“License or identification please,” Swain demanded, shining the flashlight directly in the woman’s face. She shielded her eyes with her hands. Her outfit left little to the imagination, a white halter and skimpy shorts, more like lingerie than clothing, paired with clear five inch stilettos.
“Officer, is this really necessary?” she asked with a hint of irritation.
Swain repeated his request. “I don’t think I did anything for you stop me.” “I don’t give a fuck what you think! You see this uniform… It gives me the right to stop whomever I see fit!” Swain gripped his cock to keep it from jumping out his pants. The aroma of pussy invaded his nostrils, mixed with her all day channel scent. “Look what the fuck you have on, walking around Buckner, of all places, with high heels and… look like panties and a damn bra. It’s obvious you out here working the track. Trying to act like you some kind of lady.” His abrasiveness caught her off guard. She dug around her purse handing him her license with shaking hands. “Do you mind getting that light out my fucking eyes. I can’t see a damn thing. For your information I don’t work the track. I work at Pandora Men’s Club. I’m a dancer not a prostitute.” Swain snickered derisively, “I didn’t know there was a difference, you both turn tricks don’t you?” He looked at her license. Destiny Taylor, a twenty three year old resident of Los Colinas, a ritzy area for a hooker. He put her license in his back pocket. She reached for it. Swain smacked her hand away. “You can cut the false modesty shit. A dancer huh… What do you charge for a private dance with a little something extra on the side?” He licked his lips suggestively the reached out to pinch her twat with his large hands. Destiny’s anger rose, her face a mask of frustration that Swain found irresistibly sexy. Her bow shaped mouth puckered with her brows knitted together over large oval shaped eyes that were more expressive than any words said. She stomped her foot and let out a huff of air, blowing her bangs off her face. “I don’t appreciate your tone or your line of questions. I see where you going with this, but I’m not a prostitute. I pay my taxes cop, so in essence, you work for me.” “In essence, you work for me,” Swain mimed her comment. “You don’t appreciate my tone huh? Well… place your hands on top of your head and interlace your fingers. Let me make sure you getting your money’s worth out of this cop.” “What the fuck? I didn’t do anything! This is harassment and I will report your black ass!” “I’m only going to tell you one more time… PUT YOU HANDS ON YOUR MOTHER FUCKING HEAD NOW!” Destiny was visibly shaken and lifted trembling hands above her head. Swain grasped both her hands in his and walked her in the direction of the squad car. He stared at her full round behind. It jiggled when she walked. He wanted to bend her over the hood of his car and fuck her. His dick was harder than steel pushing up against his belt. “Good lord you look delicious woman. Why don’t you make this easy for both of us. You may enjoy it.” “Enjoy what? Being taken advantage of by a crooked ass cop? I think not,” Destiny said with her hands on her hips. “You a feisty one aren’t you? Why you so uptight? When was the last time you been kissed? I mean a good passionate kiss. It might be the stress reliever you need.” “Have you lost your mind? Are you arresting me or trying to fuck me?” “Ok, I see you want to do this the hard way. Put your hands on the vehicle and spread your legs. NOW!” Destiny turned around to face Swain instead of following his orders. “Look, Officer, I’m sorry I was a bitch. I know I look like i’ m working tonight, but It’s not what it looks like. I got into an argument with my boyfriend on the way to work and he dropped me off on the corner and left with my car! Please, just let me go. I promise I’m on my way to work.” She smiled- just a little, pointing her ample bussom in his direction, nipples hard from the night air. Swain eyed the red bone’ s thick body with genuine appreciation. Her dusky rose nipples peek through the sheer white lace halter top that stopped short of her slim waist exposing a ridiculous flat belly that flowed into deliciously wide hips. He touched her stomach with his fingertip. Bright red jeweled strawberries hung from her belly button ring. He gave the strawberries a slight tug. The milky white shorts were painted on her smooth peachy cream skin. His hand snaked out and cupped her poontang giving it a light squeeze. His thumb brushed her clit. She shivered involuntarily. A wicked expression covered Swain’s otherwise calm features. His nostrils flared out like a horse. He continued to fondle her warm snatch, pushing his fingers as far as they would go between her lips. The fabric barrier annoyed him. “Look, you know what’s up Destiny. Do you want to go to jail or you want to home? This process can go real easy or real hard.” Swain took her hand and put it on his crotch. Destiny snatched her hand away as if it were burned. “Who do you think you are, Denzel Washingtion?” Destiny’s eyes went wide with anger and disbelief. “This ain’t training day and this shit does not happen in real life. Cops are supposed to protect and service the community, not harass innocent females.” She looked around frantically. “TURN AROUND AND SPREAD YOUR LEGS,” Swain shouted in her face. Destiny growled. Her eyes were a murderous black. She turned and placed her hands on the vehicle spreading her legs. Swain kicked her legs open further. “Ouch, you’re hurting me, you bastard!” “Do you have any weapons or needles on you Ms-, with one large palm on her back, Swain reached in his pocket with the other and pulled out her license. -Ms. Taylor.” “No!” She turned around to look at him. “Do I look like I have any weapons hidden on my body?” Destiny kicked the police car a couple times and continued to mumble under her breath calling him everything but a child of God. Swain laughed. Weapons. Hell yeah she had weapons hidden in plain sight on that delicious body, with all those breasts, hips and booty. “Shut the fuck up and just do like I tell you. I’m not going to hurt you woman. If you lucky I might serve you some of this dick.” Swain patted down her arms and back, methodically working over her body. He slid his hands around to cup her full breasts then reached into her halter top and caressed them, squeezing her flesh. He felt her generous nipples grow hard beneath his warm palms. Her breathing grew labored. She ceased to struggle. “What are these, weapons?” Swain asked tweaking each nipple before continue his search. His dick was harder than Chinese arithmetic. The feel of her warm body against his was better than any video porn on the internet. He wanted her. Destiny jumped. “Oh no you didn’t,” she yelled digging her elbow into Swain’s stomach. “I have rights Officer. You can’t do this to me. By rights, you can’t even search me.” Swain ground his cock into her the softness of her booty. His rough fingers tugged her nipples. She arched her back almost imperceptibly, a slight moan escaped her lips. He licked the back of her neck. She melted against his hard muscled chest. Swain ran his hands down her legs, then up the insides of her thigh. She trembled. He pressed his hand into the base of her back. When his free hand neared her snatch she automatically leaned backwards toward him. He dipped his hand between the waistband of her shorts. He found her pussy to be wet and slick. It was a battle for Swain not to lower her shorts to her knees and slip his hard cock into her wet pussy, instead he diddled her clit, pumping his thick shaft against her plump ass. Swain leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Ok Ms. Taylor, I see you feeling cooperative, regardless of what your mouth says.” His full brown lips pressed tight against her neck, tongue slithering out and into her ear then over her jaw line across her lips. He kissed the corner of her mouth, leaned his full weight on her while he invaded her most private possession. “What are you doing to me?” Destiny stammered, “This isn’t fair, not that my life has ever been fair. You men are all alike. You all want the same thing and it doesn’t matter how you get it.” She pushed up against him, turned her head slightly, then pressed her lips to his. “Is this what you want?” She licked his lips, rolled her tongue around in his mouth, the gold stud on the tip teased his skin. She bit down on his lip drawing blood then laughed like a woman possessed. Swain was undaunted. Her sensuality glowed like an ember in his eyes, pumping lust through his veins like molten lava. All he could think of was how her pussy would feel wrapped around his dick. He wondered what she tasted like, was her pussy as sweet as her lips… Would she welcome him inside her body… His eyes glazed over as his dick took control of his thought process. It had been a long time since Roxy made him feel like this, if ever. His marriage was purely a commitment, the romance was gone. There was a difference between loving someone and being in love. Swain was no longer in love with Roxy, but he couldn’t imagine life without her. This insane lust drove him crazy. Roxy was no help with her dependence on Christ. He wanted her to care more about their marriage and what he needed. He was never leaving, so if he had to, he would be forced to seek his pleasure elsewhere. His dick went soft with thoughts of Roxy and her trusting face, waiting for him to return to her safe. “Ms… if you don’t cooperate I’ll have to consider you resisting an officer and be forced to take appropriate measures to subdue you.” Destiny laughed. It was a sad humorless sound. “I hate to disappoint you, but you can’t do anything that hasn’t been done to me already.” Slow and slick her sadness built a burning fire in the depths of his belly. Pain was something he could understand. He felt the heat of her mysterious sexy gaze. Passionate suppressed feelings of lust and longing forced themselves into reality. She presented an opportunity to do what needed to be done. He could never treat his wife this way. Sweet pure desire clouded his thoughts with visions of pleasing Destiny and removing the haunting pain from her eyes. Maybe they could be something to each other, like a cure or at least a bandage. He still felt the long luscious strokes of her tongue against his. He spoke without thinking. “Yes I can. I can do something for no man has. I can make love to you if let me. I can show you what it feels like to have a man adore you, make you feel special, even if it’s just for a moment.” He wished he could take the words back as soon as they left his mouth. Destiny removed her hands from the vehicle and attempted to turn around, but Swain was faster and much stronger. He held both of her arms with one hand as the other disappeared behind him, only to reappear with handcuffs. The shiny silver twinkled in the dark. In an instant he snapped the cuffs on her wrists. She struggled to get away. “Miss, I warned you earlier to cooperate. I suggest you calm down and let me finish,” Swain said spinning her around to face him. He was a large man, broad heavily muscled shoulders and strong hands. His ginger colored skin was smooth and wrinkle free for a man of his age. His bald head gleamed under the moon light. Swain could feel her heart pounding. Destiny stopped struggling and stood there, openly surveying him. He noticed a change in her demeanor. He couldn’t fathom if it was acceptance or desire, nor did he care. “So I see we’ve chosen the easy way,” he said with a smug grin. In answer, Destiny stood on her toes then placed a soft and gentle kiss on his neck that aroused deep feelings of regret, for all things he’d never done in his life. Swain never wanted to end up like his Dad, living a life of regret, yet there he stood, about to return home to place he no longer wanted to live. Her lips were warm. He felt them part, felt her tongue spiral upward, felt her grope his cock through his pants. He drank in her reaction to his size and girth. Her hand traveled the length of him, measuring, squeezing, then just holding. Swain stared up at the sky, looking into deepness, searching for answers. He had a wife at home who loved him, a career with promise. Why was he doing this? Why was he tortured by passions that screamed to be fed. His mind drifted, getting lost. He stood, precariously balanced between lust and sanity, then she kissed him again. It was an open mouth, tongue wrestling deep kiss that left his chin and lips wet. He savored her sensual kissed on his face, neck and ears, standing mute under her touch. His body ached for release, but from what? Her warm breath on his neck, hand probing, made him yearn for the wet softness between her legs. Tension and pleasure built up in his loins. He was a man possessed, a pussy fiend with a one track mind. Swain found himself drowning in the silky ocean of her hair. He couldn’t remember when he relinquished his control over to her. He felt her smooth hands encase his flesh, then looked down in shock. His dick was in her hand. She stroked him up and down, concealed by the squad car and the cover of night. Humiliated by his own foolishness, he opened the squad car door and shoved her inside. She lunged for his dick, her wet mouth taking him in. He immediately fired off a shot. Destiny suck hungrily ready for more. Drunk with desire, the warmth of her mouth felt like rose petals and forgotten dreams all wrapped up in silk. She brought it all back to him, erotic passion and a breath of life. Her eyes smiled up at him. She touched her hands to his burning flesh. She was his fantasy come true. His phone rang. Roberta Flack’ s, First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, blared loudly, jarring him back to reality. He flipped open his phone and answered with cock still in Destiny’s mouth.