Julie’s Summer Schooling

"Young woman becomes a horny couple's plaything."

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‘Enjoying the view?’


‘You like what you see over there?’

‘Don’t know what you’re talking about.’ I turned on my sofa-bed and smiled sheepishly at Lucy. Best to own up when you know you’ve been caught out. Plus there’s a special dispensation for letting your eyes stray when you’re on holiday. I read that in FHM.

Not that I was easily distracted from the five foot six of tightly-coiled sexual fury lying next to me. Since our first meeting two months previously, when Lucy had sold me a new mobile phone and I had sold her the idea of a drink together, – how the hell did I get THAT lucky? – my libido had been put through its paces with an intensity that delighted and unnerved me. The evening of our first date had set the course for our relationship thus far. Returned from a suitably classy bar and the wine all drunk, she had ended up straddling me naked on my sofa, mousy-blonde hair tumbling round my face, nails digging painfully into my upper arms, pretty features contorted into a fuck-me snarl, as I drove my cock upwards into her slippery depths for the first time. Were all English girls like this? This Celtic lad was glad he’d made the trip across the Channel.

There was little room for anything you might call ‘love-making’ in our various sexual trysts. Her round, tanned ass, it became clear, was for slapping with the hard flat of my hand. Her perfectly rounded C-cup tits were not to be caressed, but grabbed roughly, the nipples sucked and pinched into sore little points of desire. She liked to have her hair pulled, while being made to deep-throat me on her knees and when her mouth wasn’t stuffed, she’d exhort me in my carnal efforts as I’d never heard a woman do before. ‘Come on, bugger my tight ass, you dirty Irish fucker!!!’ was typical of her encouragements to me when I was hard at work on her. She just wasn’t a scented candles kind of girl.

Now in swimwear and sun block, we reclined by the hotel pool in late afternoon Mediterranean sunshine. It was a trip I’d planned for, working my just passable physique into something a bit more lean and muscular for the beach. Lucy had required no such regime. Eos, the Greek islands’ centre of hedonism, had seemed an apt holiday location to see in her twenty-eighth birthday. We were relaxing after a night’s exertions, begun with a nude coupling on the nearest beach at dusk; the sun a vast amber disc shimmering on the horizon, salt on our lips, her finger up my ass as I spunked over her stomach – precious memories indeed. Nothing to do today but bask in the thought of last night’s sticky writhings. Until of course I was distracted by the lissom young thing on the other side of the pool, almost ready to burst out of her red-string bikini top.

‘I can’t blame you,’ Lucy said sympathetically, and she cast an appraising eye over the object of my appreciation. ‘She does look a hot little bitch. No virgin, but nor is she as experienced as she thinks she is.’ It struck me as something wondrous that my partner was not only forgiving my lechery, she was joining in. We watched in shared admiration as the strikingly curved youngster, surely not quite out of her teens, pranced along the end of the pool flirting obviously and naively with some local boys. Her chirpy London accent carried across to our side. She made the Greek lads great show of peeling her bikini bottoms out of her ass-crack, before slipping into the pool once more.

Lucy brushed my arm teasingly with her nails. ‘I think she could be a prime candidate for our little fantasy,’ she said archly. I shot her an amused glance, and realised with a jolt in my stomach that she was perfectly serious.

Detailed discussion of fantasies was a favourite pastime of ours. There were the ideas you put firmly on your to do list and worked your way through enthusiastically – sex in department store changing rooms, extravagant role-playing bondage games, that sort of thing. There were the unfeasible ones about fucking on stage in some seedy underground sex club in Amsterdam with hundreds of baying spectators, or about me as voyeur, watching on spy-cam as she was mauled in a sports bath by an entire team of rugby players.

And then there were the ones you ASSUMED had just been a joke… Lucy had kept me rapt with tales of her past lesbian exploits, had hinted that I might just get to sit in on such an encounter. But when we had spun scenarios of picking out a gorgeous young girl together and plotting to take nasty advantage of her, had Lucy actually entertained the possibility? ‘What do you think, James?’ she pursued, with a lascivious grin. Christ, I thought, she really means it! I’m dating a woman who wants to carry out the joint seduction of a teenage girl just for kicks! I stared at her in renewed amazement. It was wonder enough that I was dating a petite, filthy-minded goddess like Lucy. To then find that she wanted to include a second beautiful female in the proceedings made my head spin like I’d heatstroke. Shit like that just didn’t happen, or at least it didn’t happen to me…

‘Let’s do it,’ I said in giddy awe of my deliciously wicked girlfriend, and then realised I hadn’t the first inkling of a plan. ‘Ehhh – it might improve our chances if you make first contact.’

‘Leave it to Lucy,’ she smiled with her outrageous confidence. ‘She reminds me of myself when I was her age, in which case we’re in luck.’ She kissed me wetly on the lips and swung herself off her sun-bed. My heart was thudding like I was a teen on his first promise, as her slight, gracefully curved form padded delicately over to the pool-side. Hair tied back, she dived lithely into the water and swam with a smooth breaststroke towards her newly established prey.

The younger girl seemed instantly gratified when Lucy appeared beside her and drew her into conversation with her casual charm; my girlfriend’s opener was some relaxed, ironic comment about the youngster’s rowdy admirers. The two new acquaintances ended up leaning by the side of the pool for some ten minutes, chatting easily. Lucy indicated across to me at one point, and her unsuspecting young friend waved over. I returned the wave nonchalantly, as they shared some obviously hilarious joke at my expense. Initial contact achieved.

‘Her name’s Julie,’ Lucy informed me slyly when she returned. ‘Just turned nineteen, about to start university. Her girlie-pals are off at the beach, but she stuck around here to shake off a hangover. A few shots of tequila and she’s dancing on the tables, it seems – make a mental note of that. Looks like she’s recovered enough to join us for a drink later though…’

I leaned over to embrace her newly wet form. ‘You are truly an evil little bitch,’ I said with my now customary awed affection.

Her tongue snaked briefly in and out of my mouth. ‘It’s what you love me for.’ Well wasn’t THAT the truth?

A shadow drew across us and we looked up to see Julie, hovering hesitantly. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,’ she said with an embarrassed giggle.

‘James, this is Julie.’ Lucy’s official introduction was full of warmth. ‘Her friends have all buggered off and left her – I said she could join us for a drink a little later.’

‘Hi Julie.’ I reached up to shake hands and, as she lent her bikinied form over me, I got to appreciate her fully. Rather taller than Lucy, wavy auburn hair to her shoulders, she was skinny in a delightfully girlish way, with those ripe, young D-cup tits just begging to be released from their confines. ‘You’re way too good for them,’ I said cheerily. ‘Why not meet us in the bar when we’ve changed?’

‘Look, we were going to open that bottle of Sambuca – why doesn’t Julie just come round to us?’ was Lucy’s phoney afterthought. ‘Say around six – room seventeen?’

‘Good idea,’ I chimed in, taking the cue. ‘It’ll be more relaxing.’ My heart was beating out a tattoo at the course on which Lucy and I were apparently embarking.

‘Thanks, that sounds really nice,’ beamed Julie, apparently delighted at her older, sexy new friends. ‘I’ll go get changed. See you both later!’

‘See you sweetheart,’ Lucy called in big-sisterly fashion, as our buxom little pool princess skipped off into the hotel building.

I watched her go and felt a pang of guilt in the middle of my lust. ‘She seems almost too nice to do this to,’ I commented matter-of-factly, but I did feel it deep down.

‘Bullshit,’ Lucy responded, stretching herself out with a sigh for a final bask in the sun. She picked up her shades and slipped them back on. ‘Of course she’s NICE… That just makes it all the sweeter.’ I could scarcely argue.


The knock on our door was tentative and on time. ‘Such a shy young thing,’ Lucy smiled at me, with her familiar glint of wickedness. ‘After all her sexy cavorting round the pool, I think she’s gone all bashful.’ She nodded to the entrance. ‘Go invite our guest in then.’ As I went to let Julie into our neatly furnished double room, I considered the plan Lucy and I had loosely worked out. I suppose we trusted each other to improvise the rest, following our satisfyingly dirty bedroom role-plays of recent weeks and all our luxurious late-night sex talks, although on this occasion I had a definite sense I was following Lucy’s lead. To squeeze the erotic juice out this fantasy while chatting in bed was one thing. But to get proactive in making it happen… Yes, I was out of my depth and Lucy was my swimming instructor. There we were, showered and changed: me into a T-shirt and beach shorts, Lucy into a showy halter top and denim cut-offs – the sort of clothes that could be stripped off in an instant, should the mood demand it. Let the session commence.

Julie flashed her radiant girlish beam once more, as I opened the door to her. She entered wearing a thin-strapped, muslin summer-dress, which showed off her tanned, ample bosom and traced her slim waist to pleasing effect. Its semi-transparent, white material pleasantly suggested the lacy bra and panties beneath. She was clutching a purse with both hands, looking nervous and happy. Lucy met her in the middle of the room, her slight form rising so she could kiss the taller girl briefly on the cheek, then she led her to the drinks-laden table by the open patio doors. ‘It’s really nice you could join us,’ she said in sincere fashion, as I cracked the seal on the Sambuca. ‘James and I have been keeping to ourselves so far this holiday.’

Julie caught the knowing edge in her voice. ‘That’s really romantic,’ she smiled.

‘Romantic,’ Lucy grinned archly at me as I passed round glasses of neat liquor and joined them at the table. ‘That’s one way of putting it.’ She glanced back at Julie, who blushed instantly and obviously. ‘Of course James puts it all sorts of ways.’ Julie appeared to nearly choke on her drink, but a moment later the girls were giggling together. ‘I’m sorry Julie, I’m being wicked,’ said Lucy, setting her hand on the girl’s arm. ‘Tell me about your adventures here so far.’

And that was all it took – the girl-chat flowed easily with the Sambuca; I topped up Julie’s glass twice as frequently as our own. Lucy drew out her callow young friend with the gentlest of promptings – Julie’s crazy nights out with her friends, the sailing instructor she had a crush on, the inexperienced young French boy she had fucked in the sand dunes two nights before. My girlfriend’s skill at putting total strangers at their ease was relaxing me as well. I laughed with them, teased Julie about her amorous exploits and flirted provocatively with Lucy. The undefined mood of sex in the room was uncanny; a vague promise of carnality hung in the air and it was all Lucy’s doing. She was obviously tapping into something she perceived in Julie, because the young girl was revelling in the air of adult sexuality; she was drawn in by Lucy’s warmth, with its undercurrent of danger, and laughed with increasing wickedness at my playfully dirty interjections. When I alluded our beach-sex sand problem, and the way we had cleaned each other out the next day, my other half gave my upper arm a hefty thump and indicated the balcony.

‘Go take your drink outside, you dirty bastard,’ she laughed. ‘Then Julie and I can talk properly without you lowering the tone.’

I left them to it, but the drink-amplified conversation floated out to me as I swilled my Sambuca, looking over the hotel pool. You had to hand it to her – Lucy’s conversation was flawlessly manipulative. So was Julie looking forward to college? She should be – she’d get to expand her mind in all sorts of ways. She should grab those opportunities like Lucy did in her own student days. Did Lucy mean educational opportunities? Well yes, in the broadest sense – like the party where she ended up fucking two guys at once for the first time – Julie really ought to explore that. And then there was a certain lecturer who had really broadened her outlook. Sounds fantastic – was he much older?

‘SHE was nearly twenty years older,’ Lucy replied, in a devilish tone.

‘She?’ There was a perhaps a hint of admiration in Julie’s voice along with the surprise. ‘You’re – what – you’re bisexual?’

‘Well, a nice firm cock will always have first place in my heart,’ Lucy confided. ‘But she was a very accomplished seductress and since then I like to keep an open mind. The right girl in the right situation…You ever been with a woman?’ There was an openness in her voice that invited confidence.

‘Well…’ Julie had turned a shade more coy. ‘Not exactly…There was this friend at a party once, but we sort of got interrupted…We just kissed a bit….. It was a joke really, we were just mucking about. It was nothing. Her parents came home unexpectedly and…well…nothing more happened. Not that it was going to…’ Well what are the chances? I was thinking. It was like Lucy had picked it up on her sex-radar back at the pool… Just the merest hint of bi-curiosity. You’ll believe me when I say I have never eavesdropped on a more thrilling conversation.

‘That’s a shame,’ said Lucy. ‘It can open up all kinds of possibilities.’ I could sense the wicked grin spreading over her face. ‘Like double-teaming a guy? You know how men go nuts for that lipstick lesbian stuff – all they have to see is two girls kissing at a club and a fuse blows in their brain. It’s so much fun to fuck with a guy’s head that way. Come on, you’ve never done that with some of your friends? A bit of dance floor snogging to get the boys going?’

Julie was giggling with her again. ‘Well we’ve done sexy dancing together, you know… Kind of – well – writhing and stuff…’

‘There you are,’ said Lucy. ‘It’s not such a big leap to teaming up with her and giving a guy a special treat. Maybe even a boyfriend, yours or hers. Makes everything so much more fun.’

‘Wow, I don’t know…’ But it was obvious from Julie’s voice how impressed she was with her new acquaintance’s worldly wisdom. ‘So have you and…?’

‘Have I done a threesome with James?’ Lucy shot back without missing a beat. My pulse speeded up a little and I fired off a quick prayer to the gods of debauched multi-participant sex. ‘Not yet.’ I imagined her taking a sip of her drink for dramatic effect. ‘But I know he’d like to…’ Just a hint of suggestion in her voice, but enough to produce an aching silence, into which I walked, all innocence. They were sitting cross-legged on the room’s white plastic sofa, a strikingly gorgeous contrast of build and hair colour. Julie had her eyes fixed on Lucy, her expression a little closer to curiosity than anxiety.

‘Sorry – interrupting some great moment of feminine insight?’

‘He’s such an idiot,’ said Lucy, squeezing Julie’s hand and breaking whatever spell she had cast. ‘Shame I like him so much.’ She rose, reached up to kiss me and made for the en suite bathroom. ‘Keep our guest company,’ she instructed softly in my ear, and disappeared. It’s not often, in my experience, that you find your girlfriend pushing you to make a move on another girl, so however unnerving the experience, I suggest you go with it when it happens.

‘Force of nature, isn’t she?’ I said, nestling comfortably next to Julie on the sofa in an effort to mask my own nervousness.

‘She’s lovely,’ the slightly drink-befuddled girl replied, flustered but a little exhilarated as well. ‘You seem really good together. You know, comfortable with each other.’

‘Well we share a lot of the same tastes,’ I said. ‘Same things make us laugh, same things turn us on… Same people turn us on sometimes.’ It seemed I was increasing in my daring, although Julie seemed confused by the comment and I passed over it. ‘What I mean is, I’m very lucky.’

‘So’s she.’

Julie meant the comment quite innocently, but I was sufficiently inspired to lean over swiftly and touch my lips to hers. She would have broken away automatically with Lucy so close by, but I’d twined my left hand through the back of her hair to prevent her from doing so and the kiss lingered, with just a hint of a response from her. Then Lucy was back in the room and Julie pulled back, looking perplexed and guilty. She tried to stammer some explanation, but no words would come.

‘Don’t worry sweetheart,’ Lucy said in a noticeably more husky and seductive tone than before, and she sashayed calmly across the room to sit on Julie’s other side. ‘I’m not the jealous type. And we’re all friends here, aren’t we?’ She gave her young new companion a reassuring hug. ‘Did you like the way he kissed you?’

Julie was mesmerised, speechless, but gave a faint nod. ‘And what would you like to do about it?’ Lucy pursued, softly stroking her arm.

It was all Julie could do to speak. ‘Kiss him properly,’ she replied in a near-whisper. I drew her head round delicately and put my lips on hers once more. The kiss was light at first, but then I explored her soft mouth more fully, flickering my tongue into its warm and wetness and tempting her tongue on a return visit to my own mouth. We were holding each other now, Julie’s initial tenseness melting away and her body instinctively starting to reciprocate. I could sense Lucy not far off, stroking Julie’s skin and hair more insistently. Then she deftly guided the girl’s face away from mine and towards her own. Julie resisted just perceptibly and went to speak; talking about the theory might have been fun and exotic, but she was balking at the practice. Lucy, however, shushed her with a finger to her own lips and then planted her mouth firmly on that of her young companion, tongue already searching.

It was a contender for most distracting sight I had ever witnessed, to which my bulging trouser crotch surely testified, but I tried to retain focus. As Julie was drawn by my girlfriend into a prolonged lesbian embrace, I set gently about the teenager’s ear and neck with my lips and teeth. My fingers brushed the smooth, tanned skin at the top of her chest. Then as her body thawed and responded more fully to Lucy’s touch and mine, I plunged my hand down the front of her dress, fingers exploring the deep channel of her cleavage, then forcing their way under the tight restriction of her bra cup and taking possession of her left breast. I kneaded the firm globe, finally pulling it free of the cup and working its large areola into a hard point with my thumb and index finger.

I was still kissing her neck, occasionally looking up to see Lucy’s mouth clamped on hers, thrusting her tongue aggressively down the nineteen-year-old’s surprised throat. A tide of lust was rising in us both, the initial tenderness giving way to Lucy’s original plan of selfishly using this delicious young girl for every ounce of enjoyment she could provide us. I was now keenly aware of my extended prick in relation to her supple young form, but even more arousing was the growing sexual ferocity in Lucy. Her pretty, petite and slender appearance concealed a lustful energy and sordid imagination that constantly astonished me. I knew what was about to be unleashed in her – poor young Julie did not.

Lucy pulled away from the kiss abruptly and observed Julie, a trace of mockery mixed with her desire. The girl was flushed and panting, a dark strand of hair stuck to her cheek. She was dazed yet very obviously aroused by Lucy’s transformation from sisterly advisor to sexual predator.

‘Beautiful, isn’t she?’ Lucy smiled, running a manicured finger in a curve from Julie’s chin to beneath her throat. ‘Help me strip her, James. Let’s get her naked.’ There was an edge to Lucy’s voice that after two months I recognised well. It always showed up at the point just before she tipped from arousal into utter sexual dementia. Only this time she was going to drag a helpless young woman with her into the vortex. Well strictly speaking I could have helped the young woman, but with Julie so delicious in her vulnerability, I found I had no intention of doing so. I was going to leap on board Lucy’s wild ride and enjoy every crazy fucking moment. Taking hold of the thin straps on Julie’s dress, I wrenched the garment down round her waist.

The move elicited a startled gasp from the youngster. It had exposed her magnificent tits, one of which I had earlier prised free of its supporting cup. As I ripped the flimsy dress the rest of the way and flung it across the room, Lucy set vigorously about the bra, unhooking it in a second and tearing it from Julie’s impressive chest. Then with a few deft movements she removed her top to show off her own gorgeously pert breasts. She pressed them close to the softly moaning younger girl and resumed her passionate mouth-to-mouth exploration. I hooked my thumbs round the delicate lace of Julie’s panties and tore them roughly away from her luscious ass; her pubic hair was shaved to a thin strip, leading enticingly to a pink little cunt that was visibly wet and glistening between her loosening thighs.

‘So what would you like now?’ asked Lucy between kisses. ‘What does our lovely little slut want next?’ It made my heart jolt with delight to realise my girlfriend’s fabulously foul mouth might be turned on another woman.

Julie too seemed taken aback at being referred to in this manner, but her breath was shallow with desire, as if she were buoyed up by the eroticism of the moment. ‘I want to be fucked. I want James to fuck me.’

‘Oh you’ll get fucked all right,’ Lucy promised with the merest touch of malice, and she stroked Julie’s hair. ‘You’ll get fucked and maybe not just by James.’ The nineteen-year-old flinched slightly at this enigmatic remark, but Lucy pressed on without giving her a chance to react any further. ‘What else would you like? Go on, tell me.’

‘I want him to lick me. I want him to lick my…’

Lucy grabbed her hair at the roots, causing her to gasp. ‘Your cunt, Julie? Say what you mean, you pretty little bitch. Say it!’

‘I want him to lick my cunt!’ It was obvious the word was foreign to the girl’s lovely mouth.

Lucy released her grip on Julie’s hair. ‘Oh you do, do you?’ She was warming to her erotic cruelty by now. ‘Well I’ve got a better idea. You suck on my boyfriend’s cock and I’LL see to that pretty little cunt of yours.’ She slid from the sofa wearing only her denim cut-offs and slipped daintily between the girl’s legs.

Julie’s wide-eyed astonishment was almost comic. Her elbows were tensed up to her breasts and she was wriggling defensively up the back of the sofa.

‘But…but I’ve never…’

‘Well you’re going to,’ Lucy laughed softly, gripping her hips and nuzzling close to the enticing pink labia. ‘James, hold the bitch. Better still, put your dick in her mouth.’

‘Anything you say.’ My response was breathless. My T-shirt I had already cast aside and now I enthusiastically pulled off my shorts, enjoying the sensation of my rigid cock swinging free of restriction. I leapt back on to the sofa, straddling the gasping Julie and prising apart her arms, so that my rod pressed between her breasts. Her mouth was open in semi-protest at the fact that a woman she hardly knew was starting to lap intently at her crotch, so I took the opportunity and thrust the bulging head of my prick abruptly past her lips. Her hot mouth closed instinctively round me; I groaned slightly as her tongue twirled around my cock-head and she began to suck. That at least she seemed to have no problem with.

Behind me I could hear Lucy kissing and licking greedily at Julie’s twat. I wished I could see my girlfriend going down on the little sweetheart, but had to be content with rapid, wet sound effects. That and the suction on the end of my dick were keeping me more than adequately stimulated. I was concentrating on guiding more of my dick into the girl’s hot, hard-working mouth, but was simultaneously drinking in her confused reaction to Lucy’s oral attentions. Her eyes registered panic at the thought that another woman’s tongue was exploring her pussy and even a cock in her mouth could not distract her from the idea. But as the minutes progressed her body could clearly no longer deny how good it was making her feel. She was making little moans in the back of her throat, as Lucy’s expert attentions took effect. Her hands gripped my thighs to steady herself, as she began to writhe and buck.

Her excitement was building steadily and she slurped at me all the harder as if to compensate, with more commitment than expertise. But then her bodily sensations became too much for her and she drew back from her task of fellating me, so she could openly cry out. ‘Oh – oh – oh – oh God… oh God… oh shit…’ She seemed astonished to find herself approaching orgasm under such circumstances, but the rush was coming on her fast nonetheless. I was tempted to reinsert my stiffness and make her gag on a mouthful of cock just as she came, but sportingly withheld myself. There was way too much to enjoy in her wailing cries of mortified pleasure, as the climax ripped through her. Her fresh, young body shuddered out of control and I clambered off her completely, so I could watch those delicious titties bounce. As her climax gradually wound down, she subsided on the sofa, skin glistening with a sheen of sweat.

‘So how did you like being licked out by another woman?’ asked Lucy with a sense of evil enjoyment.

Julie’s head lolled against the settee. She could scarcely speak. ‘It was…it was…’ She could hardly believe it. ‘It was really good…’

‘And how good a cock-sucker is she?’ asked Lucy, grinning up at me.

‘Oh she’s promising,’ I assured her, my still-engorged penis rearing above Julie’s head. ‘Not as good as you, but definitely could get there with practice.’

‘And what sort of cunt-licker will she make, I wonder?’ Lucy’s words produced instant shocked attention from Julie. ‘Lay her down on the sofa, James. Turn and turn about, isn’t that right?’ She was already wriggling her tight little bum out of her cut-offs, revealing to me her own smoothly shaved pussy and firm thighs. I could have fucked her right there, as I would have on any other occasion, but we had a different project that evening.

‘Come on you,’ I said gently, dragging the bemused and fearful Julie into a lying position. Her eyes were appealing to me for support and I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy; receiving was one thing, but to go mouth to pussy with another girl, not having even contemplated such a thing half an hour before… However, my cock was making all my decisions for me now and had been since I entered into this pact of whatever-it-takes seduction with Lucy. Julie would do what she was told. ‘Now you get to pleasure my lovely girlfriend.’ Lucy clambered her sweet, nude form on top of the taller girl, a smile of anticipation playing on her lips.

As I’d thought this seemed almost too much for Julie. ‘But I’m not sure…I’ve never…’

SMACK!!!!! The sound of the slap rang out around the room. I was shocked myself to see the red mark left by Lucy’s hand on Julie’s stunned face. ‘I don’t want to hear that again, slut.’ Lucy’s voice was quiet and intense. ‘Now I don’t know what your plans were when you arrived here, but for the rest of this evening you’re our sex toy, our own little unpaid whore – and we do to you whatever the fuck we want. Now I licked you out and made you come, so you’re going to do the same for me, got that?’ Julie nodded meekly. ‘Good. Then get busy and suck my cunt.’ And she sat her slick pussy squarely on Julie’s face, folding her thighs tightly around the young girl’s head.

I watched transfixed, stroking myself to a fierce hardness, as Julie set about another woman’s pussy for the first time. Lucy gave her no option, showed her no leniency; she began to move up and down insistently on her confused lover’s face, grinding the wet folds of her vagina into the teen’s nose and mouth, wearing a look of triumph. ‘That’s it, Julie, in at the deep end… There’s no other way!’ She leered at me lasciviously as she said it and beckoned me to join in pleasuring her. I moved to the edge of the sofa, took her face in my hands and kissed her firmly on the mouth, as she rocked on poor Julie’s face, responding either to the girl’s attempts at tonguing her, or to the sheer heat of the situation.

‘That’s right, you little whore – eat me out, tongue-fuck me!’ she hissed, having broken away from me, then she wrapped her arms round the back of my neck and rocked on her trapped sex-partner more insistently. ‘Go on, smell my cunt-juice, lap it up, you filthy bitch!’ I rubbed her smooth tits as her excitement increased, pinched and tugged at her erect nipples, as the movement of her gently bucking body gradually became more frenzied. ‘Oh God, James, I’ve got the little tart sucking on my clit,’ she confided in me, as if it were necessary. ‘This feels fucking great – she’s going to make me… Oh God I’m coming… Oh yes, fucking bitch! Nasty little cunt-sucking whore… Shit! Fuck! FUCK!!!’ I grasped hold of her and felt her nails digging sharply into my neck and shoulder as her body spasmed wildly. She was bucking frantically on Julie’s face, so that the girl let out a sudden moan of alarm, as if she was being suffocated by Lucy’s snatch. But my girl was far beyond giving her captive any relief, even if she’d felt disposed to. Her thighs clutched themselves round Julie’s head, her pussy moulding itself to the youngster’s spluttering face, all through the throes of her violent ecstasy.

Moments after her orgasm had subsided, leaving Julie free to breath once more, I was helping Lucy off the sofa’s end; she was drained and panting, but her sexual fire was dampened only momentarily. It seemed to return full-force along with her breath. ‘Go see if our little bitch is all right,’ she instructed me, deliberately loudly. ‘She did that so well, I think she deserves her reward now. Keep her juiced-up – she’s going to need it…’

I sank down to Julie’s side, deeply aroused by what had gone before and exultant in the knowledge of what was still in store for her. Lucy was already searching beneath the sofa for the next part of our plan. Our ripe little sex-student was lying half-stunned, her lovely face creamed from her recent encounter with Lucy’s sopping snatch. I slipped my arms round her tenderly. ‘You’re doing well, Julie,’ I said, stroking back her hair and touching her sticky mouth with my fingers. ‘Lucy believes in stretching people’s horizons.’ I kissed her and her response was long and lingering, as if she was searching for reassurance; the taste of Lucy’s cunt mingled on my tongue with Julie’s saliva. I ran my hand down the flat of her stomach and rotated my middle finger gently on her swollen clitoris, enjoying her moans, muffled as they were by my undulating mouth.

‘Awwwww, you two getting all romantic?’ I moved away so Julie could see Lucy perched anew on the other end of the sofa like a malicious and beautiful elf. She was proudly brandishing her favourite sex-toy – a monstrously thick nine-inch black dildo she referred to as Big Friendly Giant; it punched into the air from the balls at its base like an aggressive fist. In her other hand was a tube of KY Jelly. ‘You just watch me stretch her fucking horizons,’ she spat.

Julie’s mouth simply dropped open is disbelief. ‘It’s…it’s…’

‘It’s a BIG bastard, isn’t it?’ Lucy grinned ruthlessly, as she began liberally smearing lubricant over the vast, synthetic cock. ‘And it’s all for you.’

Julie was clutching my arm, apparently for moral support. ‘But…but…’

‘Oh come now, Julie,’ Lucy said, and the menace grew in her voice as she went on. ‘We all know you’ve got the makings of a college slut next year. Sucking off your lecturers for better grades, yeah? That’ll be you. The girl in the top room with three guys at the student party, taking it in every hole. Yes, those randy college boys’ll be queuing up for a piece of your prime little ass and you’ll offer it up to their stiff cocks and beg for more. You’ll be a cum-drinking, butt-fucked whore by the end of your first term, won’t you Julie? And James and I are going to get you all trained up! There!’ She thrust the thoroughly slimed phallus in front of her. ‘Get your little cunt over here and sit on this fucker!’

The tone of her voice brooked no objection. With fearful, mute obedience, Julie climbed up and shuffled on her knees over to where her demanding new mistress held ready the angry-looking dick. Lucy urged her on as she raised herself up on the back of the sofa and straddled the beast, so that its head pressed intrusively against her moist and puffed lips. She had a look of intense concentration on her face, as she began to lower herself on to the fuck-device, its great head slowly prizing its way past her vulva. Then her courage left her and she froze.

‘Sit on it,’ ordered Lucy.

Julie quailed visibly. ‘It’s too big, it’s not going to fit.’

‘You just find the room, girlie,’ said Lucy savagely, ‘or I’ll shove it right up you in one go, balls and all!’ Julie obviously did not want to put this threat to the test. Instantly she manoeuvred herself round so both hands gripped the sofa back and began to slide herself little by little on to the great spearing weapon that Lucy held beneath her. I had watched with joy times past, as my astounding gal reamed herself with the huge cock, hell – I had enthusiastically helped her out. Now I got to see this scared and aroused young girl impale herself on it at Lucy’s demand and once more my own prick bulged till it ached. I moved across to grope Julie’s lovely tits and to watch as her tight, young cunt was stretched as it obviously never had been before, by the obscene black dildo.

‘Oh God it’s so big, it’s filling me, it’s so fucking huge!’ she groaned, as Lucy spat further filthy encouragements. Her crammed pussy had taken six fat inches, when Lucy grabbed hold of her wrist and hissed a further instruction to her.

‘Bounce on it. Don’t just sit there. Fuck it.’

Julie closed her eyes and began to move on the rigid fuck-pole, gently at first, then with increased vigour. My own cock swelled to its utter hardest, my balls felt bloated with cum, but I was saving myself for the sweet conclusion Lucy and I had talked over. I stared transfixed at Julie’s gorgeous, undulating tits and the way her stretched cunt-lips slid up and down the dildo. She knew what was expected and was screwing herself in committed fashion, her juice-matted hair falling round her eyes, a constant stream of ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck…’ uttering from her sweet mouth.

But Lucy was not satisfied. ‘Harder, harder you little bitch, come on… Split yourself on that thing!’ She whacked Julie’s firm butt-cheek with as much force and she could muster. ‘Fuck it, you filthy whore… Fuck it like the nympho bitch you are!!!’

‘I…I’m doing all I can!’ moaned the beleaguered nineteen-year-old.

‘Then I’ll do the rest for you.’ Lucy grabbed the girl’s shoulders and threw her down roughly on to the sofa where she lay, the dildo still rammed inside her, sticking out into the air. Without another word Lucy leapt on her and began pumping the massive weapon backwards and forwards, savaging Julie’s already well-fucked hole.

‘Oh God – oh shit – oh fuck – oh please Lucy, please I don’t think I can take any more…’

‘Had enough then?’ Lucy snarled, crazed with sex. There was a long, lewd sucking-noise as she extracted the thick pole from inside her near-delirious subject in a single movement. Then she shoved the dildo in Julie’s face. ‘Lick it clean. Lick it clean of your juice,’ she ordered, and the freshly-fucked youngster set about its length instantly with her slavering tongue, apparently frantic to please the woman who had so completely taken control of her.

Lucy crawled over to me feverishly, jammed her tongue in my ear and ran her little hand the length of my own pulsing prick. ‘Poor baby,’ she crooned, ‘look what the little tease has done to you.’ She cupped my spunk-filled sac. ‘It’s time that lovely cock of yours got some relief, courtesy of our hot little bitch-friend!’

She looked over at the worried but expectant Julie, who had finished cleaning up the vast rubber cock. ‘Get on all fours. The other way…Get on all fours and stick your ass in the air.’ Julie was hesitant once again, so Lucy scrambled over and roughly helped her into the desired position – prone on the sofa, tits squashed against the white leather, pert rear pointing invitingly upwards, cunt entrance glistening and ready. My hard-on was still raging; in my advanced state of excitement I felt the same size as the BFG and I was all set to plug the same hole.

‘Now spread your ass-cheeks,’ Lucy demanded of her pretty slave.

Julie began to rise in alarm. ‘What? You mean he’s going to…?’ It was news to me as well, but with my urgent need to get off, the thought of that second, tighter hole was a magical one.

Lucy took Julie’s head and shoved her down again. I was looking on in barely controlled desire, the craving for release intensifying in my scrotum; already I was rubbing my stiff length over with the KY Jelly. ‘You’ve given my boyfriend a huge boner over there,’ Lucy hissed, ‘you cock-teasing little whore, and guess what? He’s going to shove it up your tight virgin ass.’ She was rubbing her fingers against Julie’s recently-stretched slit and smearing the girl’s now visible, pink-brown rose-bud of an asshole with cunt fluids. ‘Throw over the KY James – let’s get Julie’s little bumhole ready.’

‘I’ll see to that,’ I said, almost delirious with lust. I’d had enough of playing nice guy to Lucy’s bad-ass bitch. With relish I squeezed a generous glob of gel on to my middle finger and thrust it deep into Julie’s ass. She gave a little squeal and she squirmed and wriggled her bum, as I worked the lube into her tight back-tunnel. I could feel the anal muscles contract around my intruding digit and my mind reeled, as I imagined my swollen cock stuffed inside. I applied more jelly as she gave a series of compliant little cries and sobs. ‘You getting yourself ready for this?’ I cajoled her. ‘You bracing yourself for your first ever ass-fucking?’ I would scarcely be able to believe my behaviour later on. Julie just gave off another incoherent moan. ‘Don’t worry, I’ve got you nice and lubed up. And I want you to know how very happy it’s going to make me, ramming my dick right up your shit-hole.’

Lucy gazed at me lasciviously, as she crawled round to face Julie. ‘When did you become such a bastard?’ she was laughing in delight.

‘I’ve learned from the best,’ I grinned back, positioning myself behind Julie, taking a firm hold of her smooth, round bum-cheeks and pressing the head of my cock against the slightly dilated entrance to her rectum. ‘Hold her, Lucy – I’ve really got to shaft this little whore!’

I could feel her fresh young form tense in expectation. ‘Please, don’t be hard, James,’ she whimpered, and to my credit I started off slowly, working the head of my stiffened prick just an inch into her slimed-up hole and holding it there. Involuntarily her ass muscles tightened against my invading cock. She uttered another precious little moan and Lucy gripped her arms tightly.

‘Better relax, sweetheart,’ I said with enforced calm. ‘There’s a lot more to go.’ Don’t like to flatter myself, but she deserved due warning. Then I gradually, deliciously worked my thick tool into her compact shitbox, putting all my concentration into not shooting off, as her rectal muscles worked in sweet opposition to my intrusion.

Julie was yelping and giving little screams, as I insinuated my way up her rear cavity. ‘Oh Christ, oh Christ, he’s got his cock up my ass!’ she groaned in disbelief, as I worked towards my final destination.

‘Well now, you’re quite the brainbox, aren’t you?’ said Lucy cruelly. ‘Hold this moment, Julie. You’ll never forget the first time you were sodomized.’ I was a good four inches in now and counting, the walls of her ass-hole gripping my pulsing shaft like a gloved hand on a nine-iron. I had just enough pity left in my raging lust not to rip past the tight rubber of her sphincter and pound her the way I wanted to, but I vowed in my crazed state: before the holiday was out, I would see she was reamed to her depths. I would drive myself balls-deep into Julie’s rear and slam-fuck her till she screamed, till I pumped my hot seed into her very core. For now, I just relished the sensation of her rectum clamped around my vanishing pole, the sight of her nubile body writhing on my throbbing member.

‘Fuck that ass, darling,’ Lucy urged. ‘Fuck that tight little girlie-girl ass.’ Her hand had slipped southwards, so that she could give her exposed, wet cunt a good frigging. ‘Come on you dirty fucker, let me see you screw that bitch good!’ I gripped Julie’s buttocks more tightly and rocked her back and forth on my cock till she squealed and howled. ‘You like that, Julie?’ Lucy persisted. ‘You like his fat cock stuffed up your shit-box? Giving you the fucking you deserve, you nasty little tramp? You like him fucking your dirty ass? You like him… You like… Ohhhhhh fuck!!!’ And her body began to shudder as she brought herself off again.

I was pumping solidly now, giving Julie’s ass some proper attention. Holding back and enjoying the sensation of her anal walls clinging to my length. But the sound of Lucy’s furious orgasm was too much for me. I could feel my balls starting to contract, readying themselves to propel their load deep inside the beautiful teen. Even in my deranged state I had other plans; as I began to spasm beyond control I pulled right back, sliding out of her tight greased-up shaft with an audible slurp. Julie uttered another high-pitched little scream at my exit and I yelled along with her, as my hard, convulsing organ spewed thick jets of sperm over her ass-hole and her twat. My body continued jolting in orgasm, until it had expelled the last of my cum and relieved itself of its tension.

Lucy, still in the throes of her own ecstasy, crawled the length of Julie’s body and set about the girl’s crack with her curled tongue. I watched in amazement, even in my satiated state, as she scooped up the thick, pearly jism which had splattered around Julie’s twin holes, allowing it to pool in her mouth. Then she cleaned off the soaked end of my cock in the same fashion, staring at me wickedly as she did so. Sticky mouthful intact, she dragged herself and the tired and panting Julie into a kneeling position. Then she squirmed her tongue past Julie’s lips, allowing her mouth’s sloppy contents to drool over the girl’s face, some of it sliding down her surprised throat. When she pulled her face away, Julie’s lips and chin were plastered with spunk. Gooey, white ropes of semen dangled between the two girls’ mouths. It was a sight to marvel at: the young slut-in-training, naked and cum-smeared, limp in the arms of her similarly nude, bitch-queen mistress, my own Lucy-love, the dirtiest woman I had ever fucked.

‘Go get this girl a glass of water,’ she instructed me, when she had licked my cum from Julie’s lips. ‘I think we can safely say she’s earned it.’ When I returned, Lucy had laid Julie down on the sofa and was cuddled next to her, lightly stroking her face. ‘Let’s give her the rest of the night off,’ she said, as the teen sipped wearily from the glass. ‘What do you say, Jules?’ Suddenly her voice was almost as matey as it had been at the start of the evening. Julie stared at her and nodded in dazed but relieved weariness. It struck me that her chief emotion was one of awe at her hostess for the evening. This was something I could understand. How did I end up dating a girl who did this shit?

Lucy let Julie drink for a moment longer, then she stood up and gave a the girl a peremptory whack on her naked flank, causing her to cry out in surprise and spill the some of her water. ‘Okay Julie, we’re done with you. Drink up, put your knickers on and get your ass out of here.’ Our guest looked at her in bewilderment. ‘Well what do you expect? You got what you came for. Now move that cute little bum before James throws you naked into the hallway!’ I didn’t know whether to feel sympathy or to laugh.

‘You don’t think that was a little harsh?’ I suggested minutes later, after Julie had been packed in red-faced confusion from the room, the door slammed unceremoniously behind her by my girlfriend.

Lucy snaked her arms around me sinuously and planted a kiss on my cheek. ‘Oh I don’t think so,’ she said lightly. ‘I don’t want her getting any ideas. Or you for that matter.’ And she pulled me back down on to the sofa. ‘Me?’ I was all innocence, even as Lucy ran her hand all over my newly awakening cock.

‘Yes you,’ Lucy insisted. ‘I don’t want you getting too attached to that one. You’ve got this little ass to sort out now!’ And she gave her own tight rump a resounding smack. ‘Any more time we spend with our little walking fuck-toy will be on my terms and don’t you forget it.’ She continued to tease my re-energising cock as she spoke.

‘How could I?’ I said, my voice husky with arousal. ‘Anyway, what makes you think she’d ever set foot in this room again after what we put her through?’

‘This, maybe?’ Lucy grinned and flipped a little red-bound booklet from where she had been concealing it behind her back. Julie’s passport. ‘Silly girl really should have checked her purse before she left.’

I paused for a single stunned moment, before slipping a hand round Lucy’s slim waist and drawing her into a long, naked embrace. I might have been drained once already that evening, but there was a long, hard night of one-on-one still to come, and Christ was I set for it. When your girl’s this evil, what’s not to love?

Published 15 years ago

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