The Cop – Part 1 of 3

"I wasn’t looking for a girl, but then she pulled me over."

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“Aw shit. Now what?”

I don’t think I was speeding.

I pull over for the cop and wait. I pull out my registration and my licence to be ready for the officer.

I wait and I’m getting a bit impatient. “Shit, what’s taking so long?”

Finally I see the car door open, and then see long hair swinging around the head of the cop. I smile as the woman officer comes up to the door of my pick up. I’m surprised how young she looks and wait for her to speak.

She smiles at me. “Good evening, sir. May I see your licence and registration, please?”

I have it ready for her and bring it to the window ledge. She takes it with a smile and she looks at my driver’s license. Then she looks at me closely for comparison. I smile big and goofy and it catches her off guard, and she giggles.

I chuckle and she asks, “Mr Roberts, I…”

I say excitedly as I look around, “Where??”

She stops and looks at me and I say, “Oh. You were talking to me. I thought my dad was here somewhere.”

She smiles and almost giggles again. I chuckle at her and look closer at her. She is a doll. Perfect skin and a cute little nose. Her long hair is loose and over her one shoulder and down to past her nice size breasts.

She tries again, but uses my first name, “Gregory, is this your current address?”

I smile as I look at her. She’s shorter, and stands level with my head as I sit in the truck.

I say, “I’ll trade you.”

She looks at me and I smile, “Your address for mine.”

She blushes and says nothing.

I chuckle, “You know my name and my correct address, and I don’t know anything about you.”

She blushes again, but holds it together, “Sir, I…”

I hold up my finger and she stops. “It’s Greg. Not sir.”

She smiles again and emphasizes my name. “No Greg. I’m not swapping you names and addresses.”

I smile. “OK, Ma’am.”

She giggles again. “OK, I’m officer Peters.”

I make a sour face. “Oh come on. How about making this more personal, Miss Peters.”

Now she smiles at me. “What do you have in mind?”

I put my hand out of the window to shake hers and smile. “Hi, my name is Greg. What’s yours?”

She looks at my hand, then my eyes and slowly puts her soft, dainty hand in mine. “Hi Greg, my name is Melisa.”

I smile big. “Melisa. You look like a Melisa. A very pretty Melisa.”

She giggles, “Not all Melisa’s are pretty?”

I make a sour face again. “Oh no.” And shake my head.

I still have a hold of her hand and lean out of the window a bit. “I know a few Melisa’s. One particular one is mean, and the other one is ugly. You are neither, but your name fits you.”

She smiles and almost giggles again. She tries to pull her hand back from my hand, and I hang on a bit tighter. She jerks it away and I have to chuckle.

She looks at me a moment and then asks, “Do you know why I pulled you over?”

I smile and nod and she looks at me waiting. “You wanted my name and address.”

Now she laughs out and steps back to giggle a bit more. “No silly! I…”

I raise my eyebrow again and put up my finger and she stops.

I say, “It’s Greg.”

She smirks. “No, Greg. That is not why I pulled you over. I pulled you over for not stopping at the stop sign.”

I smile. “At least I slowed down so you could see me. That also was incentive to pull me over.”

She smiles while writing out the ticket.

I look at what she’s doing and ask, “May I offer you a bribe?”

She looks at me and waits.

I smile. “I’ll buy you a donut. In exchange for my freedom.”

She softly giggles and keeps writing.

I frown when she says nothing and gives me two pieces of paper. She walks back to her cruiser and I look down at the papers. One is the lousy ticket, and the other has her name and an address on it.

It says, ‘Be there in fifteen mins.’

I raise my eyebrows and watch as officer Peters speeds past me.

I’m smilin’!

I go to the address and find it’s a donut shop. I have to laugh at the girl’s thoughts, and I sit in my truck to wait for her.

One hour past the time indicated and she has not showed up. I’m disappointed, but not really surprised. Either she was telling me to piss off, or she got called out to another emergency.

I’m a bit upset but there’s still time for me to do a bit of shopping for groceries. Bachelor things to do.

As I’m walking through the produce aisle I think of her cute giggle. It makes me smile and I sigh and wonder if I will ever see her again.

I pay for my stuff and head to my truck. I’m home in twenty minutes and there is a cop car at the front of my driveway. I don’t see it at first, but she recognizes the truck and flashes her lights at me. The first second I think, Oh shit. Now what?

As I pull closer to the car I see the sweet girl smiling back at me. She rolls down her window as I do mine.

She leans out a bit. “I’m sorry! As soon as I hit the end of the block I was called to a domestic disturbance. I went by the donut shop and saw that you were long gone. Sorry, Greg.”

I ask, “When are you off?”

She looks at her dash, then back at me. “My lunch is at one, and I’m off at five AM.”

“What time did you start?”

She giggles, “You were my first stop at nine oh five.”

I smile and nod. “Where’s lunch?”

She smiles. “In my car, probably.”

“So, when would be a good time to get together?”

She smiles again. “Breakfast at The Egg House at five thirty. Then I go to bed.”

I smile. “By yourself?”

She giggles, “Yes, silly.”

I make a face again and hold up my finger. She giggles and drives off with the tires slightly squealing as she pulls out.

I look in my mirror and chuckle at my luck. Well, not the ticket, but being pulled over by this little cutie. I pull into the underground parking and head up to my apartment with my groceries. I’m still smiling as I strip down and jump into the shower. It’s late enough to head to bed and I think of the little officer out on her rounds all by herself in the big dark city.

I sleep well and am up before my alarm goes off. The girl just left an impression on me like no other. Her authority of being a police officer I think has something to do with that. I’m definitely interested.

I head out at five fifteen and see that she is not there yet. Well, I’m camping out here until she shows up. I’m going to at least get her phone number this time.

Twenty minutes later than me she pulls in. I don’t recognize her as she’s in her own truck. I’m impressed as she slips out of her truck down to the pavement. It’s almost identical to mine at three years old and the same make and model. Hers is red and mine is blue. We even have the same tire package on. They look like twins sitting there together. She smiles as she sees me looking approvingly at the truck.

Her character has her almost bouncing into the restaurant. She slows down as she gets closer to the table. I stand up and smile goofily again.

She smiles and puts her hand out. “Hi Greg, I’m Melisa. So nice you could make it out this morning.”

What a sweetheart.

“Hi Melisa. I’m so glad you pulled me over and got my address.”

She giggles and indicates she wants to sit facing the door. I’m OK with that and slip in the other side. I see her gun on her belt with a flashlight and taser and other pouches and stuff.

I point, “You need all that stuff? How can you chase the bad guys?”

She smiles. “What’s for breakfast?”

I smile at her direction change. “Eggs, of course.”

Just then the waitress comes by and takes our order.

I look at her. “So, Officer Melisa Peters, where’s family?”

“Just north of here. Same city, different precincts. Daddy and brothers are in the police force up there.”

“How many siblings?”


“Where are you in the pecking order?”

She smiles. “Last.”

I raise my eyebrows. “What did momma think of her baby following the rest of the family into this career?”

She giggles, “My mom, Officer Gloria Peters, assumed that I would follow the rest of the family.”

If my eyebrows could hike any farther. “Really? The whole family?”

She smiles and nods.

I look at her a long time, “Is this where you want to be? In this profession?”

Her smile goes down a bit. “It was instilled in us since we were little that the whole family is expected to become cops. Sure, I played with Barbies, but they had police uniforms. Everything was police-based. Everything.”

I softly ask again, “Is this what you want to do?”

She sighs and looks out the window for a while. She turns and smiles at me. “Yes. Dad would come home with stories of victory in a high-speed chase, or some criminal arrested. It was riveting for me to hear the stories. Then daddy started talking about all the work the cops do, all the crap they deal with. But the good stuff always seemed to outweigh the crap. Sure, I knew about the general consensus of a police officer to the general public, but my mom and dad made it sound so good. To do good in the community, and all that.”

She sees I have a question and asks, “Yes?”

I smile and shake my head. She won’t let it go.

I finally say, “I’m concerned for you.”


“You are so young, so cute and adorable, and, and, and so, so small. I’m sorry, you’re too cute to be a cop.”

She looks at me, almost disappointed.

I put my hands on the table and she smirks.

I say, “Oh shit. One of those pouches had handcuffs in them, didn’t it.”

She smiles and brings up her hands and sets them in mine.

She looks up at me. “I know.” Referring to my previous comment, “I’ve heard that before. But this is the first time I heard it from the horse’s mouth. Usually it’s talk behind my back. I appreciate your honest opinion, but you’re full of shit.”

My eyes get big and I gasp, then burst out laughing. She pulls one hand back and I hear a snap pop, and she brings out her handcuffs.

I growl, “Oh, how exciting.”

Now it’s her turn to laugh. We have a good laugh as the meal is set in front of us.

She picks up a piece of bacon and giggles as she takes a bite, “I like you. Your openness is refreshing to me. You’re still full of shit, though.”

I chuckle as I smother my eggs with ketchup. I look up at her. “When you stepped up to my window I hardly noticed the cop uniform. I saw a sweet goddess come to my door. Your giggle is to die for, and your smile was on my mind as I fell asleep last night. You are so beautiful.”

She again doesn’t know how to comment on my comment. There is a silence, but it’s not awkward to me. She eats and looks at me once in a while.

I softly ask, “So, where is your boyfriend?”

She looks at me and shakes her head. She’s not going there.

I say, “I’m very cautious with very exquisite young ladies. They usually have a following, and are followed even after the boyfriend is established. Does your boyfriend have handcuffs too?”

She smirks. “Ex-boyfriend. Yes.”

She doesn’t elaborate right now.

I chuckle, “Oh no. I hope that’s not a prerequisite for hitting on you.”

She smiles. “Try me.”

I chuckle, “Oh goodie!”

She has her cute giggle again and we continue eating.

So far this girl has more than got my attention. I almost think she’s pursuing me as well.

We small talk about my family and what I do. I tell her about my dad gone since I was seven and my two younger brothers, and my work as a stock trader.

She asks, “How’s that going for you?”

I sigh. “It has its ups and downs. I’m on a down right now, and it’s not good. I’m really looking forward to the up coming soon… I hope.”

“Any backup career?”

I smile. “I’m not telling you what it is, but yes.”

Now she’s really interested, but I don’t budge.

The plates are cleared off the table and I see the fatigue of the night on her face, even though she’s very happy with the conversation.

I smile at her. “Are you sure you will be sleeping alone?”

She smirks at me. “If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t get much sleep, would I.”

Oh man. That hurt my tent under the table. I groan and she giggles again.

She helps me out by asking more about my trading and when my work hours are.

“They are pretty much flexible, but I like to look up a few different markets in a day. New York and Toronto are open now as we are on the west coast. Tokyo and Hong Kong will not open for another couple of hours. So any time I can make it work for me.”

She smiles. “How about we get together for my breakfast in eight hours? I’ll have a bit more time, and I’m really tired right now.”

I smile goofily. “Sure, I would love to do this again. Where?”

“When I work nights I have the excuse to have two breakfasts. I enjoy breakfasts the most, so somewhere that serves breakfast all day.”
I smile big, “I serve breakfast all day!”

She giggles, then says sultrily, “I know where you live.”

Shit! That didn’t help with the tent hurting again!

She giggles and gets up and with the same sultry voice she leans over to me to say, “You just stay put there as I drive out. I know your condition and want to make it worse before you follow me home.”

Now I groan again and she laughs as she heads to the door. I have to chuckle at this sweet police officer that has a clue about a guy and his condition around a very sexy girl like herself. She hops in her truck and is still smiling as I’m watching her through the restaurant front window. She growls her truck to a start and handles it with ease. Probably better driver than I am.

She’s looking at me still and a horn honks as she’s not paying attention to where she’s backing up. She almost hits another guy in a car coming into the parking lot. She blushes when she sees me laughing at her. Now the tires chirp as she makes a fast get away from me.

I’m having a hard time concentrating on my portfolios as I remember her so cute giggle. I sit back in my office chair and think on the doll. I sure got a good look at the details of her face, and see absolutely nothing flawed on the girl. She would be a perfect face model for cosmetics or hair color and style. I smile at her personality as she was a tease. I had problems and didn’t want to sport my condition and walk out of the restaurant with the girl. I chuckle, although every guy in the place would fully understand why I was in that condition. My god, she’s beautiful.

Then I think about the darling coming to my place in three hours, and look around my surroundings. I gasp at the disaster it looks, and only now think I may have a guest for longer than dinner. Or breakfast again for her.

I get off my ass and get a load of laundry going, and then start on the kitchen. I load the dishwasher with everything on the counter and get that going on a quick cycle. The bed gets stripped and clean sheets pulled on. I remember my girlfriend from years ago and how she made it a bit more girly with a couple of throw pillows to go with the quilt on the bed. I have no idea if we’ll get that far, but I have to be a good Boy Scout and be ready for anything.

I hate vacuuming, but this is an occasion that it gets done. The stupid thing plugs up and now the whole living room has a slight mist of dust on everything as I get excited about the damn thing. Shit, more clean-up.

I’m just cleaning up the last of the dust and the doorbell chimes. I look at my watch and see she’s early.

I open the door with a big smile and mom is standing there. Aw shit.

“Hi mom, what’s up?”

She looks at me. “What? Can’t your mother come and drop off a meal for her son?”

She came over from Ukraine when she was twenty and kept her accent strong. She learned English before she came over to America, but her words and inferences have me in stitches as things are interpreted into American English.

“Aw ma, bad timing. I met a girl last night and I’m making her breakfast in an hour.”

Mom smirks. “Oh?” She’s trying to compute the statement and I don’t expand on it.

I reach for the towel-wrapped meal and ask, “What is it?”

She pulls it back, “Wait a minute. I have more questions.”

“Aw shit ma. I was afraid of that.”

Mom smirks, “OK. Talk. Who is it? Where does she work?”

I look behind me and see the time. Shit, any minute. Then I look at mom and see Melisa standing there looking so hot. I have to smile at her and that turns mom’s attention to behind her.

I smile. “Hi Melisa. Welcome to my home.” She smiles at the lady I’m talking to, and I usher her into my apartment. I close the door on my mom and then think of the meal she had for me.

I open the door and reach for the towel-covered meal and try to pull it from under her arm.

She releases it and whispers harshly, “Call me tonight!”

I’m smiling big and goofy and mom has a little giggle herself.

I close the door on mom again and smile at Melisa.

She has her first cute giggle for me, “Who was that?”

I go to the kitchen and stuff the whole thing in the oven, towel and all. Melisa follows me to the kitchen and leans on the door frame. I look at her and she’s still looking for an answer.

I have to chuckle. “That was my nosey mother. Her timing could not have been worse on coming over to bring me a meal. Now she knows something is up with me and a girl. She’s relentless when she wants information.”

Melisa softly giggles again. “Aww, that’s so sweet. Your mommy is still bringing you meals.”

I look at her and sigh, “Yeah, I guess that’s a way she shows me she still loves me.”

I change subjects. “What’s for breakfast? We could do eggs again, or I have pancakes or waffles, or french toast.”

She smiles and walks up to me. Again she surprises me with her forwardness and wraps her arms around my waist. I lightly put my arms over her shoulders and look down into her face. Her smile is radiant and I still see no flaws on her beautiful face. I feel her push up as she looks up at me. I think that it’s for a kiss and I lean down a bit. The indication is there when she pushes harder up on her toes to get to my lips.

We connect. The kiss starts off slow and soft, but it intensifies right there in the kitchen.

She’s breathing heavily as she pulls back. “Anything else on the menu?”

I look down at her and see the heat, “Yeah, me.”

She starts at my buttons on my shirt and I grip the sides of her t-shirt and pull it out of her tight assed jeans. The shirt comes off and the lacy bra stops me.

She looks up at me again. “I told you if I went to bed with someone, I wouldn’t get any sleep.”

I kiss her again and she thinks that’s a great idea. We make our way to the bedroom. I yank the quilt, and the pillows go flying off the bed. She’s working on her own jeans and gets them peeled down. The lacy bra matches the lacy panties that crawl way up her hips. I have to stop and admire the little police officer and she has a short giggle. I’m working on my pants now and she steps closer.

She doesn’t touch me and looks up from my tented pants. “Oh Greg. Is that what you had problems with this morning?”

I make a funny. “Problems? I see no problems.”

She softly giggles again and goes for a grab. She’s gentle, but really forward in her actions. She grips and asks as she strokes me, “Is it loaded?”

I have to chuckle as she squeaks when I squirt at her good timing of the question.

She giggles too and goes for a closer inspection, “Oooo, I think this is the biggest I’ve handled.”

I smile and stand up straight and say with a deep voice, “Why thank you, Officer Peters.”

She howls, but doesn’t let go. She calms down. “You sound like my watch commander.”

I bug out my eyes. “You’ve handled your watch commander like this?”

She howls again and slaps my arm. “No! Hell no! You just sounded like him for a moment.”

I lean over. “So he’s smaller than me?”

She looks at me. “What?”

Then she gets it and howls again and slaps my arm harder. “How the hell would I know??”

She’s still laughing and I hug the darling. I fiddle with her bra strap. And I see the smile on her cheek when she’s calmed down again.

I wait for her to look up at me and she smiles up at me.

I softly ask, “May I?”

She smiles bigger. “Wow. A gentleman. Yes you may.”

I’m a little rusty, and she smiles bigger the more concern I have on my face at my failure.

She whispers, “Close your eyes.”

I do, and she instructs me, “Put the palm of your hand flat on my back and push your index finger up under the metal clasp.”

I do it.

“Now put your thumb on one side and your middle finger on the other side on top of the strap. Like you are weaving the strap through your fingers.”

I do that now.

She smiles at me and I can hear it in her voice as she says, “OK, now the thumb side gets pushed up, and the finger side slips down. But first push your fingers closer together to have the clasp unlatch.”

I feel it spring out of my fingers and thumb when I’m successful.

I open my eyes and look at her fantastic smile.

I chuckle, “I need some practice.”

She giggles softly, “OK.”

I groan and she looks down at my wet spot getting bigger in my shorts.

She giggles and looks up. “You’ll be drained soon.”

I shake my head. “No. Hell no! There’s a hell of a volume still in there. It’s been a while.”

She giggles her giggle again and I really love that sound.

I lead her to the bed and look at the darling while still hugging her. “Listen. I wasn’t kidding about how long it’s been for me. I had a high school sweetheart and no others. I was young and selfish, and my sweet girl overlooked all that young stud stupid moves. I’ve had no other since her. I have not found a perfect girl until last night. I say this as I’m a bit rusty on protocol. I’m really starting to like you and I sure the hell don’t want to piss you off. How about I follow your lead?”

She smiles. “Wow, a real gentleman. I’m already impressed. I have a hell of a story and it sounds like you do too.”

I smile and nod. “But here we are. Both ready to get more acquainted.”

She giggles again and sits down on the bed. She pulls down my shorts and smiles at my post. It springs up off the elastic of the underwear and almost hits her in the chin. She softly giggles and takes hold. She looks up at me and opens her mouth. The shot is right there and she has great timing again as she catches the first pulse without any spillage.

The pulses stop and her tongue does something wonderful on my tip. She’s still looking up at me and smiles as my face is so serious. I groan as I feel suction now. Her lithe hand strokes me, then I feel her cool other hand cup my balls. I groan as I feel I’m close already again. It’s a bit, but she’s very patient.

My knees quiver at the next set of shots for the girl. She holds onto my pecker harder and grips my balls for me not to leave her lips. Oh my god, what a feeling.

She finishes milking me dry for now and pulls her lips off with a smile. I knew she was smiling already by her very active eyes. I could even tell the intensity of her happiness from her eyes. Yup, the smile matches her eyes.

She crab crawls into the middle of the bed and smiles at me. “OK, now you can return the favor.”

I look at her panties and then back up at her.

She giggles. “What?”

I softly say, “I have never experienced what you did for me just now. My girl and I were so sheltered that we never watched porn or talked to others about it. But we did get to fucking in all the conceivable positions, and maybe a few more we tried. But as for sucking on each other like that, it never even crossed our minds.”

I look at her panty-clad pussy and move to the foot of the bed. “But you have to know that I’m willing to try anything with you. If it’s as enjoyable as it was for me, I’m game to give it a go.”

She smiles bigger and then softly giggles. “It’s an acquired taste. Some guys are OK with it and some guys hate it.”

She sits up after scooting her butt up to move her panties down and then off. I look at her moistness as she spreads her legs.

I groan and she laughs, “Don’t squirt! I want more of that!”

I bug out my eyes. “You like sucking there?”

She giggles and lies back. “Aww, hell yeah!”

I groan again and she laughs.

Then she says, “OK. Come down and kiss my inner legs and work your way closer to my honey pot.”

I look up at her and she softly giggles, “I hope you find my honey sweet.”

I really want it to be sweet also.

I get down on my knees on the floor and move my hands to the back of her legs and feel the softness of her porcelain white skin. I feel her thin legs and bring my lips to her inner thigh like she told me. She coos at my touch and keeps looking at me. I have my eyes on her too as we continue the lovin’.

I get closer to her heat and she softly says, “OK. Soon you will get a scent of my honey. Do you smell it?”

I nod without removing my lips. She coos at me getting closer still.

I cannot reach her honey pot while on my knees and she senses it. She scoots her ass gently down, closer to the foot of the bed. I smile at her thinking of me and my situation too.

I’m there. The smell is stronger by far as I’m kissing her wetness around it. She coos more and squirms under my touch.

She softly gasps as I get bold to kiss it square on.

She looks down at my lips on her there and softly says, “OK Greg. Run your tongue up and down the little slit. Taste my honey.”

HOLY SHIT! She’s pissing it out now!

I pull back and off and watch it leak down to my bed. She looks at me and I look up at her face.

I say, “I wasn’t expecting so much!”

She softly giggles, “Let’s keep going for now and we’ll talk about it later. I really need your tongue deep in my honey pot right now.”

I smile and come down to her there and put my whole mouth on her. I do it again and slip my tongue up and down the slit to open her up. There still is a hell of a lot of juice in there and it’s not really offensive. I’m surprised at how OK I am with the juice and the flavor. It probably has something to do with her look of anticipation of me doing this for her. I had already made up my mind that I was going to suck her there whether I liked the smell and taste or not.

I settle in for some lovin’ on her and start darting my tongue into her like I was tongue fucking her.

She feels this for a while, then giggles, “Can I give you some tips?”

I stop darting and raise my eyebrows without breaking contact.

She softly giggles again, “I do like the way you started doing that with your tongue, but may I make some suggestions?”

I nod on her there and she gasps, then giggles, “I should have gotten you to shave first. Anyways, there’s a certain spot inside there that drives me wild. You hit it a few times with your tongue going in me like that, but I would like you to push it in me as far as you can…”

I smile, and she feels the tongue go in deep.

She smiles a bit, “OK… now… OH! You had it there.”

I have to chuckle as it’s like two blind people feeling for the right spot to get happy. I move my tongue slowly and watch her face. I see it now that I’m right there.

She smiles at me and whispers, “You got it. Right there. Be gentle.”

I don’t want to be gentle and I rub where indicated pretty hard with my tongue. She gasps and falls back on the bed and I feel her hips rocking now.

She’s gasping, “Hold onto my ass and keep your face tight to my pussy!” I’m about to ask why when her pelvis bucks up, and I’m seeing stars around my head.

She barks at me, “Hang on hard!”

At least I have the wherewithal to do as told, and hold her pussy hard to my face.

I find the spot again and go for all I can give the girl. She stiffens and has a concentrated squeal, then moves more on me again. I feel her hands in my hair as she pulls me in and tries to turn my head to get my tongue to her spot more. Again I’m paying attention and move my tongue to her hand-to-hair instructions.

Apparently I done good as she takes off with a real squealer. I don’t stop. She kept sucking on me as I dispensed, so I’m going to keep sucking her as she has her high note. She’s up there a hell of a long time as she contracts muscles for the feeling to continue.

I look up into her eyes and watch as she calms down. Her breathing is still heavy as she opens her eyes. I’m still down there and wiggle my eyebrows and dart my tongue into her again. She softly gasps and then silently giggles. She drops her forearm over her eyes and I think she sobs.

I turn my attention to her honey pot and lick up the mess around it. I keep kissing her and making bigger circles around her there. I start kissing up her slender perfect body and come to her ribs, then breasts. The bra is long gone and now it’s about damn time I spend some time with these glorious mounds. I groan with my mouth full as I take in her nipple. I suck gently then move to its twin. I kiss and lick the perfect orbs, then move up to her neck. I kiss the underside of her chin and feel her hands gently on my neck and hair.

She’s turning her head to lock lips with me and I kiss her cheek and oblige. Her arms wrap tight around my neck as I come down on top of her curves. I swear I can feel every one of them as my body touches hers all the way down to her feet.

I feel her squirm down a bit as I feel my hard-on right there too. I smile as she moves around to get my tip started inside of her.

I bug out my eyes. “No hands!”

She giggles and hugs my head down as I slide into the fantastic torso. It’s been over five years since I have dipped, and the feeling is so wonderful just the same. I groan once again and feel her silently giggle.

She whispers, “Well, OK. You may.”

Then she moves her pelvis and the deposit is made. Oh, what a feeling. I’m thrilled with the young police officer under me.

I’m not finished yet and get up on my hands to give her what I have for her.

She sighs, “Greg, just a sec. Come back down on top of me a moment.”

I listen and do as requested, but I can’t help moving in and out of the girl. I go up on my elbows and she pulls me down for more hugging.

I whisper, “Hon, how can I make this better for you?”

Now I know she sobs, “Stop it. You’re perfect. Just softly now. Please.”

It’s not long and I’m close again. The hard body below me, and my mind thinking of the cop at my truck window last night, and then less than twenty four hours later she’s nude in my bed. I slow way down, then stop with pressure all the way in her. I know she feels the pulses one after the next go deep into her.

It’s like she softly gasps at the feeling of my seed entering her. She’s tense for quite a while until I start rocking in her once again. Then she relaxes with my movement and exhales deeply.

Her grip has loosened around my neck and I go up on my elbows on either side of her head. I have to lift my right elbow for her to pull her hair out of the way.

My smile goes up and she watches me. “What?”

I softly chuckle, “I’m already looking forward to my next driving violation. Look where the last one got me.”

She giggles at the stupidity. “This is the first time I have ever done anything like this. Picking up a guy by giving him a ticket.”

I come down and kiss her lips and she just lets me. I pull back now as it seems her mind is elsewhere.

Now I ask, “What?”

She looks at me and smiles. “My ex-boyfriend, you know, the one with the handcuffs? Well he doesn’t know it yet that he’s my ex-boyfriend.”

I ask, more tentatively, “Um, does he have a gun too?”

She giggles, “Yes. Why?”

I look at her. “Well, policeman’s girlfriend. I’d say that this has life-altering ramifications, wouldn’t you? Mostly mine ending?”

She laughs, but I’m damn serious.

She giggles her damn cute giggle again, “Roll me on top. I’m hot.”

I nod like crazy. “Oh hell yeah! I know you’re hot!”

I roll her over and grip her cute ass to pull her on top of me. She sits up and rocks on my perpetual hard-on and giggles softly at the distractions in my hands.

I say more to myself, “Oh well. You only live once.” As I grope her fine assets.

She giggles again and puts her hands on my wrists. “Listen. It’s not as bad as it sounds. I caught him last month with his pecker in my best friend. Another cop, by the way. I was devastated as I really thought this was the one, you know? Anyways, he begged me to come back to him and I reluctantly agreed. Well, not one week later he’s fucking her again. I walk in, and instead of jumping off of her, he invites me to join them. My best friend, or ex-best friend, was so embarrassed because he told her that I was on shift that night. I had gone to my parents’ place for the night, but they were called to the hospital because their friend was in a car accident.

“I decided to come back to his place early. I never even thought that he would screw around again so soon. I was going to crawl into bed with him and give him quite the sleepless night. I had forgiven him, but he blew it. That was last week. He begged me all week to come back to him again. I finally relented, again, and he was thrilled. He made a lot of promises, but it’s just not believable. I have lost faith and trust with him.”

She pauses. “I think he feels things are not the same anymore. I think he feels that I don’t trust him. Which is absolutely true.”

She pauses again a long time, then looks down at me. I’m still softly kneading her breasts.

A tear starts. “I never thought of screwing around behind his back. It just was never there. I know I’m pretty, and guys hit on me all the time, but I laugh them off after I tell them I’m seeing someone already.”

Her look is a mile away. “But now Steve did it to me. I was so lost. I thought that my life was solid and then he pulls the rug out from under my security.”

There are a lot more tears now as she looks down at me. “I have a confession, but before I say it, I want you to know that this didn’t turn out at all like I thought it would. I like you. Your tender touch and listening to my requests has me almost loving you. Well, I love what you did for me. I had no idea a guy could be such a gentleman, even in the sack. You, dear Greg, have enlightened me to something I want in my life now.”

She pauses a long time again and looks out the bedroom window. “Steve was always into the frantic fuck. Never slowing down to think of me and my feelings. I just thought that was the way it was. That all guys were like that. Sure, I’ve had other boyfriends, but they were all the same. Get into the pretty girl’s panties, then conquer and leave me there. Either they fell asleep or onto another mission. I just accepted it.”

She sobs and has her hands in front of her mouth. The tears are streaming.

I softly hold her forearms. “I was a fuck to pay back your boyfriend, wasn’t I?”

She nods with her hands in front of her face, then comes down to hug me. “But you screwed it up! You and your fucking gentleman ways. Your fucking consideration of my feelings. Your looks at me for more instruction. Your humor and your fucking soft touch. I don’t want to let you go.”

I rub her back down to her ass as she sobs on me. Her curves under my fingertips have me still so rigid. The sight of her jean-clad ass as she came into the door in front of mom comes to mind, and I grip the bare ass. I pull her in gently, but hard, and hold her to me. Again, just like last time, I pulse my load into her.

She sits up and gasps at me. Then bursts out laughing. I have to chuckle and have that goofy grin on again.

I softly say, “Nice butt, Officer Peters.”

She laughs more and wipes her tears.

I sit up and hug the darling. She scoots her feet behind me and sits on my lap with my post still up inside of her. She giggles again at the last few minutes. I bring my hand down and squeeze her ass again to get the giggles going again.

I feel her hair in my fingers as I rub her back now as she’s sitting up on me. She turns and kisses me again. I’m definitely OK with that.

Her kissing me like she means it has me ready to do some stroking again. I gently go to my side and roll her under again. I break off the kiss and look at the angel. She smiles at me as I get up a bit and slowly pull almost all the way out. I do the same thing on the in-stroke. She’s watching me and I make faces at my euphoric feeling of the snug fit. She’s well amused as I pick up the pace. I hold off the punch at the hilt because she asked for soft. I see her totally relax as I work up to another installment. She keeps watching my face as I grunt and groan the next load in her. She’s laughing and giggling at my actions and expressions.

I fall on top of her with another groan, “Oh Officer Peters, please give me another ticket.”

She laughs again and rolls me off. She doesn’t come with me this time and I’m too slow to grab her arm when she leaves the bedroom for the shower. Shit! I’m game too!

I have the goofy grin as I walk in with her just soaking down. I watch the little goddess put her face up in the spray.

I lean on the shower entrance and ask, “So what happens next?”

She grabs the shampoo and lathers up. “I’m talking to Steve tonight. We are on the same shift, but different cars. We’ll go for coffee and I’ll give him the news. I’ll keep you out of it for a while, but I’ll be looking for you for another ticket. This time it will be a violation, not just a misdemeanour.”

I smile big. “Oh goodie. Bring handcuffs.”

She laughs and pulls me into the shower. “I have to hurry now. You made me late.”

I raise my eyebrows, “I did, did I?”

She smiles and turns towards me and brings her hands way up over my neck. “You will. Pick me up.”

She’s fit, but a feather. I pick her up and she reaches between us and aims me. She settles down and groans herself. I have the goofy grin and bounce her on my post.

She groans more, “Oh shit, Greg. That feels marvelous. May I come over here to sleep tomorrow morning?”

I have to chuckle, “So much for sleep.”

She asks, “What are you doing tonight?”

I laugh, “Trying to get arrested!”

She laughs again and I tell her, “Mom was at the door when you showed up. She’ll want the down and dirty on what happened tonight.”

She pulls back, “You’re not telling her, are you?”

I chuckle and bounce the girl on my pecker. “So, can I tell her I have a new girlfriend?”

She smiles and hugs me. “I would really like that. Yes you may.”

I set her down and wash her absolutely fantastic body. I have paid attention to every detail of her flawless form. She giggles often as I inspect another part of her.

She’s ready to go out the door and I pull her in for another hug before she has to go to change for work. I kiss her and let her go with a smile and no more words.

I see the towel hanging out of the oven where I put mom’s meal for me. I take it out and scoop a portion and put it in the microwave. The rest goes in the fridge and I call mom as it warms up. She’s waiting for my call and I laugh and tell her I’ll be right over.

She lives a couple of miles down the road. Out of my hair, but I can still get to her quick if the need arises.

I’m there and she has just pulled a pie out of the oven. Another good reason to call ahead. I hug her and she doesn’t let me go.

She has that same smirk as before and she says, “Tell me.”

I have to smile big and then goofy.

It’s so funny to watch my mother as she computes things. Right or wrong she has me chuckling at her eyebrows raised, then a deplorable look, then something else. Not long after the last emotion showed, there is the smirk again.

She stands square in front of me. “As good a girl as Beth?”

I still have that goofy look and slowly nod. Mother has a silent giggle and goes to cut the pie and scoop some ice cream on the side. She sets it down on the table where I usually sit and takes the chair right on the corner so she can be so close to me. I eat my pie and ice cream and wipe my face.

Mom asks, “Another?”

I nod, “Yes please.”

Her eyebrows raise, “My son has worked up an appetite, yes?”

I have to chuckle at my mother. She’s not stupid.

The second piece hovers just out of my reach. I reach for it and she pulls it back a bit.

I look at her and she has that smirk again. “Tell me.”

I smile big. “Last night I got a ticket for not stopping fully at a stop sign. She was the cop to give me a ticket.”

Her eyebrows hike and she makes a sound like, “Oooy!?”

I laugh every time she does that. It doesn’t happen often, and I wonder if I can get her to do it again.

She asks, “And?”

I try not to laugh now, “Mom, with Beth as my only girlfriend we never knew all the things people do in the bedroom. We were just two kids in love with each other. Don’t get me wrong. Beth and I had a wonderful life, and I would still be head over heels with that girl. But Officer Peters has had a few boyfriends and some other experiences she showed me tonight. Mom, that girl is amazing.”

Mom looks at me. “How?”

I’m shocked at my mom’s nosiness, “Mom! Holy cow! No. I’m not telling you what we did!”

Mom leans over the table with her same smirk. “Listen to me, son. I watched you and Beth and how innocent your love affair was. I did see the pure love you two had for each other. I have an idea what your new girl has shown you. I’ve been around too, you know.”

I’m shocked at the revelation. But of course my mother was once young and looking for a suitor. Or to get laid. I shudder at the thought.

Mom is sitting there chuckling silently and I take a double look at her.

She asks in her giggle, “Did she suck you off?”

I yell and get up from the table. “Mom! What the hell??”

She ignores me. “Beth never did that for you, did she.”

Not a question. Again I’m floored.

She’s all smug, “If you were a gentleman, you would have returned the favor.”

I’m speechless.

She says, “You did, didn’t you.”


She leans over to me. “Son, you have to wash your face better than just once. That pussy smell hangs onto your face like crazy.”

I’m crimson. I had no idea.

I come around and stupidly ask, “How would you know?”

Now she’s red, but answers me, “Your father was the best.”

Shit! I have to sit down now. I think I throw up in my mouth a bit as I picture my dad chowing down on mother. No! Hell no! Not a thought I want!

Mom has to laugh at my look as I have my own sour face now.

I softly say to no one, “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Mother laughs, “Oh come on! How do you think you came into this world? I tell you right now, we had a hell of a celebration and you were conceived!”

I put up my hands. “Mom! No more! Too much information! This is your son you’re talking to! I’m going home now!”

Mom laughs and hugs me. She sniffs at my face and I quickly pull out of the hug and go to my truck. I still hear her laughing as I start up the truck and pull out of the driveway.

About halfway home I think of my mother’s way she brought the story around. She must have smelled the scent on my face when I first came into the house. I start the giggles, and by the time I get to the apartment, I can’t see straight for laughing so hard. I cup my hand over my nose and try to get a whiff. I think I can smell Melisa still, and laugh heartily again as I climb the stairs.


Published 3 years ago

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