Spring Break in Mexico

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In the Spring of 2004, I had the unbelievable gift of going to Mazatlan , Mexico with my stepdaughter. As most, if not all stories on Lush are fantasies or at best, some one’s dreams, this is a true story in every detail. Hope you enjoy it.

We had parked my car on the Arizona side of the border. My stepdaughter and I were on our way to Mazaltan. She had won a bikini-contest the spring break before, and having no current boyfriend, asked me to go with her. I was somewhat reluctant as I’m 47 and being with all those young college kids was not my idea of a 7 day vacation. Her Mom and I had been separated for the better part of a year. She pleaded and cajoled selling me on the idea that we would have no costs other than our meals and drinks and she desperately wanted to go. We went to the train station on the Mexican side and along with about 100 other college kids boarded the train for the 18 hour trip. This train made our U.S.freight trains seem like luxury. There was no air conditioning, and every window was open. The seats were rickety and stained, the cars smelled, and the bathrooms were disgustingly filthy. They had to be at least 40 years old. Along with us, as everyone else, we had our cooler, with sandwiches, soft drinks, some wine coolers, snacks, and the like and had it tucked between our seats.

My guess is that there were probably 300 cases of beer on board just in the 3 cars for this group. It was early AM, and by the time the train actually got under way, it was close to noon. Needless to say drunkenness was the order of the day. These are college kids on the loose. We had agreed earlier that we would tell no-one what our relationship was and just let them guess, and surmise.

We thought that most would think that I was her sugar daddy, or at best an older brother. Did I mention that my step daughter is gorgeous. long, flowing dark brown hair to her shoulders, great tits, superb legs (she is a dancer and a cheerleader) a smoldering smile, long manicured fingers and real class. We knew we would be sharing a hotel room, with twin beds, and that was OK. To tell the truth, I had never seen her naked, only in a bikini.

By 2-3 in the afternoon, after making a number of stops, for what, we never knew, many of the boys were absolutely stinking drunk along with some of the girls. As crowded as each car was with luggage, coolers, beer cases, and bodies in every conceivable position, along with the heat, the hot air blowing in the open windows, quiet had started to become obvious. Many of the awake and somewhat sober kids would walk back and forth to the open side doors at each end of the train, just to get more fresh air, or in many cases, many of the boys just had to hang out the door, even when the train was moving, to pee. At each unscheduled stop, many of the girls would jump off to relieve themselves in the desert brush, and run to catch up as the train started to move again.

All in all, it was sort of amusing to me to watch youth partying hardy. Neither of us drank, so we were really watching everything going on and making quiet comments to each other. Many of the guys stopped to hit on her (she was on the aisle) and she would toy with them. She is a really good tease. With her black tank top her more than ample tits were easily outlined. Everyone would discreetly ask her who I was and she would just laugh them off without saying anything.

There was this one girl who kept going by and hanging out at the end of the car. She was cute. Blonde, short hair, pretty face, a little short, appeared to have big tits, shapely legs, and a cute pixie look about her. Several guys would amble up to her and try to kiss her or feel her up but she fended most of them off.

By 6-7 in the early evening most every one was sleeping as the sun faded. We had both gotten up to stretch our legs, pee, or just be friendly many times. By now, everyone was on a first name basis, and every college had been identified. College fight songs were being sung by those from each school. The cute one, whose name was Kristen, was from U. of Texas , and had stopped to chat with us several times. On one of my trips for fresh air to an open side door, she squeezed in a very crowded area and ended up right next to me. We made small talk, and then she reached up and gave me a little kiss. She didn’t ask any questions just looked up into my face, smiled, and pushed her body into me as the train made its usual lurches, and then kissed me again, but this time probing my lips and putting her tongue to work, trying to get me to respond. I didn’t.

I looked down to her adorable face and said, “Kristen, how old are you?”

She looked up at me, tried again to kiss me, and I held her off.

“I just turned 19.” She said.

We were swaying with the movement of the train and I had to grab us to keep from being jostled about, and as I reached for her shoulders to steady us, the train tilted around a curve and my one hand ended up on her tit. I quickly removed it, and mumbled,


She reached up, took my hand and placed it right on her tit.

She said, “Don’t you like me?”

I was lost for words. My mind was racing trying not to hurt her, and still maintain some maturity.

“Kristen”, I said, “I’m way too old for you and there are guys on this train that have the hots for you. I’ve watched you kissing some of them.”

It was probably the wrong thing to say to her but I had blurted it out. Her response floored me.

“Well, are you fucking the girl you’re with?”

What do I do now? If I tell her the truth, the word is out, and I’ll have spoiled the trip for my step daughter. I lied.

“Yes, for some time now.” I said meekly.

“Oh, that explains it” she said.

“Explains what?” I inquired.

“Well, you’re older than her, she doesn’t leave your side and won’t let any guy near her.”

I needed to get out of this situation really quick. She abruptly squirmed out and left me standing there. By now it was not unusual to see the various girls and guys making out, feeling each other up, and paring off for the coming days and nights. Some of the girls were running around topless with tits bouncing all over all with various sizes, large and small nipples, some very dark and some very pink, and most were in some state of arousal. The array was awesome. Some were even running around with just their panties on.

This had the makings of a real fuck fest for these kids. All the semi-nude, groping, kissing, feeling didn’t bother any of them. I really felt out of place. On returning to my seat by the window, there was a young guy in my seat and I think he was swallowing my step daughter whole. She was in a torrid embrace and a passionate kiss and had his hand under her t-shirt playing with her tits.

I sort of said, “Ahem!” He broke the kiss, looked up and said,

“Oh, sorry Sir.!”

Shit, now what do I do. Sir?’ I hadn’t been called sir, since my military days. He got out of my seat, kissed her lightly and I sat down. I said nothing. She tried to get herself together and said,

“I’m sorry. He’s really cute and I like him.”

I had to tell her about Kristen, and see how we were going to handle this. I mean, here’s my sexy 19 year old step daughter, making out with this young man, probably wants to spend time with him when we get to the hotel, and she’s got me, her 47 year old step dad hanging around. I told her about Kristen, and all of my concerns, being very straight forward.

“How are you going to enjoy this trip if I’m hanging around?. None of these guys will approach you if I’m there.”

She looked me straight in the eye and said, “We’ll find a way. You know I love you and I know you love me. You just need to loosen up and enjoy yourself. If you like Kristen, go for it. You’ve been separated from Mom for some time now, you’ve got to be horny.”

Well, I certainly was, and getting worse, watching all these young nubile women parading and having no hang-ups at all, but I couldn’t bring myself to say that to her.

“I’ve been watching your reaction, and I know your cock is as hard as a rock watching all these girls. You need to get laid.”

I was dumbfounded. I didn’t have an answer. I slouched down in the seat, and feigned going to sleep. At 2 AM, the train came to a screeching stop. Everyone was thrown around and baggage cascaded from the nets above over our heads. Groans and cussing emanated from the group. About the time the lights had been turned on, about 10 Federale’s marched through the car. They were speaking in rapid Spanish and carrying rifles and machine guns. One or more of the kids who understood Spanish shouted that it was ‘Ok, they’re looking for peasants and contraband’. As quickly as they came, they were gone. We sat on the siding for another ½ hour and then started to move again. Everyone settled back down. As I returned to my sleep, I turned towards my step daughter, opened my eyes to see if everything was alright and there she was with her denim skirt raised to her waist, and her hand in her panties with her hand moving in and out of her pussy. She turned and looked at me and whispered,

“I need to cum, will you do it for me?”

Astonished, I was transfixed.

“C’mon Dad, just finger me til I cum, please”.

By now it was dark again, and the train was moving.

I said, “Sweetie, I can’t do that”

She was insistent. “Yes you can, c’mon just til I cum” she pleaded.

Now as I said, I’ve never seen her naked, and only with a bikini on. I know she has full tits, maybe 34C or D, but I had no idea about her pussy. Yes, a cute tight ass, but I tried to never get caught looking at her. She reached over grabbed my hand, and with her other hand, pulled her panty to the side and shoved my hand onto her pussy. She had a neatly trimmed bush, and she was soaking wet. Very hesitantly I rubbed my hand all over her mound, and slid one finger up and down her wet slit.

“Put your fingers in my pussy” she moaned very quietly.

I slid one finger in and was trying not to move my body so that no movement might be noticed, and she slid down further, ramming my finger deep into her pussy.

“In and out” she pleaded quietly.

I did. I only had one finger in her, and her pussy was really hot and tight and I began to get a rhythm without moving my palm off of her mound. With only 3-4 more jammings, she tightened her pussy muscles around my finger and had her orgasm. She was stifling her breathing and panting by keeping her head tucked into my chest. She gushed her pussy juice. I let her calm down, gently removed my hand from her pussy, and was so tempted to suck her juices off of my finger. I didn’t. After she had caught her breath she lowered her skirt, leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek and said “Thanks, I really needed to cum.” I looked at her, and said, “Why me, why not the young man you were kissing earlier.”

“I really like him, and I’ll probably fuck him during the week, but I don’t want him to think I’m easy

and all he wants is sex.”

I had to admire her stance but was still puzzled.

“Why couldn’t you do that for yourself?” I asked.

“Because I know you’re horny, your cock is hard, and who better than you?”

“Well, do you want a critique?” I jokingly asked not expecting any answer.

She was pensive for a moment, and then whispered,”yeah”.

    I said, “Sure sweetie, later.” I said, “I’m going to try and sleep now.”

Next thing I know, the train comes to a screeching slow stop, I open my eyes, and everyone is hustling to get luggage, coolers, and we have arrived. Everyone is waiting for taxi’s, buses or any other kind of transportation to the various hotels. We get one to share with a couple going to the same hotel. We wait in the line to check in, get the social print out itinerary prepared by the tour company, and wait for the elevator. It’s small and can only take three people and their luggage at a time. I send her up with a group, and wait for the next one. I walk into the room and am surprised. It’s very clean, nicely tiled, a nice clean bathroom, but only one double bed. I express my concern and say I’ll go down and straighten it out because we need two beds.

There are no rooms with two beds. Great, what now? I go back up to tell my step daughter and she’s just stepping out of the shower.

I said, “Oops, sorry.”

She wraps a towel around her hair and stands there completely naked and says, “So?”

In 5 seconds I get a look at her awesome body. Nice tits, no sag to them, definitely 34 D small nipples, but really dark, flat stomach, small bush (as I know), with really dark hair, great legs and a perfect ass.

“There are no rooms with two beds” I state

.”Well, no big deal, we’ll probably not be here very much anyway.” she declares. I thought ‘ well maybe not you, but I’m too old for this young stuff’.

I was perusing the itinerary and said, “There’s an introduction get together this evening with free tequila sunrises at 7 in the courtyard.”

“Great”, she says, “let’s go to the beach.”

She slips on her bikini which is barely there, I slip on my suit, and off we go to the beach lugging our stuff. Beach mats, a small cooler, a bag with the suntan lotion, towels, baseball caps and a couple cans of soda. By 4 I’m ready to get out of the sun, as I’m ‘well done”. So is she. With suntan lotion glistening all over us, she blends in with all of these kids. Some are already cherry red, and those girls who decided to sunbathe topless are surely going to be sore, and the guys who were playing volley ball, will soon be blistering. We trek off to the room, dump everything and I said,

“OK, shower time.”

“Let’s go” she replys.

“No, it’s OK, sweetie, you can go first.” I state.

She slips off her bikini, stands there naked with a look on her face that says, ‘are you just stupid?’, and says, “Really, c’mon.”

I slip off my suit and I’m concentrating on the beach, water and sun, so as not to have my cock get hard in front of my step daughter. She gets in turns the water on and lets it cascade on her hair as I step in. I’m looking at this body and my cock is starting to rise. I quickly climb under the water and turn my back to her. I’m soaping myself up and she reaches over takes the soap in her hand and reaches around me and grabs my semi erect cock and starts to lather my pubic hair, soaps up the shaft, which is getting really hard now, and says, “Oh wow, you’re really getting hard.”

“Look sweetie, I may be old but I’m not dead, what did you expect?” I blurt out.

“Turn around” she commands.

I turn around and my cock is standing up almost beating on my stomach. The water is now rinsing off and she hasn’t let go of my stiff cock. She is jacking my shaft up and down rather vigorously and says,
“I’m gonna make you cum.”

Now I know, she’s right. I’m sort of transfixed watching her jack me off, and looking at her cute tits and watching the water run down her and her little hairy pussy. I can’t say a word. She knows I’m close, so…

Published 15 years ago

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