A Walk Around the Lake, Chapter 14

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She woke with a smile on her face as she felt his arms tighten around her.  Murmuring a “Good Morning” she turned in his arms and gazed on his handsome face.  She kissed him tenderly on the mouth and smiled at him.  “Let me go and brush my teeth,” she sighed as she slipped from his grasp and reached for her robe.  Padding into the bathroom, she brushed her teeth, washed her face and ran her fingers through her unruly short blond hair.  She used the toilet and washed her hands before she returned to the sanctity of the bedroom.  She let her robe fall from her body and crawled into the bed beside him.  
Now it was his turn to go and get rid of the morning breath that everyone wakes up with.  He kissed the top of her head before he got up from the bed, not bothering with a robe.  His morning arousal all too evident, professing his physical desire for this woman.  It wasn’t just the physical desire though.  It was the love that was bursting from his heart.  It was his desire to spend the rest of his life with her.  It was his desire to take away the sadness that had plagued her for so many years.  He could do that for the rest of his life, make her happy.  He smiled to himself as he gazed upon her lush, curvy naked body lying in their bed, the early morning mountain breeze blowing in the open window causing delicious goose bumps on her pale skin.  
He returned to the haven of the bedroom.  He could not believe that he had found this beauty on vacation in a mountain resort.  She was a gift from God, and he planned on treating her like the miracle she was.  She had taught him to open his heart to love again.  Something he thought he’d never do.  Oh, he loved his children, and his soon to be born grandchild but he never once thought he would find a soul mate to share his life with.  Yet here was this beauty lying in his bed, his arms, and taking up residence in his heart.  Kissing her tenderly on her shoulder, he nibbled gently on her ear.  Her heard her sigh of contentment, and he smiled to himself, thinking of the evening he had planned where he would propose to her.  
Crawling back into the big bed and into her waiting arms, he asked her when she had to go back to work. 
“I’m lucky!  I have five weeks vacation, and I have three weeks left.  I wanted to take all my vacation, and spend it in Banff.  Of course, I didn’t know that I would meet you then, but now, I’m glad I don’t have to rush home.  What about you?  When do you have to go back to work?” 
He nearly laughed out loud at that, he really hadn’t worked a day since his wife had died.  He had only worked during his marriage, to get out of the house.  Now, he was semi-retired, and for the first time in a very long time, looking forward to the rest of his life.

“I am on an extended vacation as well.”  He told her vaguely, since he didn’t want to divulge too much of his background just yet.  Up until he met this beautiful woman, he thought of his wealth as a curse.  Now he thought of it as a gift, because neither one of them would have to work.  All they had to do, was to live their life, enjoying their family and grandchildren.  He just knew that his kids would be thrilled that he had found someone as wonderful and loving as this woman.  For the first time in their lives as well, they would have a loving mother and grandmother; knew in his heart that she would be just that, a loving addition to their family. 
Published 15 years ago

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