Divorcee Mom and Son. First episode.
….. guided his penis into his mom’s wet cunt…. I am a divorcee of 33 years and had always enjoyed sex with my Dad since the age of 16 when my parents divorced. I thought I will get some encouragement and feel less guilty reading about the experience with other like minded people. One of the Lush members Franklin847 encouraged me to write about my incest experiences and also gave me a tip or two as to how to get my 16 year old son involved. He suggested that I lay on the couch feigning sleep without my panties and let my dress ride high. In the couch: Well, I tried that yesterday as we were watching some ‘car chase’ movie on the tele, . I said, “Tommy, you watch. Mum is catching a nap.” I drew the curtains and darkened the room a bit and ‘carelessly’ lay there ‘dozing off’ with a cushion carefully ‘covering’ my face. I could see Tommy looking at me again and again to see whether I really went to sleep as he wanted to share his excitement of the scenes in the movie. In my ‘sleep’ I raised my legs and the dress rode up to the top of my thighs – no further. The pubic hair was still well covered. I couldn’t possibly actively lift up the dress any further. So then I bent my knees and opened up my crotch resting the right knee on the sofa back and the other flat on the seat. I started wetting my crotch with the thoughts as I peered carefully through my almost fully closed eyes at my son sitting in the sofa next to my couch. Assured that I am asleep, he kept turning his head and looking directly at his mum’s pussy. Well that was it. Nothing more happened and after the movie was over, he switched off the tele and left the room. In the bathroom: Later in the evening I had an idea. I told my son that I am going to clean up the bathroom. After cleaning up, without shutting the door, I took off my dress and got into the shower, knowing that my son would now be coming to see whether I had finished cleaning the bathroom since it was dinner time. As I heard him approach, I put the shower gel on my face and kept my eyes closed and started massaging my face and body. He walked in. As I stealthily peered through the corner of my eyes, I saw him standing there astonished for a few moments looking at my nude body and quickly disappearing from the scene, obviously feeling guilty or embarrassed. Then I called after him, pretending that I had not noticed him there and asked him to get me a towel, which I had ‘forgotten’ to bring in with me as I was coming in to clean the bath room. I wanted him to feel that it is OK to approach his mum’s nude body. He came and handed over the towel, looking away. I opened the shower door and taking it from him thanked him and asked him what he wanted for dinner. I wanted him to feel at ease and start looking at me. It worked! Can you believe it? He looked at my face and as I was drying up, we continued our conversation. I stood right in front of him and mopped my breasts and between my legs with the towel as if it is all OK for him to see me like that. Getting ready for bed: We had dinner: microwave pizza and salad, as my son wished. Then he went upstairs to play with his Xbox and I watched something or the other on the tele. After a while I went upstairs to retire to bed early as I had an almost sleepless night before, though I had caught up with some sleep early in the morning. I wasn’t sure whether it would be right or wrong to have sex with my own son. It is right if that would keep him away from bad company and diseases. It wouldn’t be OK if he would become mother fixated. But with my own experience with my dad, I know that incest is the best safety valve. So that is why I finally decided to go for it. “Do you want to sleep with mommy tonight, Tommy?” I asked him. He looked at me and said “Yes” We used to do that often before my divorce when my ex-husband wasn’t home. With three months into the divorce, this was the first time I was going to sleep with my young son. Kissing game: Tommy came over and took off his T-shirt and with just his boxer shorts on, climbed under the blanket. I had no panties on and the lingerie was sheer. I pulled him over to me and we cuddled each other. Feeling his embrace I said “Tommy, you are a strong man, you are crushing me!” “I love you mom,” he said and gave me another bear hug and kissed my cheek “I love you too” and kissed ‘innocently’ on his lips which I do often. But this time I kept my lips on my son’s for a perceivably long time and mumbled without opening my lips, “My sweet little baby..” “OK mom” Tommy tried to say with my lips still on his, and saying so, opened his mouth when I felt the wetness of the inside of his lips. Without relenting, I planted one more firm kiss on the inside of his lips by nudging his lower lip down with mine. Then I turned it into a kissing game. I moved the blanket down. “I love you Tommy” and kissed him on his cheeks and then his chest and then his tummy. Then I kissed his left groin but made sure that my nose touched his penis as I moved on to kiss the right. Then I moved on to his thighs and then his legs and finally kissed and gently put my lips around his big toes. He immediately withdrew his legs and moved to the lower and of the bed where both me and my son were now sitting. “Show how much you love your mom, Tommy” “A lot!” he said. “Kiss and show” I demanded and lay down on my back with my left knee raised and the foot drawn almost to my right buttock. My lingerie had rode to the top of my thighs by now. Tommy, as he was kneeling by my right side, I beckoned him with my hands to start kissing and pointing to my cheeks, said, “Start here”. It was a gentle command which he readily followed. Attention to the Breasts: He kissed my cheeks and waited. I encouraged him “And then…??” He straightened himself up and looked at me unsure. “Go on Tommy..” I waved my left hand across my entire body. Tommy bent down again and kissed my chin and then my stomach. “Nothing in between?” I asked my son, smiling. “And that is all that you wanted as a baby,” I continued. Without lifting up his head and looking at me, Tommy gently went on to kiss each of my left breast well above and far away from the nipples. When he moved on to my right, I guided his head towards the nipple and said, “That’s where you kiss them” As I felt my son’s lips against my erect nipple, I pressed his head gently down on to the flesh of my breast and asked him to kiss the left one also the same way. I was pleasantly surprised that this time not only that he went straight for my nipple, but pressed his lips around it nibbling it playfully. “Wow..!” I said, “That felt good, Tommy”. I wanted him to feel totally encouraged. And then I pushed his head down to my belly which now he kissed over the lingerie. My lingerie now up to my waist, I turned face down exposing my totally bare buttocks for him to kiss. For a brief moment, between me lifting the lingerie up and turning face down, I watched my son look at my pubic hair that had missed seeing that afternoon in the living room couch. Now face down, I pointed my finger at my ass and said “And there..” He did that without any hesitance. By now my son had developed a big erection that was easily visible through his boxer. As Tommy kissed my calf, I said, “OK, I know that you love me.” I turned around on my back and with my lingerie now riding high till my belly button, asked my son to lie over me. With the game now well under way, he readily did that. Getting bolder and baring breasts and penis: “You didn’t kiss me here,” I said, pointing to my breasts. “I did, mom!” he protested. “No, not like I did there,” implying my kisses on the bare chest and belly. “Did where?” My son asked. “Here, like your skin here.” I forced my right hand between and brushed it up and down on my son’s chest and stomach and as I did that I ‘inadvertently’ caught my son’s erection. In a reflex he lifted his belly from mine and stared at me.