounds coming out of you that didn’t sound like you were being forced, explain that.” I said “better yet tell, me who the prick is, and, how you
know him and why he was here, and, your future depends entirely on your answer”
She looked as though she was going to cry again, as tears came to her eyes. She began
.”Honey you know I love you more than my life, and I would never do anything like this on purpose.
Mike works in the warehouse, and we run into each other through the day, and he was always
hinting about a date and wanting to take me to a motel, but, I told him I would never do that.
I never thought he would do something like this.
He came here and rang the doorbell and when I answered the door he stepped up and I couldn’t close it. He said he needed to talk and came in. I was so scared, I couldn’t move when he said he was going to fuck me. He took my clothes off then made me walk to the bed room. He threw me on the bed and had sex with me. Then the tears really started coming. I got up and filled her cup with coffee.
I believed her and put my hand on her shoulder. She threw her arms around me and held me so tight I could barely breathe.
After a few minutes she went on ” after he fucked me he got off and made me suck his cock. He came in my mouth and made me swallow it, Then he made me lick, and suck his balls. My
body was starting to betray me, I couldn’t help it honey, as much as I detest it, I couldn’t help it.
Then he made me suck him again and when he came I just swallowed as hard as I could. I was really getting turned on by being forced. He told me to get on my knees. Not knowing what
he was going to do, I did it. He pushed himself into my cunt, made a couple of strokes, and I heard myself moan. He pulled out, and with no warning, stuck his cock in my ass. It hurt so much I just screamed, but, after a few strokes it wasn’t so bad and my body came alive and started fucking him back. I didn’t hear you come into the room, but he came out of me and I wanted him back inside me. Then, I saw you, and just passed out. I don’t remember anything until you showed me his face, and told me to clean everything up. I thought my life was finished.”
I looked at her, and said “I believe you, but you should have told him to fuck off the first time he said anything out of line. this thing started the first time you didn’t slap him or yell at him or go and see someone about it. Anyway, things are about to take a giant leap back wards to when we were first married ok? good. You told me then that you would never suck me off. remember? You said you could never swallow cum, or allow me in your ass. and you don’t like to be eaten. And I was stupid enough to go along with that for all this time, and now I find out you like it! Well a new deal takes effect tonight, starting now.”
“Your cunt is now my cunt, and I will eat it while you suck and lick my balls, any time I want. The next time you shave your legs shave any other hair I only want to see hair on your head. If I find a hair I will pull it out with the tweezers I expect to see you try HARD to make up for those lost years, as well as staying up to date for the rest of our life. do you agree or not.”
She did not say anything, she just flew into my arms, and kissed me. Since then sex has been unbelievable. She says she will never forget the anger, and hurt on my face when I told her that this is what I do to people who fuck with me.