I was working one night in my fathers book store. I was rarely allowed to work alone because I was only eighteen and the shop was in a rough part of town, but my father was out of town and my mother was at home drunk on the couch, so someone had to come and open the store. I was always the responsible one.
I was putting books on the shelf and I heard the bell on the door jingle. I looked up and there was a man standing there with a jacket and a baseball cap on. He was attractive, but he looked somewhat familiar.
“I’ll be with you in just a moment.” I called out to him. I finished putting the books on the shelf and I walked to where he was. He was standing in front of a display of children’s books with a smile on his face. “Can I help you find anything.”
He looked at me a little bewildered. He looked me up and down. It made me feel a little uncomfortable. Then he smiled. “Well I was looking for a book by a particular author.”
“Well is it a children’s book? What is the author’s name? I might be able to help you. The Children’s books section is my favorite section.”
He smiled at me wider. I couldn’t help but smile back. I would almost swear that I knew him. If he would take that ball cap off so I could look at his eyes. “Well actually the author isn’t very well known. Some say her book was inappropriate.”
I tried to think of any children’s book author that would have ever written anything that was inappropriate. “Well what is the name of the book?”
He smiled even bigger and looked up at me, finally meeting my eyes. “I think you called it ‘Tom Tom the Great’.”
“OH MYGOD! Tom Tom, is it really you?” It was my brother Thomas. I hadn’t seen him in over seven years. He had moved out of the house when he and my father got into a fight. He was eighteen then and I was only eleven. It had broke my heart when he left. He was my best friend.
He grabbed me in a hug and pulled me into him. “Yes, little Daniel, it’s really me. How have you been?”
I hugged him as tight as I could. “My God Tom Tom, you have changed so much.”
He pulled away from me. “I must say little sister so have you.” He took his hand and pinched my right breast. “Where did these come from.”
Being eighteen years old I should have been fully developed,but I was a late bloomer and my breast were still developing and were very tender. I was a large b cup and he got a pretty good grip on it. “Ouch, that hurt Thomas.”
“Oh, Thomas, is it. Is my little sister too big to call me Tom Tom now?”
I smiled at him. “No, I should have called you an ass-hole.”
He raised his eyebrows at me. “Oh, she even uses big girl words now.”
I rolled my eyes at him. “I’m not a little girl anymore Tom Tom.”
He looked me up and down and said in a low voice “No my dear sister, you are not certainly not.”
Then he looked up and smiled and said “So, have you written anymore stories about me? I did get that title right didn’t I?”
He was referring to the story that I wrote when I was seven years old. I was in love with him back then. He was seven years older than I was, but he always spent time with me. He would read to me every night. That was why I loved children’s books so much. He and I had different mothers, but he treated me like I was all his. I wrote a story about how I wanted to grow up and marry my brother Tom Tom and have children and live happily ever after. It had broke my heart when my mother took it from me and threw it in the garbage. She and Dad sat me down and told me how I wasn’t allowed to marry my brother. They told me that I couldn’t see him that way and that my story was not appropriate. They told me that Tom Tom was my brother and would always only be my brother. I can remember hating them for telling me that I wasn’t allowed to fall in love with him and live happily ever after.
I had ran to my bedroom crying and wouldn’t let anyone in except Tom Tom. He came in and comforted me and told me that when I grew up if I really wanted to marry him I could. He told me how much he loved my story. I know now that he was only trying to comfort a child, but it had meant the world to me at the time.
I smiled at Tom. “No, I haven’t. I think I’m still traumatized from the last one I wrote about you. Mom and Dad still bring it up at cocktail parties and make fun of me. It really pisses me off.”
Tom got a hurt look on his face. “Are you ashamed of loving me Sis?” Then his expression changed. “or is it that you don’t love me anymore? Is that it, you don’t love your big brother anymore? I bet you don’t even want to marry me anymore.”
I felt my face flush red. Of course I still loved him, I just wasn’t allowed to love him like that. I smiled at him. “I’ll always love you. You are my big brother.”
“So you don’t want to marry me anymore? I came all the way back here to see if you wanted to run off and get married and you don’t even love me anymore.”
I knew he was joking, but I couldn’t help but notice the seriousness behind it all. Was he really being serious about this?
“I’m not allowed to love you like that remember? Besides, I’m just a little girl remember.”
Tom walked over to me and grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. He looked me up and down then looked me in the eyes. He leaned over and whispered. “I’m going to have to stay Daniel, that you are not a little girl anymore. I think you are a sexy, beautiful woman. I’m really having to keep myself in check to keep my hands off of you.”
I wasn’t wearing anything that would really show my body off. I had a simple button up shirt on and a long flowing skirt that went to the middle of my calves.
I stepped back and looked up in his eyes. There was no humor in them. He was serious. I felt butterflies in my stomach. “Tom stop kidding around. Dad would die if he heard you say something like that. By the way, do they even know you are in town? Dad is gone, but he will be home in a couple of days, how long do you plan on staying.”
“No, they don’t know I’m here. I figured that Dad was gone and I was counting on the fact that your mother is still a drunk and I hoped that you would be here at the book store. I figured Dad was still too cheap to hire someone. And just my luck, here you are in the book store all alone.” He gave me a wicked smile. “What time are you suppose to close?”
“Well our sign says 9, but I usually wait until about 9:30 when Dad isn’t here. I hate going home. And you are right about Mom. She was passed out when I left this morning.”
I walked over to a cart of books and started picking them up to put on them shelf. Tom followed right behind me. He was standing so close to me that I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. “So I see that Dad finally broke down and put an erotica section in the store. How did you talk him into that?”
I looked down at the book I was holding. It was one of the more explicit novels we had in the store. “Actually, when Dad is here he is in the office most of the time. I don’t even think he knows we have it. I ordered the books without him knowing. They sell like crazy though and there was no way I was going to let him miss out on that kind of money.”
Tom pulled the book out of my hand. “You mean you read these?” he asked surprised.
I felt my face turn red. I jerked the book back out of his hand and put it on the shelf. “Well, I have. I mean I don’t make a habit of it, but I have read a few of them.”
“Daniel do you like reading them?”
I knew it would do me no good to lie to him. He could see right through any front I tried to put up. “Yes if you must know. I do enjoy reading them.”
He leaned in and whispered in my ear. “Do you ever do what the people in those books do?”
I looked at him, knowing my face was blood red. It wasn’t so much embarrassment, it was more like a rush. I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation with my brother. “No, Tom. I’m a virgin. I haven’t done anything with anyone.”
He smiled a smart ass smile. “Were you saving yourself for me?” he smacked me on the ass. “Hey, does dad still have that little bedroom in the back of the store?”
I was still trying to get over the question he had just asked me about saving myself for him. “Uh.. Yeah it’s still back there. We don’t use it much anymore. Dad will take a nap on it every now and then, but every since I got old enough to go through the day without taking a nap, we haven’t really had a great need for it. Why?”
Tom turned around and grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. “How about you close up early and you let me read to you like I use to when we were kids.”
I smiled up at him. “Dad will kill me for closing early. Besides, I think we are sold out of Green Eggs and Ham.”
“No one else is going to come in here. I mean it’s only an hour early.” Just as he said it the bell on the door jingled. Tom released me and turned to see who was standing there.
It was an older lady that comes in the store all the time. “Hello Daniel, did my books come in that I ordered?”
I looked at Tom who had an anxious look on his face. I knew that her books were in the back of the store, but I also knew that she would have to look through every one of them before she bought them. Then I would have to ring her up and listen to her bitch for an hour about the cost of the books. So I smiled the sweetest smile I could manage. “No, Mrs. Lynski, they should be on the next truck. Perhaps you can come by in a couple of days.”
She looked from me to Tom and shook her head. “Sure, Daniel, next truck. Where is your father by the way?”
“Oh, he is in the back laying down. He has a bad migraine and asked to not be disturbed. I was actually getting ready to close the shop so we could get him home and in the bed. Is there anything else I can do for you today?”
She gave me a look that told me she knew I was lying, but she left out the door anyway. I ran behind her and locked the door and flipped all the lights out. I turned around and looked at Tom.
“Are you sure you haven’t done this before, because you were a pro just then.” He smiled at me. “You came up with all that bull shit pretty much instantly. I’m impressed little sister.”
“Stop calling me that. I have a name.”
Tom walked over to me again and pulled me close to him. “Do you not like it when I call you little sister? Would you prefer I call you Daniel? See when I call you Daniel it makes me feel like I’m talking to a guy. Damn your mother for giving you a boys name. So, you are not happy with me calling you little sister, and I’m not happy calling you Daniel. What shall I call you then?”
I looked up in his eyes. “What do you want to call me?”
He leaned in close to me. Our lips were almost touching. “I want to call you my girlfriend, my lover and eventually my wife, but you tell me I’m not allowed to call you that. I told you a long time ago that I would be back for you. Do you remember the night I left? You were crying and begging me not to leave and I told you then that I would come back and get you and take you away from all the bull-shit your mother put you through. I came back, now you are old enough to decide if you want to go with me or not. Do you still love me Daniel, little sister, are you going to allow me to call you all those things I want to call you?”
My heart was hammering in my chest. Yes I still loved him. I had always loved him. Every boy that tried to go out with me was compared to him and none of them measured up. “Tom, you are my brother and I’m only eighteen. There is no way Mom and Dad will let me go.”
“You leave that to me. I am sure I can talk your mother into letting you go. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Besides you are a legal adult now. Just tell me that you want to go. I need to hear you say it.”
“Yes, Tom. I want to go with you. I want to be with you, but it’s wrong.”
“Daniel, do you remember how upset you were when they told you that you were not allowed to love me like that? Do you remember crying? I told you then that it was alright and that I loved you too. I meant that. How can it be wrong when we felt it when we were only kids? And your mother has no room to talk about right from wrong. She started fucking me when I was only eleven years old. That is why we all got into a huge fight. Dad came in and caught her trying to get me to fuck her again, but I had refused, because even then I knew that I was in love with you, but you were too young then to know how I felt. I was eighteen and the hardest thing I ever did was leave you. Now you know and you are old enough to understand. I don’t think any of this is wrong. I have thought about you every day since the day I left. I always knew I would come back for you. Just like I promised.”
“Oh Tom, I have missed you so bad. I think I have always been in love with you.” I hugged him closer to me and looked up into his eyes. I had never felt so much desire in my life. I was scared and nervous, but I knew what I wanted. “Tom, will you read to me?”
Tom leaned down and kissed me passionately. “Yes, but only if I get to pick the book and it won’t be Green Eggs and Ham.”
I smiled up at him. “I’ll meet you in the little room in the back.” I ran to the little room and I sat down on the little twin size bed. I took my shoes off and my stockings. I thought about taking the rest of my clothes off, but then I decided I didn’t want to seem too eager. I lay down on the little bed and waited for Tom.
A few minutes later he came in with a book in his hand. “I think I found the perfect book. Get comfortable.” He took his jacket off and his shirt. I could see that he was aroused by the large bulge in his pants. He sat down on the chair next to the bed and started reading. He had found a book that began with a very explicit scene. As he read from the book I could feel myself get wetter and wetter.
Finally I couldn’t take anymore. “Tom, I want you to do that to me. I want you and I to act out that scene in that book.”
Tom put the book down on the little table that sat beside the bed. He stood up and without a word he ran his hands up my skirt and pulled my panties off of me. My heart was in my throat. I was scared and nervous. “Tom, remember it’s my first time. Just be….”
Tom put his fingers on my lips. “I won’t hurt you, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do. If I make you uncomfortable at all just tell me and I’ll stop.” he leaned in and kissed me. I pushed myself…