
"Just as it unfolded"

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For years about you I have known

Though we never really spoke

Somewhat aloof you seemed to me

But my thoughts you did provoke

I’d see you in a chat room there

With others interacting

And thought about this Lady Fair

I found so quite attracting

“Alas”, I thought, “no chance I’ll have

Of knowing her more deeply

Fascinating though she is

I’m invisible, completely”

Our separate paths along we went

Through months and years ongoing

No reason found to interplay

Or special interest showing

Then chance or fate, I know not which

In a forum we began

Casting rhymes with building heat

But clearly with no plan

No plan but fun upon our minds

Though that began to change

Soon those rhymes took deeper tone

With every interchange

Some other forums saw us spar

But soon began to note

That deeper tone was now quite strong

With every thing we wrote

Then at last a touch was given

And received with gratitude

Words poured forth in private talk

(Some quite unsubdued)

Connection quivered ‘twixt us then

As more and more we learned

Growing with each passing day

Its presence can’t be spurned

To where this shining path will lead

We have no crystal ball

But the Lady Fair of whom I spoke

Now has me at her call

St Valentine’s Day is so close now

I ask you, Paige most Fair

My Valentine will you be?

For you’re beyond compare

Published 3 years ago

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