Ms Marca … Fort Worth Boat Show
Part 1
I got home just after 11 PM from a date, it was a Coke date, will to tell the truth I went with the guy to the park and we fucked for a couple of hours, he was in his first year of college at North Texas. Mother told me while I was out that a guy had called asking if I was the young lady who modeled at the mall and would I be available to do the Fort Worth Boat Show. I looked at mother and she had a big smile . “Don’t tell your father until you get the job!”
I called the man back the next day and he had told me that I was seen this past summer modeling swim wear at the mall and if I had an open schedule I had a 4 day job for one of the boat manufactures exhibits. This was going to be my first trade show that I got without help from Bert, if I got the job.
I was told I had to interview for the position with the President and VP of Sales with the company to get the job. It turned out that 8 girls were being interview and only two would get a job, my first cattle call as they say. A few days layer I was called and told when and where the interview would be. Each girl was to be interviews by the sales guy and later after we changed into the swim suit we had to model for the president and others. So I was to wear a dress and heels and bring a swim suit to be seen in.
The day of the interview was a school day and I had to be at the hotel convention center at 4 PM , this was not going to give me time to go home change and get my make up on and get to the interview. The night before I shaving my legs and pussy; in fact I did a half ass wax job on it…God I hate that. I must say it was smooth like a baby’s ass and I did the nails, toes and feet. Danny my good buddy said he would drive me to the hotel. I did my make up in the car and slipped on my dress just as we pulled into the parking lot across from the hotel. I told Danny not to wait for me, I had no idea how long I would be.
I went to the hotel lobby ladies room and stood in front of the full-length mirror on the wall next to the door. I was pleased with what I saw. My shapely legs took up a good bit of my 5′ 10” frame. I’ve got a killer body and with my heels on my ass was looking fine. My 125 lbs. were distributed quite well across my body. I ran my fingers across my flat stomach and noticed how well my 39D breasts stood out. One of the features I have, and something to be proud of is my rack that seem to be the center of the universe when I wear the right top. My nipples have that silver dollar size to them and they stand at attention whenever I become aroused. My small waist makes my breast seem much
larger than one would think, but it makes the framed shaped tits above and my
tight protruding ass below give me that hour and a half glass look. Finally, I was ready to make my entrance.
I went to the front desk and asked for the room number of the company that was holding interviews. The guy looked at his book and told me the room number with out looking up at me; than he glanced up and looked at my face and his eyes traveled down to my breast.
“Honey I can tell you got the job…trust me; you can take it to the bank.” I smiled thanked him and headed for the elevators, damn that made me feel good about this; but he was not picking the girls for the job.
For the first time in a long time I was nervous. I reached the room I started to collect my thoughts. My stomach felt as if it was on fire! Not from heat of my body but from the heat of my excitement. This was something I have always dreamed about. I open the door and walked into a reception area that had 6 other girls setting and waiting for the same interview I was here for, within 5 minutes of me taking a seat 2 more showed up. No one said a word to each other we didn’t even make eye contact. Hell they were here for the same job I was after; I hope each one gets a ziti in the next 5 minutes.
The door to a room open and a name was called out, a tall blond got up said that’s me and walked to the door and into the room. We never saw her again. I was the fourth one to go in and when I went into the room a nice looking guy in a white shirt and tie stood up from his chair, took a step toward me, and introduced himself as_________ VP of Sales. I just went blank on his name; damn I could not remember the guys name and he is going to hire me? As I sat down, I made sure I did so in a very lady like manner, keeping my knees together, careful not to let my skirt climb. I took a seat in a nice full wingback chair
that caused my dress to ride up just above my knees and keeping my legs together
and tucked back and to the side like a lady should I put my hands down on my lap on top of my portfolio album. He looked at a sheet of paper and than at me and said.
“May I call you Marca?”…I smiled and nodded yes, “yes…please do” “Marca do you know why you’re here?” I looked at him like yes dumb ass…than got hold of myself. “Yes sir I’m here to interview for the boat show and be one of your girls for the show. I was told a boat manufacture, your company wanted a tall lady with dark hair, eyes and a dark tan with a bright smile. That is me, I think I can pass the tall test and most anything else they said you were looking for.” He smiled as he looked off past me.
“Marca the two girls we want for the show need to help us sell our company, sell our products/boats and sex sells when it comes to dealing with dealers who carry our line of boats.” Than he just looked at me as if I was to answer him. I put my album down on the floor stood up looked down at him…I than turned with my back to him looked back over my shoulder and than did that runway catwalk swing to the other side of the room turned came back and looked down at him again.
“When do I start work?” He sat back in his chair and broke out in a big smile and began to laugh. Told me to have a seat as he continued to laugh…
“Honey slip down to room 809 put on your swim suite and I’ll join you in a minute and you can meet a few of the other officers of the company…OK!”
I smiled and looked back at him as I stood up. “Sir I have a bikini that has a built in
support push up bra…which I think you can see I don’t need and I have 2
different bottoms that goes with it…a French cut or a thong, which one would you like for me to wear?”
“Honey I think the French cut will do for this interview.” I thanked him and turned and headed for the door, as I went to open the door, I looked back at him…”Oh I have two pair of heels I can wear 4″ or 6″…just depends on the effect you are looking for!” He smiled shook his head from side to side and said 4″ will do. I went to the room found the door open and no one in and changed in the bathroom. Put my dress and underwear in my gym bag with my other stuff and slipped on the bikini and 4″ heels. The VP was in the bedroom waiting for me.
I walked out the bathroom and modeled for him doing a few turns around the small room. He said, “Very nice, that will do just fine. It was show time! I went down stairs with the VP to the conference room. I was carrying the bag with my other clothes in it, which I sat down out of the way. The room was full of men who were officers of the company. I was introduced to all of them but Mr. Dean, the president was the only name I remembered from the group. He was shorter and fatter than the rest of them.
I could feel the butterflies mounting up. I slowly paraded around the table
with my chest out knowing each man was getting his eyes full I stuck my breasts
and ass out best I could with out making it look nasty, my heels were doing
the job they had been made to do. By the looks on their faces and two or three
of them gave a nodding approval, I knew I was a success.
I had to admit that the heels and the bikini with a room full of men who
looked to be horny old men did make me feel sexy and when you feel sexy…you act
sexy and that is half the job. Sex was what they wanted and I gave those sexy
moves sexy stares, a sexy pose when I made eye contact with each of them. The
looks on the faces showed they approved of my looks and it turned me on to see
them smiling and approving of my performance.
Than one old guy spoke up…”so she has a set of boobs on her, this want sell
boats and, if we got to have a female out on the show room floor…than get one
that has some God Damn knowledge about a boat!” Everyone looked at me and than
one guy from the end. “Miss can you tell us what you know about a boat?”
“Yes sir… (I looked down at the conference table and said)…”Gentlemen lets
look at this table as a vessel…the helm is where the wheel is which is up here.”
I moved to the head of the table and bent over and pointed to a spot on the
table making sure that they saw my boobs hanging and or my ass sticking up.. .it
depended on where you were setting. “If you want to know where the captain is…
he is always at the helm; that’s the steering wheel for you people who are
pretending to know all this.” Everyone laughed.
I moved to the left side of the table making sure I got squeezed in between
two of the men. “The port is the lift side of the boat when you have your back
to the stern.” I than moved to the other end of the table; “this would be the
stern. ..I bet a few of you have been looking at my stern?” I got a hoot and a groan
on that one form one or two. “A galley is a kitchen, which would be about here
on this vessel. Many of your nicer vessels will have a lounge area that is
just off the galley.” By this time I had moved to the other side and bent over to
point to where the lounge would be; “this area could convert into a sleeping
area. The bathrooms are called heads… and never try to Pee while in rough seas,
you will get you backside wet.. .oh I forgot you guys don’t need to set to Pee do
I smiled as they all broke out in laughter… all but the guy who tried to put
me down.
“Gentlemen I got a little confession to make. ..I been going deep sea fishing
since I was 10 years old, in fact I was down in the Caymans just 9 weeks ago.”
(OK so I had only been just that one week in the Caymans.) “Oh and when you
have been invited out on a gentleman’ s boat to do some big time fishing. ..I always
remember to tell him… THIS IS THE NICEST BOAT I HAVE EVER SEEN.”
With that the president spoke up…” Newcomer you asshole does that answer your
question. Does anyone else have a problem with her?” The room was like a tomb,
you could hear a pin drop. “Miss you got the job! If we don’t have anymore
business lets get a drink!” Everyone but Mr. Asshole came up to me and shook
my hand and told me they were looking forward to the show; the VP said for me
to join them for a drink in the next room. I went in still in my heels and
bikini and was the center of attention with them. As we were all talking I was
moving around amongst the men and meeting them chatting about my fishing trips
and talking about the Caymans! (Damn I’m slick!) I could see they were taking in
the site of my cleavage and I had more men making nipple contact than eye
contact.. .so what else is new. One or two of the good old boys were beginning to
get a bit excited.
In walked a tall blond that had to be 25 or older a real looker as you guys
would say. We were introduced and she was the other half of the team. She was
wearing a conservative one-piece suit. The top was loose fitting and hung so
that her boobs were showing more than just cleavage. It had spaghetti straps,
which were adjusted too long. She didn’t have any personality and later I found
out she was the girl friend of one of the board members. So we know how she
got the job and I saw real quickly she was not going to carry her weight on
this job.
It turned out that you had to be 18 to be hired by the sponsor; but no one
ever asked how old I was. I got 200 a day and my expenses (hotel and meals) When
I came home from the interview I was sky high and had to make the big
announcement to mom and dad who were in the den watching the TV. You know what is
coming…”Marca what about school, your not doing anything to cause you to miss any
school!” “Daddy the show is from 4 Pm till 10 PM on Thursday… 4 PM till 11 PM
on Friday… Noon to 11 PM on Saturday… Noon till 5 PM on Sunday, I’ll make all
my classes.
When I told them about the pay and the expenses, my father came back with…
“That’s more than I make in a day.” Poor dad if he knew how much I had made at that trade show with Bert in Houston and how much mother I put away on our trip to the Caymans. “Marca you can forget that hotel shit you don’t need to stay at
some hotel, your mother can drop you off at the place after school and I’ll
pick you up after its over each night and I’ll take you down on the weekend and
pick you up!”
Fathers have away of fucking up a girl’s way of having a good time.
“Dad I have a room all to myself in the hotel convention center so I don’t
have to be out late on any of the nights, but I agree with you I don’t need the
room for Thursday night… because of school on Friday.” “Oh yes. ..I got tickets
for you and mom and if you want me to get 4 more for some of your clients I can
for Thursday night and that way I can ride home with you after the show.”
Mother gave me a look and a smile…
“Will honey I can go with you having a room on the weekend I guess… just 4
tickets you say… you can’t make that 8 can you?” “Oh I bet if I do a little
flirting with the head man I might get a few more!” Father had that look that just
told me I went too far on that one. “Marca I don’t… Daddy I’m kidding, please
give me a break. “Dad I’m a grown woman and in a few months I’ll be of age, and
I’ll be doing more work like this.” I got up went over to his chair and sat
down in his lap put my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. “I know I’m
too old and too big to do this anymore, but I’ll always be your little girl, thank you dad for letting me be what I want to be!”
The phone rang about that time and I jumped up to get it and when I came back to the Den dad was down the hall in their bedroom, mother later told me she found him looking at old pictures of us/family from the time I was a baby till I was about 12. She said he had tears running down his cheeks when she found him setting on the side of the bed. He looked up and shook his head…” she is not our little girl anymore is she?” Than they both had a good cry.
When you worked a trade shows or a convention your main job as a booth girl as we were called was to get men to stop at the company’s booth and let the salesmen do the number on the people who might buy. We were always dressed to kill, in my case I was the tall dark one with a wild hairdo, big boob one that was just like the other bookend except for the color hair.
When you did your job right you got great perks/rewards and when the company needed to wine and dine the good customer’s you were expected to be part of the dinner party and just set their and look good, not bad work if you look good. This was when the company personal put the pitch on the buyer and, I was to take over later when it was show time as we girls called it. After dinner someone would always say let go to a club and do a little party time. Many a time the party would be back at the hotel where they had a suite, lots of drinks and eats and hot running girls to make the place look good.
The weekend before the show I was to meet with the sales manager and sales staff of the company to see how the exhibits were set up and get reading material on the 4 different boats that were to be shown. The company had bought uniforms for my self and the blonde and all the men were to wear blue blazers. Our little outfit was a white short mini pleaded skirt; with a pull over sailors type top with the flap in the back. The front was low cut that left a lot of cleavage; a plunging cleavage that just did cover out nipples.
After going over the schedules and getting times and place set we were told to be here at 3 on Thursday. Just as the group was breaking up three of the big wigs came to the exhibit. One of the men was Newcomer who had given me a bad time at the interview. Got to win that man over, be nice to him. As they came up to us I spoke up. “Afternoon Gentlemen, hi Mr. Newcomer, how are you?” He just looked at me and turned toward one of the other men and went on about his business. I heard one of the salesman say…” what is his problem… that guy is always rude; don’t let it get to you Marca. I just smiled. ..I can put up with it till Sunday after that it’s your problem.”
Thursday came and I was like a kid on Christmas morning waiting to open my gifts. I got to the Hotel at 2:30 , yes I skipped my last class, came down with a bad case of pussy sickness sometimes called cramps. Checked in and had a nice room with a queen size bed on the 5th floor. With two girls manning the exhibit at all times we were to work the booth and be the tour guide for the 4 different boats. The smallest one was 16 foot and the largest was a big deep sea fishing vessel, 35 foot. The girl working the boats was to be in her bikini and heels while the one in the booth was to have on the shorts with the low cut sailor’ s top. And we had a captain’ s cap to wear even with the bikini.
The blonde didn’t like being exposed in the bikini and she knew that the schedule was so that if you went with the bikini on Thursday night you just had to work till 10. I agreed to do all day Sunday in the bikini and we split the middle two days each having to wear the bikini for half a day. God has away of looking out for you sometimes. Mother and dad came to the show on Thursday night and 4 of his best customers. They saw the blonde in the bikini and her Fuck Me Pump’ s and I was in the nice shorts and low cut top. Yes daddy she does look rather cheap walking around like that. Thank God he didn’t see me in that bikini they had for me, it was thong showing my ass with 6″ heels on. I want
even talk about my boobs in a pushup top.
About 9 that night I saw a man looking at me as I was handing out information
on the different boats the company carried. ..I had to take a double take…s hit
Mr. Hick one of my teachers. I went up to him smiled and reached up and kissed
him on the cheek, he pulled back and looked around to see if anyone saw that
or saw us. “Marca you should not have done that, what got into you girl!” I
took his hand and whispered to the side of his face. “I want tell anyone I kissed
you, if you don’t tell anyone where you know me from.” Mr. Hicks was about 35
and married with a little boy so I was told. He gave a funny look and said OK.
“Good I’ll tell you all about it in the morning after class.”
After the show closed at 10 PM . I got a ride home from my buddy Danny who I had
to get in, but he was cool about it. Father was Ok with him giving me a ride
home and I was in by 11, this girl was beat. Danny said he would take an IOU on
the night. I always pay my tab. The next morning after class I explained to Mr.
Hicks what I was doing and that the boat company didn’t know I was in high
School, he looked at me and just shook his head…”Marca you have away of getting
into something that is always over your head, just be careful.”
I got Mr. Hicks two tickets for Sundays show, but told him not to bring his wife, he asked why not? “Mr. Hicks you might have a problem explaining to her that I’m one of your students, when she see me in my bikini. I’ll be dressed like the blonde was last night, only I got a better fitting bikini that she does!” He gave me that wide eyed look; “oh I see, yes maybe my nephew will come with me.” “Sounds good to me, see you Sunday Mr. Hicks.”
On Friday afternoon I saw Mr. Newcomer, (all 5’6″ of him) the VP that gave me
hell at the interview, the creep had been looking me over all day Thursday
and here it was the first thing Friday he was at it again. He had gone to the
next booth across from our exhibit and every time I looked up he was watching
me. Rob one of our salesmen had me setting with an old client of the company on
the sofa by one of the bigger boats and I was showing a lot of leg. I looked
up and saw Newcomer looking at me again. ..I looked at him in the eye and smiled,
than I looked away and down to my lap. I moved my legs slowly apart and leaned
back just a bit. Looking up, I saw his eyes looking lower on my body… trying
to see my happiness… they were glued up my Y. I wondered if he could think what it looked like, the real thing, my pussy.
I told myself.. .do you like the view, Mr. Newcomer? Are you being a dirty old man? I knew that answer. I stood up and went to a different side of the booth. I bent over as if looking for something of interest in a stack of folders on the floor, knowing I was displaying a lot of thigh and maybe more. I than went to the ladies room and removed my white panties and returned to the booth to find him setting on a chair that faced the sofa. I walked to the sofa and sat on it as the creep was just a few feet away. I slowly
spread my legs as I handed Rob a folder that was for his client. Than I looked over at Newcomer, smiled and whispered to him.
“I don’t want you to strain your eyes, Mr. Newcomer. Is this a better view?”
I thought the man was going to have a heart attack. He sat there, staring, almost in a trance. After a bit he reached down and tried to casually touch his crouch. When I didn’t stop from spreading my legs; I began to smile and look at him in the eye and at his bulge, his hand gradually stroked and caressed it even more.
I told Rob it was my break time and I would be back after I changed into my swim suite for the afternoon session. He nodded yes and went back to his conversation with the man he was talking to. I stood and looked down at Mr. Newcomer and said are you coming? He got up and followed me to the hotel elevators without saying a word. We got on the elevator and than he spoke.
“You don’t know what you are doing to me, Marca.” He looked at me as if appraising a piece of meat, looking me up and down — a 17-year-old girl with a body of a woman.
I smiled. “I know what I’m going to do!”
There was a quiet pause after that. I got off the elevator looked back; “are
you coming?” He was right behind me as I went into the room. I pointed to one
of the chairs by the window. “Have a seat Mr. Newcomer!” Then I walked across
the room toward my dresser and took out my bikini and began to undress, pulling
off my top and letting it drop to the chair beside me. My boobs seem to point
toward him the excitement this was causing with in me had them getting hard.
“Marca what are you.. .Do you know what you are doing?”
“I’m getting ready for the afternoon session, Mr. Newcomer, why, is something wrong?”
I walked over to where he was setting and stood with my pussy at his face level and than I dropped my shorts and stepped out of it. He gasped when he saw my bald smooth pussy looking back at him. His head was just inches from my hot wet pussy; I looked down at him as he looked up. “Well you been dyeing to kiss it since you saw it, kiss it!” When he touched my pussy, I began to melt, and when he leaned forward and began to lick my slit up and down. My horny feeling was being taken cared of as my mind swirled while my sex pulsed. I took my hand and put it to his face pushing him off my hot honey hole.
“Mr. Newcomer some men call me a first class cock tease and when they look at me, the way you have the past 2 days I can feel the heat between my legs, my pussy just goes wild when you look at me. Do you like doing that?” He didn’t have to answer when I let go of his face he went right back to my nest.
He licked and stroked by throbbing clit and made me feel sensations I had only wanted to tease the mother fucker, but this was even better than anything I could ever dream up. He moved his hands to my hips so as to pull me in closer. His tongue stroke was slow and sensuous. He went at me like a starved man, slobbering all over my wetness. I tried to move my hips toward his face and I spread my legs even more. Then his fingers slipped between the outer lips of my sex and my head spun. I was biting my lip as I felt his fingers go deep inside my wet pussy. He slid his fingers in my slit obscenely in and out and he started to moan and his breath was coming in fast short burst.
My pussy was already soaking wet. There is nothing so exciting for a woman then having a man on his knees eating her out; will especially for me it is. I was trembling, I could not resist, and feeling the excitement like it was my first time like I had never done this before in my life, I felt like a common slut.
I submitted and moved my hips and wanted nothing else then to have an earth shaking climax all over his face. It wasn’t long before I began to cum on the spot. I was so horny and ready for a good fuck; it seem like a month, ok a few days, of built up sexual frustration or something, because I don’t think he licked me for more than a couple minutes before I exploded.
Newcomer looked up at me as he licked up my juices as they flowed from my honey pot, and I will never forget what he said. “Oh, no, what have I done.” I looked down at his puppy eyes and shocked expression. “Marca you want say anything to anyone? God I hope you don’t tell anyone?” This mother fucker had told other officers that he thought I was a little whore and that was not what the company needed for the image he wanted to present to the public.
“Mr. Newcomer I don’t have to say anything to anybody, Men have names for girls like me. Don’t you think I’m one of those type girls” He just looked at me, he was lost for words. I answered with a smirk. “But you’re going to do just as I say, you’re going to do what this little WHORE tells you to do.”
He looked at me with a worried expression. “What do you mean Marca?”
“You have tried to put me down since the very first day, for some reason you don’t like me. I think you see in me what you could never have and you’re never going to have… Newcomer we could have worked together, I would have exchanging sexual favors, but you can’t work with me or any woman; because no woman will put up with your shit! Don’t piss me off or I’ll tell the whole fucking world what you did to me in my room, just don’t get on my bad side. Get the fuck out of my room before I scream and tell everyone you tried to force me into having sex with you!”
“You can’t do that,” he cried. I reached down and took his chin with my right hand…” Oh but I can, just try me! Newcomer when I get back down stairs you will speak to me and you will call me MS. MARCA! Go wash my pussy juice off your face you shit head, your out of here.”
After redoing my makeup and changing I went back down in my white bikini with matching 6″ heels and had a lot of guys following me to our exhibit area. Reason they had us girls was to get people to come buy the booth. This little white number in 6″ seemed to do the trick. Newcomer was back on the sofa and when he saw me he looked down, just couldn’t look at me. Than I heard one of the salesmen say.
“Hi Glen, come over here have a chair…Marca honey get this man a drink, what are you having Glen?”
To be continued…..