Unlikely Love Pt. 08

"Tamara and Elena together at last!"

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My dreams that night were sensual but not necessarily erotic, hearkening back to the dance on Halloween, pressed against Elena, feeling sensations that were scary and exciting all at the same time. Her eyes were staring into mine, and I could feel her whispering into my mind somehow coaxing me just to give in, to the desires, to the feelings, to her.

I woke up understandably horny but resisted the urge to finger myself, concerned that I might really get lost to the feelings and later do something I might regret. Regret? What I regretted most was hurting the one person in my life that actually cared about me as a person, not as someone to get something from. Knowing that we had reconnected lifted a huge burden from my shoulders, washed away the guilt, and filled that aching void I had felt since we had last seen each other.

Looking at my potential wardrobe I was very conflicted. The last thing I wanted to do was dress a little sexy and bring back to mind the fiasco of our last time face to face, nor did I want to appear to be teasing her or something. I also didn’t want to appear careless about how I looked either. Damn it, why did it have to be so unclear? I grabbed a pair of jeans that hugged my curves nicely, and a nice black top that had a neck that was low enough to extend a bit below my collarbone but not enough to tease any of my breasts. I turned to one side to look at my reflection, and then the other. Okay, that looked decent enough while being low-key, so I grabbed my keys and started on the short drive to Elena’s house.

As I got out of my car and made my way up the concrete steps to the front door, I felt a pang of anxiety, well more than a pang but not like a full-blown panic attack. What if she was really upset and just not telling me? What if all I got today was a stern talking to or a yelling session that made me cry? I debated whether to turn and just leave, but that seemed just cruel on my part. I had grown to trust her, so I reminded myself of that and rang the bell.

Elena looked cute and relaxed when she opened the door, smiling at me in a way that told me that everything was all right between us now. I felt butterflies and my insides melt, I realized the second I saw her face just how much I had missed her. Without thinking, I jumped forward and wrapped my arms around her in a huge hug that seemed to catch her off guard.

“I am so sorry, Elena, Fuck, you have no clue how much I missed you!” I said, choking up for a moment. I kissed her softly on the cheek, ensuring that I didn’t linger too long.

“Shhh, it’s ok Tamara, nothing to be sorry for, everything is ok,” she said in a half-whispered tone.

I released my hold, feeling like there was nothing negative between us now, relieved and excited just to hang around her again. I glanced around at the piles of boxes and containers littered about the room and laughed. “Well, I see you go as all-out for Christmas as you do Halloween, Wonder Woman!”

We moved around inside the house hanging decorations of every kind, making smart-ass comments and jokes as we went along. Elena and I burned through two pots of coffee and the caffeine made us act absolutely silly. I thought we were almost finished at one point and made the wisecrack, “Well that’s a good day’s work out of the way!” I quipped.

“No, trust me, you will be very busy for a while!” Elena said, gesturing to an enormous box of old-fashioned lights, each strand wrapped up with zip ties.

“Do I need a ladder?” I asked, not mentioning how skittish being off the ground could make me feel.

Elena laughed. “No, babe, just work on the hedges for now – that’ll take you at least an hour,” she said, grinning.

I carried the box outside and sat it in the grass, buttoning my coat up to keep the chill off of my skin. Snapping off the tie, I plugged in the first strand to the outlet next to the hedge and began weaving them in and out of the leaves of the shrubs right next to the front of the house. Fortunately, I finished the task well ahead of Elena’s estimate, though she did tease me a little about the pattern I had used. I was having such a great time, I gladly dished back anything she playfully threw at me.

“I need a refill,” I said to her, waving the coffee mug around casually.

“In the kitchen,” Elena said, pointing the way as if somehow I had forgotten where it was.

I shuffled over to the archway leading to the kitchen and coffee pot, not needing more but wanting more. Just as I was about to cross the threshold, I caught sight of something in my peripheral vision, forcing me to look up to see what it was. Mistletoe? Well, it technically was the Christmas season now, so it’s not like it was outlandishly out of place or something. I did hear warning bells go off in my head since that was the crux of what had happened between us when we saw each other last. I decided to play it lighthearted, because I could always pass it all off as just joking around.

“Hmm, is that what I think it is? Mistletoe?” I said, chuckling.

Elena’s face went white, which made me regret even asking anything – clearly she was caught off guard and apparently worrying about my reaction to it. “Oh no, no, no, not what you think, girl, I’ve had that up for a while now,” she said, a slight trembling sound in her voice.

I could tell from Elena’s reaction that it was coincidental, or something so inconsequential that she had forgotten it was even there, which made me feel it was all right to have some fun with it. “Hmm, you sure? Could be a perfect excuse to give some unsuspecting straight girl a nice lesbian kiss?” I said, not able to keep a straight face and just howling with laughter.

I watched a smile break over her face, as she leaned her head slightly to the side. “No, no, that’s Lena’s style of dirty trick, I hate that kind of thing,” she said with a musical tone in her voice.

I giggled and almost snorted listening to her respond, aware that I had broached a topic we really had never discussed between ourselves. Since it was probably smart to just leave well enough alone, I tried to steer the conversation away from the subject. I waved my hand dismissively at Elena. “Oh girl, I know that; just had to give you crap about it, that’s all,” I answered.

“Smartass,” she muttered.

“And proud of it,” I said with a smile and wink.

Elena let out a sigh, and the look on her face seemed to indicate she wasn’t quite done talking about it. “I am sure you have had your share of idiotic stunts to trick you into stuff. That’s not me, everything had to be clear and above board, consent included.”

I was having too much fun seeing her get rattled, and against my better judgment, piled it on some more. Looking up at the mistletoe, I made a clicking sound with my mouth. “Yeah that seems pretty non-threatening, even for a little old straight girl,” I said, looking at her, smiling, showing her I was still joking.

“Yeah, right.”

At that moment I almost felt like the joke was on me, because the image of Elena kissing me felt intriguing, making me wonder how that would feel and what her lips would taste like. Somehow the relatively innocent teasing had opened up a Pandora’s Box of curiosity in me that had never happened before. Speaking before I thought it through, I said, “Ok then, you can have one, and I mean only one kiss. Nothing else.”

I wanted to giggle as I watched Elena’s face turn bright red, like I had unearthed some dirty secret she didn’t want to admit to. She shook her head almost violently. “No way, this is how we got things so screwed up last time. I don’t want to…” she began.

“Kiss me?” I asked, having no idea why I was suddenly so caught up in the notion.

Elena’s mouth fell open in shock as if I had just bested her in some board game and she was in disbelief. “Stop, I never said that,” she said, stammering now.

I stepped under the archway and stuck my tongue out at her, now clearly daring her, but also aware that I could end up alienating her completely. “Consider it an early Christmas present, El. Maybe something for me to cross off my bucket list. Just a short and sweet simple kiss, that’s all,” I added. I had never called her El, or anything besides her actual name, and kissing another woman was never even on any bucket list for me. What had gotten into me?

Elena seemed intrigued and confused in the same space of time, but to my surprise, she started moving close to me. “Just one, right?” she asked cautiously.

I nodded. Shit, was I really doing this? It felt like something or someone else was in control of me at that moment, and that someone answered, “Just one. Nothing else.”

Elena stepped to me slowly, one step at a time, presumably to give me space to call the whole thing off, but for some reason the spell that I found myself under ruled that out entirely. I felt powerful butterflies in my tummy as she got close to me, anticipating what would come next. “Okay, love, just… one… kiss…” she whispered, her lips touching mine.

A shiver shot up my spine that radiated out to the furthest point of my extremities, inflaming my senses and tearing Pandora’s Box wide open. Elena fitted her lips perfectly to mine, gently caressing mine like a deeply sensual massage, as if for that one moment we were merged into a single body and connected down to our very souls. My entire body ached for nothing else but to stay feeling that way forever.

All of the feelings and desires I had fought so hard to suppress erupted into my conscious mind, preventing me from ever denying them again. I knew I loved Elena, but once I felt that kiss I knew I was in love with her, and I wanted her, and it no longer mattered if she was gay and I was straight. I wanted her and I wanted to be hers!

Suddenly the spell was broken, and I realized that she had finished the one kiss we had agreed to, though her hips stayed just inches from mine, reminding me how they felt. Every inch of me was on fire, I knew my nipples were hard and moisture had oozed out between my legs, all from one simple kiss. Never once in my life had anything felt so incredible, so sexy, and oh so right.

“You ok? Just one, like… we said,” she whispered, arousal saturating her voice.

Just one? I don’t think so, how about another and another and anything that comes after. Elena’s warm breath caressed my lips, clearly ready to offer me more. “Just… one…” I said, drawing a breath, and then adding, ”…more.”

Elena’s lips sought mine out again, this time communicating a deep hunger, but still gentle enough to feel loving. These kisses were sweet, sensual, erotic, and hungry, and I wanted more; more of them, and more of her! My head was awash with desire, knowing full well that I was fully making out with another woman and absolutely loving it. She managed to gasp the words, “Our… lips… making… love,” as she kissed me deeply and repeatedly.

Damn right they are, and I want more. Wanting to signal to her that I was ready for more, I parted my lips slightly, wanting to taste her mouth and tongue along with it. Instantly, I felt the tip of her tongue touch mine, marveling at its gentle power, and at the skill she wielded it with. Having endured years of rough tongue kissing from male lovers, it felt so much richer and sexier. Instead of feeling like my mouth was being violated, this was the sensation of teasing, of playful ardor, of gentle strength used with my sensations in mind.

After what seemed like an eternity of sheer delight in making out with Elena, I felt her lift her lips from mine and kiss my chin. “Just enjoy it, angel,” she said in a hushed whisper, kissing towards my neck.

Damn, my neck was my weak spot, the one place that could instantly turn me on, how the hell did she know that without me saying anything? Holding my hips in her hands, I felt Elena’s talented lips reach their destination, on my neck, softly, with her tongue tickling the skin ever so slightly. My body didn’t just tremble, it quaked, all on its own, giving me shivers of pleasure that cascaded throughout every inch of me, “Oh… my… GAWD… Elena,” I moaned, loudly enough that anyone in the house would have heard it.

Elena responded to me in the sexiest voice I had ever heard. “Oooooo are you ok, love? That feel good?” she said, lips hovering just above my neck.

I could barely think, let alone speak, but I did groan out one word to her, “Yes,” over and over again.

“Mmmmm good, so good,” she said, her lips touching my neck in earnest now.

Neck kisses and whispers together were a guaranteed turn-on, I could feel my pussy dripping now, so turned on I thought I might shatter at any second. Her breasts were pressed into mine, nipples hard and rubbing when our bodily motion aligned just right, sending more shockwaves through me almost violently. I squirmed and moaned incessantly, which just served to urge her on.

“Don’t stop. Oh my gawd that feels… fucking… amazing,” I gasped.

“Ohhhh never,” Elena answered, gently gnawing at my neck in earnest now. Maybe it would leave a mark but I didn’t fucking care. I loved how this felt.

She moved her body on mine gently, kissing my neck, absolutely worshiping every inch of it, leaving me tingling all over. As she nipped the skin strategically, my back arched, forcing my breasts against hers and making our nipples grind against one another. “Feeling good, love?” she asked, licking my neck and kissing it once more. All I could do was moan.

Elena growled playfully, kissing my neck as she spoke again. “This is how women make love, sweet Tamara. Loooong, slooow, sensualllll, all about bringing you the most pleasure,” she said sexily, moving her lips to that sensitive spot right under my ear, biting gently.

“Unghhhhhhhhh oh fuck…”

“I’m deeply in love with you, Tamara. Been in love for a while, and so wanted… this… us… to happen,” Elena moaned, grinding into me earnestly.

My body shook hearing that, and I responded so she would know how I felt too. She needed to know. I wanted her to know. “I… unghh… love you too… so much… been yours… longer than… I know… Losing you… showed me… how much,” I gasped.

My confession emboldened Elena, and I felt her hand slip over my left breast, cupping it softly, making my body shake powerfully. “Mmmmm yes, Tamara, you belong to me now, every inch of you, mind, soul, body, everything,” she said, staking her claim to my heart and body and I was all too happy to surrender it all to her. The words ‘you are mine now’ echoed in my head as her caresses to my breast drove my arousal still higher.

“Yessssss… yours… all yours,” I gasped, trying to catch my breath.

All at once, I felt a hand to my face, making me focus on my lover’s soft beautiful face as she kissed me a few times. “We… can… stay here or…” she began to say.

I knew what she was about to say, she was inviting me to her bed, to consummate our love, and to show me pleasure I had never felt before. I interrupted her, touching her face and saying, “…go to your bed. To our bed. To where you have wanted me and where I need to be.”

Elena’s expression was one of desire, love, and gratitude. Guiding me next to her, she touched my face and almost silently whispered the word, “Please?” which made me melt inside. This woman was inviting me, asking me, not demanding or implying somehow I owed it to her, which is what I was used to at this stage. It was beyond sexy, and I nodded, and we made our way up to her palatial bedroom. I leaned into her, just relishing the closeness I already felt, and looking forward to more.

Once inside, Elena kissed me on the forehead and sat me down on the edge of her bed, then turned and closed the doors to ensure I knew what happened here was just between us. She slid up and sat next to me, stroking my face for a few moments, and then leaned in to kiss me. As before, her lips caressed mine, this time just a touch more insistently, prompting me to part my lips and slip my tongue in.

Before I could even catch a breath, she startled me by wrapping her lips around my tongue, sending shockwaves through me, somehow she knew every secret of my body and exactly how to pleasure it. I squirmed as she kept up the motions of her lips, feeling her hands on my bare skin on my lower back, feeling her slowly lifting my black top upwards. I lifted my arms so that Elena could pull it up and away, separating our kiss and starting the process of revealing my body for her to enjoy.

A smile spread over Elena’s lips as she let her eyes caress my body, giving me another kiss and placing her hand on my bra strap. As she slowly slid it aside, she kissed and nibbled on my skin, making me tremble. Gawd, it felt so fucking amazing! I moaned as she continued, eventually feeling so overcome from the sensations that I cried out, “Oh Elena, please fuck me… please!”

I felt her push the strap off my shoulder and down my arms, continuing to tease my skin with kisses and love bites. “Ohhhh, are you sure?” she asked, moaning into my skin.

My body shook as I heard her asking me, and I was so worked up all I could manage to say was “Yes, yes, yes, Elena!”

Elena kissed the opposite side of my neck and began sliding that strap away too. Giggling, she asked, “Oh does the straight girl want the lesbian to eat her out? Fuck her?”

I couldn’t stand much more of her teasing, answering her with a throaty, “Oh my fucking gawd, yes!”

I felt Elena finish the process of peeling away my bra, and she backed up far enough to look at my breasts, heaving a bit from my rapid breathing. “Your breasts are absolutely gorgeous, baby,” she said, cupping one in her hand, making me shudder, leaning in to whisper to me, “I wanted to do that from the first moment we met.” As both her hands began caressing my breasts, I felt her push me back so I was lying face-up on her bed.

Her lips and hands descended on my breasts, cupping caressing, licking, and kissing them, while one hand unzipped my faded blue jeans. I didn’t even need the hint, I knew exactly what she wanted, my pussy, going down on me, and I ached for her to do it. I got out of my jeans as fast as I could without pushing her away, and then moved my legs apart, inviting her to have her way with me.

I felt Elena smile, feeling her smooth fingers tickle my tummy, inching lower until I felt her cross the boundary of my thong. Within moments, I felt her beginning to suck on my left breast, as her fingers invaded my pussy. “Ohhhhhhhh yessssss,” I groaned out as I felt her lips and fingers inflict intense pleasure on my body.

My back arched as she continued her gentle fingering, sliding two fingers in and out, sucking on my breasts rhythmically, making my body spasm with every movement. I was moaning deeply, writhing, feeling the tension building up so much that it almost became painful. I threw my head back and forth, rocking my hips and moaning loudly, and at that point I felt Elena touch my clit, massaging slowly, I could feel the orgasm bubbling up from deep inside me, like pure lava, electric and all-encompassing.

Elena’s lips were suddenly on my neck again, whispering to me, saying, “That’s it, sweet thing, cum for me, cum for your Elena.” At that exact moment, the climax took me over, forcing my body upwards, deep sounds pushing out through my lips, yanking her against me with all my might, and shaking violently. My mind shattered as I felt it pour over me, but once it had run its course, I collapsed, breathing heavily.

Never before in my life had I ever cum that hard, and if I even dared to compare it to what I had considered the best one, it would have eclipsed beyond the point of no comparison. ’Wow’ didn’t even seem to do it justice, even as I was recovering from the incredible feelings of moments before. As I felt Elena pull away, I took in a deep breath, eyes still closed, recovering, ready to express my deep gratitude once I felt I could think rationally again.

Not even a moment later I felt her warm breaths caressing my inner thighs, as she uttered the word, “Mine.” Oh shit, she was about to go down on me, the thrill of anticipation made me shiver. Here I was, not long ago a straight married woman, practically begging another woman to bury her head between my legs. A woman that I adored and had fallen in love with. A woman I wanted more than anything.

“Oh Tamara, you taste… amazing!” Elena gasped as the tip of her tongue tasted my labia, seemingly careful not to stimulate me too much. After dipping it in to taste me once more, she fastened her lips to mine and plunged her tongue deep inside my already quivering pussy. I had gotten oral plenty of times from former lovers, but this was at a depth of pleasure and intimacy that I had never experienced.

“Oh my… fucking… gawddddd,” I gasped as I felt Elena’s delicious tongue penetrating me and devouring me, somehow reaching a spot in my soul and touching it. Gawd she was good, there was no fucking way I would ever give this up, I was hooked now. My well-practiced mask had melted, I embraced this, her passionate licking of my pussy, and her caresses. I grabbed her head, intertwining my fingers in her hair, pushing her against me as she ate my pussy with a delicate but aggressive skill that felt beyond amazing.

Another, more intense climax crashed over me, my back arching, making me release a loud scream of pleasure, her name interspersed among the squeals and noises that were entirely new to me. Before I could even recover from the second orgasm, a third slammed into me, stronger than the other two combined, my body thrashing violently, involuntarily yanking Elena’s hair hard over and over again. I lost all control over my movements, and even blacked out for a moment, eventually coming back down to earth an inch at a time. Now that was great sex!

Several minutes must have passed, because Elena was next to me on the bed, her arms gently encircling me in a snuggle of sorts, my head tucked into her shoulder. I struggled to speak, but managed to find a few words eventually. “Damn… Elena…I had no idea… gawd… wow.” I managed to croak out, looking up at her finally.

Elena had that tooth smile on her face that I loved, licking her lips before she responded to me. “Well I hope that was an ok experience for you,” she said, giggling as she spoke.

I found myself laughing, to the point of having difficulty catching my breath. Breathing in deeply to calm my fit of giggles, I sat up in Elena’s bed and looked down at her lovingly. “Ha! Ok doesn’t even cover it… that was… amazing… never felt that before, well… with anyone,” I said, my voice trailing off.

Elena smiled and gave me a gentle kiss. “Well… that is exactly what I intended, my sweet Tamara. And what did you expect after a solid year of foreplay hmmmmm?”

I smiled and let out a breath, touching her cheek softly. “Well I am not sure thank you even comes close to giving it justice,” I said quietly.

Elena smiled and gave me a quick kiss on my nose. “No need, the pleasure was all mine,” she said with a wink and a soft pat on my bare ass.

I giggled a bit. “Not really, I’m completely naked you are still dressed!” I said, tugging at the edge of her top playfully.

Elena silenced me, placing two fingers across my lips. “Shhhh now, this was all about you and your pleasure hun,” she said, wagging her other finger in a playfully scolding gesture.

I slipped my hand over her wrist and pulled it away from my mouth, and touched my lips to hers for a moment. “It’s more than that. I am in love with you too,” I whispered.

“Oh, I know that, don’t worry.”

I sighed, knowing she wasn’t getting what I was trying to say. “No, it’s more than that, I… just had a hell of a time really wrapping my mind around that, I mean I am straight, so kinda doesn’t align with that. But what I figured out was it wasn’t about if you were another woman or gay or whatever, was about the fact that it was you. Just you. Nothing else,” I said, slowly.

“Ok? And?” Elena said, not defensive but wondering what I was trying to say.

I felt anxious. These were uncharted waters for me and it wasn’t clear what I should say or do to communicate the fact that I wanted to give back to her, if she would even allow that at this point. Actions speak louder than words, so perhaps that was a good place to start. I had found myself drawn to her breasts often, and I wanted to touch them, so I placed a trembling hand on one, making her intake a breath sharply. “And I… want you… too,” I breathed out, kissing her softly.

Elena was unexpectedly shaken by my admission, and was silent for a few moments, I could tell she was worried the idea might be too much for me to take so soon. “It’s all good, there is no rush, in time, we can… you can… if you want to.”

I leaned in and planted a few kisses on her neck. “Oh yes, gawd yes I want to, make me yours, help me love you,” I said, gasping.

Elena let out an incredibly sexy moan, the first indication that I had managed to arouse her, which gave me a strange thrill. “Mmmmmm in that case, let me guide you, let you meet another woman’s body for the first time.” I watched her pull back and slowly, teasingly inched up her shirt, exposing her olive skin to me, drawing my eyes to her breasts once the clothing had been discarded.

She took my hand slowly and placed it on her breast, gently tucking it inside her bra, and then slipping her hand over mine. Her breast felt incredibly warm, inviting, and perfect, as if it was molding to my touch, as her hand began to move in a circular motion. I gasped, feeling her nipple harden, our eyes locked, lips parted, feeling my own body responding to the sensations. I watched her body move with my guided caresses, suddenly feeling the urge to touch both her breasts.

“How does that all feel to you, love?” Elena said, a sexy purr filling her voice.

Before I could really answer, Elena removed her hand from mine and slipped it around the back of my neck, much as she had during our first kiss which seemed like a lifetime ago. I felt her pushing me just in front of her breasts, the line of her cleavage just inches from my nose, holding me there for a second as if getting me comfortable being that close. Before I realized it, my face was deep in between her breasts, nose right at her sternum, her warm skin enveloping my cheeks. I felt a shiver run through me, and one urge took me over that blocked out everything else: I had to taste them!

I pushed my tongue out and felt her cleavage welcome it openly, caressing it, her skin tasted so sexy, and I was lost in the feeling of her breasts. Moments later, I began licking up and down the valley between them with a slow methodical pattern. Fuck, I could do this forever! I felt Elena shaking as I continued my oral lovemaking of her skin, and was perplexed when I felt her pull me back and tilt my head up to look at her.

In that brief moment, she had managed to unhook her bra with her free hand and let it fall away, and when I glanced back down, her bare breast and nipple were almost at my lips. I couldn’t keep from licking my lips, feeling a powerful urge to taste the hard nipple, like it was calling to me. I gave it a brief kiss, which made me want to do it more, so I did, but then gave in to the desire to suck on it. As my lips closed around it, I heard Elena sigh. I had never done this before but it felt so hot, so sexy and so right.

I heard Elena moan and say something but I was so lost in what I was doing and how it made me feel that I couldn’t quite make out the words. My eyes were closed, my lips pulling the nipple in and out in a sucking motion, swirling my tongue around it, slipping a hand around each side of her breasts to steady it as I devoured it. I was enjoying it, enjoying her, and enjoying myself, feeling my pussy essence dripping down my inner thighs as I did.

I released the nipple and moved on to the other, feeling Elena squirm and moan as I continued my sexy work on her body. All I wanted was her, in that moment, showing her how much I wanted her and how much I craved her. I got lost in it, hearing some hints from her as to what felt best, and then felt her breast quiver as her breathing began to get deep and rapid. Her soft moans broke my concentration enough to help me realize that she was about to cum, for me, because of what I was doing, even if my technique was poor. The realization was incredible to me, that I was making another woman climax, this woman, whom I adored.

Once she caught her breath, Elena slipped off her pants, and then her rather sexy black panties, parting her legs somewhat, revealing to me her pussy for the very first time. Overall it was like mine, but the lips thicker and more pronounced, shaved bare like mine but her scent filled the room like an erotic perfume. To my amazement, her lips were wet, almost dripping, looking like an erotic flower with petals covered with the morning dew. I found my eyes transfixed, fascinated with how it moved as she shifted her position a bit, and wanted to look closer. “Wow… you are… so…. Smooth… and gawd, so… wet…” I gasped.

Smiling, and without saying a word, Elena took my hand in hers, isolating my index and middle fingers and folding back the rest lovingly. She guided my fingers between her legs, and we both gasped as they slid inside her, eventually holding me still, and then slowly drawing them back out.

I drew my hand back, lifted it up and studied the slick juices coating my fingers, fascinated by it, knowing they came from a woman other than myself. I had tasted myself many times, accustomed to it, even enjoying it, but this was a different thing altogether, almost surreal. Elena’s scent emanated from it, tickling my sense of smell and making it feel like she was invading me, permeating every cell in my body and creating a whole new me. I felt a strong desire to taste it. Wasn’t that the point of having her on my fingers like this, becoming hers in yet another way?

My eyes closed slowly as my lips parted and welcomed the new visitor inside, feeling the taste hit my tongue, tasting another woman, tasting her essence. It had a tangy taste to it, which made me think of her as spicy, but beyond pleasurable to taste, realizing that as I did I was truly taking her inside me.

Once I opened my eyes, I saw that Elena had repositioned her face up on the bed, knees bent slightly, clearly inviting me between her legs to taste from the source. At that moment I knew two things: one, that this crossed a final line essentially deflowering me as a straight woman, and two, that I was ready to do it without hesitation.

I knelt down between her parted legs, seeing the desire in her eyes which just made me want it even more. I positioned myself so my lips were mere inches from her wetness, the scent wildly intoxicating, heightening my desire, making my head move right to where she wanted me. I touched her outer lips with my tongue, making her lift her back off of the bed and moan, fingers on the back of my head, caressing my hair. “Ohhhhh Tamara, you are finally mine. That’s it baby, taste me, lick me,” she gasped.

I pushed my tongue deep into her, feeling the walls of her pussy contract around it as I moved it in and out for a bit, switching to licks up and down the length of her womanhood next. Once that was done, I opened my mouth and aligned my lips with her labia, pressing my face to them and tongue kissing her pussy like it was her mouth, which made her writhe. I continued licking and kissing her, desperate to bring her to a climax, and wondering why it was taking so long.

Elena slipped her hands around my head and wordlessly guided my lips to her clit, making me perturbed that I had forgotten something so basic. My tongue began working her sexual center, and her body began moving in a far more powerful way. “Oh mmmmm yes yes right there. Jusssst like that, baby,” she moaned.

I began gently sucking on her clit, much like I had on her nipple earlier, which apparently was the magic combination because moments later she was thrashing and moaning in a way that a porn star might even, though in this case I knew it was real. I felt a thrill of accomplishment ripple through me as I hear her impassioned cries, felt her body writhe, and utter my name a few times.

After a few moments, I felt Elena pulling on my hand, her naked flesh against mine, wrapping her body around mine. “So… how was it?” she asked, voice quivering.

I took in a deep breath, unsure how to express what I was feeling, though the feeling was pretty amazing. “Good… I just don’t… have the… words…” I said, leaning over to kiss her, expressing both my gratitude and desire in the same moment. We just snuggled together for a while, just feeling each other breathe, then Elena broke the silence.

“Just to be clear, when I said you are mine and belong to me, it wasn’t just the heat of the moment, I meant every word of it. I want you here, with me, by my side, sharing my life, everything.” She said, as if she had rehearsed the whole thing in her head as we were quiet.

I loved the feeling of my face in her neck, it made me feel adored and protected, so I scooted closer and put my head there. “Oh I know that for sure, and I feel the same. Honestly, I haven’t ever felt even a tenth of this with anyone, ever. We have this… connection, passion, and a deep bond that is just amazing,” I said reassuringly, suddenly feeling my eyes heavy. I had never made love for that long before, and it took a lot out of me, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


As I slowly began waking up a few hours later, I started smiling in wonder at how amazing and erotic my dreams had been. A split second later, I realized that I had a gorgeous, formerly straight brunette, the woman of my dreams, wrapped around me, her skin against mine. While it was a relaxed pose since Tamara was still asleep, I was struck by the deep attachment it implied, making me smile even bigger. I was content just to hold and watch her sleep, feeling her heartbeat, and feeling her breathing slow and rhythmically. It was a beautiful moment, and I wanted to just savor it, and be the first thing she saw when she woke up.

Tamara twitched and then I heard her take in a deep breath and stretch, which just pushed her naked flesh more firmly into mine. Her eyes fluttered for a moment like she was trying to focus, and she looked at me and giggled. “Well, hey there,” she whispered, stroking my face.

“Hey there, love,” I replied, giving her a wet, soft kiss, then adding, “Sleep well?”

Tamara nodded, snuggling into me again, and licking her lips as if savoring the kiss. “Mmmm hmmm,” she said with a contented sigh.

I knew this had been a huge step for her, and felt a pang of worry wondering if she would have second thoughts once the reality of it all sank in. Given her reaction during our blow-up, it seemed reasonable to assume that. I cleared my throat. “You ok? Any… regrets?” I asked, keeping my tone free of concern.

Tamara started giggling almost incessantly, which concerned me at first until she kissed my cheek. “Not a single one, this was the most incredible and natural thing in the world to me. Plus, I love you, plain and simple,” she said firmly.

“Well, I got the feeling you had never cum that many times before,” I said, tickling her, making her jump.

Tamara stuck her tongue out. “Ya got that right, been too many times I didn’t cum at all, it was… really… amazing,” she answered.

“Well, there are so many other ways…” I said, not completing my sentence, waiting to gauge her reaction.

I watched a smile form on her lips, a mischievous and somewhat curious grin, and she sat up and looked down at me. “Oh, got more to show me? Teach me?” she teased.

In one motion, I pushed her onto her back and swung my leg over her, straddling her, making her eyes widen. “Oh yes, baby lots more,” I said, purring, “Just not all at once, I want you to savor it.” I slowly ran my fingers up and down her tummy, tickling her navel, before moving upwards to trace around the edges of her breasts.

“Damn, Elena, you know how to touch me perfectly,” Tamara gasped, her body shivering.

I grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head, making her eyes widen, settling my body on hers, ensuring that my breasts were pressing into hers, moved my legs so they were separating hers. It was a deliciously vulnerable position for her and turned me on intensely. I knew her neck was her secret arousal spot, so I began kissing and gently nibbling it while breathing heavily and moaning, making her back arch a bit.

“I know exactly how to love you, to pleasure you, and so very happy to do it, love,” I gasped into her neck. I wanted to wind her up a bit before trying anything else with her, I wanted the build-up to enhance the orgasm that would claim her later. Without releasing her hands, I began moving my body over hers, ensuring that my breasts rubbed nicely against hers and my knee started slowly grinding her pussy. Gawd she was already quite wet!

To my sheer delight, Tamara began gyrating her body beneath mine in a naked erotic dance that made shivers shoot up my spine. She was grinding against my knee slowly, methodically, and hungrily, showing me just how quickly she was learning the secrets of love between two women. The smoldering look of lust emanating from her eyes was sexy and confirmed my suspicions. My little, not so straight, girl had truly crossed over and embraced me, embraced lesbian passion, and given over completely to it. Whether I could truly call her gay remained to be seen, but I was more than happy just as she was.

“Fuck. Kiss me. Please. Gawd,” Tamara began begging.

My lips touched hers and she instantly parted her lips and slid her tongue along mine, which seemed to be asking for as much attention as had her words. I was all too happy to oblige, exploring her mouth with deep passion, which she eagerly returned, the pace of her frenetic grinding increasing. I knew she could climax any second, but I wanted that to happen differently, so I rose and backed away from her a little.

Tamara looked confused and even annoyed, obviously not understanding why I had interrupted her pleasure, reaching for her leg and lifting it up so I could kiss her calf. I could tell her what I was up to but wanted her to experience it and feel it instead. With a sly smile, I slipped my leg between hers, watching her furrowed brow reveal that she still wasn’t sure what was happening. Lifting her ass a bit, I lowered my wet pussy right against hers, watching her eyes go wide as the sensations hit her the first time.

“Oh gawd… gawd… that’s so… wow… fuck… oh fuck…” she gasped, her body shaking, her arousal now exponentially greater.

“Oh yes, my sweet little Tamara, we are fucking now… really fucking… girl to girl… my pussy kissing yours,” I said, my hips starting to gyrate, grinding powerfully into her. It was tricky doing this especially so early on with a lover, but I knew it would be incredible for her if I did things correctly. I repositioned once or twice, hoping I had the alignment just right.

Tamara’s head leaned back, her eyes closed, clinging to me for dear life, at first just letting me grind my pussy against hers, making her shriek and shudder. “Ohhhh fuck… fuckkkkkk meeeeee,” she squealed, now grinding back against me with equal fervor. Lifting her head back up, her eyes locked with mine, moaning as she stared at me. After several moments, her eyes closed and I could feel her womanhood pulsing against mine as a new climax washed over her. The sight of her pleasure and the sensation between my legs overcame me and I had a strong orgasm in response, a feat I had seldom been able to pull off that way with previous lovers. Our collective moans and cries rose together as one voice, just as our bodies were one and our souls now joined. Once we rode out the intense shared climax, we fell back onto the bed, clinging to each other for dear life. I thought it was safe to say that neither of us had ever felt that kind of thing before, which just made our bond more powerful.


When I woke up later, it took me a few seconds for my eyes to focus, and when I did I saw Elena’s face smiling at me, her hair thoroughly disheveled. I blushed. I always felt self-conscious after waking up, fearing I looked awful and would make the person run away screaming. The look in her eyes, however, was one of pure adoration and it instantly reassured me that there was nothing I needed to worry about. “Hi there,” I said, almost chuckling.

Elena’s lips lowered to mine, giving me a soft kiss that still had the faded remnants of my taste on them. “Hi, love, did you sleep well?” she asked.

Still worried that I looked frightful, I nuzzled into her, catching my breath, and nodded with a muffled, “Mmmm yes.”

Elena slipped her finger under my chin, pulling my face up just enough to make full eye contact with me, a soft but concerned expression on her face. “Um, you alright? Any… regrets?” she asked softly.

Internally, my reaction was to laugh and say, Are you fucking kidding me, I am way more than ok! I did end up letting out a small laugh, which escalated into a brief fit of the giggles, which was not the reaction I wanted her to see. I calmed down after a moment and planted a quick peck on her cheek to reassure her. “No regrets, not one, not ever. That was like… the most amazing thing I have ever felt,” I said, pausing for a moment, and then adding, “Plus, I love you, plain and simple.” Was there anything more to say after that? Not for me at least!

Elena’s fingers jabbed playfully into my ribs, tickling me and making me laugh. “Yeah, well I got the distinct impression that you had never had that many orgasms in a row before,” she said with a huge grin.

I jutted my pink tongue out between my teeth for a moment. “That’s an understatement, hun. Sadly, there were quite a few times I didn’t even cum at all with someone else, of course, I figured out that it wasn’t my fault,” I replied, still smiling.

Elena planted a kiss on the tip of my nose, treating me to a whiff of her almost-faded perfume. “Oh, but you have no idea, sweet thing, there are so… many… ways… to…” she began, her voice trailing off.

Damn this woman could make me smile nonstop. “Oh is that a fact? Got more tricks to show me hmmm?” I said with an exaggerated wink.

Without warning, she flipped my body around, facing upwards, catching me so off guard that I squealed, “Oof.” What I failed to notice for a second or two was that she had managed to slide her leg between mine.

“Oh patience there, babe, not all at once, I want you to… savor it, there’s no rush,” she said with a lilting voice, brushing her fingertips up my torso, then stroking the underside of my breasts.

My nipples instantly reacted, hardening at the touch, and sending shockwaves throughout my body, making me marvel at her skill. Almost overcome by the sensations, I gasped, “Oh gawd, you know how to touch me… perfectly… ohhhhhh wow…”

All at once, I felt Elena pin my arms above my head, pressing her breasts right into mine, making our nipples rub in the most sensual way possible. As she pushed my legs apart with her knee, I felt her lips feasting on my neck again, making her gasp. “I know exactly how to touch you, caress you, and pleasure you, Tamara, and so enjoy loving your body,” she responded, her lips caressing my neck erotically.

In that position, all I could do was let her have her way with me, and it’s all I wanted anyway. Elena began rubbing her body on mine, breasts kissing and caressing each other, and her knee wedged between my legs, grinding into my wetness, increasing my already building arousal. All I wanted was more of those sensations, more of the passion, more of her, and my body began moving back against hers in an erotic dance that was intensely pleasurable. “Oh damn… Elena… yesssss… ohhhhhhhh gawd fuck me, fuck me now!” I shouted, not caring who might hear.

In one smooth motion, her mouth abandoned my neck and fitted itself to mine, her tongue slipping between my lips like a wet snake, and virtually wrapping around mine. My body reacted immediately, my hips grinding against her knee as if trying to permanently join with it. I felt my entire self on fire like a living flame, wanting more of Elena, more of the heat, more of the pleasure. I felt an orgasm building, so powerful that it felt like an erotic tsunami, ready to crash over me at any moment.

I was in a daze, so it took a moment for me to realize that Elena had pulled back from me, and honestly, I felt a flash of anger to be denied a climax that was within a finger’s reach from me so to speak. When I looked up to ask for an explanation, I saw Elena kissing my leg above my ankle, a very mischievous look on her face. I felt her wetness sliding down the inside of my left leg, and before I could fully understand what was happening, I felt a searing hot wetness press against my pussy. The feeling was overwhelming, our bodies fully and completely one, more intimately than any connection I had experienced in my life, but multiplied exponentially.

“Oh… fuck… gawd… that’s… that’s…” I said, seeing stars and so overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment that I couldn’t speak or even think at that point. I had sensed it on some level before but now I knew this was the person I had waited for, hoped for, longed for, my forever friend, lover, and soulmate.

Yes, sweet little Tamara, we are fucking, girl to girl, together, my pussy fucking yours!” Elena growled, making me grind back even more fiercely.

Nothing else mattered in that moment, just us, bodies together, bonded in a way I never imagined possible with another human being, and something I would sell my soul forever never to lose. Forcing myself to focus, I gripped the back of her neck with my hand, making our eyes meet. I knew I was about to cum, and from the flushed look on Elena’s face, she was about to as well. I wanted, even needed our eyes locked as we came together. I gasped and grunted something that sounded like “Oh fuck me… fuck me… Elena…” which was probably a violent scream, though I was scarcely conscious enough to know for certain.

I felt my orgasm erupt, my pussy pulsating rapidly, as if trying to grip Elena’s and pull it right inside my body. My back arched and every cell in my body felt electrified, and I felt a sympathetic response from between her legs that slammed into me and reflected the intensity back at her again. It felt as if her life force had entered me and that our souls were locked into an amazingly pleasurable dance together. We rode out the feeling, unable to speak, writhing, gasping, and moaning, finally coalescing into a deep calm that collapsed us into each other tightly. We both whispered a hushed, “I love you” as we sank into a deep slumber together.


Elena and Tamara were inseparable after that, and made their relationship public. That delighted Elena’s family, but initially had the opposite reaction with Tamara’s. Her mother was shocked and her father was very hostile at first, though they both warmed up over time, eventually accepting them both and welcoming Elena Into their family with open arms. They got married in a small ceremony at the Grand Hotel the very weekend of the Bessmer Bash, which they hadn’t intentionally planned, but found delightfully entertaining.

Tamara got promoted to Vice President of her company within a year of their wedding, and became well-known as one of the prominent women in the IT industry for years after. A few years later, they started a consulting firm together and traveled the world together speaking at conferences.

In later years, those who knew them described their relationship as a ’love story for the ages’ that delighted and inspired many, and told again and again. Tamara and Elena would often laugh and remember that it all began at an event that neither of them wanted to be at, between two people who were worlds apart, and yet brought together in an amazing and unlikely love.

Published 3 years ago

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