The moonlight finally moves above the treeline,
Its silvery light reflected by the calm waters,
Bathing you in a soft glow,
Illuminating you from behind.
The cords holding your wrists to the tree become a silver line,
your hair glowing now as the moonlight hits it,
the pale light giving your body a unearthly sheen,
a pale silvery nimbus about you.
The glow, and the sweat on your marked body,
turning the dark red skin to a reddish silver.
The metal that adorns your body picking up the light
and throwing it about, as you twist and turn.
Then a scream silences the night,
tearing thru the stillness,
as your body shakes,
throwing little shards of light everywhere.
The black tails that have become a extension of my hand,
moves back to my side.
As the light picks up the silver waterfall,
falling from the heaven between your thighs.
A smile crosses my face,
your body hanging limp in its bonds.
I see the light in your eyes,
match the moonlight that surrounds you.